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Transitioning from SQL to 
Buzz Moschetti 
Enterprise Architect, MongoDB
Before We Begin 
• This webinar is being recorded 
• Use The Chat Window for 
• Technical assistance 
• Q&A 
• MongoDB Team will answer quick 
questions in realtime 
• “Common” questions will be reviewed at 
the end of the webinar
Who is your Presenter? 
• Yes, I use “Buzz” on my business cards 
• Former Investment Bank Chief Architect at 
JPMorganChase and Bear Stearns before that 
• Over 27 years of designing and building systems 
• Big and small 
• Super-specialized to broadly useful in any vertical 
• “Traditional” to completely disruptive 
• Advocate of language leverage and strong factoring 
• Still programming – using emacs, of course
What Are Your Developers Doing All 
Adding and testing business features 
“Integrating with other components, tools, and 
• Database(s) 
• ETL and other data transfer operations 
• Messaging 
• Services (web & other) 
• Other open source frameworks incl. 

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MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This I...
MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This I...MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This I...
MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This I...

How do you determine whether your MongoDB Atlas cluster is over provisioned, whether the new feature in your next application release will crush your cluster, or when to increase cluster size based upon planned usage growth?  MongoDB Atlas provides over a hundred metrics enabling visibility into the inner workings of MongoDB performance, but how do apply all this information to make capacity planning decisions? This presentation will enable you to effectively analyze your MongoDB performance to optimize your MongoDB Atlas spend and ensure smooth application operation into the future.

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Migrating to MongoDB: Best Practices
Migrating to MongoDB: Best PracticesMigrating to MongoDB: Best Practices
Migrating to MongoDB: Best Practices

Are you in the process of evaluating or migrating to MongoDB? We will cover key aspects of migrating to MongoDB from a RDBMS, including Schema design, Indexing strategies, Data migration approaches as your implementation reaches various SDLC stages, Achieving operational agility through MongoDB Management Services (MMS).

Mongo DB
Mongo DBMongo DB
Mongo DB

This document outlines the topics covered in an Edureka course on MongoDB. The course contains 8 modules that cover MongoDB fundamentals, CRUD operations, schema design, administration, scaling, indexing and aggregation, application integration, and additional concepts and case studies. Each module contains multiple topics that will be taught through online instructor-led classes, recordings, quizzes, assignments, and support.

Why Can’t We Just Save and Fetch 
Because the way we think about data at the 
business use case level… 
…is different than the way it is implemented at 
the application/code level… 
…which traditionally is VERY different than the 
way it is implemented at the database level
This Problem Isn’t New… 
…but for the past 40 years, innovation at the business & application layers 
has outpaced innovation at the database layer 
1974 2014 
Data Goals 
Capture my company’s 
transactions daily at 
5:30PM EST, add them up 
on a nightly basis, and print 
a big stack of paper 
Capture my company’s global transactions in realtime 
plus everything that is happening in the world 
(customers, competitors, business/regulatory/weather), 
producing any number of computed results, and passing 
this all in realtime to predictive analytics with model 
feedback; results in realtime to 10000s of mobile 
devices, multiple GUIs, and b2b and b2c channels 
Semi-Annually Yesterday 
COBOL, Fortran, Algol, 
PL/1, assembler, 
proprietary tools 
C, C++, VB, C#, Java, javascript, groovy, ruby, perl 
python, Obj-C, SmallTalk, Clojure, ActionScript, Flex, 
DSLs, spring, AOP, CORBA, ORM, third party software 
ecosystem, the whole open source movement, … and 
COBOL and Fortran 
Database I/VSAM, early RDBMS Mature RDBMS, legacy I/VSAM 
Column & key/value stores, and…mongoDB
Exactly How Does MongoDB Change 
• MongoDB is designed from the ground up to 
address rich structure (maps of maps of lists 
of…), not rectangles 
• Standard RDBMS interfaces (i.e. JDBC) do not exploit features 
of contemporary languages 
• Rapid Application Development (RAD) and scripting in 
Javascript, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Scala is impedance-matched 
to mongoDB 
• In MongoDB, the data is the schema 
• Shapes of data go in the same way they come 
Rectangles are 1974. Maps and Lists are 
{ customer_id : 1, 
first_name : "Mark", 
last_name : "Smith", 
city : "San Francisco", 
phones: [ { 
type : “work”, 
number: “1-800-555-1212” 
{ type : “home”, 
number: “1-800-555-1313”, 
DNC: true 
{ type : “home”, 
number: “1-800-555-1414”, 
DNC: true 

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Basics of MongoDB
Basics of MongoDB Basics of MongoDB
Basics of MongoDB

MongoDB is the most famous and loved NoSQL database. It has many features that are easy to handle when compared to conventional RDBMS. These slides contain the basics of MongoDB.

mongodb basicsmongodbbasics of mongodb
Agility and Scalability with MongoDB
Agility and Scalability with MongoDBAgility and Scalability with MongoDB
Agility and Scalability with MongoDB

MongoDB has taken a clear lead in adoption among the new generation of databases, including the enormous variety of NoSQL offerings. A key reason for this lead has been a unique combination of agility and scalability. Agility provides business units with a quick start and flexibility to maintain development velocity, despite changing data and requirements. Scalability maintains that flexibility while providing fast, interactive performance as data volume and usage increase. We'll address the key organizational, operational, and engineering considerations to ensure that agility and scalability stay aligned at increasing scale, from small development instances to web-scale applications. We will also survey some key examples of highly-scaled customer applications of MongoDB.

Advanced Schema Design Patterns
Advanced Schema Design PatternsAdvanced Schema Design Patterns
Advanced Schema Design Patterns

This document summarizes a MongoDB webinar on advanced schema design patterns. It introduces common schema design patterns like attribute, subset, computed, and approximation patterns. It discusses how to use these patterns to address issues like large documents with many fields, working sets that don't fit in RAM, high CPU usage from repeated calculations, and changing schemas over time. The webinar provides examples of each pattern and encourages learning a common vocabulary for designing MongoDB schemas by applying these reusable patterns.

An Actual Code Example (Finally!) 
Let’s compare and contrast RDBMS/SQL to MongoDB 
development using Java over the course of a few weeks. 
Some ground rules: 
1. Observe rules of Software Engineering 101: Assume separation of application, 
Data Access Layer, and persistor implementation 
2. Data Access Layer must be able to 
a. Expose simple, functional, data-only interfaces to the application 
• No ORM, frameworks, compile-time bindings, special tools 
b. Exploit high performance features of persistor 
3. Focus on core data handling code and avoid distractions that require the same 
amount of work in both technologies 
a. No exception or error handling 
b. Leave out DB connection and other setup resources 
4. Day counts are a proxy for progress, not actual time to complete indicated task
The Task: Saving and Fetching Contact 
Map m = new HashMap(); 
m.put(“name”, “buzz”); 
m.put(“id”, “K1”); 
Start with this simple, 
flat shape in the Data 
Access Layer: 
save(Map m) 
And assume we 
save it in this way: 
Map m = fetch(String id) 
And assume we 
fetch one by primary 
key in this way: 
Brace yourself…..
Day 1: Initial efforts for both technologies 
DDL: create table contact ( … ) 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name ) values ( ?,? )”); 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select id, name from contact where id = ?”); 
save(Map m) 
contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
fetchStmt.setString(1, id); 
rs = fetchStmt.execute(); 
if( { 
m = new HashMap(); 
m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); 
m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); 
return m; 
DDL: none 
save(Map m) 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); 
dbo.put(“id”, id); 
c = collection.find(dbo); 
if(c.hasNext()) } 
m = (Map); 
return m; 
Day 2: Add simple fields 
m.put(“name”, “buzz”); 
m.put(“id”, “K1”); 
m.put(“title”, “Mr.”); 
m.put(“hireDate”, new Date(2011, 11, 1)); 
• Capturing title and hireDate is part of adding a new 
business feature 
• It was pretty easy to add two fields to the structure 
• …but now we have to change our persistence code 
Brace yourself (again) …..

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MongodB Internals
MongodB InternalsMongodB Internals
MongodB Internals

Slidedeck presented at around MongoDB internals. We review the usage patterns of MongoDB, the different storage engines and persistency models as well has the definition of documents and general data structures.

Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS ApplicationsHybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications

The document discusses implementing a hybrid database solution using both MongoDB and MySQL. It describes storing less frequently changing and reference data like users and products in MongoDB for flexibility, while storing transactional data like orders and inventory counts in MySQL for ACID compliance. The system keeps the data in sync between the two databases using listeners that update MySQL whenever related data is created or changed in MongoDB.

MongoDB for Coder Training (Coding Serbia 2013)
MongoDB for Coder Training (Coding Serbia 2013)MongoDB for Coder Training (Coding Serbia 2013)
MongoDB for Coder Training (Coding Serbia 2013)

Slides of my MongoDB Training given at Coding Serbia Conference on 18.10.2013 Agenda: 1. Introduction to NoSQL & MongoDB 2. Data manipulation: Learn how to CRUD with MongoDB 3. Indexing: Speed up your queries with MongoDB 4. MapReduce: Data aggregation with MongoDB 5. Aggregation Framework: Data aggregation done the MongoDB way 6. Replication: High Availability with MongoDB 7. Sharding: Scaling with MongoDB

SQL Day 2 (changes in bold) 
DDL: alter table contact add title varchar(8); 
alter table contact add hireDate date; 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) values 
( ?,?,?,? )”); 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select id, name, title, hiredate from contact where id = 
save(Map m) 
contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
fetchStmt.setString(1, id); 
rs = fetchStmt.execute(); 
if( { 
m = new HashMap(); 
m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); 
m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); 
m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); 
m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); 
return m; 
1. Code release schedule linked 
to database upgrade (new 
code cannot run on old 
2. Issues with case sensitivity 
starting to creep in (many 
RDBMS are case insensitive 
for column names, but code is 
case sensitive) 
3. Changes require careful mods 
in 4 places 
4. Beginning of technical debt
MongoDB Day 2 
save(Map m) 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); 
dbo.put(“id”, id); 
c = collection.find(dbo); 
if(c.hasNext()) } 
m = (Map); 
return m; 
1. Zero time and money spent on 
overhead code 
2. Code and database not physically 
3. New material with more fields can 
be added into existing collections; 
backfill is optional 
4. Names of fields in database 
precisely match key names in 
code layer and directly match on 
name, not indirectly via positional 
5. No technical debt is created 
✔ NO 
Day 3: Add list of phone numbers 
m.put(“name”, “buzz”); 
m.put(“id”, “K1”); 
m.put(“title”, “Mr.”); 
m.put(“hireDate”, new Date(2011, 11, 
n1.put(“type”, “work”); 
n1.put(“number”, “1-800-555-1212”)); 
n2.put(“type”, “home”)); 
n2.put(“number”, “1-866-444-3131”)); 
m.put(“phones”, list); 
• It was still pretty easy to add this data to the structure 
• .. but meanwhile, in the persistence code … 
REALLY brace yourself…
SQL Day 3 changes: Option 1: Assume 
just 1 work and 1 home phone number 
DDL: alter table contact add work_phone varchar(16); 
alter table contact add home_phone varchar(16); 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate, 
work_phone, home_phone ) values ( ?,?,?,?,?,? )”); 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select id, name, title, hiredate, work_phone, 
home_phone from contact where id = ?”); 
save(Map m) 
contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); 
for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { 
String t = onePhone.get(“type”); 
String n = onePhone.get(“number”); 
if(t.equals(“work”)) { 
contactInsertStmt.setString(5, n); 
} else if(t.equals(“home”)) { 
contactInsertStmt.setString(6, n); 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
fetchStmt.setString(1, id); 
rs = fetchStmt.execute(); 
if( { 
m = new HashMap(); 
m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); 
m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); 
m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); 
m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); 
Map onePhone; 
onePhone = new HashMap(); 
onePhone.put(“type”, “work”); 
onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(5)); 
onePhone = new HashMap(); 
onePhone.put(“type”, “home”); 
onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); 
m.put(“phones”, list); 
This is just plain bad….

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Mongo db operations_v2
Mongo db operations_v2Mongo db operations_v2
Mongo db operations_v2

This document outlines an agenda for a MongoDB administration and operations training. It covers topics such as installing MongoDB, architecture, common methods, indexes, backup and recovery, replication, and security management. Interactive labs are included to demonstrate starting the MongoDB service, creating collections and inserting documents. Comparisons to relational databases are provided.

Webinar: Schema Patterns and Your Storage Engine
Webinar: Schema Patterns and Your Storage EngineWebinar: Schema Patterns and Your Storage Engine
Webinar: Schema Patterns and Your Storage Engine

How do MongoDB’s different storage options change the way you model your data? Each storage engine, WiredTiger, the In-Memory Storage engine, MMAP V1 and other community supported drivers, persists data differently, writes data to disk in different formats and handles memory resources in different ways. This webinar will go through how to design applications around different storage engines based on your use case and data access patterns. We will be looking into concrete examples of schema design practices that were previously applied on MMAPv1 and whether those practices still apply, to other storage engines like WiredTiger. Topics for review: Schema design patterns and strategies, real-world examples, sizing and resource allocation of infrastructure.

storage enginesmongodbschema design
Introduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDBIntroduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDB

This document contains information about Justin Smestad and MongoDB. It includes Justin's contact information and background working as a software engineer with skills in Ruby, JavaScript, Clojure, and passion for DevOps. It also provides an overview of MongoDB, describing it as a scalable, high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. Key features of MongoDB like indexing, master-slave replication, and horizontal scaling with replica sets and sharding are summarized.

SQL Day 3 changes: Option 2: 
Proper approach with multiple phone 
numbers DDL: create table phones ( … ) 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) 
values ( ?,?,?,? )”); 
c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into 
phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select id, name, title, hiredate, type, number from 
contact, phones where = and = ?”); 
save(Map m) 
contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); 
for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { 
c2stmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
c2stmt.setString(2, onePhone.get(“type”)); 
c2stmt.setString(3, onePhone.get(“number”)); 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
fetchStmt.setString(1, id); 
rs = fetchStmt.execute(); 
int i = 0; 
List list = new ArrayList(); 
while ( { 
if(i == 0) { 
m = new HashMap(); 
m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); 
m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); 
m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); 
m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); 
m.put(“phones”, list); 
Map onePhone = new HashMap(); 
onePhone.put(“type”, rs.getString(5)); 
onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); 
return m; 
This took time and money
SQL Day 5: Zombies! (zero or more between entities) 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) 
values ( ?,?,?,? )”); 
c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into 
phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select,, A.title, A.hiredate, B.type, 
B.number from contact A left outer join phones B on 
( = B. id) where = ?”); 
Whoops! And it’s also wrong! 
We did not design the query accounting 
for contacts that have no phone number. 
Thus, we have to change the join to an 
outer join. 
But this ALSO means we have to change 
the unwind logic 
This took more time and 
while ( { 
if(i == 0) { 
// … 
String s = rs.getString(5); 
if(s != null) { 
Map onePhone = new HashMap(); 
onePhone.put(“type”, s); 
onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); 
…but at least we have a DAL… 
MongoDB Day 3 
1. Zero time and money spent on 
overhead code 
2. No need to fear fields that are 
“naturally occurring” lists 
containing data specific to the 
parent structure and thus do not 
benefit from normalization and 
referential integrity 
3. Safe from zombies and other 
undead distractions from productivity 
save(Map m) 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); 
dbo.put(“id”, id); 
c = collection.find(dbo); 
if(c.hasNext()) } 
m = (Map); 
return m; 
✔ NO 
By Day 14, our structure looks like this: 
n4.put(“geo”, “US-EAST”); 
n4.put(“startupApps”, new String[] { “app1”, “app2”, “app3” } ); 
n4.put(“geo”, “EMEA”); 
n4.put(“startupApps”, new String[] { “app6” } ); 
n4.put(“useLocalNumberFormats”, false): 
m.put(“preferences”, list2) 
n6.put(“optOut”, true); 
n6.put(“assertDate”, someDate); 
m.put(“attestations”, seclist) 
m.put(“security”, mapOfDataCreatedByExternalSource); 
• It was still pretty easy to add this data to the structure 
• Want to guess what the SQL persistence code looks like? 
• How about the MongoDB persistence code?

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Introduction To MongoDB
Introduction To MongoDBIntroduction To MongoDB
Introduction To MongoDB

This document provides an introduction and overview of MongoDB. It begins with defining what a database and NoSQL database are. MongoDB is introduced as a popular open-source document-oriented NoSQL database that stores data in BSON documents. The document outlines some key advantages of MongoDB like its flexibility and support for many programming languages. It then covers how to set up a local MongoDB server, perform basic CRUD operations, and query documents. Finally, it introduces MongoDB Atlas as a cloud database service that handles deploying and managing MongoDB in the cloud.

MongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL
MongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQLMongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL
MongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL

Data administrators face the challenge of integrating disparate data technologies into a cohesive and performant data platform. This is especially true when using diverse query languages and protocols. This session will focus on how to integrate SQL-aware applications into a MongoDB data platform.

mongodb .local london 2019
Mongo db intro.pptx
Mongo db intro.pptxMongo db intro.pptx
Mongo db intro.pptx

This document provides an overview and introduction to MongoDB. It discusses how new types of applications, data, volumes, development methods and architectures necessitated new database technologies like NoSQL. It then defines MongoDB and describes its features, including using documents to store data, dynamic schemas, querying capabilities, indexing, auto-sharding for scalability, replication for availability, and using memory for performance. Use cases are presented for companies like Foursquare and Craigslist that have migrated large volumes of data and traffic to MongoDB to gain benefits like flexibility, scalability, availability and ease of use over traditional relational database systems.

SQL Day 14 
Error: Could not fit all the code into this space. 
…actually, I didn’t want to spend 2 hours putting the code together.. 
But very likely, among other things: 
• n4.put(“startupApps”,new String[]{“app1”,“app2”,“app3”}); 
was implemented as a single semi-colon delimited string 
• m.put(“security”, anotherMapOfData); 
was implemented by flattening it out and storing a subset of fields
MongoDB Day 14 – and every other day 
1. Zero time and money spent on 
overhead code 
2. Persistence is so easy and flexible 
and backward compatible that the 
persistor does not upward-influence 
the shapes we want to 
persist i.e. the tail does not wag 
the dog 
save(Map m) 
Map fetch(String id) 
Map m = null; 
DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); 
dbo.put(“id”, id); 
c = collection.find(dbo); 
if(c.hasNext()) } 
m = (Map); 
return m; 
✔ NO 
But what if we must do a join? 
Both RDBMS and MongoDB will have a PhoneTransactions 
{ customer_id : 1, 
first_name : "Mark", 
last_name : "Smith", 
city : "San Francisco", 
phones: [ { 
type : “work”, 
number: “1-800-555-1212” 
{ type : “home”, 
number: “1-800-555-1313”, 
DNC: true 
{ type : “home”, 
number: “1-800-555-1414”, 
DNC: true 
{ number: “1-800-555-1212”, 
target: “1-999-238-3423”, 
duration: 20 
{ number: “1-800-555-1212”, 
target: “1-444-785-6611”, 
duration: 243 
{ number: “1-800-555-1414”, 
target: “1-645-331-4345”, 
duration: 132 
{ number: “1-800-555-1414”, 
target: “1-990-875-2134”, 
duration: 71 
SQL Join Attempt #1 
select, A.lname, B.type, B.number,, C.duration 
from contact A, phones B, phonestx C 
Where = and B.number = C.number 
id | lname | type | number | target | duration 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7070 | 23 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7071 | 7 
g9 | Moschetti | work | 1-800-989-2231 | 1-987-707-7072 | 9 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7071 | 7 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7070 | 23 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7071 | 7 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7070 | 23 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7072 | 9 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7072 | 9 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7072 | 9 
How to turn this into a list of names – 
each with a list of numbers, each of those with a list of target 

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High Performance Applications with MongoDB
High Performance Applications with MongoDBHigh Performance Applications with MongoDB
High Performance Applications with MongoDB

To understand how to make your application fast, it's important to understand what makes the database fast. We will take a detailed look at how to think about performance, and how different choices in schema design affect your cluster performances depending on storage engines used and physical resources available.

MongoDB vs Mysql. A devops point of view
MongoDB vs Mysql. A devops point of viewMongoDB vs Mysql. A devops point of view
MongoDB vs Mysql. A devops point of view

A fotopedia presentation made at the MongoDay 2012 in Paris at Xebia Office. Talk by Pierre Baillet and Mathieu Poumeyrol. French Article about the presentation: Video to come.

Benefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMSs
Benefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMSsBenefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMSs
Benefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMSs

Rapid Development and Performance By Transitioning from RDBMSs to MongoDB Modern day application requirements demand rich & dynamic data structures, fast response times, easy scaling, and low TCO to match the rapidly changing customer & business requirements plus the powerful programming languages used in today's software landscape. Traditional approaches to solutions development with RDBMSs increasingly expose the gap between the modern development languages and the relational data model, and between scaling up vs. scaling horizontally on commodity hardware. Development time is wasted as the bulk of the work has shifted from adding business features to struggling with the RDBMSs. MongoDB, the premier NoSQL database, offers a flexible and scalable solution to focus on quickly adding business value again. In this session, we will provide: - Overview of MongoDB's capabilities - Code-level exploration of the MongoDB programming model and APIs and how they transform the way developers interact with a database - Update of the exciting features in MongoDB 3.0

SQL Unwind Attempt #1 
Map idmap = new HashMap(); 
ResultSet rs = fetchStmt.execute(); 
while ( { 
String id = rs.getString(“id"); 
String nmbr = rs.getString("number"); 
List tnum; 
Map snum; 
if((snum = (List) idmap.get(id)) == null) { 
snum = new HashMap(); 
idmap.put(did, snum); 
if((tnum = snum.get(nmbr)) == null) { 
tnum = new ArrayList(); 
snum.put(number, tnum); 
Map info = new HashMap(); 
info.put("target", rs.getString("target")); 
info.put("duration", rs.getInteger("duration")); 
// idmap[“g9”][“1-900-555-1212”] = ({target:1-222-707-7070,duration:23…)
SQL Join Attempt #2 
select, A.lname, B.type, B.number,, C.duration 
Fromcontact A, phones B, phonestx C 
Where = and B.number = C.number order by, B.number 
id | lname | type | number | target | duration 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7072 | 9 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7070 | 23 
g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7071 | 7 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7072 | 9 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7070 | 23 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7071 | 7 
g9 | Moschetti | work | 1-800-989-2231 | 1-987-707-7072 | 9 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7071 | 7 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7072 | 9 
g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7070 | 23 
“Early bail out” from cursor is now possible – 
but logic to construct list of source and target numbers is similar
SQL is about Disassembly 
String s = “select A, B, C, D, 
E, F from T1,T2,T3 where T1.col 
= T2.col and T2.col2 = T3.col2 
and X = Y and X2 != Y2 and G > 
10 and G < 100 and TO_DATE(‘ …”; 
ResultSet rs = execute(s); 
while( { 
if(new column1 value from T1) { 
set up new Object; 
if(new column2 value from T2) { 
set up new Object2 
if(new column3 value from T3) { 
set up new Object3 
populate maps, lists and scalars 
Design a Big Query 
including business logic 
to grab all the data up 
Throw it at the engine 
Disassemble Big 
Rectangle into usable 
objects with logic implicit 
in change in column 
MongoDB is about Assembly 
Cursor c = coll1.find({“X”:”Y”}); 
while(c.hasNext()) { 
populate maps, lists and scalars; 
Cursor c2 = coll2.find(logic+key from c); 
while(c2.hasNext()) { 
populate maps, lists and scalars; 
Cursor c3 = coll3.find(logic+key from c2); 
while(c3.hasNext()) { 
populate maps, lists and scalars; 
Assemble usable 
objects incrementally 
with explicit logic

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Benefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMS (At An Evening with MongoDB Minneapolis ...Benefits of Using MongoDB Over RDBMS (At An Evening with MongoDB Minneapolis ...
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The document summarizes a presentation on MongoDB given in Minneapolis on March 5, 2015. The agenda included a quick overview of MongoDB, benefits of using MongoDB over relational database management systems (RDBMSs), and updates to MongoDB version 3.0. The presentation compared development using SQL versus MongoDB over several days, showing that adding new fields and data structures like lists was much simpler in MongoDB due to its flexible document-based data model compared to the changes required when using SQL and relational databases.

Reducing Development Time with MongoDB vs. SQL
Reducing Development Time with MongoDB vs. SQLReducing Development Time with MongoDB vs. SQL
Reducing Development Time with MongoDB vs. SQL

Buzz Moschetti compares the development time and effort required to save and fetch contact data using MongoDB versus SQL over the course of two weeks. With SQL, each time a new field is added or the data structure changes, the SQL schema must be altered and code updated in multiple places. With MongoDB, the data structure can evolve freely without changes to the data access code - it remains a simple insert and find. By day 14, representing the more complex data structure in SQL would require flattening some data and storing it in non-ideal ways, while MongoDB continues to require no changes to the simple data access code.

mongodbmongodb evenings
Database Trends for Modern Applications: Why the Database You Choose Matters
Database Trends for Modern Applications: Why the Database You Choose Matters Database Trends for Modern Applications: Why the Database You Choose Matters
Database Trends for Modern Applications: Why the Database You Choose Matters

Matt Kalan, Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB Matt will explain how modern technology requirements have changed the requirements of the database. In order to handle agile development, big data, cloud, APIs, continuous availability, and unlimited scale while lowering costs, new capabilities are required. Do you need to tolerate the impedance mismatch between an object model and the relational model, or is there another way? We will walk through the application development process, to the code level, to compare using an RDBMS with MongoDB.

mongodbnosqlmongodb evenings
MongoDB ”Join” 
Map idmap = new HashMap(); 
DBCursor c = contacts.find(); 
while(c.hasNext()) { 
DBObject item =; 
String id = item.get(“id”); 
Map nummap = new HashMap(); 
for(Map phone : (List)item.get(”phones”)) { 
String pnum = phone.get(“number”); 
DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(“number”, pnum); 
DBCursor c2 = phonestx.find(q); 
List txs = new ArrayList(); 
while(c2.hasNext()) { 
nummap.put(pnum, txs); 
idmap.put(id, nummap); 
// idmap[“g9”][“1-900-555-1212”] = ({target:1-222-707-7070,duration:23…)
But what about “real” queries? 
• MongoDB query language is a physical map-of-map 
based structure, not a String 
• Operators (e.g. AND, OR, GT, EQ, etc.) and arguments are 
keys and values in a cascade of Maps 
• No grammar to parse, no templates to fill in, no whitespace, 
no escaping quotes, no parentheses, no punctuation 
• Same paradigm to manipulate data is used to 
manipulate query expressions 
• …which is also, by the way, the same paradigm 
for working with MongoDB metadata and 
MongoDB Query Examples 
Find all contacts with at least one work phone 
SQL CLI select * from contact A, phones B where 
A.did = B.did and B.type = 'work’; 
MongoDB CLI{"phones.type”:”work”}); 
SQL in Java String s = “select * from contact A, phones B 
where A.did = B.did and B.type = 'work’”; 
ResultSet rs = execute(s); 
MongoDB via 
Java driver 
DBObject expr = new BasicDBObject(); 
expr.put(“phones.type”, “work”); 
Cursor c = contact.find(expr);
MongoDB Query Examples 
Find all contacts with at least one work phone or 
hired after 2014-02-02 
SQL select A.did, A.lname, A.hiredate, B.type, 
B.number from contact A left outer join phones B 
on (B.did = A.did) where b.type = 'work' or 
A.hiredate > '2014-02-02'::date 
MongoDB CLI db.contacts.find({"$or”: [ 
1212”}, {"hireda 
te": {”$gt": new ISODate("2014-02-02")}} 

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Development time is wasted as the bulk of the work shifts from adding business features to struggling with the RDBMS. MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database, offers a flexible and scalable solution.

TDC2018SP | Trilha .Net - Novidades do C# 7 e 8
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This document discusses new features in C# 7 and 8, including pattern matching, tuples, out variables, discards, ref returns and locals, expression-bodied members, numeric literals, local functions, generalized async returns, default literals, non-trailing named arguments, leading separators for numeric literals, private protected access, reference semantics with value types using in, ref, and ref readonly. It also provides links to documentation and proposals for each feature.

Novidades do c# 7 e 8
Novidades do c# 7 e 8Novidades do c# 7 e 8
Novidades do c# 7 e 8

This document summarizes Giovanni Bassi's presentation on new features in C# 7 and 8. It discusses features like pattern matching, tuples, discards, ref locals/returns, expression-bodied members, numeric literals, local functions, generalized async returns, inferred tuple names, default literals, async Main method, non-trailing named arguments, leading separators for numbers, private protected access, and readonly ref extension methods. The presentation provides code examples and links to documentation for each new feature.

MongoDB Query Examples 
Find all contacts with at least one work phone or 
hired after 2014-02-02 
MongoDB via 
Java driver 
List arr = new ArrayList(); 
Map phones = new HashMap(); 
phones.put(“phones.type”, “work”); 
Map hdate = new HashMap(); 
java.util.Date d = dateFromStr(“2014-02-02”); 
hdate.put(“hiredate”, new BasicDBObject(“$gt”,d)); 
Map m1 = new HashMap(); 
m1.put(“$or”, arr); 
contact.find(new BasicDBObject(m1));
…and before you ask… 
Yes, MongoDB query expressions 
1. Sorting 
2. Cursor size limit 
3. Projection (asking for only parts of the rich 
shape to be returned) 
4. Aggregation (“GROUP BY”) functions
Day 30: RAD on MongoDB with Python 
import pymongo 
def save(data): 
def fetch(id): 
return coll.find_one({”id": id } ) 
myData = { 
“name”: “jane”, 
“id”: “K2”, 
# no title? No problem 
“hireDate”:, 11, 1), 
“phones”: [ 
{ "type": "work", 
"number": "1-800-555-1212" 
{ "type": "home", 
"number": "1-866-444-3131" 
print fetch(“K2”) 
expr = {"$or": [ {"phones.type": “work”}, {”hiredate": {“$gt”:,2,2)}} ]} 
for c in coll.find(expr): 
print [ k.upper() for k in sorted(c.keys()) ] 
1. Far easier and faster to create 
scripts due to “fidelity-parity” of 
mongoDB map data and python 
(and perl, ruby, and javascript) 
1. Data types and structure in scripts 
are exactly the same as that read and 
written in Java and C++
Day 30: Polymorphic RAD on MongoDB with 
import pymongo 
item = fetch("K8") 
# item is: 
“name”: “bob”, 
“id”: “K8”, 
"personalData": { 
"preferedAirports": [ "LGA", "JFK" ], 
"travelTimeThreshold": { "value": 3, 
"units": “HRS”} 
item = fetch("K9") 
# item is: 
“name”: “steve”, 
“id”: “K9”, 
"personalData": { 
"lastAccountVisited": { 
"name": "mongoDB", 
"favoriteNumber": 3.14159 
1. Scripting languages easily digest 
shapes with common fields and 
dissimilar fields 
2. Easy to create an information 
architecture where placeholder fields 
like personalData are “known” in the 
software logic to be dynamic

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This document discusses Go programming patterns and best practices presented by MegaEase, an enterprise cloud native architecture provider. It covers topics like slices, interfaces, performance optimization, and common Go mistakes. Examples are provided to demonstrate slice internals, deep comparison, interface patterns, and how to check interface compliance.

programmingsoftwaresoftware development
Visual studio 2008
Visual studio 2008Visual studio 2008
Visual studio 2008

Visual Studio 2008 provides support for multi-targeting applications, occasionally connected systems, Office applications, client applications, Windows Communication Foundation, ASP.NET web applications, and C# 3.0 and LINQ. It also includes ADO.NET Sync Services, support for WPF, WCF, and LINQ in applications. New features in Visual Studio 2008 improve developer productivity and the development of Windows, web, database, and .NET applications.

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This document provides an overview of OrientDB, a multi-model database that combines features of document, graph, and other databases. It discusses data modeling and schema, querying and traversing graph data, full-text and spatial search, deployment scenarios, and APIs. Examples show creating classes and properties, inserting and querying graph data, and live reactive queries in OrientDB.

orientdb graphdb graph full-text spatial
Day 30: (Not) RAD on top of SQL with 
contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) 
values ( ?,?,?,? )”); 
c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into 
phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; 
fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement 
(“select id, name, title, hiredate, type, number from 
contact, phones where = and = ?”); 
save(Map m) 
contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); 
contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); 
for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { 
c2stmt.setString(1, onePhone.get(“type”)); 
c2stmt.setString(2, onePhone.get(“number”)); 
1. All logic coded in Java interface 
layer (unwinding contact, phones, 
preferences, etc.) needs to be 
rewritten in python (unless Jython 
is used) … AND/or perl, C++, 
Scala, etc. 
2. No robust way to handle 
polymorphic data other than 
BLOBing it 
3. …and that will take real time and 
The Fundamental Change with mongoDB 
RDBMS designed in era when: 
• CPU and disk was slow & 
• Memory was VERY expensive 
• Network? What network? 
• Languages had limited means to 
dynamically reflect on their types 
• Languages had poor support for 
richly structured types 
Thus, the database had to 
• Act as combiner-coordinator of 
simpler types 
• Define a rigid schema 
• (Together with the code) optimize 
at compile-time, not run-time 
In mongoDB, the 
data is the schema!
mongoDB and the Rich Map Ecosystem 
Generic comparison of two 
Map expr = new HashMap(); 
expr.put("myKey", "K1"); 
DBObject a = collection.findOne(expr); 
expr.put("myKey", "K2"); 
DBObject b = collection.findOne(expr); 
List<MapDiff.Difference> d = MapDiff.diff((Map)a, (Map)b); 
Getting default values for a thing 
on a certain date and then 
overlaying user preferences (like 
for a calculation run) 
Map expr = new HashMap(); 
expr.put("myKey", "DEFAULT"); 
expr.put("createDate", new Date(2013, 11, 1)); 
DBObject a = collection.findOne(expr); 
expr.put("myKey", "user1"); 
DBObject b = otherCollectionPerhaps.findOne(expr); 
MapStack s = new MapStack(); 
Map merged = s.project(); 
Runtime reflection of Maps and Lists enables generic powerful utilities 
(MapDiff, MapStack) to be created once and used for all kinds of shapes, 
saving time and money
Lastly: A CLI with teeth 
>{"SeqNum": {"$gt”:10000}}).explain(); 
"cursor" : "BasicCursor", 
"n" : 200000, 
"millis" : 223 
Try a query and show the 
> for(v=[],i=0;i<3;i++) { 
… n = i*50000; 
… expr = {"SeqNum": {"$gt”: n}}; 
… v.push( [n,] } 
Run it 3 times with smaller and 
smaller chunks and create a 
vector of timing result pairs 
> v 
[ [ 0, 225 ], [ 50000, 222 ], [ 100000, 220 ] ] 
Let’s see that vector 
> load(“jStat.js”) 
> jStat.stdev({return p[1];})) 
Use any other javascript you 
want inside the shell 
> for(i=0;i<3;i++) { 
… expr = {"SeqNum": {"$gt":i*1000}}; 
…; } 
Party trick: save the explain() 
output back into a collection!

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What Does All This Add Up To? 
• MongoDB easier than RDBMS/SQL for real 
• Quicker to change 
• Much better harmonized with modern languages 
• Comprehensive indexing (arbitrary non/unique 
secondaries, compound keys, geospatial, text 
search, TTL, etc….) 
• Horizontally scalable to petabytes 
• Isomorphic HA and DR 
Modern Database for Modern 
Webinar Q&A
Thank You 
Buzz Moschetti 
Enterprise Architect, MongoDB

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Transitioning from SQL to MongoDB

  • 1. #MongoDB Transitioning from SQL to MongoDB Buzz Moschetti Enterprise Architect, MongoDB
  • 2. Before We Begin • This webinar is being recorded • Use The Chat Window for • Technical assistance • Q&A • MongoDB Team will answer quick questions in realtime • “Common” questions will be reviewed at the end of the webinar
  • 3. Who is your Presenter? • Yes, I use “Buzz” on my business cards • Former Investment Bank Chief Architect at JPMorganChase and Bear Stearns before that • Over 27 years of designing and building systems • Big and small • Super-specialized to broadly useful in any vertical • “Traditional” to completely disruptive • Advocate of language leverage and strong factoring • Still programming – using emacs, of course
  • 4. What Are Your Developers Doing All Day? Adding and testing business features OR “Integrating with other components, tools, and systems” • Database(s) • ETL and other data transfer operations • Messaging • Services (web & other) • Other open source frameworks incl. ORMs
  • 5. Why Can’t We Just Save and Fetch Data? Because the way we think about data at the business use case level… …is different than the way it is implemented at the application/code level… …which traditionally is VERY different than the way it is implemented at the database level
  • 6. This Problem Isn’t New… …but for the past 40 years, innovation at the business & application layers has outpaced innovation at the database layer 1974 2014 Business Data Goals Capture my company’s transactions daily at 5:30PM EST, add them up on a nightly basis, and print a big stack of paper Capture my company’s global transactions in realtime plus everything that is happening in the world (customers, competitors, business/regulatory/weather), producing any number of computed results, and passing this all in realtime to predictive analytics with model feedback; results in realtime to 10000s of mobile devices, multiple GUIs, and b2b and b2c channels Release Schedule Semi-Annually Yesterday Application /Code COBOL, Fortran, Algol, PL/1, assembler, proprietary tools C, C++, VB, C#, Java, javascript, groovy, ruby, perl python, Obj-C, SmallTalk, Clojure, ActionScript, Flex, DSLs, spring, AOP, CORBA, ORM, third party software ecosystem, the whole open source movement, … and COBOL and Fortran Database I/VSAM, early RDBMS Mature RDBMS, legacy I/VSAM Column & key/value stores, and…mongoDB
  • 7. Exactly How Does MongoDB Change Things? • MongoDB is designed from the ground up to address rich structure (maps of maps of lists of…), not rectangles • Standard RDBMS interfaces (i.e. JDBC) do not exploit features of contemporary languages • Rapid Application Development (RAD) and scripting in Javascript, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Scala is impedance-matched to mongoDB • In MongoDB, the data is the schema • Shapes of data go in the same way they come out
  • 8. Rectangles are 1974. Maps and Lists are 2014 { customer_id : 1, first_name : "Mark", last_name : "Smith", city : "San Francisco", phones: [ { type : “work”, number: “1-800-555-1212” }, { type : “home”, number: “1-800-555-1313”, DNC: true }, { type : “home”, number: “1-800-555-1414”, DNC: true } ] }
  • 9. An Actual Code Example (Finally!) Let’s compare and contrast RDBMS/SQL to MongoDB development using Java over the course of a few weeks. Some ground rules: 1. Observe rules of Software Engineering 101: Assume separation of application, Data Access Layer, and persistor implementation 2. Data Access Layer must be able to a. Expose simple, functional, data-only interfaces to the application • No ORM, frameworks, compile-time bindings, special tools b. Exploit high performance features of persistor 3. Focus on core data handling code and avoid distractions that require the same amount of work in both technologies a. No exception or error handling b. Leave out DB connection and other setup resources 4. Day counts are a proxy for progress, not actual time to complete indicated task
  • 10. The Task: Saving and Fetching Contact data Map m = new HashMap(); m.put(“name”, “buzz”); m.put(“id”, “K1”); Start with this simple, flat shape in the Data Access Layer: save(Map m) And assume we save it in this way: Map m = fetch(String id) And assume we fetch one by primary key in this way: Brace yourself…..
  • 11. Day 1: Initial efforts for both technologies SQL DDL: create table contact ( … ) init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name ) values ( ?,? )”); fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select id, name from contact where id = ?”); } save(Map m) { contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); contactInsertStmt.execute(); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; fetchStmt.setString(1, id); rs = fetchStmt.execute(); if( { m = new HashMap(); m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); } return m; } MongoDB DDL: none save(Map m) { collection.insert(m); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(“id”, id); c = collection.find(dbo); if(c.hasNext()) } m = (Map); } return m; }
  • 12. Day 2: Add simple fields m.put(“name”, “buzz”); m.put(“id”, “K1”); m.put(“title”, “Mr.”); m.put(“hireDate”, new Date(2011, 11, 1)); • Capturing title and hireDate is part of adding a new business feature • It was pretty easy to add two fields to the structure • …but now we have to change our persistence code Brace yourself (again) …..
  • 13. SQL Day 2 (changes in bold) DDL: alter table contact add title varchar(8); alter table contact add hireDate date; init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) values ( ?,?,?,? )”); fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select id, name, title, hiredate from contact where id = ?”); } save(Map m) { contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); contactInsertStmt.execute(); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; fetchStmt.setString(1, id); rs = fetchStmt.execute(); if( { m = new HashMap(); m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); } return m; } Consequences: 1. Code release schedule linked to database upgrade (new code cannot run on old schema) 2. Issues with case sensitivity starting to creep in (many RDBMS are case insensitive for column names, but code is case sensitive) 3. Changes require careful mods in 4 places 4. Beginning of technical debt
  • 14. MongoDB Day 2 save(Map m) { collection.insert(m); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(“id”, id); c = collection.find(dbo); if(c.hasNext()) } m = (Map); } return m; } Advantages: 1. Zero time and money spent on overhead code 2. Code and database not physically linked 3. New material with more fields can be added into existing collections; backfill is optional 4. Names of fields in database precisely match key names in code layer and directly match on name, not indirectly via positional offset 5. No technical debt is created ✔ NO CHANGE
  • 15. Day 3: Add list of phone numbers m.put(“name”, “buzz”); m.put(“id”, “K1”); m.put(“title”, “Mr.”); m.put(“hireDate”, new Date(2011, 11, 1)); n1.put(“type”, “work”); n1.put(“number”, “1-800-555-1212”)); list.add(n1); n2.put(“type”, “home”)); n2.put(“number”, “1-866-444-3131”)); list.add(n2); m.put(“phones”, list); • It was still pretty easy to add this data to the structure • .. but meanwhile, in the persistence code … REALLY brace yourself…
  • 16. SQL Day 3 changes: Option 1: Assume just 1 work and 1 home phone number DDL: alter table contact add work_phone varchar(16); alter table contact add home_phone varchar(16); init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate, work_phone, home_phone ) values ( ?,?,?,?,?,? )”); fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select id, name, title, hiredate, work_phone, home_phone from contact where id = ?”); } save(Map m) { contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { String t = onePhone.get(“type”); String n = onePhone.get(“number”); if(t.equals(“work”)) { contactInsertStmt.setString(5, n); } else if(t.equals(“home”)) { contactInsertStmt.setString(6, n); } } contactInsertStmt.execute(); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; fetchStmt.setString(1, id); rs = fetchStmt.execute(); if( { m = new HashMap(); m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); Map onePhone; onePhone = new HashMap(); onePhone.put(“type”, “work”); onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(5)); list.add(onePhone); onePhone = new HashMap(); onePhone.put(“type”, “home”); onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); list.add(onePhone); m.put(“phones”, list); } This is just plain bad….
  • 17. SQL Day 3 changes: Option 2: Proper approach with multiple phone numbers DDL: create table phones ( … ) init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) values ( ?,?,?,? )”); c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select id, name, title, hiredate, type, number from contact, phones where = and = ?”); } save(Map m) { startTrans(); contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { c2stmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); c2stmt.setString(2, onePhone.get(“type”)); c2stmt.setString(3, onePhone.get(“number”)); c2stmt.execute(); } contactInsertStmt.execute(); endTrans(); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; fetchStmt.setString(1, id); rs = fetchStmt.execute(); int i = 0; List list = new ArrayList(); while ( { if(i == 0) { m = new HashMap(); m.put(“id”, rs.getString(1)); m.put(“name”, rs.getString(2)); m.put(“title”, rs.getString(3)); m.put(“hireDate”, rs.getDate(4)); m.put(“phones”, list); } Map onePhone = new HashMap(); onePhone.put(“type”, rs.getString(5)); onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); list.add(onePhone); i++; } return m; } This took time and money
  • 18. SQL Day 5: Zombies! (zero or more between entities) init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) values ( ?,?,?,? )”); c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select,, A.title, A.hiredate, B.type, B.number from contact A left outer join phones B on ( = B. id) where = ?”); } Whoops! And it’s also wrong! We did not design the query accounting for contacts that have no phone number. Thus, we have to change the join to an outer join. But this ALSO means we have to change the unwind logic This took more time and money! while ( { if(i == 0) { // … } String s = rs.getString(5); if(s != null) { Map onePhone = new HashMap(); onePhone.put(“type”, s); onePhone.put(“number”, rs.getString(6)); list.add(onePhone); } } …but at least we have a DAL… right?
  • 19. MongoDB Day 3 Advantages: 1. Zero time and money spent on overhead code 2. No need to fear fields that are “naturally occurring” lists containing data specific to the parent structure and thus do not benefit from normalization and referential integrity 3. Safe from zombies and other undead distractions from productivity save(Map m) { collection.insert(m); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(“id”, id); c = collection.find(dbo); if(c.hasNext()) } m = (Map); } return m; } ✔ NO CHANGE
  • 20. By Day 14, our structure looks like this: n4.put(“geo”, “US-EAST”); n4.put(“startupApps”, new String[] { “app1”, “app2”, “app3” } ); list2.add(n4); n4.put(“geo”, “EMEA”); n4.put(“startupApps”, new String[] { “app6” } ); n4.put(“useLocalNumberFormats”, false): list2.add(n4); m.put(“preferences”, list2) n6.put(“optOut”, true); n6.put(“assertDate”, someDate); seclist.add(n6); m.put(“attestations”, seclist) m.put(“security”, mapOfDataCreatedByExternalSource); • It was still pretty easy to add this data to the structure • Want to guess what the SQL persistence code looks like? • How about the MongoDB persistence code?
  • 21. SQL Day 14 Error: Could not fit all the code into this space. …actually, I didn’t want to spend 2 hours putting the code together.. But very likely, among other things: • n4.put(“startupApps”,new String[]{“app1”,“app2”,“app3”}); was implemented as a single semi-colon delimited string • m.put(“security”, anotherMapOfData); was implemented by flattening it out and storing a subset of fields
  • 22. MongoDB Day 14 – and every other day Advantages: 1. Zero time and money spent on overhead code 2. Persistence is so easy and flexible and backward compatible that the persistor does not upward-influence the shapes we want to persist i.e. the tail does not wag the dog save(Map m) { collection.insert(m); } Map fetch(String id) { Map m = null; DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(“id”, id); c = collection.find(dbo); if(c.hasNext()) } m = (Map); } return m; } ✔ NO CHANGE
  • 23. But what if we must do a join? Both RDBMS and MongoDB will have a PhoneTransactions table/collection { customer_id : 1, first_name : "Mark", last_name : "Smith", city : "San Francisco", phones: [ { type : “work”, number: “1-800-555-1212” }, { type : “home”, number: “1-800-555-1313”, DNC: true }, { type : “home”, number: “1-800-555-1414”, DNC: true } ] } { number: “1-800-555-1212”, target: “1-999-238-3423”, duration: 20 } { number: “1-800-555-1212”, target: “1-444-785-6611”, duration: 243 } { number: “1-800-555-1414”, target: “1-645-331-4345”, duration: 132 } { number: “1-800-555-1414”, target: “1-990-875-2134”, duration: 71 } PhoneTransactions
  • 24. SQL Join Attempt #1 select, A.lname, B.type, B.number,, C.duration from contact A, phones B, phonestx C Where = and B.number = C.number id | lname | type | number | target | duration -----+--------------+------+----------------+----------------+---------- g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7070 | 23 g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7071 | 7 g9 | Moschetti | work | 1-800-989-2231 | 1-987-707-7072 | 9 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7071 | 7 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7070 | 23 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7071 | 7 g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7070 | 23 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7072 | 9 g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7072 | 9 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7072 | 9 How to turn this into a list of names – each with a list of numbers, each of those with a list of target numbers?
  • 25. SQL Unwind Attempt #1 Map idmap = new HashMap(); ResultSet rs = fetchStmt.execute(); while ( { String id = rs.getString(“id"); String nmbr = rs.getString("number"); List tnum; Map snum; if((snum = (List) idmap.get(id)) == null) { snum = new HashMap(); idmap.put(did, snum); } if((tnum = snum.get(nmbr)) == null) { tnum = new ArrayList(); snum.put(number, tnum); } Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("target", rs.getString("target")); info.put("duration", rs.getInteger("duration")); tnum.add(info); } // idmap[“g9”][“1-900-555-1212”] = ({target:1-222-707-7070,duration:23…)
  • 26. SQL Join Attempt #2 select, A.lname, B.type, B.number,, C.duration Fromcontact A, phones B, phonestx C Where = and B.number = C.number order by, B.number id | lname | type | number | target | duration -----+--------------+------+----------------+----------------+---------- g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7072 | 9 g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7070 | 23 g10 | Kalan | work | 1-999-444-9999 | 1-222-907-7071 | 7 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7072 | 9 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7070 | 23 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-777-999-1212 | 1-222-807-7071 | 7 g9 | Moschetti | work | 1-800-989-2231 | 1-987-707-7072 | 9 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7071 | 7 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7072 | 9 g9 | Moschetti | home | 1-900-555-1212 | 1-222-707-7070 | 23 “Early bail out” from cursor is now possible – but logic to construct list of source and target numbers is similar
  • 27. SQL is about Disassembly String s = “select A, B, C, D, E, F from T1,T2,T3 where T1.col = T2.col and T2.col2 = T3.col2 and X = Y and X2 != Y2 and G > 10 and G < 100 and TO_DATE(‘ …”; ResultSet rs = execute(s); while( { if(new column1 value from T1) { set up new Object; } if(new column2 value from T2) { set up new Object2 } if(new column3 value from T3) { set up new Object3 } populate maps, lists and scalars } Design a Big Query including business logic to grab all the data up front Throw it at the engine Disassemble Big Rectangle into usable objects with logic implicit in change in column values
  • 28. MongoDB is about Assembly Cursor c = coll1.find({“X”:”Y”}); while(c.hasNext()) { populate maps, lists and scalars; Cursor c2 = coll2.find(logic+key from c); while(c2.hasNext()) { populate maps, lists and scalars; Cursor c3 = coll3.find(logic+key from c2); while(c3.hasNext()) { populate maps, lists and scalars; } } Assemble usable objects incrementally with explicit logic
  • 29. MongoDB ”Join” Map idmap = new HashMap(); DBCursor c = contacts.find(); while(c.hasNext()) { DBObject item =; String id = item.get(“id”); Map nummap = new HashMap(); for(Map phone : (List)item.get(”phones”)) { String pnum = phone.get(“number”); DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(“number”, pnum); DBCursor c2 = phonestx.find(q); List txs = new ArrayList(); while(c2.hasNext()) { txs.add((Map); } nummap.put(pnum, txs); } idmap.put(id, nummap); } // idmap[“g9”][“1-900-555-1212”] = ({target:1-222-707-7070,duration:23…)
  • 30. But what about “real” queries? • MongoDB query language is a physical map-of-map based structure, not a String • Operators (e.g. AND, OR, GT, EQ, etc.) and arguments are keys and values in a cascade of Maps • No grammar to parse, no templates to fill in, no whitespace, no escaping quotes, no parentheses, no punctuation • Same paradigm to manipulate data is used to manipulate query expressions • …which is also, by the way, the same paradigm for working with MongoDB metadata and explain()
  • 31. MongoDB Query Examples Find all contacts with at least one work phone SQL CLI select * from contact A, phones B where A.did = B.did and B.type = 'work’; MongoDB CLI{"phones.type”:”work”}); SQL in Java String s = “select * from contact A, phones B where A.did = B.did and B.type = 'work’”; ResultSet rs = execute(s); MongoDB via Java driver DBObject expr = new BasicDBObject(); expr.put(“phones.type”, “work”); Cursor c = contact.find(expr);
  • 32. MongoDB Query Examples Find all contacts with at least one work phone or hired after 2014-02-02 SQL select A.did, A.lname, A.hiredate, B.type, B.number from contact A left outer join phones B on (B.did = A.did) where b.type = 'work' or A.hiredate > '2014-02-02'::date MongoDB CLI db.contacts.find({"$or”: [ {"phones.number":"1-900-555- 1212”}, {"hireda te": {”$gt": new ISODate("2014-02-02")}} ]});
  • 33. MongoDB Query Examples Find all contacts with at least one work phone or hired after 2014-02-02 MongoDB via Java driver List arr = new ArrayList(); Map phones = new HashMap(); phones.put(“phones.type”, “work”); arr.add(phones); Map hdate = new HashMap(); java.util.Date d = dateFromStr(“2014-02-02”); hdate.put(“hiredate”, new BasicDBObject(“$gt”,d)); Map m1 = new HashMap(); m1.put(“$or”, arr); contact.find(new BasicDBObject(m1));
  • 34. …and before you ask… Yes, MongoDB query expressions support 1. Sorting 2. Cursor size limit 3. Projection (asking for only parts of the rich shape to be returned) 4. Aggregation (“GROUP BY”) functions
  • 35. Day 30: RAD on MongoDB with Python import pymongo def save(data): coll.insert(data) def fetch(id): return coll.find_one({”id": id } ) myData = { “name”: “jane”, “id”: “K2”, # no title? No problem “hireDate”:, 11, 1), “phones”: [ { "type": "work", "number": "1-800-555-1212" }, { "type": "home", "number": "1-866-444-3131" } ] } save(myData) print fetch(“K2”) expr = {"$or": [ {"phones.type": “work”}, {”hiredate": {“$gt”:,2,2)}} ]} for c in coll.find(expr): print [ k.upper() for k in sorted(c.keys()) ] Advantages: 1. Far easier and faster to create scripts due to “fidelity-parity” of mongoDB map data and python (and perl, ruby, and javascript) structures 1. Data types and structure in scripts are exactly the same as that read and written in Java and C++
  • 36. Day 30: Polymorphic RAD on MongoDB with Python import pymongo item = fetch("K8") # item is: { “name”: “bob”, “id”: “K8”, "personalData": { "preferedAirports": [ "LGA", "JFK" ], "travelTimeThreshold": { "value": 3, "units": “HRS”} } } item = fetch("K9") # item is: { “name”: “steve”, “id”: “K9”, "personalData": { "lastAccountVisited": { "name": "mongoDB", "when":,11,4) }, "favoriteNumber": 3.14159 } } Advantages: 1. Scripting languages easily digest shapes with common fields and dissimilar fields 2. Easy to create an information architecture where placeholder fields like personalData are “known” in the software logic to be dynamic
  • 37. Day 30: (Not) RAD on top of SQL with Python init() { contactInsertStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“insert into contact ( id, name, title, hiredate ) values ( ?,?,?,? )”); c2stmt = connection.prepareStatement(“insert into phones (id, type, number) values (?, ?, ?)”; fetchStmt = connection.prepareStatement (“select id, name, title, hiredate, type, number from contact, phones where = and = ?”); } save(Map m) { startTrans(); contactInsertStmt.setString(1, m.get(“id”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(2, m.get(“name”)); contactInsertStmt.setString(3, m.get(“title”)); contactInsertStmt.setDate(4, m.get(“hireDate”)); for(Map onePhone : m.get(“phones”)) { c2stmt.setString(1, onePhone.get(“type”)); c2stmt.setString(2, onePhone.get(“number”)); c2stmt.execute(); } contactInsertStmt.execute(); endTrans(); } Consequences: 1. All logic coded in Java interface layer (unwinding contact, phones, preferences, etc.) needs to be rewritten in python (unless Jython is used) … AND/or perl, C++, Scala, etc. 2. No robust way to handle polymorphic data other than BLOBing it 3. …and that will take real time and money!
  • 38. The Fundamental Change with mongoDB RDBMS designed in era when: • CPU and disk was slow & expensive • Memory was VERY expensive • Network? What network? • Languages had limited means to dynamically reflect on their types • Languages had poor support for richly structured types Thus, the database had to • Act as combiner-coordinator of simpler types • Define a rigid schema • (Together with the code) optimize at compile-time, not run-time In mongoDB, the data is the schema!
  • 39. mongoDB and the Rich Map Ecosystem Generic comparison of two records Map expr = new HashMap(); expr.put("myKey", "K1"); DBObject a = collection.findOne(expr); expr.put("myKey", "K2"); DBObject b = collection.findOne(expr); List<MapDiff.Difference> d = MapDiff.diff((Map)a, (Map)b); Getting default values for a thing on a certain date and then overlaying user preferences (like for a calculation run) Map expr = new HashMap(); expr.put("myKey", "DEFAULT"); expr.put("createDate", new Date(2013, 11, 1)); DBObject a = collection.findOne(expr); expr.clear(); expr.put("myKey", "user1"); DBObject b = otherCollectionPerhaps.findOne(expr); MapStack s = new MapStack(); s.push((Map)a); s.push((Map)b); Map merged = s.project(); Runtime reflection of Maps and Lists enables generic powerful utilities (MapDiff, MapStack) to be created once and used for all kinds of shapes, saving time and money
  • 40. Lastly: A CLI with teeth >{"SeqNum": {"$gt”:10000}}).explain(); { "cursor" : "BasicCursor", "n" : 200000, //... "millis" : 223 } Try a query and show the diagnostics > for(v=[],i=0;i<3;i++) { … n = i*50000; … expr = {"SeqNum": {"$gt”: n}}; … v.push( [n,] } Run it 3 times with smaller and smaller chunks and create a vector of timing result pairs (size,time) > v [ [ 0, 225 ], [ 50000, 222 ], [ 100000, 220 ] ] Let’s see that vector > load(“jStat.js”) > jStat.stdev({return p[1];})) 2.0548046676563256 Use any other javascript you want inside the shell > for(i=0;i<3;i++) { … expr = {"SeqNum": {"$gt":i*1000}}; …; } Party trick: save the explain() output back into a collection!
  • 41. What Does All This Add Up To? • MongoDB easier than RDBMS/SQL for real problems • Quicker to change • Much better harmonized with modern languages + • Comprehensive indexing (arbitrary non/unique secondaries, compound keys, geospatial, text search, TTL, etc….) • Horizontally scalable to petabytes • Isomorphic HA and DR Modern Database for Modern Solutions =
  • 43. #MongoDB Thank You Buzz Moschetti Enterprise Architect, MongoDB

Editor's Notes

  1. CONSEQUENCE: Logic split across SQL query and disassembly FURTHER complicated with prepared statements & paramterization because it splits up the Big Query
  2. Far less time required to set up complex, dynamic, parameterized filters No need for SQL rewrite logic or creating new PreparedStatements Map-of-Maps query structure (m1) is easily walked and processed without parsing