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Managing Diverse User Needs
with MongoDB and SQL
Seth Payne
Sr. Product Manager, SQL API & Enterprise Tools
● Enable you to query MongoDB
using SQL
● Provide an end-to-end review of
how the BI Connector makes this
● Teach you how to manage
schema mappings between
MongoDB and SQL
● Demo how to connect to and
query MongoDB from the MySQL
Our goals today:
● Download BI Connector 2.12
● Query MongoDB using default
schema mapping
● Create a custom schema
● Query MongoDB via SQL using
your custom schema
When you leave this session:
A bit about me
My unique role at MongoDB
Data technology is changing
• Key question:
• How can I optimize disparate technologies to support a robust
and feature-rich data stack to support a broad set of use cases?
Data technologies are like life
• To accomplish big things and solve difficult problems, systems
must be able to talk to each other
• It’s ok to have strong opinions
• MongoDB and the MongoDB Query Language is the best way to
interrogate data
• SQL is a widely-adopted, powerful query language that
empowers both developers and data analysts to gain valuable
• In the end, it is results that matter most
Data Access
MongoDB Cluster
Document Data Model
Distributed Systems
Cloud | On-Premises
Operational Apps and
Systems of Record
Operational Data Layer
Mainframe Systems
Order Management
Supply Chain Mgmt
Data Lake
Marketing Automation
Social Media
Reference Data
Third-Party APIs
Batch Load
API CallsBatch File
Data Changes
Delta Load
MongoDB Change Streams
Write Back to Producer Systems (Optional)
Native Drivers
Consuming Operational Apps
and Services
Internal apps, customer-facing
services, and APIs for
third-party consumption – across
any channel
Business Intelligence (BI)
and Advanced Analytics
Visualization and reporting,
data analysis, artificial
intelligence, machine learning
and more
Human Capital Mgmt
MongoDB Connectors
Jane is a MongoDB admin. She recently learned that an analytics
team she serves, requires SQL-based access to data sitting in
MongoDB. She needs to provide this access and wants to avoid an expensive and
error-prone ETL workflow.
● MongoDB Admins need a way to provide their business users
access to MongoDB.
● SQL-based applications need to read MongoDB data
Problem Statement
Solution: MongoDB BI Connector
What is the BI Connector?
● Provides read-only SQL access to any MongoDB standalone or replica set
● Translates incoming SQL queries to MQL aggregation pipelines
○ Pipeline executed on MongoDB cluster
○ Tabular results returned to client via BI Connector
● Supports:
BI Connector: Maturity and Adoption
1 2.0 - 2.4 2.5 - 2.10 2.11+
● Proof of Concept
● Hyper-focus on
● Expanded SQL
● Performance
● Improved usability
● Near 100% coverage of
standard SQL functions
● Capable of displacing of
RDMS systems
● Performance
● Enterprise
management features
● mongotranslate
● Query optimization
● Performance
August 2019 –MongoDB Atlas BIC
SQL Queries ProcessedFull Translation Success Rate
● BI Connector is presented as MySQL
● Abstract relational schema defined
● Mapping between tabular schema and
MongoDB document structure
● Schema defined in several ways:
○ Sampling
○ Document Relational Definition
Language - mongodrdl
We need a relational schema to query
Default schema: mapping via document sampling
connects to
sampled from
Relational schema
available to
MongoDB Document Relational Schema: _id foreign key
Database Database
Collection Root Table
Field Column
Arrays & Objects Sub-tables
> db.sql.findOne()
"_id": ObjectId("5bfabde76f280102ddf27969"),
"band": "Slayer",
"formation": {
"year": ISODate("1982-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
"city": "Los Angeles"
"popular_albums": [
"Show No Mercy!",
"Seasons in the Abyss",
"Haunting the Chapel",
"Divine Intervention"
"members": [
"name": "Tom Araya",
"dob": ISODate("1961-06-06T07:00:00Z"),
"primary_instrument": "Bass/Vocals"
"name": "Kerry King",
"dob": ISODate("1964-06-03T07:00:00Z"),
"primary_instrument": "Guitar"
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_sql |
| bands |
| bands_members |
| bands_popular_albums |
mysql> SELECT * FROM bands
-> JOIN bands_popular_albums ON bands._id = bands_popular_albums._id;
Custom Schema
Create a tabular schema to meet specific needs of users
Document Relational Definition Language (DRDL)
● Often, we need to adjust the default schema generated by BIC
schema creation logic
● Output generated by mongodrdl
● Utilizes BIC default sampling logic
● Defines both names and data types
Edit output to
schema to
unique name
with named
Generate DRDL Output using mongodrdl
mongodrdl -d sql -c bands > bands.drdl
- db: sql
- table: bands
collection: bands
pipeline: []
- Name: _id
MongoType: bson.ObjectId
SqlName: _id
SqlType: objectid
- Name: band
MongoType: string
SqlName: band
SqlType: varchar
- Name:
MongoType: string
SqlType: varchar
- Name: formation.year
MongoType: date
SqlName: formation.year
SqlType: timestamp
- table: bands_members
collection: bands
- $unwind:
includeArrayIndex: members_idx
path: $members
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
- Name: _id
MongoType: bson.ObjectId
SqlName: _id
SqlType: objectid
- Name: members.dob
MongoType: date
SqlName: members.dob
SqlType: timestamp
- Name:
MongoType: string
SqlType: varchar
- Name: members.primary_instrument
MongoType: string
SqlName: members.primary_instrument
SqlType: varchar
- Name: members_idx
MongoType: int
SqlName: members_idx
SqlType: int
Root table: bands Sub-table: bands_members
- table: bands_popular_albums
collection: bands
- $unwind:
includeArrayIndex: popular_albums_idx
path: $popular_albums
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
- Name: _id
MongoType: bson.ObjectId
SqlName: _id
SqlType: objectid
- Name: popular_albums
MongoType: string
SqlName: popular_albums
SqlType: varchar
- Name: popular_albums_idx
MongoType: int
SqlName: popular_albums_idx
SqlType: int
Sub-table: bands_popular_albums
Current vs Desired
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_sql |
| bands |
| bands_members |
| bands_popular_albums |
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_sql |
| bands |
Define new document structure with aggregation
[{$unwind: {
path: "$popular_albums" }},
{$project: {
band: "$band",
formed: "$formation.year",
city: "$",
popular_album: "$popular_albums"
- db: sql
- table: bands
collection: bands
pipeline: [{$unwind: {path: "$popular_albums"}},
{$project: {
band: "$band",
formed: "$formation.year",
city: "$",
popular_album: "$popular_albums"
Use aggregation to create document structure: Add pipeline to drdl:
Edit table/field names and data types
- db: sql
- table: bands
collection: bands
pipeline: [{$unwind: {
path: "$popular_albums"
}}, {$project: {
band: "$band",
formed: "$formation.year",
city: "$",
popular_album: "$popular_albums"
- Name: _id
MongoType: bson.ObjectId
SqlName: _id
SqlType: objectid
- Name: band
MongoType: string
SqlName: band
SqlType: varchar
- Name: city
MongoType: string
SqlName: city
SqlType: timestamp
- Name: popular_album
MongoType: string
SqlName: album
SqlType: varchar
- Name: formed
MongoType: date
SqlName: formed
SqlType: timestamp
Import schema and provide name
mongodrdl upload --drdl bands_flat.drdl --schemaSource=bic_schema
mongodrdl name-schema --name bands_flat --schemaSource=bic_schema -
-schema <unique ID>
Start mongosqld in “custom mode”
mongosqld --schemaSource=bic_schemas /
--schemaName=bands_flat /
Updated schema:
mysql> describe bands;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| _id | varchar(24) | YES | PRI | NULL | |
| album | varchar(65535) | YES | | NULL | |
| band | varchar(65535) | YES | | NULL | |
| city | datetime | YES | | NULL | |
● Get you excited about querying
MongoDB using SQL
● Provide an end-to-end review of
how the BI Connector enables
● Teach you how to manage
schema mappings between
MongoDB and SQL
● Demonstrate how to connect to
and query MongoDB from the
MySQL shell
Revisiting our goals today:
● Download BI Connector 2.12
● Query MongoDB using default
schema mapping
● Create a custom schema
● Query MongoDB via SQL using
your custom schema
Now you can:
MongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL

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MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Devenez explorateur de données avec MongoDB Charts
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MongoDB .local London 2019: Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL

  • 1. #MDBlocal Managing Diverse User Needs with MongoDB and SQL Seth Payne Sr. Product Manager, SQL API & Enterprise Tools LONDON
  • 2. #MDBLocal ● Enable you to query MongoDB using SQL ● Provide an end-to-end review of how the BI Connector makes this possible ● Teach you how to manage schema mappings between MongoDB and SQL tables/columns ● Demo how to connect to and query MongoDB from the MySQL shell Our goals today:
  • 3. #MDBLocal ● Download BI Connector 2.12 ● Query MongoDB using default schema mapping ● Create a custom schema mapping ● Query MongoDB via SQL using your custom schema When you leave this session:
  • 7. #MDBLocal Data technology is changing • Key question: • How can I optimize disparate technologies to support a robust and feature-rich data stack to support a broad set of use cases?
  • 8. #MDBLocal Data technologies are like life • To accomplish big things and solve difficult problems, systems must be able to talk to each other • It’s ok to have strong opinions • MongoDB and the MongoDB Query Language is the best way to interrogate data • SQL is a widely-adopted, powerful query language that empowers both developers and data analysts to gain valuable insights • In the end, it is results that matter most
  • 9. #MDBLocal Data Access API Change Data Capture (CDC) Extract Transform Load (ETL) MongoDB Cluster Document Data Model Distributed Systems Architecture Cloud | On-Premises Operational Apps and Systems of Record Producers Operational Data Layer Consumers Mainframe Systems CRM ERP Order Management Supply Chain Mgmt Data Lake Marketing Automation Website Social Media Reference Data Third-Party APIs Etc. Batch Load API CallsBatch File Exports Real-Time Data Changes Delta Load MongoDB Change Streams Write Back to Producer Systems (Optional) MongoDB Native Drivers Consuming Operational Apps and Services Internal apps, customer-facing services, and APIs for third-party consumption – across any channel Business Intelligence (BI) and Advanced Analytics Visualization and reporting, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning and more Human Capital Mgmt MongoDB Connectors
  • 10. #MDBLocal Jane is a MongoDB admin. She recently learned that an analytics team she serves, requires SQL-based access to data sitting in MongoDB. She needs to provide this access and wants to avoid an expensive and error-prone ETL workflow. ● MongoDB Admins need a way to provide their business users access to MongoDB. ● SQL-based applications need to read MongoDB data Problem Statement
  • 12. #MDBLocal What is the BI Connector? ● Provides read-only SQL access to any MongoDB standalone or replica set ● Translates incoming SQL queries to MQL aggregation pipelines ○ Pipeline executed on MongoDB cluster ○ Tabular results returned to client via BI Connector ● Supports: ○ ODBC ○ JDBC ○ MySQL
  • 13. #MDBLocal BI Connector: Maturity and Adoption 1 2.0 - 2.4 2.5 - 2.10 2.11+ Adoption ● Proof of Concept ● Hyper-focus on Tableau ● Expanded SQL function support ● Performance improvements ● Improved usability ● Near 100% coverage of standard SQL functions ● Capable of displacing of RDMS systems ● Performance improvements ● Enterprise management features ● mongotranslate ● Query optimization ● Performance improvements
  • 14. #MDBLocal August 2019 –MongoDB Atlas BIC SQL Queries ProcessedFull Translation Success Rate
  • 15. #MDBLocal ● BI Connector is presented as MySQL ● Abstract relational schema defined ○ INFORMATION_SCHEMA ● Mapping between tabular schema and MongoDB document structure ● Schema defined in several ways: ○ Sampling ○ Document Relational Definition Language - mongodrdl We need a relational schema to query
  • 16. #MDBLocal Default schema: mapping via document sampling Mongosqld connects to MongoDB Documents sampled from namespace(s) Relational schema available to incoming connections MongoDB Document Relational Schema: _id foreign key Database Database Collection Root Table Field Column Arrays & Objects Sub-tables
  • 17. #MDBLocal > db.sql.findOne() { "_id": ObjectId("5bfabde76f280102ddf27969"), "band": "Slayer", "formation": { "year": ISODate("1982-01-01T00:00:00Z"), "city": "Los Angeles" }, "popular_albums": [ "Show No Mercy!", "Seasons in the Abyss", "Haunting the Chapel", "Divine Intervention" ], "members": [ { "name": "Tom Araya", "dob": ISODate("1961-06-06T07:00:00Z"), "primary_instrument": "Bass/Vocals" }, { "name": "Kerry King", "dob": ISODate("1964-06-03T07:00:00Z"), "primary_instrument": "Guitar" } ]}
  • 18. #MDBLocal mysql> show tables; +-----------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_sql | +-----------------------------------------+ | bands | | bands_members | | bands_popular_albums | mysql> SELECT * FROM bands -> JOIN bands_popular_albums ON bands._id = bands_popular_albums._id;
  • 19. Custom Schema Create a tabular schema to meet specific needs of users
  • 20. #MDBLocal Document Relational Definition Language (DRDL) ● Often, we need to adjust the default schema generated by BIC schema creation logic ● Output generated by mongodrdl ● Utilizes BIC default sampling logic ● Defines both names and data types
  • 21. #MDBLocal Generate mongodrdl output Edit output to create desired schema Import schema to MongoDB Provide unique name Start mongosqld with named schema
  • 22. #MDBLocal Generate DRDL Output using mongodrdl mongodrdl -d sql -c bands > bands.drdl
  • 23. schema: - db: sql tables: - table: bands collection: bands pipeline: [] columns: - Name: _id MongoType: bson.ObjectId SqlName: _id SqlType: objectid - Name: band MongoType: string SqlName: band SqlType: varchar - Name: MongoType: string SqlName: SqlType: varchar - Name: formation.year MongoType: date SqlName: formation.year SqlType: timestamp - table: bands_members collection: bands pipeline: - $unwind: includeArrayIndex: members_idx path: $members preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false columns: - Name: _id MongoType: bson.ObjectId SqlName: _id SqlType: objectid - Name: members.dob MongoType: date SqlName: members.dob SqlType: timestamp - Name: MongoType: string SqlName: SqlType: varchar - Name: members.primary_instrument MongoType: string SqlName: members.primary_instrument SqlType: varchar - Name: members_idx MongoType: int SqlName: members_idx SqlType: int Root table: bands Sub-table: bands_members
  • 24. - table: bands_popular_albums collection: bands pipeline: - $unwind: includeArrayIndex: popular_albums_idx path: $popular_albums preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false columns: - Name: _id MongoType: bson.ObjectId SqlName: _id SqlType: objectid - Name: popular_albums MongoType: string SqlName: popular_albums SqlType: varchar - Name: popular_albums_idx MongoType: int SqlName: popular_albums_idx SqlType: int Sub-table: bands_popular_albums
  • 25. #MDBLocal Current vs Desired mysql> show tables; +-----------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_sql | +-----------------------------------------+ | bands | | bands_members | | bands_popular_albums | mysql> show tables; +-----------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_sql | +-----------------------------------------+ | bands |
  • 26. #MDBLocal Define new document structure with aggregation [{$unwind: { path: "$popular_albums" }}, {$project: { band: "$band", formed: "$formation.year", city: "$", popular_album: "$popular_albums" }}] schema: - db: sql tables: - table: bands collection: bands pipeline: [{$unwind: {path: "$popular_albums"}}, {$project: { band: "$band", formed: "$formation.year", city: "$", popular_album: "$popular_albums" }}] Use aggregation to create document structure: Add pipeline to drdl:
  • 27. #MDBLocal Edit table/field names and data types schema: - db: sql tables: - table: bands collection: bands pipeline: [{$unwind: { path: "$popular_albums" }}, {$project: { band: "$band", formed: "$formation.year", city: "$", popular_album: "$popular_albums" }}] columns: - Name: _id MongoType: bson.ObjectId SqlName: _id SqlType: objectid - Name: band MongoType: string SqlName: band SqlType: varchar - Name: city MongoType: string SqlName: city SqlType: timestamp - Name: popular_album MongoType: string SqlName: album SqlType: varchar - Name: formed MongoType: date SqlName: formed SqlType: timestamp
  • 28. #MDBLocal Import schema and provide name mongodrdl upload --drdl bands_flat.drdl --schemaSource=bic_schema mongodrdl name-schema --name bands_flat --schemaSource=bic_schema - -schema <unique ID>
  • 29. #MDBLocal Start mongosqld in “custom mode” mongosqld --schemaSource=bic_schemas / --schemaName=bands_flat / --schemaMode=custom
  • 30. #MDBLocal Updated schema: mysql> describe bands; +-------+----------------+------+------+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+----------------+------+------+---------+-------+ | _id | varchar(24) | YES | PRI | NULL | | | album | varchar(65535) | YES | | NULL | | | band | varchar(65535) | YES | | NULL | | | city | datetime | YES | | NULL | | +-------+----------------+------+------+---------+-------+
  • 31. Demo
  • 32. #MDBLocal ● Get you excited about querying MongoDB using SQL ● Provide an end-to-end review of how the BI Connector enables this ● Teach you how to manage schema mappings between MongoDB and SQL tables/columns ● Demonstrate how to connect to and query MongoDB from the MySQL shell Revisiting our goals today:
  • 33. #MDBLocal ● Download BI Connector 2.12 ● Query MongoDB using default schema mapping ● Create a custom schema mapping ● Query MongoDB via SQL using your custom schema Now you can: