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Faster ForwardTM
Guy Podjarny (@guypod)
CTO, Web Experience, Akamai
Faster ForwardTM
Responsive is Taking Off
Faster ForwardTM
So, how far have we come?
~500 Websites, Self SelectedMany small, manual studies
Not Enough Data…
Faster ForwardTM
Detect RWD Option #1: Look for missing m. redirect
Redirects aren’t always helpful…
Most Sites are
neither RWD
nor “m.”

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The Basics Of CRM
The Basics Of CRMThe Basics Of CRM
The Basics Of CRM

CRM, or customer relationship management, refers to concepts used by organizations to manage relationships with customers. It involves capturing leads, storing and analyzing customer data, and internal organizational information. CRM has three main aspects - operational, collaborative, and analytical. Operationally, CRM automates front office sales, service, and marketing processes. Collaboratively, it allows direct customer interaction without sales representative interference through automated communications. Analytically, CRM is used to optimize marketing effectiveness, customer retention, and decision making through customer data analysis. The top CRM software vendors in 2005 were SAP, Siebel, Oracle, Salesforce, and Amdocs.

BCG matrix with example
BCG matrix with exampleBCG matrix with example
BCG matrix with example

The document discusses the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, which classifies business units into four categories based on their relative market share and market growth rate: Question Marks, Stars, Cash Cows, and Dogs. Question Marks have high growth but low market share, requiring high investment. Stars have high growth and market share but also require heavy investment. Cash Cows have low growth but high market share, generating cash with little investment. Dogs have low growth and market share and are cash traps. The BCG Matrix helps assess a product portfolio, cash demands, resource allocation, and divestment decisions.

Launching a Rocketship Off Someone Else's Back
Launching a Rocketship Off Someone Else's BackLaunching a Rocketship Off Someone Else's Back
Launching a Rocketship Off Someone Else's Back

The document discusses strategies for startups to build on top of large platforms to gain users and grow rapidly. It notes that while platforms are not there to specifically help startups, they can be beneficial for acceleration if used correctly. The key strategies are to 1) build products that provide clear value to users and incentives for the platform, 2) design products to work independently of platforms since platforms will change, and 3) use platforms for user acquisition and acceleration only, not as a primary distribution method or business model. Successful examples include Instagram, YouTube, and Dubsmash who leveraged platforms initially but became independent destinations.

growth product facebook platforms
Faster ForwardTM
Detecting RWD Option #2: look for a media query
@media screen and (max-width:768px) {
Close, but not quite there…
Many non RWD sites use MQs
Often to “Slightly Adjust Something”
Faster ForwardTM
Detecting RWD Option #3: Resize & see what happens
No “Cut”
Not RWD:
Many “Cut”
We Can Automate This!!!
Faster ForwardTM
Ran the test
- Sample: Top 100,000 Sites
- Per Alexa
- Only the top (“/”) path of each
- Testing Tool: WebPageTest
- Methodology:
- Load URL in Chrome
- Resize window to 320x480
- Look for Scrollbar
- Results posted on
- Functionality now in
- Add “responsive=1” to runTest API
Sample Test Result:
Faster ForwardTM
Well, that test kinda tests fluidity, not responsiveness…
RWD Fluid
1. Fluid Grids
2. Flexible Images
3. Media Queries
1. Fluid Grids?
2. Flexible Images?

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Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014

Slides from my Web Directions South 2014 Talk. Abstract: Responsive Web Design (RWD) is upon us, and it seems like every website has either gone responsive or planning to do so. And in this rush to implement – performance is left behind… Last November (2013), I ran a test identifying the responsive websites amongst the top 10,000 sites, and inspected their performance traits. The results were depressing, showing many sites have gone responsive, and hardly any tackled performance. In this talk, we’ll track the progress (or lack there of) we made as an industry. We’ll look at the results of a new test, tracking our progress in adopting RWD and – more importantly – in addressing its performance implications. We’ll share high level stats, highlight key trends, drill into representative examples, and come away with a better understanding of what we should be doing better, both on our own sites and as an industry

mobilerwdresponsive web design
Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

drupalresponsive web designsandcamp
Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12

The document discusses responsive UX, which is designing websites and applications that adapt to different screen sizes and devices using fluid grids, media queries, and responsive images; it provides examples of how to implement responsive design principles through fluid grids, image scaling, and media queries to build sites that automatically adjust for smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

responsive designfluiduxmedia queries
Faster ForwardTM
But what IS responsive anyway?!
Brad Frost wrote
By Tim Kadlec
By Jason Grigsby
Lyza Gardner wrote (on A List Apart):
Faster ForwardTM
Digging into Data
Here Be
Faster ForwardTM
Filter out Error & Text pages - Yes, they’re fluid, but we don’t really want them…
- Hacky Solution: require 3+ “200 OK” Responses
- Removes ~7% of websites
Faster ForwardTM
Finally, The Data!
- ~11% of sites are Responsive
- Roughly 1 in 9 sites
- Ratio ~holds across top & bottom
- RWD Share +1% without filter
Top 100 Top 1K Top 10K Top 100K
Non-RWD 85 841 8398 83259
RWD 10 113 1016 10112
RWD % 10.5% 11.8% 10.8% 10.8%
RWD Sites Ratio
Top 100,000 sites

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How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]
How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]
How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]

This document discusses how slow load times can hurt the user experience on websites and provides suggestions for improving performance. It notes that users expect pages to load within 2 seconds and cites studies showing that even small improvements in load time (1 second or less) can significantly increase conversion rates and other metrics. Common causes of poor performance are discussed, such as inefficient stylesheets, unoptimized JavaScript, and large images. The document provides many suggestions for optimizing front-end and back-end performance, such as creating a performance budget, minimizing page weight, deferring scripts, optimizing third-party content, and continuous monitoring.

web performanceuser experience
Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

The document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows a website to automatically adapt its layout to different screen sizes and devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. It explains that RWD was created to provide a good user experience across all devices with one unified website, rather than separate mobile sites. The document covers how to make a website responsive using fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries to detect screen sizes and apply different styling. It provides tips for mobile-first design and techniques like Adaptive Images to optimize images for different screens.

responsive web designweb design and developmentui
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.

A lot of folks are using jQuery Mobile for mobile websites, but are there better ways? Responsive design has taken the web world by storm the last couple of years, and here we compare the two methods and give examples of how Responsive Design using HTML and CSS shines.

web design and development
Faster ForwardTM
Page Size on Small Resolution vs Big Resolution
Media, 500 sites RWD Sites in Top 100,000 Sites
Faster ForwardTM
People are sometimes… touchy… about their RWD
Faster ForwardTM
RWD is GOOD for performance! (on desktop, long tail)
1,517 1,599
1,694 1,626
Top 1K Top 10K Top 100K
Average “Desktop” Page Size (KB)
+2% -6% -15%
Faster ForwardTM
RWD Still MUCH bigger than average m. site
Non-RWD RWD m.
Average Page Size (KB), Top 5,000 Sites
Page Weight

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Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012
Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012
Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012

A presentation for WordCampNL on the importance of accessible, useable websites and how to achieve that with responsive webdesign.

Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

- Responsive web design involves creating interfaces that work across a variety of screen resolutions using CSS3 media queries and fluid design. - Designers should start with a mobile-first approach, designing the interface for mobile and expanding it for larger screens. - Key techniques include using flexible units like percentages and ems, responsive images, and media queries to trigger layout changes at breakpoint widths. Frameworks can help implement responsive grids.

interaction designweb design and developmentresponsive
MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key
MeasureWorks  - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).keyMeasureWorks  - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key
MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key

Slides from my session at StartupBootcamp Smart City & Living program... You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The same goes for online, where the decision to bounce is often made in the first 2 seconds, and Google will lower your ranking if your site is too slow... This talks is about why startups should care about speed when building product, how to improve design with speed and how to measure & optimize speed and beat the (corporate) competition...

complete web monitoringlean analyticsone metric that matters
Faster ForwardTM
Total Reqs Img Reqs
RWD Sites Use Fewer Requests
Font Reqs CSS Reqs
RWD Sites have MORE Font/CSS Reqs
Gif Reqs JPG Reqs PNG Reqs
RWD Image Request Delta
Faster ForwardTM
Bytes – Where Do They Come From?
Avg Gif Size Avg JPG Size Avg PNG Size
Average Image File Size, Top 100K
Avg Gif Size Avg JPG Size Avg PNG Size
Average Image File Size, Top 5K
RWD Non-RWD mdot
Faster ForwardTM
What’s Next?
- Track Popular RWD JS Libraries
- Track Use of Responsive Images
- Track future adoption of RWD
- …
- Find Unicorn sites built “Mobile First”
- Right now, I’ll settle for another beer…

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Responsive In The Wild (SmashingConf, 2014)

  • 1. Faster ForwardTM RESPONSIVE IN THE WILD Guy Podjarny (@guypod) CTO, Web Experience, Akamai
  • 3. Faster ForwardTM So, how far have we come? ~500 Websites, Self SelectedMany small, manual studies Not Enough Data…
  • 4. Faster ForwardTM Detect RWD Option #1: Look for missing m. redirect Redirects aren’t always helpful… Most Sites are neither RWD nor “m.”
  • 5. Faster ForwardTM Detecting RWD Option #2: look for a media query … @media screen and (max-width:768px) { .mobile-gallery-icon-big{background-size:32px;…} .mobile-gallery-instruction{margin-top:0;top:3%} .mobile-gallery-instruction-text{text-align:left} .mobile-gallery-instruction-wrapper{padding:10px} } … Close, but not quite there… Many non RWD sites use MQs Often to “Slightly Adjust Something”
  • 6. Faster ForwardTM Detecting RWD Option #3: Resize & see what happens RWD: No “Cut” areas Not RWD: Many “Cut” areas No Scrollbar Scrollbar! We Can Automate This!!!
  • 7. Faster ForwardTM Ran the test - Sample: Top 100,000 Sites - Per Alexa - Only the top (“/”) path of each - Testing Tool: WebPageTest - Methodology: - Load URL in Chrome - Resize window to 320x480 - Look for Scrollbar - Results posted on - Functionality now in - Add “responsive=1” to runTest API Sample Test Result:
  • 8. Faster ForwardTM Well, that test kinda tests fluidity, not responsiveness… RWD Fluid 1. Fluid Grids 2. Flexible Images 3. Media Queries 1. Fluid Grids? 2. Flexible Images?
  • 9. Faster ForwardTM But what IS responsive anyway?! Brad Frost wrote By Tim Kadlec By Jason Grigsby Lyza Gardner wrote (on A List Apart):
  • 10. Faster ForwardTM Digging into Data Warning: Here Be Dragons
  • 11. Faster ForwardTM Filter out Error & Text pages - Yes, they’re fluid, but we don’t really want them… - Hacky Solution: require 3+ “200 OK” Responses - Removes ~7% of websites
  • 12. Faster ForwardTM Finally, The Data! - ~11% of sites are Responsive - Roughly 1 in 9 sites - Ratio ~holds across top & bottom - RWD Share +1% without filter Top 100 Top 1K Top 10K Top 100K Non-RWD 85 841 8398 83259 RWD 10 113 1016 10112 RWD % 10.5% 11.8% 10.8% 10.8% RWD 11% Non- RWD 89% RWD Sites Ratio Top 100,000 sites
  • 13. Faster ForwardTM Page Size on Small Resolution vs Big Resolution Much Smaller 7% Slightly Smaller 30% Roughly Same Size 63% Media, 500 sites RWD Sites in Top 100,000 Sites
  • 14. Faster ForwardTM People are sometimes… touchy… about their RWD
  • 15. Faster ForwardTM RWD is GOOD for performance! (on desktop, long tail) 1,517 1,599 1,374 1,491 1,694 1,626 Top 1K Top 10K Top 100K Average “Desktop” Page Size (KB) RWD Non-RWD +2% -6% -15%
  • 16. Faster ForwardTM RWD Still MUCH bigger than average m. site 1,643 1,513 540 Non-RWD RWD m. Average Page Size (KB), Top 5,000 Sites Page Weight
  • 17. Faster ForwardTM Requests 80 42 104 62 Total Reqs Img Reqs RWD Sites Use Fewer Requests RWD Non-RWD 2.3 5.8 0.9 5.0 Font Reqs CSS Reqs RWD Sites have MORE Font/CSS Reqs RWD Non-RWD 9 18 14 18 28 15 Gif Reqs JPG Reqs PNG Reqs RWD Image Request Delta RWD Non-RWD
  • 18. Faster ForwardTM Bytes – Where Do They Come From? 5,407 32,082 19,572 5,077 23,148 13,901 Avg Gif Size Avg JPG Size Avg PNG Size Average Image File Size, Top 100K RWD Non-RWD 6,037 25,839 18,743 3,787 19,158 12,821 7,391 20,843 12,686 Avg Gif Size Avg JPG Size Avg PNG Size Average Image File Size, Top 5K RWD Non-RWD mdot
  • 19. Faster ForwardTM What’s Next? - Track Popular RWD JS Libraries - Track Use of Responsive Images - Track future adoption of RWD - … - Find Unicorn sites built “Mobile First” - Right now, I’ll settle for another beer…