SlideShare a Scribd company logo

Scott Jehl   filament group
We design engaging sites and
filament group   applications that are simple to
                use and accessible to all.
“An escalator can never
                break: it can only become
                stairs. ”

Mitch Hedberg
Responsive Design
A natural subset of Progressive Enhancement.
 Delightful and inclusive.
Inclusive                      Delightful

 It works in my                    It feels intuitive.

                                       It’s fun to use!
 It allows me to
complete my task

                   It’s damned fast!
Make it work
...and work especially well in newer browsers!
There are, in fact,

Many ways
   to skin an app.
“it depends.”
- Every speaker at this conference.
Should it be responsive?
• Commonality across experiences
• Developer Skillset
• Time up-front vs. maintenance
• Interest in a challenge
PE, done right, is hard.
        Make no mistake!
A proposition:

A layered approach
  can be rich, without being exclusive.
Talk = cheap.
We built something.
    Let’s tear it apart, shall we?
A One-Web Case Study
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Design-velopment Team



Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
 But is it responsible?
Areas of Responsibility

Accessibility   Performance

Usability       Sustainability
Responsive... ble baseline

• “Content” first
• Mobile-first images
• Mobile-friendly layout
Asset Baseline
• Basic CSS file
• Basic JS file
• Qualified Enhanced CSS file
Experience Divisions
 Defensive Development = Qualified Upgrades
Basic CSS
“Basic” = safe defaults
• Tweaks to browser typography
• Horizontal rules
• Text alignment
• Display: Inline / Block
• No complex layout or positioning
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Enhanced Experience
The @media qualifier
“If you’re awesome,
                 or you’re Internet Explorer,
                 you get enhanced.”

Ethan Marcotte
@media-fortified design.

<link href="enhanced.css" media="only all">
All in your <head>

<link rel=...” href=”basic.css” id=”basic”>

<link href="enhanced.css"
media="only all">

<script src=”basic.js”></script>
The Concatenator
Server-side Concatenation

<link href=”css/

          Minify + Gzip
Enhanced CSS

/* styles for everyone go here.. */

@media all and (min-width: 500px){ .. }
@media all and (min-width: 620px){ .. }
@media all and (min-width: 950px){ .. }
Inheritance Prevention

@media all and (min-width: 500px)
and (max-width: 700px){
    /* styles constrained to 500-700px */


Display: table + table-cell
Ems all the way down.

    Ems allow for components to adapt
     differently in different containers
Basic.js: “just enough”

•   ResponsiveImages.js
•   Respond.js
•   Modernizr / extensions / HTML5 Shim
•   The Boston Globe JS Framework
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Responsive Images
Edge Cases
Edge Cases

         Now available as part of
Also: matchMedia polyfill

 window.matchMedia( “only all” );
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Globe JS Framework
The globe, um... global.

    globe = {};
Feature flags from Modernizr

Internet Explorer Flags

globe.browser.ie6 =
    .className.indexOf( “ie6” ) >= 0;
Again, with the @media
globe.enhanced =
       || globe.browser.ie6
       || globe.browser.ie7
       || globe.browser.ie8;

            Conditional-comment driven
JS Experience Divide
if( !globe.enhanced ){
    //last stop for old browsers!
    //remove Basic CSS
    //bring on the enhancements
And one caveat...

No Enhanced JS for BB5
      great browser, too slow.
No JS? That’s okay.
On removing Basic.css...

  head.removeChild( basicCSS );

• Convenient when basic.css does
  not easily cascade.
• A convenience that can’t be
Enhancing Further
Loading Assets
Enhanced page weight
  Different for every browser. Highly optimized.
The assets you receive depend on

width, section, features
          ~ hand-crafted delivery ~
Defining Assets to Load

//Arrays of JS and CSS files
globe.jsToLoad    = [ “jquery.js” ];
globe.cssToLoad = [];

                 jQuery is dynamically-loaded too!
Feature-based Loading

if( ){
    jsToLoad.push( “touchEvents.js” );
Section-specific Loading

if( globe.hasClass( “gallery”, body ) ){
     jsToLoad.push( “galleries.js” );
Device Size Decisions

if( window.screen.width > 500 ){
    cssToLoad.push( “fonts.css” );
            screen, not window
Our width usage rule of thumb:

screen           for assets
window           for design
Why Screen, not viewport?
 • Fixed per device
 • Assets delivered to device’s
   potential, not just current state.

 • Orientation-change makes resize
   relevant again.
Pack & Load




Again, concat.


          Minify + Gzip
Responsive Behavior
Collapsible Sections
We value all input...
On the desktop...

            photo: flickrich
...and on the device

Touch & Mouse

Mouse Events
Normalized Events
• vclick
• vmousedown
• vmouseover
• vmouseup
• vmousecancel
Click - or - Gesture
Drag pagination
Single-Page Apps
 Less JS execution, faster page loads
Degrees of #!%$hashbang

Not great:                    Less... not great:
<a href=”#foo.html”>Foo</a>   <a href=”foo.html”>Foo</a>

history.replaceState!foo.html code.

        location.hash.replace("#!","" )

  }, false );
Many ways to “Save”
Hidden Touch Interface
Even save without JS

                 Simple Form
PE + offline is possible!
 Extends the ability for a site to meet you where you are
Keep it accessible
audible interface
pairs with mobile, resolution-independent
One-Web Challenges
Content Negotiation
Landing pages are heavy
    What if we treat them like navigation?
Anchor-Include Pattern

<a href=”path/to/weather.html”
Ideal Delivery

  In page source

 Delivered via Ajax
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
Ads are not awesome.
• Third-party, potential for conflicts
• They block content loading
• Potentially overtake page
• Pixel dimensions, contractually
• Filled with document.write
Best. Line. Ever.

document.write( “...<noscript>..” );
How we “solve” ads:

Dynamically injected, naturally.
Resize + Hide + Append
Where to append?

@media all and (min-width: 500px){
  .a .ad { display: none; }

//on window resize:
if( !$( “.ad” ).is( “:visible” ) ){
  $( “.ad” ).appendTo( “.b” );
Edge Caching
   Not an edge-case.
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
In conclusion...

 We have the tools
to build sites that are rich without being exclusive.
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
What about “apps?”
Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale
thanks everyone.

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Responsive & Responsible: Implementing Responsive Design at Scale