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Mastering MongoDB in
Kubernetes - MDB Enterprise
Operator for Kubernetes
Dr. Michael Ehrig,
Arkadiusz Borucki
Back in the day at a travel agency…
Now, you have the personalized travel agent in your hand …
Tailor-made experiences
unique to the traveler’s
A smooth, door-to-
door experience
40 minutes
_Amadeus MongoDB infrastructure
_Making use of REST API
_What are Kubernetes operators
_Introducing the MongoDB Enterprise Operator
_Demo: Deploying a Shard Cluster

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MongoDB .local Chicago 2019: Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On-premises...
MongoDB .local Chicago 2019: Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On-premises...MongoDB .local Chicago 2019: Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On-premises...
MongoDB .local Chicago 2019: Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On-premises...

Whether you are running MongoDB on-premise, self-managing in the cloud, or using MongoDB Atlas, it's critical that you have dependable backups of your data for when things go sideways. This takes infrastructure, storage, and coordination, which can be complex and costly. In MongoDB 4.2, we are changing how backup is architected, helping you reduce the required storage footprint and remove architectural complexities to increase performance and decrease costs. Come to this session to see how we're accomplishing this.

mongodb .local chicago 2019
Power Real Estate Property Analytics with MongoDB + Spark
Power Real Estate Property Analytics with MongoDB + SparkPower Real Estate Property Analytics with MongoDB + Spark
Power Real Estate Property Analytics with MongoDB + Spark

Speaker: Gheni Abla, Analytics Software Technical Architect, CoreLogic Level: 200 (Intermediate) Track: Data Analytics CoreLogic is a leading global property information, analytics and solutions provider. The company provides a range of analytic solutions for automated property valuation and appraisals. This presentation will cover a recent project at CoreLogic that utilized MongoDB for storing property and ownership data for over 150 million properties. MongoDB provided powerful support for storing and searching location-based property data. The MongoDB-Spark connector facilitated seamless integration between data access and the Spark-based distributed analytics processing and MongoDB’s replication capability provided high-availability across data centers. This session will cover CoreLogic’s software architecture and real-world development experiences with geospatial data and MongoDB-Spark connector. What You Will Learn: - How CoreLogic manages and stores data for over 150 million real estate properties in MongoDB, and utilizes MongoDB's geospatial data support. - How to distribute large-scale analytics process using Spark and improve data access efficiency using the MongoDB-Spark connector. - How to utilize MongoDB replication for implementing high-availability between two geographically dispersed data centers.

MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...

MongoDB Kubernetes operator is ready for prime-time. Learn about how MongoDB can be used with most popular orchestration platform, Kubernetes, and bring self-service, persistent storage to your containerized applications.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Amadeus mission: Enriching every step of the traveler’s journey
_ We are one of the world’s top 10
enterprise software companies*
_ We are dedicated to the global
travel industry and our solutions
enrich travel for billions of
people every year
_ We are present in 190+ countries
and employ 17,000+ people
_ We work together with our
customers, partners and other
players in the industry to improve
business performance and shape
the future of travel
Amadeus in a few words
*Forbes 2018 global rankings
630+ million
Total bookings
processed in 2017
630+ million
Total bookings
processed in 2017
1.6+ billion
boarded in 2017
Amadeus: Business & business partners / customers
Bookings, Reservations,
Boarding, Tracking, etc.
Searching, Shopping,
Checking, Marking, etc.
2. MongoDB @
MongoDB deployment @ huge scale!
Multi Data
6500 GCE, OVH,
Nodes per

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The document provides an agenda for a MongoDB presentation, including an introduction to MongoDB's document model and how it differs from relational databases, how MongoDB brings value to clients with flexibility, performance, versatility and ease of use. It then demonstrates these qualities through MongoDB's features like rich queries, data models, and deployability anywhere. The presentation promotes MongoDB's cloud database as a service Atlas and tools like Compass. It outlines MongoDB's evolution and roadmap. It concludes by providing contact details for the presenter.

open sourcedatabasemongodb
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: MongoDB Atlas Auto-Scaling
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: MongoDB Atlas Auto-ScalingMongoDB .local Munich 2019: MongoDB Atlas Auto-Scaling
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: MongoDB Atlas Auto-Scaling

MongoDB Atlas Autoscaling automatically changes both the storage and compute capacity of your MongoDB Atlas cluster, in response to changing traffic patterns. This enables MongoDB Atlas to continuously maximize performance while minimizing cost, with just a press of a button. Plan to attend this session and learn more about how autoscaling works behind the scenes, and the best ways to use it. 

mongodb .local munich 2019
MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB AtlasMongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Atlas

Presented by Claudius Li, Solutions Architect at MongoDB, at MongoDB Evenings New England 2017. MongoDB Atlas is the premier database as a service offering. Find out how MongoDB Atlas can help your team to deploy more easily, develop faster and easily manage deployment, maintenance, upgrades and expansions. We will also demonstrate some of the key features and tools that come with MongoDB Atlas.

mongodbmongodb eveningsmongodb atlas
MongoDB deployment @ huge scale!
_ Instant searching - flight recommendations data
3 huge MongoDB clusters 75TB, 108TB, 130 TB with 2 ms (avg) response time
_ MongoDB cluster with 168 shards (micro-shard)
_ Data agregation from multiple sources into a central cluster - A Single View application
_ Apache Spark on MongoDB – fraud detection - run machine learning on MongoDB
_ MongoDB Amadeus Payments - payment flows
_ Dashboards, scheduling tools, change viewers, applications error
viewers, and more
What is MongoDB Ops Manager?
MongoDB Ops Manager makes it fast
and easy for you to deploy, monitor,
upgrade, back up and scale your
MongoDB deployment
REST API for Operations
Kubernetes - how to operate smarter
_ There are many ways to deploy and operate apps and MongoDB
_ Why Kubernetes ? Why Operator ?
_ Fewer manual tasks, more automated failure recovery
_ Your company can provide MongoDB as a Service
Easy access to production-ready MongoDB with a single click or command
_ Build consistent and identical environments!
_ Speed!

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MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep DiveMongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive

MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a new service offered by MongoDB Atlas. Many organizations store long term, archival data in cost-effective storage like S3, GCP, and Azure Blobs. However, many of them do not have robust systems or tools to effectively utilize large amounts of data to inform decision making. MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a service allowing organizations to analyze their long-term data to discover a wealth of information about their business. This session will take a deep dive into the features that are currently available in MongoDB Atlas Data Lake and how they are implemented. In addition, we'll discuss future plans and opportunities and offer ample Q&A time with the engineers on the project.

mongodb .local bengaluru 2019mongodb atlas
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: Telediagnosis@Daimler powered by MongoDB
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: Telediagnosis@Daimler powered by MongoDBMongoDB .local Munich 2019: Telediagnosis@Daimler powered by MongoDB
MongoDB .local Munich 2019: Telediagnosis@Daimler powered by MongoDB

Daimler will present the Mercedes Telediagnosis use case where MongoDB was chosen as the storage document database. You will learn some basics about Telediagnosis, the requirements which drove us to MongoDB, the advantages we achieved, and our experiences on our MongoDB journey.

mongodb .local munich 2019
MongoDB and Azure Databricks
MongoDB and Azure DatabricksMongoDB and Azure Databricks
MongoDB and Azure Databricks

This talk will provide a brief update on Microsoft’s recent history in Open Source with specific emphasis on Azure Databricks, a fast, easy and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics service. Attendees will learn how to integrate MongoDB Atlas with Azure Databricks using the MongoDB Connector for Spark. This integration allows users to process data in MongoDB with the massive parallelism of Spark, its machine learning libraries, and streaming API.

4. The future
Knowledge as a code
_ You can extend the
Kubernetes API with
_ Enables developers to add
new/replace old
_ Custom Controllers allow you
to write app to manage
another like stateful
MongoDB database
_ Operators will change/simplify
the way how we manage
databases / replace already
created automation
Operator represents human
operational knowledge as a
code to reliably manage an
Kubernetes 1.7 add
Custom Controllers
An Operator is set of
app-specific custom
Controllers have
direct access to
Kubernetes API
MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes
Ops Manager
features on K8s
K8s API and Ops Manager
extends the
Kubernetes API
Operator for Kubernetes supports:
_ pod’s backup, automation, monitoring
_ provisioning StatefulSets for replica set
_ creates deployment in Ops Manager
_ automates cluster provisioning,
scalability, auto recovery, logging
_ automates common tasks, to achieve
the desired state
_ security - tls
_ Ops Manager on K8s!
Operator architecture

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MongoDB: Agile Combustion Engine
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MongoDB: Agile Combustion Engine

Agile Software Development is becoming the defacto way of building software these days. More and more enterprises, from large fortune 500 to small shop start-ups, are adopting agile development methodologies. But Agile Software development is more than just a methodology or a practice. It's also a combined set of tools and platforms that today are at our disposal to allows to iterate faster, get-to-market sooner and also fail faster. These set of tools augment our development cycles by a few orders of magnitude and allow developers to be much more productive.

Introducing MongoDB Atlas
Introducing MongoDB AtlasIntroducing MongoDB Atlas
Introducing MongoDB Atlas

Jane Uyvova Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB March 21, 2017 MongoDB Evenings San Francisco Learn how easy it is to set up, operate, and scale your MongoDB deployments in the cloud with MongoDB Atlas.

big datamongodb atlasmongodb
From RDBMS to MongoDB
From RDBMS to MongoDBFrom RDBMS to MongoDB
From RDBMS to MongoDB

The document discusses the evolution of databases from relational databases to modern databases like MongoDB. Some key points discussed are: - The volume, variety and velocity of data being collected is increasing rapidly each year, creating challenges for relational databases. - Modern databases like MongoDB are designed to handle massive amounts of data from multiple sources more efficiently through improved speed, capacity and accuracy. - Case studies show that companies like MetLife, Shutterfly and Telefonica were able to build applications faster, reduce costs and improve performance by switching to MongoDB from their relational database implementations.

rdbmsbig datanosql
Operator architecture
Operator architecture
Operator architecture
Operator architecture

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MongoDB Ops Manager + Kubernetes
MongoDB Ops Manager + KubernetesMongoDB Ops Manager + Kubernetes
MongoDB Ops Manager + Kubernetes

MongoDB Ops Manager is an enterprise-grade end-to-end database management, monitoring, and backup solution. Kubernetes has clearly won the orchestration-platform "wars". In this session we'll take a deep dive on how you can leverage both these technologies to host your MongoDB deployments within your Kubernetes infrastructure whether that's OpenShift, PKS, Azure AKS, or just upstream. This talk will review the core technologies, such as containers, Kubernetes, and MongoDB Ops Manager. You'll also have a chance to see real-live demos of MongoDB running on Kubernetes and managed with MongoDB Ops Manager with the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator.

MongoDB Evenings DC: Get MEAN and Lean with Docker and Kubernetes
MongoDB Evenings DC: Get MEAN and Lean with Docker and KubernetesMongoDB Evenings DC: Get MEAN and Lean with Docker and Kubernetes
MongoDB Evenings DC: Get MEAN and Lean with Docker and Kubernetes

This document discusses running MongoDB and Kubernetes together to enable lean and agile development. It proposes using Docker containers to package applications and leverage tools like Kubernetes for deployment, management and scaling. Specifically, it recommends: 1) Using Docker to containerize applications and define deployment configurations. 2) Deploying to Kubernetes where services and replication controllers ensure high availability and scalability. 3) Treating databases specially by running them as "naked pods" assigned to labeled nodes with appropriate resources. 4) Demonstrating deployment of a sample MEAN stack application on Kubernetes with MongoDB and discussing future work around experimentation and blue/green deployments.

mongodbmore about mongodbmean stack
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: The Journey of Migration from Oracle to MongoD...
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: The Journey of Migration from Oracle to MongoD...MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: The Journey of Migration from Oracle to MongoD...
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: The Journey of Migration from Oracle to MongoD...

Find out more about our journey of migrating to MongoDB after using Oracle for our hotel search database for over ten years. - How did we solve the synchronization problem with the Master Database? - How to get fast search results (even with massive write operations)? - How other issues were solved

mongodb .local bengaluru 2019
Operator architecture
How is Operator built ?
_ Custom Resource allow us to define
your own resources in the Kubernetes
API using CustomResourceDefinition
_ Additinal resource is available via
Kubernets API
_ Perform CRUD operations upon them
_ Interact with threm via kubectl
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
- properties: # MongoDBOpsManager
- properties: # ReplicaSet schema
- properties: # ShardedCluster schema
Custom resources
kind: MongoDB
name: my-sharded-cluster
type: ShardedCluster
shardCount: 2
mongodsPerShardCount: 3
mongosCount: 2
configServerCount: 3
version: 4.0.6
kind: MongoDBOpsManager
name: my-replica-set
members: 3
version: 4.0.6
service: internal-db
_ Observe the actual state
_ Analyse difference from
desired state
_ Take action
_ Drive the actual state
towards the desired stare
_ Repeat!
my-replica set has 2 running
Differs from desired state of
3 replicas (pods)
- Start a pod
- Add pod to the cluster
- Waiting for replication

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MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour travailler avec les donn...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour travailler avec les donn...MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour travailler avec les donn...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour travailler avec les donn...

Les données de séries chronologiques sont de plus en plus au cœur des applications modernes: pensez à l'IoT, aux transactions sur actions, aux flux de clics, aux médias sociaux, etc. Avec le passage des systèmes batch aux systèmes temps réel, la capture et l'analyse efficaces des données de séries chronologiques peuvent permettre aux entreprises de mieux détecter et réagir aux événements en avance sur leurs concurrents ou d'améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle pour réduire les coûts et les risques. Travailler avec des données de séries chronologiques est souvent différent des données d’application classiques et vous devez observer les meilleures pratiques. Cette conférence couvre: Composants communs d'une solution IoT Les défis liés à la gestion de données chronologiques dans les applications IoT Différentes conceptions de schéma et leur incidence sur l'utilisation de la mémoire et du disque sont deux facteurs déterminants dans les performances des applications. Comment interroger, analyser et présenter les données de séries chronologiques IoT à l'aide de MongoDB Compass et MongoDB Charts À la fin de la session, vous aurez une meilleure compréhension des meilleures pratiques clés en matière de gestion des données de séries chronologiques de l'IoT avec MongoDB.

mongodb .local paris 2020
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour sécuriser MongoDB
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour sécuriser MongoDBMongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour sécuriser MongoDB
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Les bonnes pratiques pour sécuriser MongoDB

Chaque entreprise devient une entreprise de logiciels, fournissant des solutions client pour accéder à une variété de services et d'informations. Les entreprises commencent maintenant à valoriser leurs données et à obtenir de meilleures informations pour l'entreprise. Un défi crucial consiste à s'assurer que ces données sont toujours disponibles et sécurisées pour être conformes aux objectifs commerciaux de l'entreprise et aux contraintes réglementaires des pays. MongoDB fournit la couche de sécurité dont vous avez besoin, venez découvrir comment sécuriser vos données avec MongoDB.

mongodb .local paris 2020
MongoDB World 2019: Mastering MongoDB in Kubernetes
MongoDB World 2019: Mastering MongoDB in KubernetesMongoDB World 2019: Mastering MongoDB in Kubernetes
MongoDB World 2019: Mastering MongoDB in Kubernetes

We will demonstrate why the MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes is a game changer at Amadeus. The MongoDB Enterprise Operator for K8S is not just a resource for managing containers, it is a controller that extends the Kubernetes API.

mongodbmongodb world
3. Live Demo
Sharded Cluster
Let’s shape the
future of travel
Private Cloud
Compliance & MonitoringNetwork

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MongoDB .local Munich 2019: Mastering MongoDB on Kubernetes – MongoDB Enterprise Operator for K8s

  • 1. ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Mastering MongoDB in Kubernetes - MDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes Amadeus Dr. Michael Ehrig, Arkadiusz Borucki
  • 3. Now, you have the personalized travel agent in your hand … ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Personalized Tailor-made experiences unique to the traveler’s preferences A smooth, door-to- door experience Connected 3
  • 4. Agenda 4 40 minutes _Amadeus MongoDB infrastructure _Making use of REST API _What are Kubernetes operators _Introducing the MongoDB Enterprise Operator _Demo: Deploying a Shard Cluster
  • 5. Amadeus mission: Enriching every step of the traveler’s journey ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries 5 On-trip Post-trip Inspire Shop Book Pre-trip _ We are one of the world’s top 10 enterprise software companies* _ We are dedicated to the global travel industry and our solutions enrich travel for billions of people every year _ We are present in 190+ countries and employ 17,000+ people worldwide _ We work together with our customers, partners and other players in the industry to improve business performance and shape the future of travel Amadeus in a few words *Forbes 2018 global rankings 630+ million Total bookings processed in 2017 630+ million Total bookings processed in 2017 1.6+ billion Passengers boarded in 2017
  • 6. ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Amadeus: Business & business partners / customers 6 Bookings, Reservations, Boarding, Tracking, etc. Searching, Shopping, Checking, Marking, etc.
  • 8. 8 ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries MongoDB deployment @ huge scale! 8 Ops Managers 4 Multi Data Centers Cluster Size 130TB Micro sharding 68 MongoD processes Cloud 6500 GCE, OVH, OpenStack 72 Nodes per cluster 168 Shards
  • 9. MongoDB deployment @ huge scale! 9 _ Instant searching - flight recommendations data 3 huge MongoDB clusters 75TB, 108TB, 130 TB with 2 ms (avg) response time _ MongoDB cluster with 168 shards (micro-shard) _ Data agregation from multiple sources into a central cluster - A Single View application _ Apache Spark on MongoDB – fraud detection - run machine learning on MongoDB _ MongoDB Amadeus Payments - payment flows _ Dashboards, scheduling tools, change viewers, applications error viewers, and more
  • 10. What is MongoDB Ops Manager? MongoDB Ops Manager makes it fast and easy for you to deploy, monitor, upgrade, back up and scale your MongoDB deployment
  • 11. REST API for Operations
  • 12. 12 ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Kubernetes - how to operate smarter _ There are many ways to deploy and operate apps and MongoDB _ Why Kubernetes ? Why Operator ? _ Fewer manual tasks, more automated failure recovery _ Your company can provide MongoDB as a Service Easy access to production-ready MongoDB with a single click or command _ Build consistent and identical environments! _ Speed!
  • 14. ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Knowledge as a code 14 _ You can extend the Kubernetes API with CustomResourceDefinitions _ Enables developers to add new/replace old functionalities _ Custom Controllers allow you to write app to manage another like stateful MongoDB database _ Operators will change/simplify the way how we manage databases / replace already created automation Operator represents human operational knowledge as a code to reliably manage an application Kubernetes 1.7 add Custom Controllers feature An Operator is set of app-specific custom controllers. Controllers have direct access to Kubernetes API
  • 15. 16 MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes Ops Manager features on K8s cluster! K8s API and Ops Manager integration Controller, extends the Kubernetes API Operator for Kubernetes supports: _ pod’s backup, automation, monitoring _ provisioning StatefulSets for replica set _ creates deployment in Ops Manager project _ automates cluster provisioning, scalability, auto recovery, logging _ automates common tasks, to achieve the desired state _ security - tls _ Ops Manager on K8s!
  • 22. 23 How is Operator built ? Application specific controllers Custom Resource _ Custom Resource allow us to define your own resources in the Kubernetes API using CustomResourceDefinition _ Additinal resource is available via Kubernets API _ Perform CRUD operations upon them _ Interact with threm via kubectl --- apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: ............. oneOf: - properties: # MongoDBOpsManager - properties: # ReplicaSet schema - properties: # ShardedCluster schema components
  • 23. Custom resources 24 --- apiVersion: kind: MongoDB metadata: name: my-sharded-cluster spec: type: ShardedCluster shardCount: 2 mongodsPerShardCount: 3 mongosCount: 2 configServerCount: 3 version: 4.0.6 --- apiVersion: kind: MongoDBOpsManager metadata: name: my-replica-set spec: members: 3 version: 4.0.6 service: internal-db
  • 24. ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Controllers 25 _ Observe the actual state _ Analyse difference from desired state _ Take action _ Drive the actual state towards the desired stare _ Repeat! Observe Analyse Act my-replica set has 2 running pods Differs from desired state of 3 replicas (pods) Action: - Start a pod - Add pod to the cluster - Waiting for replication
  • 27. ©AmadeusITGroupanditsaffiliatesandsubsidiaries Let’s shape the future of travel together NoSQL Private Cloud Compliance & MonitoringNetwork Storage -V -T