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Responsive Websites
             Joe Seifi, Sept 2012
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Responsive Websites

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Introduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web DesignIntroduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web Design

A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on August 14, 2012. Read more about the workshop and a summary of what we talked about on my blog:

web designresponsive web designrwd
ASP.NET Lecture 1
ASP.NET Lecture 1ASP.NET Lecture 1
ASP.NET Lecture 1

This document provides an overview of ASP.NET 4.0, including required lab setup, lecture outlines, and introductions to key ASP.NET concepts. The lab setup requires Windows 7, IIS 7+, MS SQL Server 2008+, and Visual Studio 2010+. Lecture topics include introductions to the web, ASP.NET overview, ASP.NET controls, and the page class. Key ASP.NET concepts explained include the client/server architecture, how ASP.NET works, the page lifecycle, and use of controls, view state, and events.
VB.Net-Controls and events
VB.Net-Controls and eventsVB.Net-Controls and events
VB.Net-Controls and events

This document discusses controls, properties, methods, and events in Visual Basic .NET. It defines controls as user interface elements on a form that can be customized. Controls have properties that describe them, methods that cause actions, and events that are triggered from user interactions. Common controls are described like labels, buttons, and forms. Properties and events for each are outlined, such as the Text property for a label and the Click event for a button. Forms are used to build the user interface and contain other controls. and eventsform controlcontrol events
Sample Project

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Asp net
Asp netAsp net
Asp net

The .NET Framework provides a common platform and language runtime for multiple programming languages. It includes the Common Language Specification (CLS), which defines interoperability standards, and the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which handles memory management, security, and code execution. The .NET Framework also includes a large class library called the Framework Class Library (FCL) that contains types and methods for building applications. Developers can use Visual Studio to create .NET applications using languages like C# and VB.NET, which compile to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code that is executed within the CLR.

sb instituteanniyappa publicationsc.v. suresh babu
Web development
Web developmentWeb development
Web development

Web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites through web design and coding. Web design focuses on creating the visual templates and layouts for websites using tools like Photoshop, while coding provides the underlying structure and functionality through programming languages and frameworks. Coding is essential for web design as it forms the building blocks and server-side functionality that brings websites to life online.

web developmentweb design and developmentweb designing and coding
Server Controls of ASP.Net
Server Controls of ASP.NetServer Controls of ASP.Net
Server Controls of ASP.Net

This PowerPoint Presentation covers topics like Page Life Cycle Stages, Page Life Cycle Events, ASP.Net built-in Objects, Server Controls, Control Class, HTML Server Controls, Web Control Class, ASP.Net Standard Controls, Label Control, TextBox Control, Button Control, Link Button Control, Image Button Control, HyperLink Control, CheckBox Control, Radio Button Control, List Controls, ListBox Control, ListItem Class, DropDownList Control, CheckBoxList Control, RadioButtonList Control, BulletedList Control, Literal Control, Image Control, ImageMap Control, FileUpload Control, Panel Control, PlaceHolder Control, MultiView Control, Table Control, Rich Controls, Calendar Control, AdRotator Control, Validation Control, Base Validator Class, RequiredField Validator, Range Validator, Compare Validator, RegularExpression Validator, ValidationSummary Control, Custom Validator, Navigation Controls, SiteMapPath Control, Web.Sitemap File, TreeView Control, Menu Control, Login Controls, LoginStatus Control, LoginView Control, LoginName Control, PasswordRecovery Control, ChangePassword Control, ADO.Net Architecture, Connection Object, SqlConnection Class, Command Object, SqlParameter Object, DataReader Object.

textbox built-in objectsbutton control
Sample Project
Best Practices
 Sample Project
 Best Practices
Testing and Tools
- 7.0 Billion people in the world
- 3.5 Billion own a mobile devices (1/2)
- 1.3 Billion mobile internet users
- 21% had 3G in 2010

 Population: 7+ Billion

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Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5

The document provides an introduction to HTML 5, including: - HTML 5 is the new standard for HTML that aims to reduce the need for plugins like Flash and provide better error handling. - New features in HTML 5 include new semantic elements, form validation, deprecated elements, and new APIs for video, audio, offline applications and more. - Getting started with HTML 5 involves changes to page structure like shortening tags, using new elements and attributes, and removing obsolete code. Semantic elements, forms, and error handling are also covered.

Custom Controls in
Custom Controls in ASP.netCustom Controls in
Custom Controls in

This document discusses creating custom controls in ASP.NET. It explains that custom controls are compiled into DLLs and used like server controls. It then demonstrates creating a custom control project that renders text on a page. The document shows how to add a reference to the custom control project and use the control on a web form. It also expands on the example by adding a method to check if a word is a palindrome and integrating the custom control into a form with text input and a button.

HCI - Chapter 1
HCI - Chapter 1HCI - Chapter 1
HCI - Chapter 1

This document provides an overview of human information processing and cognition. It discusses how humans receive and interpret visual and auditory information. It describes short-term and long-term memory, including different memory models. It also covers topics like problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and how emotion can influence cognitive abilities.

- 71% expect websites to load quickly on their phone
- 74% leave a website after waiting 5 seconds
- 77% of top websites take at least 5 seconds to load
- 43% unlikely to return to a slow website
- 72.8% of stats are made up on the spot
- 95% of people have already heard that one

              More Stats
Here and Now
Here and Now
2 years early - in 2010

      Here and Now

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Servlet life cycle
Servlet life cycleServlet life cycle
Servlet life cycle

The servlet lifecycle consists of 5 steps: (1) loading and instantiation of servlets by the servlet container, (2) initialization via the init() method, (3) processing of client requests via the service() method, (4) finalization via the destroy() method, and (5) garbage collection. The service() method handles each client request by dispatching to doGet() or doPost() depending on the request type, while init() and destroy() are called once per servlet instance.

presentation on static website design
presentation on static website designpresentation on static website design
presentation on static website design

A static web page displays the same information for all users and is not customizable. It is suitable when content needs to be updated rarely. Static pages exist as individual files like HTML files and are connected through navigation menus. Changes require updating every page. Dynamic pages can customize content for each user and draw changing content from external sources to provide interactive features like forms and searches. They are maintained through a content management system without technical HTML knowledge.

Frames tables forms
Frames tables formsFrames tables forms
Frames tables forms

This document provides information on using tables in HTML documents. It discusses using the <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> tags to define the table structure and cells. It also covers various table attributes like border, width, alignment, and cell spacing properties. The document then discusses more advanced table features such as colspan, rowspan to merge cells, and using the <caption> tag to add a title to the table.

- Websites are not like print. Why do we
  design them that way?

      Traditional Print
Lots of Web Devices
- Performance
- Resolutions and Screen Sizes
- Browser Features
- Network Connection Speeds

 Differences in Mobile

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Introduction to php
Introduction to phpIntroduction to php
Introduction to php

The document discusses PHP, an open-source scripting language commonly used for web development. It can be embedded into HTML pages and is used to dynamically generate webpage content. PHP code is executed on the server and generates HTML that is sent to the browser. The document also discusses using XAMPP, a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack, to install and run PHP, MySQL, and Apache on your local computer for testing websites.

Javascript event handler
Javascript event handlerJavascript event handler
Javascript event handler

Here are the matches between Column A and Column B: 1. e 2. f 3. j 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. g 8. h 9. c 10. i

Bootstrap ppt
Bootstrap pptBootstrap ppt
Bootstrap ppt

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that makes building responsive, mobile-first websites faster and easier. It provides pre-built UI components and design templates for common tasks like navigation, typography, forms, buttons, images, and more. Developers and designers can use Bootstrap to quickly prototype and build sites without custom coding.

bootstrap frameworkresponsive frameworkresponsive web design bootstrap
@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 700px) {

    body{ background-color:red;}


@media (max-width:500px){



         Quick Code
3 Main Options    

 Desktop                 iPhone

       1. Do Nothing

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CMS is a software application that allows users to create and manage website content without needing HTML knowledge. It provides features like selective access permissions for security, flexibility for non-technical users to publish content easily, and collaboration tools to allow teams to work on content simultaneously. CMS makes it possible to update websites independently, access the latest functionality without a full site overhaul, and manage an entire internet marketing strategy from one place. Reasons to use a CMS include having SEO-friendly URLs, multi-lingual support, and enabling quick and easy page management.

cmscontent managementcontent management system
Introduction to A-Frame
Introduction to A-FrameIntroduction to A-Frame
Introduction to A-Frame

A-Frame is a WebVR framework for developers to make their VR content rapidly. It is based on Entity-Component system. So, it could bring us flexibility and usability for developing.

CSS in React
CSS in ReactCSS in React
CSS in React

This document discusses different approaches for using CSS in React applications. It begins by outlining some of the issues with plain CSS, including lack of encapsulation and global namespace pollution. It then examines different methodologies for organizing CSS, including OOCSS, BEM, and SUIT CSS. Next, it covers pre/post-processors like Sass, LESS, and PostCSS. The document dives into examples of implementing styles in React using inline styles, CSS modules, Radium, and Styled Components. For each approach, it highlights the syntax and notes advantages and limitations. Finally, it closes with a brief look at emerging technologies that may impact future CSS practices.

babelreact-css-modulessass   yelp apps

Desktop    iPhone Web   Native Apps

2. Separate Website

 Desktop           iPhone          iPad

3. Responsive Website
Responsive Design’s main components
1. Flexible Layout
2. Media Queries
3. Flexible Images

     Building Blocks
- Simplify
- Only provide the features your users want

         Content First

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An overview of the CSS preprocessor LESS. Including code samples for creating mixins, variables, math, colors, patterns, guards, scope, and namespaces.

CSS in React - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
CSS in React - The Good, The Bad, and The UglyCSS in React - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
CSS in React - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Overview of 5 frameworks to style JavaScript applications written in React including Radium, Aphrodite, CSS Modules, Styletron, and Styled Components with a Cheat Sheet of their features

Reactjs - the good, the bad and the ugly
Reactjs - the good, the bad and the uglyReactjs - the good, the bad and the ugly
Reactjs - the good, the bad and the ugly

A talk about Facebook's React library at BulgariaWebSummit 2016 (

- Design for Mobile First
- Optimize for Speed and Performance
- Add Functionality for Larger
- Load Time Affects Customer

                                   Luke Wroblewski 2011

         “Mobile First”
- Micro-Tasks
- Downplay Navigation & Options
- Align with user Context and Behavior
- Don’t Assume user’s location, speed,
  mindset, and expectation

 Mobilize your Website
- Pixel Perfect Wireframes & Mockups don’t
  make sense anymore
- Style Tiles
- Page Description Diagrams
- Work with “Content” Pages first
- Prioritize Design Elements

 Mobilize your Process
- Principles of being future friendly
  - Acknowledge and embrace
  - Think and behave in a future-friendly way.
  - Help others do the same.

 Be “Future-Friendly”

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Gazteluberri Septiembre 2013
Gazteluberri Septiembre 2013Gazteluberri Septiembre 2013
Gazteluberri Septiembre 2013

Este documento presenta la inauguración de la Unidad de Reducción de Fueloil (URF) en Petronor. El Príncipe Felipe presidió el acto junto a autoridades políticas y directivos de Petronor, Repsol y Kutxabank. El proyecto URF, con una inversión de 850 millones de euros, transforma los componentes más pesados del petróleo en productos más ligeros como gas licuado, gasolina y gasóleo, mejorando la competitividad de Petronor. La nueva unidad incorpora las últimas tecnologías

petronorrefineríaplanta de coque
Programa Máster en Comunicación y Marketing Político
Programa Máster en Comunicación y Marketing PolíticoPrograma Máster en Comunicación y Marketing Político
Programa Máster en Comunicación y Marketing Político

El documento presenta el programa del Máster en Marketing Político de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona para los años 2012-2014. El máster se estructura en cinco bloques temáticos: análisis, actores, campañas, comunicación e institucional. Cada bloque contiene varias secciones específicas impartidas por profesores y expertos en el área de marketing y comunicación política. El objetivo del máster es formar a futuros profesionales de la consultoría y comunicación política.

Crisis educativa
Crisis educativaCrisis educativa
Crisis educativa

El documento resume las ideas principales de un video sobre la crisis educativa. Se entrevista a un investigador en ciencias cognitivas que propone evitar el dirigismo y ayudar a los estudiantes a hacer lo que pueden hacer. Los métodos de aprendizaje naturales son la experimentación y la reflexión, no la memorización. También es importante no separar la emoción del conocimiento para desarrollar competencias de vida. El video enfatiza que la práctica y experiencia son la base para el aprendizaje, y que los ordenadores pueden ser útiles como método de

-   BBC Testing Lab Sample
    -   iOS - iPhone
    -   Symbian S60 - N95
    -   Android 2.1 - HTC desire
    -   Blackberry OS 5 - Bold 9700
    -   Blackberry OS 6 - Bold 9700
    -   Windows Phone 7.5 - Omnia 7
    -   Symbian S60
    -   Kindle Fire - Android 2.2 Fork
    -   iPad
    -   Kindle Fire

        Grow a Device Lab
- Wanna know the secret to improving your
  running? Move your feet.
 - Paralysis by Analysis
 - Intimidation of Complexities
 - Just Start somewhere
 - Hone your skills along the way

       Move your Feet
Sample Project
Responsive Websites

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3. realizar formato valorar contexto grupo 25 la sabrosura
3. realizar formato valorar contexto grupo 25 la sabrosura3. realizar formato valorar contexto grupo 25 la sabrosura
3. realizar formato valorar contexto grupo 25 la sabrosura

El documento presenta un formato para valorar situaciones de contexto y desarrollar proyectos de aula con TIC. Propone 9 preguntas para analizar el contexto educativo, incluyendo las áreas curriculares relacionadas, el nivel, las competencias, la integración de acciones entre áreas, y los saberes a desarrollar. El objetivo es definir una situación problema y plantear un proyecto de aula basado en problemas para abordarla utilizando las TIC.

Informative dossier
Informative dossierInformative dossier
Informative dossier

The Superior Institute of Protocol and Events (isPE) is an institution specialized in advanced training in protocol, production, design and event management as well as in corporate and institutional communication in all its areas. isPE was created in October 2010 to meet the growing market demand for the highest quality training in the organization of events. isPE is a collaborative center of the Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC), pioneer and leader in formal Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in the field of Events and Protocol. UCJC is currently among the top five universities in Spain where all types of communication disciplines are offered.

magisterthe superior institute of protocol and eventsevent planning
Robotm 131
Robotm 131Robotm 131
Robotm 131

El documento presenta instrucciones para construir un robot hexápodo utilizando materiales como lápices de madera, clips, motores, papel y baterías. Explica cómo cortar y marcar los lápices para usarlos como patas y ensamblar los motores. También describe cómo hacer el chasis del robot usando papel y ensamblar todas las piezas para completar el robot hexápodo.

Responsive Websites
Responsive Websites
Responsive Websites
Responsive Websites

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Fotos Naturaleza Grrodriguez
Fotos Naturaleza GrrodriguezFotos Naturaleza Grrodriguez
Fotos Naturaleza Grrodriguez

Este documento contiene 21 fotografías tomadas por Mandango en Ecuador y Chile entre los años 2007-2010. Las fotografías muestran paisajes de varias regiones de Ecuador como Loja, Podocarpus, Catamayo, Quilotoa, Chimborazo y Galápagos, así como también de Chile y República Dominicana. La mayoría de las fotografías capturan atardeceres, paisajes naturales, volcanes y vida silvestre.

fotos naturaleza loja ecuador grrodriguez
sistemas materiales
sistemas materialessistemas materiales
sistemas materiales

El documento describe diferentes medidas para lograr el ahorro y la eficiencia energética. Explica que el ahorro implica evitar un mayor consumo mediante cambios en los hábitos, mientras que la eficiencia energética significa consumir menos energía para obtener el mismo servicio. Se detallan medidas tecnológicas como la sustitución de electrodomésticos y equipos por otros más eficientes, medidas de consumo responsable basadas en cambios de hábitos, y medidas instrumentales para promover el ahorro y la eficiencia energética.

sistemas materiales
Premios Max 2013
Premios Max 2013Premios Max 2013
Premios Max 2013

Este documento presenta una lista de candidatos a diferentes categorías de los Premios Max 2013. En él se enumeran más de 200 obras de teatro candidatas en categorías como Mejor Espectáculo de Teatro, Mejor Espectáculo de Teatro Musical e Infantil. El documento ofrece una amplia lista de los espectáculos nominados a estos prestigiosos premios del teatro español.

let's dance!
Responsive Websites
- Mostly Fluid
- Column Drop
- Layout Shifter
- Tiny Tweaks
- Off Canvas

                   Luke Wroblewski &
                     Jason Weaver

  Responsive Patterns
- Mondrain
- Basic Gallery
- Featured Items
- Column Flip
- Feature Shuffle

                    Joshua Johnson

  Responsive Patterns
- Write LESS: Do more!
- CSS Pre-compiler
- Variables
- Functions (aka Mixins)
- Operations

        LESS can Help

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ILEA Admissions Process
ILEA Admissions ProcessILEA Admissions Process
ILEA Admissions Process

The document introduces a new admissions process called the Innovation, Leadership, and Ethics Assessment (ILEA) used by the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business. The ILEA consists of a psychometric test, achievement tests in numerical and verbal areas, a case exercise, and a competency-based interview administered using an assessment center approach. It aims to ensure admitted students have the necessary attitudes, behaviors, and qualifications to succeed in the school's master's programs.

Primeros pasos con Mailchimp
Primeros pasos con MailchimpPrimeros pasos con Mailchimp
Primeros pasos con Mailchimp

Este documento presenta una introducción a Mailchimp, explicando que permite gestionar boletines, campañas de email marketing y listas de suscriptores segmentadas. Describe los pasos para crear una campaña en Mailchimp, incluyendo seleccionar un template, dirigirla a las listas apropiadas, editar el contenido y enlaces, e invitar a la viralidad antes de enviarla. También cubre cómo aumentar los suscriptores mediante la creación de formularios y el compartir enlaces de campañas en redes sociales.

mail marketingcomunicación empresarialmailing
Code: Flexible Layout
    _________ = Result

____ = 1.5em    900
               ____ = 93.75%
 16             960

 Fluid Design Formula
Responsive Websites
Media Queries

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Alteración del funcionamiento familiar en el trastorno bipolar
Alteración del funcionamiento familiar en el trastorno bipolarAlteración del funcionamiento familiar en el trastorno bipolar
Alteración del funcionamiento familiar en el trastorno bipolar

Este documento describe una investigación sobre las alteraciones en el funcionamiento familiar en familias con un miembro que tiene trastorno bipolar. Los resultados mostraron una alta tasa de ruptura en las relaciones conyugales, especialmente cuando el hijo tenía trastorno bipolar. También se observaron deficiencias en las relaciones entre hermanos sanos y el hermano enfermo, y entre hijos y el padre o madre enfermo. La interacción familiar era pobre durante los episodios agudos e intercríticos. Finalmente, el documento propone contribuc

Asamblea en la carpinteria EMJM
Asamblea en la carpinteria EMJMAsamblea en la carpinteria EMJM
Asamblea en la carpinteria EMJM

Las herramientas de una carpintería tuvieron una asamblea para discutir sus diferencias. El martillo presidió pero fue expulsado por hacer mucho ruido al golpear. El tornillo también fue cuestionado por necesitar muchas vueltas, y la lija por ser muy áspera. Sin embargo, cuando el carpintero los usó a todos para hacer un juego de ajedrez, demostró que cada uno es útil si se enfoca en sus puntos fuertes en lugar de los débiles. Las herramientas aprendieron a ver sus cualidades y trabajar como un

gruporedmisión joven
"El origen de la crítica de arte y los salones"
 "El origen de la crítica de arte y los salones"  "El origen de la crítica de arte y los salones"
"El origen de la crítica de arte y los salones"

De la Villa, Rocío "El origen de la crítica de arte y los salones" En: Guasch Ferrer, Anna María (coord.) La crítica de arte. Historia, teoría y praxis. Barcelona: Ed. del Serbal, 2003. Pp.23‐62.

artecrítica y salones
Mobile Site styles
+   @media queries added
=   Full Desktop Site

Mobile First Approach
1600x1200 1680x1050
   1280x1024 1440x900
    1280x800 1366x788
1024x768 800x600 480x320
     320x480 240x320

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
  media="print, handheld" href="foo.css">

           Recognized media types
      all braille embossed handheld
print projection screen speech tty tv

  Media Types - CSS2
<link media="screen and (device-width: 600px)"
rel="stylesheet" url=”600.css” />

@import url(“600.css”) screen and (device-width:

@media screen and (device-width : 600px) { … }

Media Queries - CSS3

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4Sist. segundo mensajero adenilato ciclasa-ampc
4Sist. segundo mensajero adenilato ciclasa-ampc4Sist. segundo mensajero adenilato ciclasa-ampc
4Sist. segundo mensajero adenilato ciclasa-ampc

La hormona se une a un receptor en la membrana de la célula blanco, lo que estimula la actividad de la adenilato ciclasa y la conversión de ATP en cAMP. El cAMP activa la proteína cinasa, la cual fosforila otras proteínas y enzimas para producir los efectos hormonales en la célula blanco a través de la activación o desactivación de enzimas específicas.

Pinkoi Mobile Web
Pinkoi Mobile WebPinkoi Mobile Web
Pinkoi Mobile Web

This document discusses best practices for mobile web development. It begins by noting limitations of mobile devices like less CPU/memory and smaller screens. It then provides tips for configuring the viewport, using media queries to separate styles, and detecting device properties in JavaScript. The document also covers HTML5 features like geolocation, media capture, and input types. It gives recommendations for images, gestures, and performance optimizations like minimizing redirects, requests, files sizes and using Gzip compression.

pinkoicoscupmobile web
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktopThe specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop

This document discusses methodologies and techniques for optimizing websites for mobile devices, including using responsive design with CSS media queries. It presents three main approaches: building a separate mobile site, making no changes, or optimizing the main site for mobile. The bulk of the document then focuses on how to use CSS media queries to optimize websites, covering features like width, height, and orientation. It also discusses related techniques like viewport meta tags and approaches being considered for future standards.

[min-|max-]width or height

[min-|max-]device-width or device-height



 orientation resolution monochrome
 color       color-index    scan      grid

   Media Features
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, initial-
scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" />

         Recognized viewport values
width height initial-scale minimum-scale
     maximum-scale      user-scalable

       Meta Viewport
Combine it all together...

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,

<link media="all" href=”base.css” rel="stylesheet" />

<link media="only screen and (min-device-width:
320px)" href=”320.css” rel="stylesheet" />

<script> or </div><div id=import only 1 file

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href=”base.css”/>
  /* inside base.css ---------- */

  // base styles first... then breakpoints inline

  @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px){ … }

  @media only screen and (min-device-width : 480px){ … }

  @media only screen and (min-device-width :768px){ … }

  @media only screen and (min-device-width : 1020px){ … }

Recommended for you

Multi screen HTML5
Multi screen HTML5Multi screen HTML5
Multi screen HTML5

Learn how to design responsive HTML5 websites and applications, and learn how to choose the right tool for the job.

multi-screenhtml5twitter bootstrap
Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12

The document discusses responsive UX, which is designing websites and applications that adapt to different screen sizes and devices using fluid grids, media queries, and responsive images; it provides examples of how to implement responsive design principles through fluid grids, image scaling, and media queries to build sites that automatically adjust for smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

responsive designfluiduxmedia queries
Responsive websites. Toolbox
Responsive websites. ToolboxResponsive websites. Toolbox
Responsive websites. Toolbox

A talk given at Appspirina workshop on March 29th, 2012 organized by Event page:

webdevuxresponsive web design
- Start with Base css... then cascade upwards
- “Enhance” the site only for those browsers
  that “Respond” to media query viewports
  and have “Features” you can detect
- Add Polyfill Solution for IE8 and below
 -   IE8,7,6,5,4, IE Mobile, Blackberry old, Net Front, UCWeb, Obigo

Progressive Enhancement
Code: Media Queries
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-
ratio : 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio :
1.5) {}

/* sniff iPhone 4 and high pixel ratio devices */

Vendor Specific Queries
Code: Responsive Images

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Responsive design
Responsive designResponsive design
Responsive design

This document discusses responsive web design techniques including: - Using viewports and media queries to adapt layouts for different screen sizes. - Sizing images fluidly using max-width: 100% so they are responsive. - Design patterns for responsive tables, hiding/showing content, and converting menus to dropdowns. - Tools like Modernizr, Respond.js, and frameworks like LESS to support responsive design goals. - Tips like using relative units (ems/percentages) over fixed pixels and transitions for visual changes.

Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3

This document provides an overview of how to create responsive website designs using Bootstrap 3. It discusses how Bootstrap is a popular framework for responsive, mobile-first projects. It then covers the basics of getting started with Bootstrap, including downloading Bootstrap, including the necessary files, and using Bootstrap's grid system and other components to create responsive designs.

website designmobilemobile apps
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake OilCSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil

CSS Media Queries have received a justifiable amount of hype lately. However, do they really represent a new way to take your web content mobile or do they promise more than they deliver? In this session senior author James Williamson breaks down media queries, how to use them, and where they belong in your mobile development medicine chest.

media queriesweb developmentcss3
<img id="demo" src="
400x300" alt="Responsive Image" data-

ntById('demo'), 400);</script>

 JavaScript Image Swapping

      Adaptive Server Side
<picture alt="description">

 <source src="small.jpg">

 <source src="medium.jpg" media="(min-width:

 <source src="large.jpg" media="(min-width:


                Picture Tag

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Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011
Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011
Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011

This document discusses making websites responsive for different devices. It covers using CSS media queries to apply different styling based on screen width, height, and other device features. It also covers using viewport meta tags to control zooming and scaling on mobile browsers. The goal is to build sites that can adapt their layouts across various devices like phones, tablets, and desktops.

Adaptive Layouts - standards>next London 28.05.2011
Adaptive Layouts - standards>next London 28.05.2011Adaptive Layouts - standards>next London 28.05.2011
Adaptive Layouts - standards>next London 28.05.2011

This document discusses making websites responsive and cross-device friendly. It covers: 1. The need to support mobile devices like phones and tablets. 2. CSS media types and queries that allow targeting different device capabilities like width. 3. The viewport meta tag which helps mobile browsers render web pages properly. 4. Challenges like devices reporting incorrect widths that require viewport fixes.

htmlresponsive designweb design
Responsive Web in Brief
Responsive Web in BriefResponsive Web in Brief
Responsive Web in Brief

Author: Oleg Gomozov, Senior Software Engineer Agenda: - Chose yours: flexible, fluid, adaptive, responsive - Some data about units - Media Queries Magic - JavaScript practices - Browser, please, help me - Mobile first, how and why - Tricks, tools and hacks

javascriptweb designhtml
#test {
    background-image: url(assets/no-image-set.png);
    background-image: -webkit-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x,
        url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x);
    background-image: -moz-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x,
        url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x);
    background-image: -o-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x,
        url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x);
    background-image: -ms-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x,
        url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x);

              Image-Set Support
<div id="test">
<style type="text/css">
#test div {background-image:url('test.png');width:
@media all and (max-width: 500px) {
  #test {display:none;}

    Background Images
Beyond the Basics
- @embeded vs. <external
- cascade vs. min-max:isolated
- default mobile vs. desktop
- </div><div class=

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Building Responsive Websites with Drupal
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Building Responsive Websites with Drupal

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This webinar will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to a Drupal website and will include the following topics: * Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme * Challenges when designing a responsive layout * Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt * CSS techniques for responsive design * Responsive Drupal base themes

drupalresponsive designweb design
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This session will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to your Drupal website and how to make design choices that work within a responsive framework. Topics will include: Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme Challenges when designing a responsive layout Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt CSS techniques for responsive design Responsive Drupal base themes

Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design
Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web DesignMobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design
Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design

Real world aspects of implementing flexible, mobile and future-friendly sites through responsive design.

user experienceioshtml5
- Augment Media Queries with Feature
- Media Query
 - Main Layout and Graphics
- Feature Detection
 - Improve Design and Functionality

    Feature Detection
- Screen Size != Browser/Device Capability
- May not be using Native Device Browser
- Connection & Hardware Speeds vary
- Don’t rely on emulators

More than Screen Size
- Progressive Laoding
- Concatenation

         File Loading
- Less Framework 4
- Skeleton Framework
- Foundation 3
- Starbucks Style Guide
- 320 and Up
- Mobile Boilerplate

Responsive Frameworks

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Adapt and respond - mobile-friendly layouts beyond the desktop - standards>ne...
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Adapt and respond - mobile-friendly layouts beyond the desktop - standards>ne...

1. The document discusses approaches for making websites adaptive and responsive across different mobile devices and screen sizes. 2. It describes using CSS media queries and viewport meta tags to selectively style content for different device widths and resolutions. 3. Fully responsive design is recommended, using a fluid grid, fluid images, and media queries to automatically adjust the layout without separate mobile versions.

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Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...
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Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...

Websites are viewed on all kinds of devices, in all kinds of browsers. In this presentation, I explain how you can adapt your site to these different environments, using modern browser hooks and techniques. I cover the various aspects (and some gotchas) of the viewport mechanism and media queries, and shed a light on how new CSS3 properties allow you to optimize images and videos for multiple screens.

responsive designmedia queriesmobile
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS features
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS featuresIntro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS features
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS features

From meta viewport to @viewport and from device-pixel-ratio to the resolution media query: various responsive design hooks are undergoing standardization, allowing for future-proof sites that work well in different contexts. In addition, new CSS features like object-fit, relative length units and so on are increasingly supported by browsers as well, and allow for more versatile responsive design solutions. In my talk, I will look at these features and explain how they can be used in websites today.

sotb4responsive designmobile
-   Top Navigation
-   Footer Anchor
-   Select Menu
-   Toggle
-   Off Canvas Nav
-   Footer Only
-   Hide

    Navigation Patterns
video {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

.video-container iframe,   .video-container object, .video-container embed {
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     left: 0;
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;

<div class="video-container"><iframe src=""></iframe></div>
.video-container {
     position: relative;
     padding-bottom: 56.25%;
     padding-top: 30px;
     height: 0;
     overflow: hidden;

          Responsive Videos
<div class="foo" data-set="foobar"></div>
<div class="bar" data-set="foobar"></div>

.bar {display: block;}
.foo {display: none; }

@media (min-width: 30em){
  .foo {display: block;}
  .bar {display: none;}

$( ".sample" ).appendAround();

               Responsive Ads
<style type="text/css">

   @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
     table[class=contenttable] {
       width:320px !important;

<table width="640" border="0" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0" class="contenttable">

            Responsive Emails

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Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web Design
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Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows a website to adapt to different screen sizes using fluid grids, scalable images, and media queries. It involves developing sites using relative units like percentages instead of pixels so elements resize proportionately. Media queries allow different CSS stylesheets to be loaded depending on screen width, orientiation, resolution and other factors. This allows a single website to be accessed seamlessly on any device from phones to desktops to tablets without needing separate mobile sites.

advancioinc academyresponsive web design
SEO Implications
Testing and Tools
- Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator
-   Opera Mini & UC Browser In the
    iTunes App Store

-   Nokia http://

-   UC Browser

-   BlackBerry https://

-   Android http://

- Shaodw
 - Mac or Windows + Chrome + iOS/Android
- weinre
 - sudo npm -g install weinre
 - weinre --boundHost localhost --verbose

Adobe Shadow / Weinre

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

air force fighter planebiggest submarinezambia port
Performance Tests
- Chrome - Web developer toolbar
- Safari - User Agent switching
- Aptus on Mac
- Hardware IO Tools for Xcode or the Slowy app

          Testing Tools
Thank You

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Future Friendly                                                                                            
W3C Specs                                                                                  Stats                                                                             personal-computer-market-share/4/
Sample Sites                                                                                                                                       key=0Al0lI17fOl9DdDgxTFVoRzFpV3VCdHk2NTBmdVI2OXc#gid=0                       smartphones-pass-pc-sales-for-the-first-time-in-history/                                                                                                                                         FNL3-72dpi.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Style Tiles                                                                                                 Tools                                                                                         
Just get Started - Move Your Feet                                                             components-10084972                                                
Dao of Web Design & Revisited                                                                              evolution-of-responsive-web-design/?                                                     utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A
dao-of-web-design-revisited/                                                  +MobileInHigherEd+%28Mobile+in+Higher+Ed%29                                  LESS
Arguments Against Responsive Design                                                                                                                                                                    Navigation Patterns                                                
iOS Human Interface Guidelines                                                responsive-design/                                                    techniques-tools-and-design-strategies/
Conceptual/MobileHIG/MobileHIG.pdf                                            solution/                                                          
Device testing lab at BBC                                                     Layout Patterns                                                                                              designing-responsively-part-1
Media Queries                                                          Mobile Compatibility Tables   patterns/                                                          
queries/                                                                                                                                                                                   Responsive Emails     Performance                                                                                                                        
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Responsive Websites

  • 1. Responsive Websites Joe Seifi, Sept 2012
  • 3. - - - - - More at Demos
  • 8. Why? What? How? Sample Project
  • 9. Why? What? How? Sample Project Best Practices
  • 10. Why? What? How? Sample Project Best Practices Testing and Tools
  • 11. Why?
  • 12. - 7.0 Billion people in the world - 3.5 Billion own a mobile devices (1/2) - 1.3 Billion mobile internet users - 21% had 3G in 2010 Population: 7+ Billion
  • 13. - 71% expect websites to load quickly on their phone - 74% leave a website after waiting 5 seconds - 77% of top websites take at least 5 seconds to load - 43% unlikely to return to a slow website - 72.8% of stats are made up on the spot - 95% of people have already heard that one More Stats
  • 16. 2 years early - in 2010 Here and Now
  • 17. - Websites are not like print. Why do we design them that way? Traditional Print
  • 18. Lots of Web Devices
  • 19. - Performance - Resolutions and Screen Sizes - Browser Features - Network Connection Speeds Differences in Mobile
  • 20. What?
  • 21. @media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 700px) {     body{ background-color:red;} } @media (max-width:500px){     body{background-color:blue;}    } Quick Code
  • 22. How?
  • 24. Desktop iPhone 1. Do Nothing
  • 25. yelp apps Desktop iPhone Web Native Apps 2. Separate Website
  • 26. Desktop iPhone iPad 3. Responsive Website
  • 27. Responsive Design’s main components 1. Flexible Layout 2. Media Queries 3. Flexible Images Building Blocks
  • 28. - Simplify - Only provide the features your users want Content First
  • 29. - Design for Mobile First - Optimize for Speed and Performance - Add Functionality for Larger Resolutions - Load Time Affects Customer Retention Luke Wroblewski 2011 “Mobile First”
  • 30. - Micro-Tasks - Downplay Navigation & Options - Align with user Context and Behavior - Don’t Assume user’s location, speed, mindset, and expectation Mobilize your Website
  • 31. - Pixel Perfect Wireframes & Mockups don’t make sense anymore - Style Tiles - Page Description Diagrams - Work with “Content” Pages first - Prioritize Design Elements Mobilize your Process
  • 32. - Principles of being future friendly - Acknowledge and embrace unpredictability. - Think and behave in a future-friendly way. - Help others do the same. Be “Future-Friendly”
  • 33. - BBC Testing Lab Sample - iOS - iPhone - Symbian S60 - N95 - Android 2.1 - HTC desire - Blackberry OS 5 - Bold 9700 - Blackberry OS 6 - Bold 9700 - Windows Phone 7.5 - Omnia 7 - Symbian S60 - Kindle Fire - Android 2.2 Fork - iPad - Kindle Fire Grow a Device Lab
  • 34. - Wanna know the secret to improving your running? Move your feet. - Paralysis by Analysis - Intimidation of Complexities - Just Start somewhere - Hone your skills along the way Move your Feet
  • 42. - Mostly Fluid - Column Drop - Layout Shifter - Tiny Tweaks - Off Canvas Luke Wroblewski & Jason Weaver Responsive Patterns
  • 43. - Mondrain - Basic Gallery - Featured Items - Column Flip - Feature Shuffle Joshua Johnson Responsive Patterns
  • 44. - Write LESS: Do more! - CSS Pre-compiler - Variables - Functions (aka Mixins) - Operations LESS can Help
  • 46. Target _________ = Result Context 24 ____ = 1.5em 900 ____ = 93.75% 16 960 Fluid Design Formula
  • 49. Mobile Site styles + @media queries added ______________________ = Full Desktop Site Mobile First Approach
  • 50. 1600x1200 1680x1050 1280x1024 1440x900 1280x800 1366x788 1024x768 800x600 480x320 320x480 240x320 Breakpoints
  • 51. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print, handheld" href="foo.css"> Recognized media types all braille embossed handheld print projection screen speech tty tv Media Types - CSS2
  • 52. <link media="screen and (device-width: 600px)" rel="stylesheet" url=”600.css” /> @import url(“600.css”) screen and (device-width: 600px); @media screen and (device-width : 600px) { … } Media Queries - CSS3
  • 53. [min-|max-]width or height [min-|max-]device-width or device-height [min-|max-]aspect-ratio [min-|max-]device-aspect-ratio orientation resolution monochrome color color-index scan grid Media Features
  • 54. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial- scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" /> Recognized viewport values width height initial-scale minimum-scale maximum-scale user-scalable Meta Viewport
  • 55. Combine it all together... <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width"> <link media="all" href=”base.css” rel="stylesheet" /> <link media="only screen and (min-device-width: 320px)" href=”320.css” rel="stylesheet" /> <script> or <!--[if lt IE 9]> ... add shim for IE 8 or below
  • 56. import only 1 file <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width"> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href=”base.css”/> /* inside base.css ---------- */ // base styles first... then breakpoints inline @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px){ … } @media only screen and (min-device-width : 480px){ … } @media only screen and (min-device-width :768px){ … } @media only screen and (min-device-width : 1020px){ … }
  • 57. - Start with Base css... then cascade upwards - “Enhance” the site only for those browsers that “Respond” to media query viewports and have “Features” you can detect - Add Polyfill Solution for IE8 and below - IE8,7,6,5,4, IE Mobile, Blackberry old, Net Front, UCWeb, Obigo Progressive Enhancement
  • 59. @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel- ratio : 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {} /* sniff iPhone 4 and high pixel ratio devices */ Vendor Specific Queries
  • 61. <img id="demo" src=" 400x300" alt="Responsive Image" data- fullsrc=""> <script>responsiveEnhance(document.getEleme ntById('demo'), 400);</script> JavaScript Image Swapping
  • 63. RESS
  • 64. <picture alt="description"> <source src="small.jpg"> <source src="medium.jpg" media="(min-width: 400px)"> <source src="large.jpg" media="(min-width: 800px)"> </picture> Picture Tag
  • 65. #test { background-image: url(assets/no-image-set.png); background-image: -webkit-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x, url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x); background-image: -moz-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x, url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x); background-image: -o-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x, url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x); background-image: -ms-image-set(url(assets/test.png) 1x, url(assets/test-hires.png) 2x); width:200px; height:75px; } Image-Set Support
  • 66. <div id="test"> <div></div> </div> <style type="text/css"> #test div {background-image:url('test.png');width: 200px;height:75px;} @media all and (max-width: 500px) { #test {display:none;} </style> Background Images
  • 68. - @embeded vs. <external - cascade vs. min-max:isolated - default mobile vs. desktop - <!--[conditional vs. <javascript Zoe Mickley Gillenwater Loading your @media...
  • 69. - Augment Media Queries with Feature Detection - Media Query - Main Layout and Graphics - Feature Detection - Improve Design and Functionality Feature Detection
  • 70. - Screen Size != Browser/Device Capability - May not be using Native Device Browser - Connection & Hardware Speeds vary - Don’t rely on emulators More than Screen Size
  • 71. - Progressive Laoding - Concatenation File Loading
  • 72. - Less Framework 4 - Skeleton Framework - Foundation 3 - Starbucks Style Guide - 320 and Up - Mobile Boilerplate Responsive Frameworks
  • 73. - Top Navigation - Footer Anchor - Select Menu - Toggle - Off Canvas Nav - Footer Only - Hide Navigation Patterns
  • 74. video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } <div class="video-container"><iframe src=""></iframe></div> .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } Responsive Videos
  • 75. AppendAround <div class="foo" data-set="foobar"></div> <div class="bar" data-set="foobar"></div> .bar {display: block;} .foo {display: none; } @media (min-width: 30em){ .foo {display: block;} .bar {display: none;} } $( ".sample" ).appendAround(); Responsive Ads
  • 76. <style type="text/css"> @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { table[class=contenttable] { width:320px !important; } } </style> <table width="640" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="contenttable"> Responsive Emails
  • 79. - Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator - Opera Mini & UC Browser In the iTunes App Store - Nokia http:// - UC Browser - BlackBerry https:// - Android http:// Emulators
  • 80. - Shaodw - Mac or Windows + Chrome + iOS/Android - weinre - sudo npm -g install weinre - weinre --boundHost localhost --verbose Adobe Shadow / Weinre
  • 82. - Chrome - Web developer toolbar - Safari - User Agent switching - - - Aptus on Mac - Hardware IO Tools for Xcode or the Slowy app Testing Tools
  • 83. Books
  • 86. Joe Seifi Responsive Images Responsive Frameworks Original Article - Ethan Mobile First - Luke designs/ worked-and-what-we-need/ Future Friendly support-retina-images/ W3C Specs Stats personal-computer-market-share/4/ Sample Sites key=0Al0lI17fOl9DdDgxTFVoRzFpV3VCdHk2NTBmdVI2OXc#gid=0 smartphones-pass-pc-sales-for-the-first-time-in-history/ FNL3-72dpi.jpg RESS Style Tiles Tools Just get Started - Move Your Feet components-10084972 feet.html serverside-components Dao of Web Design & Revisited evolution-of-responsive-web-design/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A dao-of-web-design-revisited/ +MobileInHigherEd+%28Mobile+in+Higher+Ed%29 LESS Arguments Against Responsive Design Navigation Patterns one/ Tutorials iOS Human Interface Guidelines responsive-design/ techniques-tools-and-design-strategies/ Conceptual/MobileHIG/MobileHIG.pdf solution/ designing-responsively-part-1 Device testing lab at BBC Layout Patterns designing-responsively-part-1 Media Queries Mobile Compatibility Tables patterns/ queries/ Responsive Emails Performance a_fix_for_the_ios_orientationchange_zoom_bug/ MobileDataCapacityCrunch.pdf Responsive Ads performance-myths/