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Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Guy Podjarny
                                          Akamai Confidential
Good Morning!

                Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

• Performance Matters!
• Focus on top Mobile Design Paradigms
 • A bit on Dedicates Sites (mdot)
 • A lot on Responsive Web Design
• Review Performance each Paradigm
 • Dig into the top performance problem
 • Show what went wrong
 • Discuss how you can fix it
• Share tools that can help
 • And how to use them
• Summary
                               Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Who Am I #1: Ex-CTO of (now Akamai)

                           Faster ForwardTM    ©2012 Akamai

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Threadneedle when its just too slow
Threadneedle when its just too slowThreadneedle when its just too slow
Threadneedle when its just too slow

This document discusses optimizing mobile application performance through testing. It begins by explaining that performance is a human perception, with delays of 100ms feeling instantaneous, 1s still allowing for an uninterrupted train of thought, and 10s being the limit to maintain focus. It then discusses benchmarking applications to understand current performance, identifying fixes, optimizing through things like image size and format, caching, and lazy loading. The overall message is that thorough testing across devices and networks is needed to optimize mobile applications for speed.

Testing Mobile App Performance MOT Edinburgh
Testing Mobile App Performance MOT EdinburghTesting Mobile App Performance MOT Edinburgh
Testing Mobile App Performance MOT Edinburgh

This document discusses optimizing mobile application performance through testing. It begins by explaining that fast performance is a human perception, with delays of 100ms feeling instantaneous, 1s still allowing for an uninterrupted train of thought, and 10s being the limit to keep focus. It then discusses benchmarking applications to identify issues, making optimizations, testing fixes, and launching optimized versions. Specific techniques covered include profiling network conditions, testing on low-end devices, setting speed goals, optimizing JSON responses, image sizes/formats/quality, and caching. The overall message is that thorough testing across devices and networks is needed to optimize mobile application speed for the best user experience.

Mot cph when its just too slow
Mot cph when its just too slowMot cph when its just too slow
Mot cph when its just too slow

This document discusses mobile application performance testing. It begins by explaining how fast is perceived by humans, with 100ms seen as instant, 1s as an acceptable delay, and 10s as the limit to maintain focus. It then discusses various performance studies showing user frustration and abandonment rates related to load speeds. The document goes on to describe benchmarking applications, identifying fixes, optimizing through various techniques, and retesting. Specific areas covered in more depth include optimizing images through size, quality, format, caching and lazy loading. Other topics include content delivery networks, animating GIFs, and network information.

Who Am I #2: Blaze Mobitest

• Mobile Web Performance Measurement
 • Free Online Service:
• Now Open-Source!
 • For more details:

                                   Faster ForwardTM       ©2012 Akamai
Who Am I #3: Mobile Performance Researcher

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai


       Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites (mdot)

             URL/Website Per Device Profile                     

                          Faster ForwardTM                     ©2012 Akamai

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Faster web pages
Faster web pagesFaster web pages
Faster web pages

Have fast, performant, and successful web pages is a great Challenge. There are many layers involved and all of them have to work together. In this talk I presented at FIBAlumni with collaboration of COEINF and the video recording is at (in Catalan). It shows how all parts are involved in the success of web pages from the server up to the human brain and perception. It introduces metrics and ways to effectively calculate and measure objectively the impact of the actions taken in the optimisation and also some ways to detect ways to optimise websites.

High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
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High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto

An introduction to Web Performance Optimization in 2016 - Talk delivered in Toronto, Canada, October 18th, 2016

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Nantes when its just too slow
Nantes when its just too slowNantes when its just too slow
Nantes when its just too slow

This document provides tips for optimizing images for fast loading on mobile websites. It discusses how image size, quality, format, caching, and lazy loading can significantly impact performance. Specific techniques recommended include resizing images to appropriate screen sizes, using formats like WebP and SVG that compress well, lazy loading images below the fold, and adding responsive breakpoints to serve optimized images for different devices. Benchmarking tools are suggested for testing image performance in various scenarios. The overall message is that with the right optimizations, images can load quickly without sacrificing quality.

Responsive Web Design

          One URL, Adapt to screen size

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Mobile First & Desktop First included in RWD

                             Mobile First
                     (Progressive Enhancement)

    Desktop First
(Graceful Degradation)

                          Faster ForwardTM     ©2012 Akamai
Waterfall Charts
                             Resource             Doc Complete,
   Waterfall                 (Request/Response)   (a.k.a. onload,
   Chart           Start Render                   Load Time)

                            Faster ForwardTM              ©2012 Akamai
Please don‟t hate me…

• I use real world examples
 • Possibly written by you…
• Constructive feedback != bashing
 • These are common mistakes
 • We should learn from them
• I tried to spread the blame
 • Plenty of sites to choose from…
• If you fix it, let me know!
 • I‟ll spread the word

                                     Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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Optimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress PerformanceOptimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress Performance

Site speed is a ranking factor in Google, and for good reason. Visitors have a short attention span, and will quickly navigate away from a slow website, especially on mobile. This presentation covers essential tools and techniques for improving your load times and PageSpeed score, such as caching, image optimization, and plugin performance.


The document discusses how Akamai's Intelligent Internet Platform addresses challenges posed by increasingly sophisticated websites and rising consumer expectations for faster load times and richer content. It does this through a global network of servers that optimize routing, cache content closer to users, compress data and prefetch resources to accelerate page loads. Case studies show how Akamai has helped customers like Best Buy and Urban Outfitters improve performance, scale to handle traffic spikes and reduce infrastructure costs.

Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study
Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case StudySeatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study
Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study

A web performance optimisation case study presented by Seatwave at the London Web Performance Meetup, Jan 2011. The PDF is in Landscape so you might be better to download it and then shift-ctrl-+ to rotate it clockwise in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

webperfwpoweb performance optimisation
Performance Matters!

                       Akamai Confidential
Users Expect Fast Sites


                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Users Abandon Slow Sites
               Page Abandonment vs. Load Time

                                                KISS Metrics

                           Faster ForwardTM      ©2012 Akamai
Fast Sites Help Bottom Lines
              Shopzilla: 5 sec load time improvement


                               Faster ForwardTM        ©2012 Akamai

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Performance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin HowlettPerformance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett

Performance is important for user experience. While some myths exist around performance, such as XML being much slower than JSON, tests show they are essentially identical. Easy techniques can improve performance, such as using content delivery networks and image compression. Emerging standards like HTTP 2.0, server-side push, and WebSockets allow pushing data to clients. Frameworks like MessagePack provide smaller binary serialization. Proper use of threading, reusing elements, preloading, and prioritizing content can also boost performance. The perception of speed matters - even 100ms delays impact user behavior.

Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011

This document provides an overview of techniques for developing high performance web applications. It discusses why front-end performance matters, and outlines best practices for optimizing page load times, using responsive interfaces, loading and executing JavaScript efficiently, and accessing data. The presentation recommends tools for monitoring and improving performance, such as Firebug, Page Speed, and YSlow.

Extending JMS to Web Devices over HTML5 WebSockets - JavaOne 2011
Extending JMS to Web Devices over HTML5 WebSockets - JavaOne 2011Extending JMS to Web Devices over HTML5 WebSockets - JavaOne 2011
Extending JMS to Web Devices over HTML5 WebSockets - JavaOne 2011

HTML5 WebSockets offers secure, high-performance, bidirectional network communication over the Web and in the cloud, making applications more responsive while using less bandwidth: live dashboards, financial quotes and transactions, real-time auctions and betting, gaming, equipment monitoring . . . the list is endless. In this session, see how to extend the Java Message Service (JMS) API to Web devices over HTML5 WebSockets to enrich and accelerate your applications. Discover through concrete code examples and a live customer application how to develop highly interactive UIs showing real-time data from any middleware supporting JMS, such as Tibco EMS or Informatica UMQ. Demos include JavaFX and JavaScript running in a Web browser and on a mobile device.

Mobile Users Expect Equal Speeds

                                              Source: Gomez
                           Faster ForwardTM       ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites (mdot)

                         Akamai Confidential

   Dedicated Sites don‟t
 create new performance
              Still have old problems,
       but that‟s not related to mobile design

                       Faster ForwardTM          ©2012 Akamai
Small Mobile Site, Small Waterfall Chart , iPhone 4, iOS 5.0

                                  Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile DevicesOptimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices

Slides for my Adobe MAX 2011 presentation on Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices. In this hands-on lab, I explore the concept of developing a mobile strategy that approaches mobile as an equal partner in the design process, and explores techniques to help site content deploy across devices and contexts.

media queriesmobileoptimizing

The document discusses front-end web performance analysis. It introduces several popular tools for front-end performance analysis such as Fiddler, IBM Page Detailer, FireBug, YSlow, and AOL PageTest. It then discusses Yahoo's 14 rules and 20 new best practices for high performance web pages. Finally, it discusses techniques for extending front-end analysis tools and principles of optimization.

Mobius keynote
Mobius keynoteMobius keynote
Mobius keynote

This document provides tips for optimizing images for fast loading on mobile devices. It recommends profiling network conditions and device capabilities to understand real-world performance. Images should be compressed and resized for different devices. Formats like JPEG, PNG, and WebP work best. Lazy loading and responsive images can further improve speed. Caching, gzip encoding, and a quality focus on differences imperceptible to humans can make large files much smaller without reducing quality.

Big Desktop/Tablet Site, Big Waterfall Chart

                  iPad 2
                   iOS 5

                              Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Dedicated Sites Top Performance Problem



                         Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Redirects are expensive!
2 redirects, 1.3 seconds lost

                            Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Late Redirect using scripts are even slower
2 redirects + JS Redirect, 3 seconds lost

                             Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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FastView acceleration overview
FastView acceleration overviewFastView acceleration overview
FastView acceleration overview

Learn how Radware's FastView technology, embedded into the Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) provide result oriented web application acceleration

Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19

xPerformance is fundamentally, a UX concern. Sites that are slow to render or janky to interact with are a bad user experience. We strive to write performant code for our users, but users don’t directly interact with our code - it all happens through the medium of the browser. The browser is the middleman between us and our users; therefore to make our users happy, we first have to make the browser happy. But how exactly do we do that? In this talk, we’ll learn how browsers work under the hood: how they request, construct, and render a website. At each step along the way, we’ll cover what we can do as developers to make the browser’s job easier, and why those best practices work. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to write code that works *with* the browser, not against it, and ultimately improves your users’ experience.

web performanceperformancefront end
Akamai 如何幫您的客戶用網站賺錢 how to monetize your site
Akamai 如何幫您的客戶用網站賺錢 how to monetize your siteAkamai 如何幫您的客戶用網站賺錢 how to monetize your site
Akamai 如何幫您的客戶用網站賺錢 how to monetize your site

The document discusses how Akamai's Dynamic Site Accelerator (DSA) can help websites address performance, scalability, security, and availability issues. DSA leverages Akamai's global edge network to speed page loading, optimize caching, improve TCP performance, and offload website infrastructure. It provides an example of how DSA helped Cathay Pacific boost online bookings and reduce infrastructure costs. In summary, DSA leverages Akamai's edge network to improve website performance, scalability, and availability while reducing infrastructure needs and costs.

akamai technologies零壹科技dsa
Could get nasty
3 redirects + JS Redirect, 3.6 seconds lost

                           Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Redirects – What To Do?

• Minimize Redirects
 • Merge redirect chains
• Use HTTP Redirects, not JS redirects
 • Keep the client-side detection as backup
 • Detect most devices server-side
• Cache HTTP Redirects on the CDN
 • Makes the extra round trip shorter
• Use HTTP 301 Redirect, with a future Expiry
 • 302/303/307 redirects are not cached by the browser
 • Good test page (by @souders):

                             Faster ForwardTM                ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Web Design

                        Akamai Confidential
Responsive Web Design

 Responsive Web Design
    Top Performance

                        Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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Boston Web Performance Meetup: The Render Chain and You
Boston Web Performance Meetup: The Render Chain and YouBoston Web Performance Meetup: The Render Chain and You
Boston Web Performance Meetup: The Render Chain and You

Joseph Morrissey and Matt Ringel from Akamai Technologies go a level deeper into web browser internals to show how a browser turns HTML into pixels, and what you can do with your web pages to make them easier to digest by the browser. We include the top 5 things we've found that make web site rendering slower, and what you can do to fix them.

web browserweb design and developmentweb page
Etail West 2013 Akamai CEO Tom Leighton_Final
Etail West 2013 Akamai CEO Tom Leighton_FinalEtail West 2013 Akamai CEO Tom Leighton_Final
Etail West 2013 Akamai CEO Tom Leighton_Final

1) Mobile traffic to retail sites is growing rapidly, with 1 in 4 visits now coming from smartphones. 2) Mobile users expect fast load times and want the ability to purchase directly from their phones. 3) Akamai's solutions can optimize the mobile experience for retailers by speeding load times, offloading traffic, and prioritizing content delivery. 4) As retail moves increasingly omnichannel, with in-store and online shopping converging, Akamai aims to help retailers engage customers across all channels through fast, personalized experiences.

Akamai connector for varnish
Akamai connector for varnishAkamai connector for varnish
Akamai connector for varnish

This document discusses using the Akamai Connector for Varnish to simplify operations between a Varnish cache and Akamai's edge caching network. It highlights common challenges with duplicating caching logic and managing lifecycle changes. The connector architecture allows caching policies to be defined in VCL and automatically propagated to Akamai. An example demo purges a file from both Varnish and Akamai caches. Attendees are encouraged to join the early access program to try the integration.

varnishakamaiakamai connector for varnish
Test – Compare Sites on Different Resolutions

• Data:
 • 347 Sites from
• Testing Methodology:
 • Use
 • Use Chrome browser
 • Resize window before each measurement
  •Resolutions: 320x480, 480x960, 1024x768, 1600x1200
 • Saw similar results with iPhone vs. iPad tests
• Collect Results
 • Excel & Pivot Tables
(Automated version of Jason Grigsby‟s test last year)
                                  Faster ForwardTM      ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Sites Load Times & Size, by Resolution

    Load Time* by Resolution (ms)
                                                        Page Size by Resolution (KB)

* Over Cable Speed
(5 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up, 28ms RTT)

                                     Faster ForwardTM                           ©2012 Akamai
Small Screen = Less Visible Content != Less Bytes

         320x48                              1600x120
         0                                   0

                          Faster ForwardTM              ©2012 Akamai
Some depressing stats…
Page Size                                                  10 Got Lucky
 320x480                              A Bit Smaller            (BG
                                          11%              Image, Fonts,
    vs                                                          …)

          Same Size

                                                           1 Responsive
A bit smaller = 50%-90% the size
Much smaller = <50% the size
                              Faster ForwardTM                             ©2012 Akamai

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Akamai internet insights
Akamai internet insightsAkamai internet insights
Akamai internet insights

The document discusses Akamai IO, a new project by Akamai Technologies that will provide insights into Internet traffic patterns based on data from two trillion daily requests Akamai sees, representing 20-30% of global HTTP traffic. Initially, the observatory will provide browser statistics broken down by cellular and non-cellular networks, with plans to expand coverage of object types, page elements, trends, and APIs.

eTail Keynote from Akamai CEO Tom Leighton
eTail Keynote from Akamai CEO Tom LeightoneTail Keynote from Akamai CEO Tom Leighton
eTail Keynote from Akamai CEO Tom Leighton

Dr. Tom Leighton delivered a keynote presentation titled “Transforming Experiences Across the Omnichannel." Dr. Leighton explains the challenges of providing frictionless experiences across all devices and channels. He also shares near term and long term strategies for helping to ensure rapid response times – regardless of whether a shopper is engaging on a smartphone or an iPad, using a mobile connection, or competing for Wi-Fi in the store. Learn more about Akamai's Mobile Solutions - Aqua Ion Mobile:

akamai technologieselectronic commerceetail
TL;DR Web Performance Workshop
TL;DR Web Performance WorkshopTL;DR Web Performance Workshop
TL;DR Web Performance Workshop

This document summarizes a workshop on web performance optimization. It covers topics like compression, image optimization, page structure, HTTPS/HTTP2, and resource hints. For compression, it discusses setting up gzip, brotli, and comparing performance. For images, it outlines creating optimized images in the right sizes/formats/qualities and delivering them efficiently through responsive images and lazy loading. The workshop provides strategies for web performance improvement through optimizing common assets like code, images and page structure.

web performancefluent
Big Site, Big Waterfall

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Small Site, Big Waterfall


                            Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Download and Hide

Rich Side-bar,
holds ads and more

                                         Display set to none

                      Faster ForwardTM                 ©2012 Akamai
Hidden content is still downloaded

                                              Display set to none,
                                              resources are still

                           Faster ForwardTM                   ©2012 Akamai

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Chicago Tech Day Jan 2015: RWD
Chicago Tech Day Jan 2015: RWDChicago Tech Day Jan 2015: RWD
Chicago Tech Day Jan 2015: RWD

The document discusses responsive web design and how Akamai solutions can help address common problems with RWD. It describes strategies for RWD like adaptive delivery and responsive client-side design. Common issues with RWD include over-downloading content and image-related problems. Akamai solutions like adaptive images, responsive images, Edge Server Includes, and responsive server-side design can help optimize content delivery for different devices and networks. These solutions can improve page load times and the user experience compared to traditional RWD approaches.

akamai technologiesprofessional servicesrwd
Assessing Your Own Site Configuration
Assessing Your Own Site ConfigurationAssessing Your Own Site Configuration
Assessing Your Own Site Configuration

Being able to review and assess configurations is key in improving efficiency and performance for our websites. During this session, we will discuss and demonstrate how to review your Akamai configurations in order to move towards updated and efficient methods. In order to improve all aspects of websites, we will cover areas including images, protocols, DNS, caching, and more. Not only will we essentially teach you how to perform mini configuration assessments, but we will also walk through several basic steps using industry tools and Akamai solutions that can help address performance pitfalls within a website today. These tools will range anywhere from using WebPageTest, PageSpeed, to more Akamai focused areas such as Log Analysis, Portal Reports and other Akamai solutions.

Akamai partner training by Malcolm Rowe
Akamai partner training by Malcolm RoweAkamai partner training by Malcolm Rowe
Akamai partner training by Malcolm Rowe

Akamai was founded in 1998 by Dr. Tom Leighton and Danny Lewin based on research at MIT to develop algorithms for load balancing and content caching to make the Internet faster, more secure, and reliable. It now has over 2,500 employees, 4,000 customers, $1.12 billion in revenue, and a 63.2% market share providing cloud, media, mobile and security services to enterprises, commerce, high-tech, media and entertainment, and public sector customers worldwide. The top 100 global brands trust Akamai to remove the complexities of technology.

akamai 零壹科技 cdn cloud media mobile securit
Download and Shrink

        Smaller Screen,
        Same Size Image

                      Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Media queries don‟t prevent CSS downloads

                                                        Separate CSS
                                                        per media

                                           mobile.css        320x480
“Right” CSS loaded

“Wrong” CSS loaded
- May be used
  by JavaScript
- Possibly delayed till
  just before onload

                            Faster ForwardTM                   ©2012 Akamai
Excess DOM

1402 elements                 1398 elements
3485 nodes                    3491 nodes

                           in DOM

       1600x1200                              320x480
                   Faster ForwardTM                     ©2012 Akamai
RWD Woes

• Download and Hide
• Download and Shrink
• Extra CSS Download
• Excess DOM

                        Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014Responsive In The Wild, 2014
Responsive In The Wild, 2014

Slides from my Web Directions South 2014 Talk. Abstract: Responsive Web Design (RWD) is upon us, and it seems like every website has either gone responsive or planning to do so. And in this rush to implement – performance is left behind… Last November (2013), I ran a test identifying the responsive websites amongst the top 10,000 sites, and inspected their performance traits. The results were depressing, showing many sites have gone responsive, and hardly any tackled performance. In this talk, we’ll track the progress (or lack there of) we made as an industry. We’ll look at the results of a new test, tracking our progress in adopting RWD and – more importantly – in addressing its performance implications. We’ll share high level stats, highlight key trends, drill into representative examples, and come away with a better understanding of what we should be doing better, both on our own sites and as an industry

mobilerwdresponsive web design
Responsive Web Demo with Akamai
Responsive Web Demo with AkamaiResponsive Web Demo with Akamai
Responsive Web Demo with Akamai

The document discusses how Akamai's responsive web design (RWD) and image optimization solutions can improve website performance for desktop and mobile users. It shows that Akamai's Ion Standard solution improved page load times by 92-99% and that Ion Premier improved load times by 125-235%. Pairing Ion Premier with additional image optimization and design tools improved load times even further by 272-400%.

Tom uk soti_final_without video.4.21.15
Tom uk soti_final_without video.4.21.15Tom uk soti_final_without video.4.21.15
Tom uk soti_final_without video.4.21.15

The connected world around us is evolving at a breath taking pace. Some people refer to it as the Internet of Things, others call it The Internet of Everything or the “hyperconnected world.” Whatever you choose to call it, we are becoming a world in which billions of people, tens of billions of machines, and countless petabytes of information are all interlinked and in which instantaneous and intelligent access becomes the expectation. In this presentation, Akamai CEO and co-founder Dr. Leighton outlines four Grand Challenges created as a result of the massive quantities of video moving online, the rising movement of online transactions and media to mobile devices, an ever-increasing frequency and sophistication of security attacks and the rapid migration of enterprise applications to the cloud.

internet of thingsweb securityenterprise networking
What Can We Do About It?!

                            Akamai Confidential
Images accounts for most mobile pages size

Stats from

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Responsive Images

                                                240px, 6.8 KB        2.9 KB
                          320px, 10.6 KB

         480px, 21.3 KB


iPhone 4

Before:                                       Full Res, 50.1 KB
867 KB

570 KB
                           Faster ForwardTM                       ©2012 Akamai
Responding Up (or badly?)

                                                     113 KB
                                                  Served to Desktop

   360 KB
Served to New iPad

                               Faster ForwardTM             ©2012 Akamai

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AWS Webinar - Intro to Amazon Cloudfront 13-09-17
AWS Webinar -  Intro to Amazon Cloudfront 13-09-17AWS Webinar -  Intro to Amazon Cloudfront 13-09-17
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End users expect to be able to view media content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Amazon CloudFront is a web service for content delivery used to distribute content to end users around the globe with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no commitments. In this session, learn what a content delivery network (CDN) such as Amazon CloudFront is and how it works, the benefits it provides, common challenges and needs, performance, pricing, and examples of how customers are using CloudFront.

cloudfrontawsamazon web services
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)
Third Party Performance (Velocity, 2014)

Third party components are a part of any modern site: JS libs, analytics, trackers, share buttons, ads. Many components, each adding its performance cost, cause render delays or can effectively take your site down. This isn’t your code nor your servers, so what can you do about it? This presentation will answer this question with strategies and tactics for keeping 3rd parties from taking you down. This talk was given at Velocity Santa Clara, 2014: The presentation from Velocity Santa Clara, 2014 (

webthird party performancebeacons
App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy
App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai EasyApp-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy
App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy

In this world of myriad devices, having fast, reliable and secure mobile apps is of utmost importance for every business. Fast-paced development is the need of the hour and as businesses are building apps quicker, it is crucial to make sure that mobile apps are tested and reviewed at the same pace to ensure an enhanced end-user experience. In this session, you will learn to test or review whether the Akamai features are working correctly on your mobile apps. We will share troubleshooting tools and best practices to empower you to quickly identify and resolve Akamai-related issues on your mobile apps.

Low Hanging Fruit: Responsive Images

• Responsive Images =
  Serve lower res images to smaller screens
 • Optionally load full res image in the background
• Lots of great resources on how to do it
 • Cloud Four blog - Education
 • Src – Helper Tool
• Responsive images apply to CSS too!
 • Especially to background images
 • And stop with the huge images!

                             Faster ForwardTM         ©2012 Akamai
Build Mobile First

• Don‟t just design Mobile First – Code a Mobile-only site
 • Build only for the lowest resolution you care about
 • Adapt to similar screen sizes: No layout shifts, no big resolution jumps
 • Performance should compare to mdot sites

• Once implemented – Enhance via JavaScript
 • Grow DOM only on screens that need it.

• Desktop clients with no JS support are a minority
 • Your mobile site should be good enough for those
 • Don‟t sacrifice the performance of 99% for the remaining 1%

                                  Faster ForwardTM                      ©2012 Akamai
Enhancing via JavaScript – Tips & Tricks
• Split your files by layout/resolution                        480
 • Duplicating content on the server is ok             320     px
 • Duplicating download is not
• Use Inline JavaScript to decide the layout
 • Then use external (cacheable) files to apply it
• Put scripts that change design at the top
 • JavaScript blocks rendering
 • Will avoid FOUC – Flash Of Unstyled Content
 • Put all other scripts at the bottom

       var css = „small.css‟;
       if (window.innerWidth > 640) css = „large.css‟;
       else if (window.innerWidth >= 320) css = „medium.css‟;
       document.write(„<link type=“stylesheet” rel=“stylesheet” href=“‟+css+‟”/>‟);
                                    Faster ForwardTM                        ©2012 Akamai
Don‟t forget the “regular” concerns

• Reduce HTTP requests
 • Consolidate Files
 • Inline tiny files
• Reduce bytes
 • Minify CSS/JS
 • Use Lossless Compression for Images
• Load visible content first
 • Defer everything else
 • Or Load it on demand
• Avoid CSS Imports

                                Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai

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DIY Website Performance - Akamai Toronto Tech Day 2015
DIY Website Performance - Akamai Toronto Tech Day 2015DIY Website Performance - Akamai Toronto Tech Day 2015
DIY Website Performance - Akamai Toronto Tech Day 2015

DIY Website Performance Authored by Pierre Lermant with contributions and delivered at Akamai Toronto Tech Day on May 6, 2015 by Desmond Tam.

Marrying CDNs with Front-End Optimization
Marrying CDNs with Front-End Optimization Marrying CDNs with Front-End Optimization
Marrying CDNs with Front-End Optimization

Slide deck from Strangeloop president Joshua Bixby's presentation at the 2012 Content Delivery Summit. Many content owners are already using a content delivery network (CDN) to cache content closer to their visitors, but CDNs don't reduce the number of requests required to render each page, and they have no impact on browser efficiency. Front-end optimization (FEO) picks up where CDNs leave off, transforming the content itself so that it renders as quickly as possible in the browser. In this presentation, attendees will see real-world examples of how leading e-commerce sites have combined CDN and FEO forces to reach new levels of performance for content-rich pages. Get real numbers on how quickly content-rich sites loaded pre-acceleration, then with just a CDN, then with a combined CDN/FEO solution.

cdncontent delivery networkfeo
Akamai: From Theory to Practice
Akamai: From Theory to PracticeAkamai: From Theory to Practice
Akamai: From Theory to Practice

This document discusses Akamai Technologies and its evolution from academic research at MIT to a global cloud delivery platform. It outlines Akamai's role in managing complex modern web presences and addresses three grand challenges facing the internet - performance, media delivery, and security. For performance, it discusses ensuring fast delivery to any device. For media, it discusses enabling high-quality video delivery at massive scale. And for security, it discusses protecting from increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. The document highlights how Akamai's global server network and technologies help customers meet these challenges.

akamaiinternet of thingsweb performance

     • Mobitest
      • Online service:
      • Install local open-source version (details)
     • Google‟s Pcapperf
      • Convert network capture to waterfall charts
     • Stoyan Stefanov‟s “icy”
      • HTTP insight into iOS HTTP requests
     • @firt‟s iWebInspector
      • Remote debugger for iOS simulator

49                                      Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Testing different screen dimensions

• Run webpagetest script with resizing
 • Use Chrome as agent (not supported on other browsers)
 • Sample script (tab delimited):
  setviewportsize 320 480

 • Many other scripting

• Figure out the viewport dimensions you want to simulate

                                   Faster ForwardTM                 ©2012 Akamai

          Akamai Confidential

• Choosing your mobile design is HARD
• There are many factors to consider
• Design Decision have Performance Implications
• Mdot Primary Concern: Redirects
• RWD Primary Concern: Over-Downloading
• Either design paradigm can be made fast
• Performance should be built in – not bolted on
• Measure!
• Make perf testing a part the core functionality test

                             Faster ForwardTM            ©2012 Akamai

Recommended for you


The document discusses how the Akamai Intelligent Internet Platform uses a global network of servers located at the edge of the internet to deliver web content and applications. It helps websites improve performance by optimizing routing, caching content closer to users, compressing files, pre-fetching resources, and offloading processing from origin servers. Case studies show how Akamai solutions helped companies like Best Buy, Urban Outfitters, and Live Nation improve performance, manage traffic spikes, and increase sales.

оффлайн интернет-коммерцияinternetecommerce
Serverless Security: What's Left To Protect
Serverless Security: What's Left To ProtectServerless Security: What's Left To Protect
Serverless Security: What's Left To Protect

Serverless means handing off server management to the cloud platforms – along with their security risks. With the “pros” ensuring our servers are patched, what’s left for application owners to protect? As it turns out, quite a lot. This talk discusses the aspects of security serverless doesn’t solve, the problems it could make worse, and the tools and practices you can use to keep yourself safe. Required audience experience Basic knowledge of how FaaS and Serverless works Objective of the talk As many companies explore the world of serverless, it’s important they understand the aspects of security this new world helps them with, and the ones they need to care more about. This talk will provide a framework to understand how to prioritise and approach security for Serverless apps.

Securing Serverless - By Breaking In
Securing Serverless - By Breaking InSecuring Serverless - By Breaking In
Securing Serverless - By Breaking In

Guy Podjarny breaks into a vulnerable serverless application and exploits multiple weaknesses, helping better understand some of the mistakes people make, their implications, and how to avoid them. Video available on:

    Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Guy Podjarny
                                          Akamai Confidential

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Performance Implications of Mobile Design

  • 1. Performance Implications of Mobile Design Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential
  • 2. Good Morning! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 3. Agenda • Performance Matters! • Focus on top Mobile Design Paradigms • A bit on Dedicates Sites (mdot) • A lot on Responsive Web Design • Review Performance each Paradigm • Dig into the top performance problem • Show what went wrong • Discuss how you can fix it • Share tools that can help • And how to use them • Summary Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 4. Who Am I #1: Ex-CTO of (now Akamai) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 5. Who Am I #2: Blaze Mobitest • Mobile Web Performance Measurement • Free Online Service: • Now Open-Source! • For more details: Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 6. Who Am I #3: Mobile Performance Researcher Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 7. Some Terminology Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 8. Dedicated Sites (mdot) URL/Website Per Device Profile Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 9. Responsive Web Design One URL, Adapt to screen size Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 10. Mobile First & Desktop First included in RWD Mobile First (Progressive Enhancement) Desktop First (Graceful Degradation) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 11. Waterfall Charts Resource Doc Complete, Waterfall (Request/Response) (a.k.a. onload, Chart Start Render Load Time) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 12. Please don‟t hate me… • I use real world examples • Possibly written by you… • Constructive feedback != bashing • These are common mistakes • We should learn from them • I tried to spread the blame • Plenty of sites to choose from… • If you fix it, let me know! • I‟ll spread the word Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 13. Performance Matters! Akamai Confidential
  • 14. Users Expect Fast Sites Source: Akamai Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 15. Users Abandon Slow Sites Page Abandonment vs. Load Time Source: KISS Metrics Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 16. Fast Sites Help Bottom Lines Shopzilla: 5 sec load time improvement Source: Shopzilla Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 17. Mobile Users Expect Equal Speeds Source: Gomez Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 18. Dedicated Sites (mdot) Akamai Confidential
  • 19. Mdot Dedicated Sites don‟t create new performance problems Still have old problems, but that‟s not related to mobile design Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 20. Small Mobile Site, Small Waterfall Chart , iPhone 4, iOS 5.0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 21. Big Desktop/Tablet Site, Big Waterfall Chart iPad 2 iOS 5 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 22. Dedicated Sites Top Performance Problem Redirects m. www. Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 23. Redirects are expensive! 2 redirects, 1.3 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 24. Late Redirect using scripts are even slower 2 redirects + JS Redirect, 3 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 25. Could get nasty 3 redirects + JS Redirect, 3.6 seconds lost Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 26. Redirects – What To Do? • Minimize Redirects • Merge redirect chains • Use HTTP Redirects, not JS redirects • Keep the client-side detection as backup • Detect most devices server-side • Cache HTTP Redirects on the CDN • Makes the extra round trip shorter • Use HTTP 301 Redirect, with a future Expiry • 302/303/307 redirects are not cached by the browser • Good test page (by @souders): Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 27. Responsive Web Design Akamai Confidential
  • 28. Responsive Web Design Responsive Web Design Top Performance Problem: Over-Downloading Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 29. Test – Compare Sites on Different Resolutions • Data: • 347 Sites from • Testing Methodology: • Use • Use Chrome browser • Resize window before each measurement •Resolutions: 320x480, 480x960, 1024x768, 1600x1200 • Saw similar results with iPhone vs. iPad tests • Collect Results • Excel & Pivot Tables (Automated version of Jason Grigsby‟s test last year) © Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 30. Responsive Sites Load Times & Size, by Resolution Load Time* by Resolution (ms) 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Page Size by Resolution (KB) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 * Over Cable Speed (5 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up, 28ms RTT) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 31. Small Screen = Less Visible Content != Less Bytes 320x48 1600x120 0 0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 32. Some depressing stats… Page Size 10 Got Lucky 320x480 A Bit Smaller (BG 11% Image, Fonts, vs …) 1600x1200 Much Smaller 3% Same Size 86% 1 Responsive Images A bit smaller = 50%-90% the size Much smaller = <50% the size Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 33. Big Site, Big Waterfall 1600x120 0 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 34. Small Site, Big Waterfall 320x480 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 35. Download and Hide Rich Side-bar, holds ads and more Display set to none Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 36. Hidden content is still downloaded Display set to none, resources are still downloaded! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 37. Download and Shrink Smaller Screen, Same Size Image Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 38. Media queries don‟t prevent CSS downloads Separate CSS per media basic.css mobile.css 320x480 “Right” CSS loaded “Wrong” CSS loaded - May be used by JavaScript - Possibly delayed till just before onload desktop.css Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 39. Excess DOM 1402 elements 1398 elements 3485 nodes 3491 nodes Simplicity not reflected in DOM 1600x1200 320x480 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 40. RWD Woes • Download and Hide • Download and Shrink • Extra CSS Download • Excess DOM Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 41. What Can We Do About It?! Akamai Confidential
  • 42. Images accounts for most mobile pages size Stats from Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 43. Responsive Images 128px, 240px, 6.8 KB 2.9 KB 320px, 10.6 KB 480px, 21.3 KB Site: Device: iPhone 4 Before: Full Res, 50.1 KB 867 KB After: 570 KB Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 44. Responding Up (or badly?) ipad_hero.jpg 113 KB Served to Desktop ipad_hero_2x.jpg 360 KB Served to New iPad Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 45. Low Hanging Fruit: Responsive Images • Responsive Images = Serve lower res images to smaller screens • Optionally load full res image in the background • Lots of great resources on how to do it • Cloud Four blog - Education • Src – Helper Tool • Responsive images apply to CSS too! • Especially to background images • And stop with the huge images! Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 46. Build Mobile First • Don‟t just design Mobile First – Code a Mobile-only site • Build only for the lowest resolution you care about • Adapt to similar screen sizes: No layout shifts, no big resolution jumps • Performance should compare to mdot sites • Once implemented – Enhance via JavaScript • Grow DOM only on screens that need it. • Desktop clients with no JS support are a minority • Your mobile site should be good enough for those • Don‟t sacrifice the performance of 99% for the remaining 1% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 47. Enhancing via JavaScript – Tips & Tricks 1600px • Split your files by layout/resolution 480 • Duplicating content on the server is ok 320 px px • Duplicating download is not • Use Inline JavaScript to decide the layout • Then use external (cacheable) files to apply it • Put scripts that change design at the top • JavaScript blocks rendering • Will avoid FOUC – Flash Of Unstyled Content • Put all other scripts at the bottom var css = „small.css‟; if (window.innerWidth > 640) css = „large.css‟; else if (window.innerWidth >= 320) css = „medium.css‟; document.write(„<link type=“stylesheet” rel=“stylesheet” href=“‟+css+‟”/>‟); Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 48. Don‟t forget the “regular” concerns • Reduce HTTP requests • Consolidate Files • Inline tiny files • Reduce bytes • Minify CSS/JS • Use Lossless Compression for Images • Load visible content first • Defer everything else • Or Load it on demand • Avoid CSS Imports •… Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 49. Measure! • Mobitest • Online service: • Install local open-source version (details) • Google‟s Pcapperf • Convert network capture to waterfall charts • • Stoyan Stefanov‟s “icy” • HTTP insight into iOS HTTP requests • • @firt‟s iWebInspector • Remote debugger for iOS simulator • 49 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 50. Testing different screen dimensions • Run webpagetest script with resizing • Use Chrome as agent (not supported on other browsers) • Sample script (tab delimited): setviewportsize 320 480 navigate • Many other scripting options: webpagetest/scripting • Figure out the viewport dimensions you want to simulate • Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 51. Summary Akamai Confidential
  • 52. Summary • Choosing your mobile design is HARD • There are many factors to consider • Design Decision have Performance Implications • Mdot Primary Concern: Redirects • RWD Primary Concern: Over-Downloading • Either design paradigm can be made fast • Performance should be built in – not bolted on • Measure! • Make perf testing a part the core functionality test Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 53. Questions? Performance Implications of Mobile Design Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential