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Finding the Right Atlas Cluster Size:
Does this Instance Make my App Look Fast?
Jay Runkel, Master Solutions Architect Dawoud Ibrahim, Solutions Architect
Master Solutions Architect Senior Solutions Architect
Dawoud IbrahimJay Runkel
Airplane pilot flys you from A to B safely
He uses a lot of information:

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re:Invent 2022 DAT326 Deep dive into Amazon Aurora and its innovations
re:Invent 2022  DAT326 Deep dive into Amazon Aurora and its innovationsre:Invent 2022  DAT326 Deep dive into Amazon Aurora and its innovations
re:Invent 2022 DAT326 Deep dive into Amazon Aurora and its innovations

With an innovative architecture that decouples compute from storage as well as advanced features like Global Database and low-latency read replicas, Amazon Aurora reimagines what it means to be a relational database. The result is a modern database service that offers performance and high availability at scale, fully open-source MySQL- and PostgreSQL-compatible editions, and a range of developer tools for building serverless and machine learning-driven applications. In this session, dive deep into some of the most exciting features Aurora offers, including Aurora Serverless v2 and Global Database. Also learn about recent innovations that enhance performance, scalability, and security while reducing operational challenges.

aurora postgresqlpostgresqlpostgres
Introduction to Amazon Aurora
Introduction to Amazon AuroraIntroduction to Amazon Aurora
Introduction to Amazon Aurora

This document provides an introduction to Amazon Aurora, AWS's managed relational database service. It discusses how Aurora was built to provide the speed and availability of commercial databases at the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. The document outlines key Aurora features like automatic scaling, continuous backups, replication across Availability Zones, and integration with other AWS services. Customer case studies show how Aurora provides better performance at lower costs than alternative database options. The document also covers migration options and how Aurora offers a simpler, more cost-effective database solution than on-premises or self-managed options.

cloud computingamazon aurorasteve-abraham
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon RedshiftGetting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift

(1) Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehousing service in the cloud that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze large amounts of data across petabytes of structured and semi-structured data. (2) It provides fast query performance by using massively parallel processing and columnar storage techniques. (3) Customers like NTT Docomo, Nasdaq, and Amazon have been able to analyze petabytes of data faster and at a lower cost using Amazon Redshift compared to their previous on-premises solutions.

aws pop-up loft san franciscoamazon web servicesaws loft architecture week database
With Atlas, your must deploy a cluster that:
1. Meets your customers performance expectations
2. Achieves this with minimal cost
Critical responsibility: cluster right sizing
Self Managed Deployment
Critical responsibility: cluster right sizing
Self Managed Deployment
Excess Capacity
Right sizing with Atlas is easier

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Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
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Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB

This session will begin with an introduction to non-relational (NoSQL) databases and compare them with relational (SQL) databases. Learn the fundamentals of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service, and see the DynamoDB console first-hand. See a walk-through demo of building a serverless web application using this high-performance key-value and JSON document store.

Building Stream Infrastructure across Multiple Data Centers with Apache Kafka
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Building Stream Infrastructure across Multiple Data Centers with Apache Kafka

To manage the ever-increasing volume and velocity of data within your company, you have successfully made the transition from single machines and one-off solutions to large distributed stream infrastructures in your data center, powered by Apache Kafka. But what if one data center is not enough? I will describe building resilient data pipelines with Apache Kafka that span multiple data centers and points of presence, and provide an overview of best practices and common patterns while covering key areas such as architecture guidelines, data replication, and mirroring as well as disaster scenarios and failure handling.

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Clickhouse Capacity Planning for OLAP Workloads, Mik Kocikowski of CloudFlare
Clickhouse Capacity Planning for OLAP Workloads, Mik Kocikowski of CloudFlareClickhouse Capacity Planning for OLAP Workloads, Mik Kocikowski of CloudFlare
Clickhouse Capacity Planning for OLAP Workloads, Mik Kocikowski of CloudFlare

Presented on December ClickHouse Meetup. Dec 3, 2019 Concrete findings and "best practices" from building a cluster sized for 150 analytic queries per second on 100TB of http logs. Topics covered: hardware, clients (http vs native), partitioning, indexing, SELECT vs INSERT performance, replication, sharding, quotas, and benchmarking.

Atlas provides this?
They both look confusing
How do you do this? With this?
Earning your Atlas Wings

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Amazon RDS with Amazon Aurora | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016
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Amazon RDS with Amazon Aurora | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016

This session provides the attendee with an overview of Amazon RDS across different database types and then dives deep into the benefits and performance of Amazon Aurora.

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Redis Reliability, Performance & Innovation
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Redis Reliability, Performance & Innovation

The document discusses Redis and its capabilities for high performance, reliability, and new use cases. Redis can provide linear scalability and handle over 200 million operations per second through its shared-nothing architecture, multi-threaded proxy, and NUMA optimizations. It offers strong reliability with features like pure in-memory replication and multi-availability zone deployment. Redis also enables new use cases through capabilities like active-active replication using CRDTs, time series storage and querying with RedisTimeSeries, and serving AI models close to data with RedisAI.

Apache Cassandra - Diagnostics and monitoring
Apache Cassandra - Diagnostics and monitoringApache Cassandra - Diagnostics and monitoring
Apache Cassandra - Diagnostics and monitoring

This presentation is intended as a field guide for users of Apache Cassandra. This guide specifically covers an explanation of diagnostics tools and monitoring tools and methods used in conjunction with Apache Cassandra. It is written in a pragmatic order with the most important tools first. Presented by Alex Thompson at the Sydney Cassandra Meetup

Right sizing in 3 steps
1. Verify database is optimally configured
2. Evaluate remaining capacity
3. Extrapolate to future
Step 1 – Verifying Database is Optimally
Optimal Indexes?
• Document Metrics
• Query Targeting
• Scan and Order
• Performance Advisor
Document Metrics : What to look for?
What do they mean?
Average rate per second of documents deleted meets your specified
Average rate per second of documents inserted meets your specified
Average rate per second of documents returned meets your specified
Average rate per second of documents updated meets your specified
Document Metrics : Why Are they important?
They are your Throughput Metrics!
• Most Crucial and help avoid performance issues
• Understand how cluster is being used
• optimize performance and
• Avoid overloading Database
• Prevent resource saturation
ü Know when to scale up or out

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Performance Tuning And Optimization Microsoft SQL Database
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To maximize the benefits of ScyllaDB, you must adapt the structure of your data. Data modeling for ScyllaDB should be query-driven based on your access patterns – a very different approach than normalization for SQL tables. In this session, you will learn how tools can help you migrate your existing SQL structures to accelerate your digital transformation and application modernization. To watch all of the recordings hosted during Scylla Summit 2022 visit our website here:

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Survey of some free Tools to enhance your SQL Tuning and Performance Diagnost...
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Survey of some free Tools to enhance your SQL Tuning and Performance Diagnost...

Several free tools are available to help with SQL tuning and performance diagnostics, including SQLd360, SQLT, and eDB360. SQLd360 and SQLT are good for diagnosing a single SQL statement, while eDB360 provides a 360-degree view of an entire Oracle database. Snapper and TUNAs360 can diagnose sessions and database activity. Standalone scripts like planx and sqlmon provide specialized diagnostics for individual cases. These free tools vary in size and capabilities, but all aim to help tune and diagnose SQL and database performance issues.

oracle performanceoracleedb360
Query Targeting
What is it used For?
Scanned Objects/Returned
Number of documents examined to fulfill a query relative to the
actual number of returned documents – Default: >= 1000
Number of index keys examined to fulfill a query relative to the
actual number of returned documents – User Defined ; Not
enabled by Default
• alerts indicate inefficient queries
Ø Ideal ratio should be 1
Ø High ratios indicate lack of indexes (Collection Scan) or partial
index usage
Query Targeting
What is it used For?
Ø Ideal ratio should be 1
Ø High ratios indicate lack of indexes (Collection Scan) or partial
index usage
Query Targeting
When does it happens?
• No index available to support queries or
• Index partially supports query
• How determine which Query:
• Real-Time Performance Panel monitors
• Cursor.explain() in mongo shell
• MongoDB logs
• Performance Advisor
Query Targeting
When does it happens?
• No index available to support queries or
• Index partially supports query
• How determine which Query:
• MongoDB logs

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A Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse, by Robert Hodges
A Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse, by Robert HodgesA Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse, by Robert Hodges
A Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse, by Robert Hodges

Slides for the Webinar, presented on March 6, 2019 For the webinar video visit Extracting business insight from massive pools of machine-generated data is the central analytic problem of the digital era. ClickHouse data warehouse addresses it with sub-second SQL query response on petabyte-scale data sets. In this talk we'll discuss the features that make ClickHouse increasingly popular, show you how to install it, and teach you enough about how ClickHouse works so you can try it out on real problems of your own. We'll have cool demos (of course) and gladly answer your questions at the end. Speaker Bio: Robert Hodges is CEO of Altinity, which offers enterprise support for ClickHouse. He has over three decades of experience in data management spanning 20 different DBMS types. ClickHouse is his current favorite. ;)

Deep dive into PostgreSQL statistics.
Deep dive into PostgreSQL statistics.Deep dive into PostgreSQL statistics.
Deep dive into PostgreSQL statistics.

This document discusses PostgreSQL statistics and how to use them effectively. It provides an overview of various PostgreSQL statistics sources like views, functions and third-party tools. It then demonstrates how to analyze specific statistics like those for databases, tables, indexes, replication and query activity to identify anomalies, optimize performance and troubleshoot issues.

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This is a recording of my Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting seminar preparation session - where I showed how I set up my command line environment and some of the main performance scripts I use!

Performance Advisor
• No index available to support queries or
• Index partially supports query
• How determine which Query:
• Performance Advisor
Query Targeting
Ideal Scenario example
Ideal ratio of 1!
Query Targeting
Inefficient Scenarios/examples
High ratio of 46.8K & 600K!
Scan and Order
It is an indication that MongoDB did not use an index to
sort data; it was sorted in memory
Why is it important?
Scan and Order
The average rate per second over the selected sample period of
queries that return sorted results that cannot perform the sort
operation using an index.

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DAT202_Getting started with Amazon Aurora
DAT202_Getting started with Amazon AuroraDAT202_Getting started with Amazon Aurora
DAT202_Getting started with Amazon Aurora

This document summarizes a presentation about Amazon Aurora. It discusses how Aurora provides the speed and availability of commercial databases at a lower cost than open source databases. Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible database that is managed as a service, automating administrative tasks. It utilizes a distributed, self-healing storage system to provide high availability and durability across availability zones.

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ATC is a system built using Samza to manage communications with LinkedIn members. It aims to improve the member experience by applying common functionality across different communication types and use cases. It handles thousands of communications per second while maintaining a good understanding of members' states in near-real-time. ATC focuses on sending the right message to the right member through the right channel at the right time using techniques like filtering, aggregation, channel selection and delivery optimization. It was built to be highly scalable using streaming technologies like Kafka, RocksDB and host affinity to replicate state across datacenters for redundancy. Personalization is achieved through relevance scores computed offline and stored in RocksDB.

Capacity Planning
Capacity PlanningCapacity Planning
Capacity Planning

Deploying any software can be a challenge if you don't understand how resources are used or how to plan for the capacity of your systems. Whether you need to deploy or grow a single MongoDB instance, replica set, or tens of sharded clusters then you probably share the same challenges in trying to size that deployment. This webinar will cover what resources MongoDB uses, and how to plan for their use in your deployment. Topics covered will include understanding how to model and plan capacity needs for new and growing deployments. The goal of this webinar will be to provide you with the tools needed to be successful in managing your MongoDB capacity planning tasks.

mongodbcapacity planninghardware
Step 2 – How much extra capacity do we have?
Start with CPU and IO
• CPU Utilization
• IO Utilization
Next Dig Deeper
• Cache Activity
• Cache Usage
There are only 4 resources:
1. CPU
2. RAM
3. Disk Space
There are only 4 resources:
1. CPU
2. RAM
3. Disk Space
Atlas will automatically scale
this one for you

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Amazon Redshift Deep Dive
Amazon Redshift Deep Dive Amazon Redshift Deep Dive
Amazon Redshift Deep Dive

Learn tuning best practices for taking advantage of Amazon Redshift's columnar technology and parallel processing capabilities to improve your delivery of queries and improve overall database performance. This session explains how to migrate from existing data warehouses, create an optimized schema, efficiently load data, use work load management, tune your queries, and use Amazon Redshift's interleaved sorting features. Finally, learn how to use these best practices to give their entire organization access to analytic insights at scale. Presented by: Alex Sinner, Solutions Architecture PMO, Amazon Web Services Customer Guest: Luuk Linssen, Product Manager, Bannerconnect

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Azure Data Factory Data Flow Performance Tuning 101
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Azure Data Factory Data Flow Performance Tuning 101

The document provides performance timing results and recommendations for optimizing Azure Data Factory data flows. Sample 1 processed a 421MB file with 887k rows in 4 minutes using default partitioning on an 80-core Azure IR. Sample 2 processed a table with the same size and transforms in 3 minutes using source and derived column partitioning. Sample 3 processed the same size file in 2 minutes with default partitioning. The document recommends partitioning strategies, using memory optimized clusters, and scaling cores to improve performance.

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MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: Finding the Right Atlas Cluster Size: Does this ...
MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: Finding the Right Atlas Cluster Size: Does this ...MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: Finding the Right Atlas Cluster Size: Does this ...
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How do you determine whether your MongoDB Atlas cluster is over provisioned, whether the new feature in your next application release will crush your cluster, or when to increase cluster size based upon planned usage growth?  MongoDB Atlas provides over a hundred metrics enabling visibility into the inner workings of MongoDB performance, but how do apply all this information to make capacity planning decisions? This presentation will enable you to effectively analyze your MongoDB performance to optimize your MongoDB Atlas spend and ensure smooth application operation into the future.

mongodb .local toronto 2019mongodb atlas
Atlas Provides 3 CPU Metrics
1. System CPU – All processes (may be > 100%, multiple cores)
2. Normalized – All processes, normalized 0 – 100%
3. Process – MongoDB only
Minimal Additional CPU Capacity
• 15 GB RAM
• 4 vCPUs
Extra CPU Capacity
• 15 GB RAM
• 4 vCPUs
RAM and IO

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Hardware Provisioning
Hardware ProvisioningHardware Provisioning
Hardware Provisioning

This document discusses hardware provisioning best practices for MongoDB. It covers key concepts like bottlenecks, working sets, and replication vs sharding. It also presents two case studies where these concepts were applied: 1) For a Spanish bank storing logs, the working set was 4TB so they provisioned servers with at least that much RAM. 2) For an online retailer storing products, testing found the working set was 270GB, so they recommended a replica set with 384GB RAM per server to avoid complexity of sharding. The key lessons are to understand requirements, test with a proof of concept, measure resource usage, and expect that applications may become bottlenecks over time.

Espc17 make your share point fly by tuning and optimising sql server
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Espc17 make your share point fly by tuning and optimising sql server

SQL Server is really the brain of SharePoint. The default settings of SQL server are not optimised for SharePoint. In this session, Serge Luca (SharePoint MVP) and Isabelle Van Campenhoudt (SQL Server MVP) will give you an overview of what every SQL Server DBA needs to know regarding configuring, monitoring and setting up SQL Server for SharePoint 2013. After a quick description of the SharePoint architecture (site, site collections,…), we will describe the different types of SharePoint databases and their specific configuration settings. Some do’s and don’ts specific to SharePoint and also the disaster recovery options for SharePoint, including (but not only) SQL Server Always On Availability, groups for High availability and disaster recovery in order to achieve an optimal level of business continuity. Benefits of Attending this Session: Tips & tricks Lessons learned from the field Super return on Investment

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Make your SharePoint fly by tuning and optimizing SQL Server
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Make your SharePoint fly by tuning and optimizing SQL Server

This document summarizes a presentation on optimizing SQL Server for SharePoint. It discusses basic SharePoint database concepts, planning for long-term performance by optimizing resources like CPU, RAM, disks and network latency. It also covers optimal SQL Server configuration including installation, database settings like recovery models and file placement. Maintaining databases through tools like DBCC CheckDB and measuring performance using counters and diagnostic queries is also presented. The presentation emphasizes the importance of collaboration between SharePoint and database administrators to ensure compliance and optimize performance.

RAM and Disk activity are interrelated
• More RAM è less disk activity
• Less RAM à more disk activity
• Why?
Data and indexes are cached in RAM
File System
collections indexes
{} {} {}
{} {}
More RAM à more data in cache à less read from disk
MongoDB allocates ~50% RAM for cache
OS MDB ? File System Cache Wired Tiger Cache
How much RAM is enough?
RAM > Working Set
Working Set = Indexes + Frequently accessed documents
Atlas displays the index size:

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015 - Advanced MongoDB - The Sequel

MongoDB presentation from Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015. Walkthrough developing, deploying and operating a MongoDB application, avoiding the most common pitfalls.

Performance tuning in sql server
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Performance tuning in sql server

This document discusses how to optimize performance in SQL Server. It covers: 1) Why performance tuning is necessary to allow systems to scale, improve performance, and save costs. 2) How to optimize SQL Server performance by addressing CPU, memory, I/O, and other factors like compression and partitioning. 3) How to optimize the database for performance through techniques like schema design, indexing, locking, and query optimization.

Performance Tuning
Performance TuningPerformance Tuning
Performance Tuning

This document discusses tuning a system for optimal performance. It covers determining performance criteria, analyzing problems, testing solutions, and signs of a well-tuned system. Key aspects of tuning include analyzing system usage, determining causes of problems, setting goals to improve throughput or response times, and testing changes. Memory, processors, I/O, and network usage should be optimized to avoid bottlenecks.

Index size gives us the lower bound for RAM
Working Set = Indexes + Frequently accessed documents
How big are the frequently accessed documents?
There isn’t a an Atlas chart for that:
Cache Activity can provide some visibility
Working set doesn’t fit in RAM
High cache and disk activity
What does this look like in Atlas?
• 15 GB RAM
• 4 vCPUs
Cache Activity
Cache Usage

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Performance Tuning
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Performance Tuning

This document provides an overview of performance tuning the MySQL server. It discusses where to find server configuration and status information, how to analyze what the database is doing using status variables, and which configuration variables can be tuned for optimization, including global, per-session, and storage engine variables. Key areas covered include memory usage, query analysis, indexing strategies, and tuning storage engines like InnoDB and MyISAM.

AWS re:Invent 2016| DAT318 | Migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL: How Sony Moved fr...
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In this session, you will learn the key differences between a relational database management service (RDBMS) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases like Amazon DynamoDB. You will learn about suitable and unsuitable use cases for NoSQL databases. You'll learn strategies for migrating from an RDBMS to DynamoDB through a 5-phase, iterative approach. See how Sony migrated an on-premises MySQL database to the cloud with Amazon DynamoDB, and see the results of this migration.

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Cómo se diseña una base de datos que pueda ingerir más de cuatro millones de ...
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En esta sesión voy a contar las decisiones técnicas que tomamos al desarrollar QuestDB, una base de datos Open Source para series temporales compatible con Postgres, y cómo conseguimos escribir más de cuatro millones de filas por segundo sin bloquear o enlentecer las consultas. Hablaré de cosas como (zero) Garbage Collection, vectorización de instrucciones usando SIMD, reescribir en lugar de reutilizar para arañar microsegundos, aprovecharse de los avances en procesadores, discos duros y sistemas operativos, como por ejemplo el soporte de io_uring, o del balance entre experiencia de usuario y rendimiento cuando se plantean nuevas funcionalidades.

What does this look like in Atlas?
• 15 GB RAM
• 4 vCPUs
Cache Activity
Cache Usage
Disk Utilization
Available runway is short
Queues are empty
Query execution
times aren’t horrible
How do we add more runway (capacity)?
1. Add RAM
§ More of working set in RAM
§ Shorter latency
§ Less IO
2. Add more IOPS
§ Read more data from disk per second
Which should you choose?
Add more RAM or IO?
Memory is much faster
• ~ .1 us = memory access
• ~150 us = 4K random read from SSD
• Putting more of the working set in RAM will have big impact
• Upgrade instance size
• Add shard
• Adding IOPS will provide a smaller boost

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Sizing your alfresco platform
Sizing your alfresco platformSizing your alfresco platform
Sizing your alfresco platform

Sizing an alfresco infrastructure has always been an interesting topic with lots of unrevealed questions. There is no perfect formula that can accurately define what is the perfect sizing for your architecture considering your use case. However, we can provide you with valuable guidance on how to size your Alfresco solution, by asking the right questions, collecting the right numbers, and taking the right assumptions on a very interesting sizing exercise. How many alfresco servers will you need on your alfresco cluster? How many CPUs/cores do you need on those servers to handle your estimated user concurrency? How do you estimate the sizing and growth of your storage? How much memory do you need on your Solr servers? How many Solr servers do you need to get the response times you require? What are the golden rules that can drive and maintain the success of an Alfresco project?

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Scaling apps for the big time
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Scaling apps for the big time

Accompanying slides for the "Scaling apps for the big time" presentation delivered at MelbDjango 1.4, hosted by Common Code

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Mapping Data Flows Perf Tuning April 2021
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This document discusses optimizing performance for data flows in Azure Data Factory. It provides sample timing results for various scenarios and recommends settings to improve performance. Some best practices include using memory optimized Azure integration runtimes, maintaining current partitioning, scaling virtual cores, and optimizing transformations and sources/sinks. The document also covers monitoring flows to identify bottlenecks and global settings that affect performance.

azureazure data factorysynapse analytics
Example: working set fits in RAM
• 1.7 GB RAM
• .5 vCPU
• Lots of queries
• Low cache activity
Low disk activity à working set fits in RAM
• Excellent query
• Low disk
What about writes?
• Available IOPS must be greater than:
• IOPS required for writes
• IOPS for reads not in cache
• Cache activity will provide visibility into write IOPS as well
Cache usage with max write throughput
• 1.7 GB RAM
• .5 vCPU
• Write intensive

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Redshift deep dive
Redshift deep diveRedshift deep dive
Redshift deep dive

Nesta segunda parte do tema Redshift, mostramos o case da Movile, líder em mobile commerce com 50 milhões de usuários, e analisamos tópicos avançados como compressão, macros SQL embutidas e índices multidimensionais para grandes bases de dados.

Breaking data
Breaking dataBreaking data
Breaking data

This document summarizes Terry Bunio's presentation on breaking and fixing broken data. It begins by thanking sponsors and providing information about Terry Bunio and upcoming SQL events. It then discusses the three types of broken data: inconsistent, incoherent, and ineffectual data. For each type, it provides an example and suggestions on how to identify and fix the issues. It demonstrates how to use tools like Oracle Data Modeler, execution plans, SQL Profiler, and OStress to diagnose problems to make data more consistent, coherent and effective.

sq; serverostressbreaking bad
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071410 sun a_1515_feldman_stephen

This document provides best practices for optimizing Blackboard Learn performance. It recommends deploying for performance from the start, optimizing platform components continuously through measurements, using scalable deployments like 64-bit architectures and virtualization, improving page responsiveness through techniques like gzip compression and image optimization, optimizing the web server, Java Virtual Machine, and database through configuration and tools. It emphasizes the importance of understanding resource utilization, wait events, execution plans, and statistics/histograms for database optimization.

Cache usage with max write throughput
WT Cache Size:
• 256 MB
• Max Dirty (20%) : 51.2 MB
In this case, CPU is the limiting factor
Step 3 – Do we have enough future capacity?
At this point:
1. MongoDB is optimally configured
2. We understand our current level of utilization
3. We estimated our working set
4. Validated our working set estimate by looking at cache activity
Step 3 – Do we have enough future capacity?
We need to understand how the workload will change in the future:
• How much more data?
• How many more queries?
• New data types and queries?

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World-class Data Engineering with Amazon Redshift
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World-class Data Engineering with Amazon Redshift

These are the slides used in the Redshift training by This class introduces you to strategies and best practices for designing a data platform using Amazon Redshift. For a link to the video, please contact

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB AtlasMongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB Atlas

This presentation discusses migrating data from other data stores to MongoDB Atlas. It begins by explaining why MongoDB and Atlas are good choices for data management. Several preparation steps are covered, including sizing the target Atlas cluster, increasing the source oplog, and testing connectivity. Live migration, mongomirror, and dump/restore options are presented for migrating between replicasets or sharded clusters. Post-migration steps like monitoring and backups are also discussed. Finally, migrating from other data stores like AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, DynamoDB, and relational databases are briefly covered.

mongodb atlasmongodb socal 2020
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!

These days, everyone is expected to be a data analyst. But with so much data available, how can you make sense of it and be sure you're making the best decisions? One great approach is to use data visualizations. In this session, we take a complex dataset and show how the breadth of capabilities in MongoDB Charts can help you turn bits and bytes into insights.

mongodb socal 2020
For writes
# Writes Today
# Write IOPS Today
# Future Writes
# Future IOPS
# Future IOPS = (# Future Writes * Write IOPS Today) / # Writes Today
Assumes application
doesn’t change
Make sure there is sufficient CPU capacity for additional writes
For Reads
Need to understand how working set will change:
1. Static working set
• More queries against same working set
2. Linear growth
• More data, but same documents/indexes/queries
3. New working set
• Changes to documents, indexes, queries
Static Working Set, but more queries
Static Working Set, but more queries
1. Scale reads IOPS proportionally (similar to writes)
2. Verify available CPU capacity
§ Scale up or out as necessary

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: Any Platform, Devel...MongoDB SoCal 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: Any Platform, Devel...
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: Any Platform, Devel...

MongoDB Kubernetes operator and MongoDB Open Service Broker are ready for production operations. Learn about how MongoDB can be used with the most popular container orchestration platform, Kubernetes, and bring self-service, persistent storage to your containerized applications. A demo will show you how easy it is to enable MongoDB clusters as an External Service using the Open Service Broker API for MongoDB

mongodb socal 2020
MongoDB SoCal 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling for MongoDB
MongoDB SoCal 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling for MongoDBMongoDB SoCal 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling for MongoDB
MongoDB SoCal 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling for MongoDB

Are you new to schema design for MongoDB, or are you looking for a more complete or agile process than what you are following currently? In this talk, we will guide you through the phases of a flexible methodology that you can apply to projects ranging from small to large with very demanding requirements.

mongodb socal 2020
MongoDB SoCal 2020: From Pharmacist to Analyst: Leveraging MongoDB for Real-T...
MongoDB SoCal 2020: From Pharmacist to Analyst: Leveraging MongoDB for Real-T...MongoDB SoCal 2020: From Pharmacist to Analyst: Leveraging MongoDB for Real-T...
MongoDB SoCal 2020: From Pharmacist to Analyst: Leveraging MongoDB for Real-T...

Humana, like many companies, is tackling the challenge of creating real-time insights from data that is diverse and rapidly changing. This is our journey of how we used MongoDB to combined traditional batch approaches with streaming technologies to provide continues alerting capabilities from real-time data streams.

mongodb socal 2020
Linear growth, same queries, same documents
Linear growth, same data, same documents
1. Scale write IOPS proportionally
2. Scale reads IOPS proportionally
3. Scale RAM proportionally
4. Verify available CPU capacity
§ Scale up or out as necessary
Changes to documents, queries, indexes,
volume, …
Extrapolate if changes are small
If not, estimate RAM, Disk, IOPS as in:
§ Sizing MongoDB Clusters
§ MongoDB World 2017
1. Optimally configured
§ Indexes support queries
§ Query targeting, Scan and Order, Performance Profiler
2. Evaluate remaining capacity
§ IO
§ Use cache activity to evaluate working set size
3. Extrapolate to future
§ Extrapolate linearly, if application changes are small

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series Data
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series DataMongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series Data
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series Data

Time series data is increasingly at the heart of modern applications - think IoT, stock trading, clickstreams, social media, and more. With the move from batch to real time systems, the efficient capture and analysis of time series data can enable organizations to better detect and respond to events ahead of their competitors or to improve operational efficiency to reduce cost and risk. Working with time series data is often different from regular application data, and there are best practices you should observe. This talk covers: Common components of an IoT solution The challenges involved with managing time-series data in IoT applications Different schema designs, and how these affect memory and disk utilization – two critical factors in application performance. How to query, analyze and present IoT time-series data using MongoDB Compass and MongoDB Charts At the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of key best practices in managing IoT time-series data with MongoDB.

mongodb socal 2020
MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start
 MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start
MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start

Join this talk and test session with a MongoDB Developer Advocate where you'll go over the setup, configuration, and deployment of an Atlas environment. Create a service that you can take back in a production-ready state and prepare to unleash your inner genius.

mongodb socal 2020mongodb atlas
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]

Our clients have unique use cases and data patterns that mandate the choice of a particular strategy. To implement these strategies, it is mandatory that we unlearn a lot of relational concepts while designing and rapidly developing efficient applications on NoSQL. In this session, we will talk about some of our client use cases, the strategies we have adopted, and the features of MongoDB that assisted in implementing these strategies.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This Instance Make My App Look Fast?
Updating your existing deck with this template
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Click File > Make a copy...
Select slides from your current deck and click copy.
Select desired slides from left sidebar > Click Cmd+C (Mac) / Ctrl+C (PC)
Paste slides into the copy of this template.
Click into left sidebar > Click Cmd+V (Mac) / Ctrl+V (PC)
Change the theme of your pasted slides to match the new template.
Select newly pasted slides in sidebar > Click Theme > Click In this presentation > Select MDBW19
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Select each textbox in each slide > Click into font drop-down menu > Select DIN(DINOT)
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Presenter name or subtitle here – keep it to one line or 57 characters
Title of the presentation goes here – keep title to two
lines maximum and/or 112 characters with spaces
Use this title slide layout when there are two speakers
Speaker One, Title Speaker Two, Title
SocialMedia SocialMedia

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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using Client Side Encryption in MongoDB 4.2
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using Client Side Encryption in MongoDB 4.2MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using Client Side Encryption in MongoDB 4.2
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using Client Side Encryption in MongoDB 4.2

Encryption is not a new concept to MongoDB. Encryption may occur in-transit (with TLS) and at-rest (with the encrypted storage engine). But MongoDB 4.2 introduces support for Client Side Encryption, ensuring the most sensitive data is encrypted before ever leaving the client application. Even full access to your MongoDB servers is not enough to decrypt this data. And better yet, Client Side Encryption can be enabled at the "flick of a switch". This session covers using Client Side Encryption in your applications. This includes the necessary setup, how to encrypt data without sacrificing queryability, and what trade-offs to expect.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Using MongoDB Services in Kubernetes: any ...

MongoDB Kubernetes operator is ready for prime-time. Learn about how MongoDB can be used with most popular orchestration platform, Kubernetes, and bring self-service, persistent storage to your containerized applications.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!

These days, everyone is expected to be a data analyst. But with so much data available, how can you make sense of it and be sure you're making the best decisions? One great approach is to use data visualizations. In this session, we take a complex dataset and show how the breadth of capabilities in MongoDB Charts can help you turn bits and bytes into insights.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Use this title slide layout when there are two speakers
and speaker name and title need to go on two lines
Speaker One,
Title and/or Company
Speaker Two,
Title and/or Company
Title with content slide – Keep the title to two
lines maximum or 91 characters with spaces
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to
place emphasize on content.
§ Bullet one - use Paragraph > Increase List Level to add bullet
§ Bullet two – click Increase List Level again for 2nd level bullet
§ Bullet three
Titles on one line looks so much better
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to
place emphasize on content.
§ Bullet one - use Paragraph > Increase List Level to add bullet
§ Bullet two – click Increase List Level again for next level bullet
§ Bullet three – click Increase List Level again for next level bullet
Title with content and subtitle
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to
place emphasize on content.
§ Bullet one - use Paragraph > Increase List Level to add bullet
§ Bullet two – click Increase List Level again for 2nd level bullet
§ Bullet three

Recommended for you

MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: From SQL to NoSQL -- Changing Your Mindset
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: From SQL to NoSQL -- Changing Your MindsetMongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: From SQL to NoSQL -- Changing Your Mindset
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: From SQL to NoSQL -- Changing Your Mindset

When you need to model data, is your first instinct to start breaking it down into rows and columns? Mine used to be too. When you want to develop apps in a modern, agile way, NoSQL databases can be the best option. Come to this talk to learn how to take advantage of all that NoSQL databases have to offer and discover the benefits of changing your mindset from the legacy, tabular way of modeling data. We’ll compare and contrast the terms and concepts in SQL databases and MongoDB, explain the benefits of using MongoDB compared to SQL databases, and walk through data modeling basics so you feel confident as you begin using MongoDB.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas JumpstartMongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart

Join this talk and test session with a MongoDB Developer Advocate where you'll go over the setup, configuration, and deployment of an Atlas environment. Create a service that you can take back in a production-ready state and prepare to unleash your inner genius.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020mongodb atlas
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Tips and Tricks++ for Querying and Indexin...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Tips and Tricks++ for Querying and Indexin...MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Tips and Tricks++ for Querying and Indexin...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Tips and Tricks++ for Querying and Indexin...

The document discusses guidelines for ordering fields in compound indexes to optimize query performance. It recommends the E-S-R approach: placing equality fields first, followed by sort fields, and range fields last. This allows indexes to leverage equality matches, provide non-blocking sorts, and minimize scanning. Examples show how indexes ordered by these guidelines can support queries more efficiently by narrowing the search bounds.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Title with bar chart 1
2 2
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Title with bar chart 2 – use green to highlight
MongoDB data
2 2
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Title with build animation bar chart 3
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Title with build animation doughnut cart
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 5th Qtr 6th Qtr

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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++

Aggregation pipeline has been able to power your analysis of data since version 2.2. In 4.2 we added more power and now you can use it for more powerful queries, updates, and outputting your data to existing collections. Come hear how you can do everything with the pipeline, including single-view, ETL, data roll-ups and materialized views.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling fo...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling fo...MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling fo...
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: A Complete Methodology of Data Modeling fo...

The document describes a methodology for data modeling with MongoDB. It begins by recognizing the differences between document and tabular databases, then outlines a three step methodology: 1) describe the workload by listing queries, 2) identify and model relationships between entities, and 3) apply relevant patterns when modeling for MongoDB. The document uses examples around modeling a coffee shop franchise to illustrate modeling approaches and techniques.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep DiveMongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive

MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a new service offered by MongoDB Atlas. Many organizations store long term, archival data in cost-effective storage like S3, GCP, and Azure Blobs. However, many of them do not have robust systems or tools to effectively utilize large amounts of data to inform decision making. MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a service allowing organizations to analyze their long-term data to discover a wealth of information about their business. This session will take a deep dive into the features that are currently available in MongoDB Atlas Data Lake and how they are implemented. In addition, we'll discuss future plans and opportunities and offer ample Q&A time with the engineers on the project.

mongodb atlasmongodb .local san francisco 2020
Title and table 1
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Content Content Content Content Content
Content Content Content Content Content
Content Content Content Content Content
Content Content Content Content Content
Content Content Content Content Content
Title and table 2
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
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Row 5 Content Content Content Content
Title two content
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use
bold or green font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
§ Bullet one
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§ Bullet
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bold or green font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
§ Bullet one
§ Bullet
§ Bullet
Title two content with subheads
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use
bold or green font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
First line of copy is not bulleted. Use
bold or green font treatment to place
emphasize on content.

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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Developing Alexa Skills with MongoDB & Golang
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Developing Alexa Skills with MongoDB & GolangMongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Developing Alexa Skills with MongoDB & Golang
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Developing Alexa Skills with MongoDB & Golang

Virtual assistants are becoming the new norm when it comes to daily life, with Amazon’s Alexa being the leader in the space. As a developer, not only do you need to make web and mobile compliant applications, but you need to be able to support virtual assistants like Alexa. However, the process isn’t quite the same between the platforms. How do you handle requests? Where do you store your data and work with it to create meaningful responses with little delay? How much of your code needs to change between platforms? In this session we’ll see how to design and develop applications known as Skills for Amazon Alexa powered devices using the Go programming language and MongoDB.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Realm : l'ingrédient secret pour de meilleures app...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Realm : l'ingrédient secret pour de meilleures app...MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Realm : l'ingrédient secret pour de meilleures app...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Realm : l'ingrédient secret pour de meilleures app...

aux Core Data, appréciée par des centaines de milliers de développeurs. Apprenez ce qui rend Realm spécial et comment il peut être utilisé pour créer de meilleures applications plus rapidement.

mongodb .local paris 2020
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Upply @MongoDB : Upply : Quand le Machine Learning...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Upply @MongoDB : Upply : Quand le Machine Learning...MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Upply @MongoDB : Upply : Quand le Machine Learning...
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Upply @MongoDB : Upply : Quand le Machine Learning...

Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de commander en ligne et de se faire livrer en moins de 48h très souvent gratuitement. Cette simplicité d’usage cache un marché complexe de plus de 8000 milliards de $. La data est bien connu du monde de la Supply Chain (itinéraires, informations sur les marchandises, douanes,…), mais la valeur de ces données opérationnelles reste peu exploitée. En alliant expertise métier et Data Science, Upply redéfinit les fondamentaux de la Supply Chain en proposant à chacun des acteurs de surmonter la volatilité et l’inefficacité du marché.

mongodb .local paris 2020
Title with doughnut chart and text
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 5th Qtr 6th Qtr
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bold or green font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
Title three content
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bulleted. Use bold or green
font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or green
font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or green
font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
Title three content with subheads
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font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or green
font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or green
font treatment to place
emphasize on content.
Title four content
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green font treatment to
place emphasize on
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bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on

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How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx
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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
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How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptxHow to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx

How do we build an IoT product, and make it profitable? Talk from the IoT meetup in March 2024.

Title four content with subheads
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
First line of copy is not
bulleted. Use bold or
green font treatment to
place emphasize on
Title with content and
big picture
First line of copy is not bulleted.
Use bold or green font
treatment to place emphasize
on content.
Title left
content right
First line of copy is not bulleted.
Use bold or green font
treatment to place emphasize on

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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-InTrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In

Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM. These are based on Shannon's Noisy channel Theorem and offers how the classical theory applies to the quantum world.

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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck

YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

web development agencywpriderswordpress development
Screenshot Slide
Title with infographic – 1
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and
description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced
with your own style.
Title with build animation infographic – 2
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description
here. This text is fully editable.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description
here. This text is fully editable.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description
here. This text is fully editable.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description
here. This text is fully editable.
This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description
here. This text is fully editable.
Statement or divider – Leaf

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges
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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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Statement or divider – Graphite
Section Divider
White option
Section Divider
Graphite option
Eliot Horowitz
CTO & Co-Founder

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Eliot Horowitz
CTO & Co-Founder
CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder
Eliot HorowitzEliot Horowitz
CTO & Co-Founder
CTO & Co-Founder
CTO & Co-Founder
Eliot Horowitz
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CTO & Co-Founder
Eliot Horowitz
CTO & Co-Founder
Eliot Horowitz
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Eliot Horowitz

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides

If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity: 6 }, …
] }
db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session );
for x in order.line_items:
db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } ,
{ $inc : { number : -1 *
x.qty } },
session=session )
Code with title
order = { line_items : [ { item : 5,
quantity : 6 },
… ] }
db.orders.insertOne( order );
for x in order.line_items:
db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item },
{ $inc : { number :
-1 * x.qty } })
Code comparison with title
order = { line_items : [ { item : 5,
quantity: 6 }, … ] }
db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session
for x in order.line_items:
db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } ,
{ $inc : { number : -1 * x.qty } },
session=session )

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a11yaccessibilityalt text
order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity: 6 }, …
] }
db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session );
for x in order.line_items:
db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } ,
{ $inc : { number : -1 *
x.qty } },
session=session )
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MongoDB World 2019: Finding the Right MongoDB Atlas Cluster Size: Does This Instance Make My App Look Fast?

  • 1. Finding the Right Atlas Cluster Size: Does this Instance Make my App Look Fast? Jay Runkel, Master Solutions Architect Dawoud Ibrahim, Solutions Architect jayrunkel
  • 2. Master Solutions Architect Senior Solutions Architect Dawoud IbrahimJay Runkel
  • 3. Airplane pilot flys you from A to B safely
  • 4. He uses a lot of information:
  • 5. With Atlas, your must deploy a cluster that: 1. Meets your customers performance expectations 2. Achieves this with minimal cost
  • 6. Critical responsibility: cluster right sizing time application workload Cluster capacity Self Managed Deployment
  • 7. Critical responsibility: cluster right sizing time application workload Cluster capacity Self Managed Deployment Excess Capacity
  • 8. Right sizing with Atlas is easier time application workload Cluster capacity
  • 10. They both look confusing
  • 13. Right sizing in 3 steps 1. Verify database is optimally configured 2. Evaluate remaining capacity § RAM § CPU § IOPS 3. Extrapolate to future
  • 14. Step 1 – Verifying Database is Optimally Configured Optimal Indexes? • Document Metrics • Query Targeting • Scan and Order • Performance Advisor
  • 15. Document Metrics : What to look for? What do they mean? Deleted Average rate per second of documents deleted meets your specified threshold. Inserted Average rate per second of documents inserted meets your specified threshold. Returned Average rate per second of documents returned meets your specified threshold. Updated Average rate per second of documents updated meets your specified threshold.
  • 16. Document Metrics : Why Are they important? They are your Throughput Metrics! • Most Crucial and help avoid performance issues • Understand how cluster is being used • optimize performance and • Avoid overloading Database • Prevent resource saturation ü Know when to scale up or out
  • 17. Query Targeting What is it used For? Scanned Objects/Returned Objects Number of documents examined to fulfill a query relative to the actual number of returned documents – Default: >= 1000 Scanned/Returned Number of index keys examined to fulfill a query relative to the actual number of returned documents – User Defined ; Not enabled by Default • alerts indicate inefficient queries Ø Ideal ratio should be 1 Ø High ratios indicate lack of indexes (Collection Scan) or partial index usage
  • 18. Query Targeting What is it used For? Ø Ideal ratio should be 1 Ø High ratios indicate lack of indexes (Collection Scan) or partial index usage
  • 19. Query Targeting When does it happens? • No index available to support queries or • Index partially supports query • How determine which Query: • Real-Time Performance Panel monitors • Cursor.explain() in mongo shell • MongoDB logs • Performance Advisor
  • 20. Query Targeting When does it happens? • No index available to support queries or • Index partially supports query • How determine which Query: • MongoDB logs
  • 21. Performance Advisor • No index available to support queries or • Index partially supports query • How determine which Query: • Performance Advisor
  • 22. Query Targeting Ideal Scenario example Ideal ratio of 1!
  • 24. Scan and Order It is an indication that MongoDB did not use an index to sort data; it was sorted in memory Why is it important? Scan and Order The average rate per second over the selected sample period of queries that return sorted results that cannot perform the sort operation using an index.
  • 25. Step 2 – How much extra capacity do we have? Start with CPU and IO • CPU Utilization • IO Utilization • IOPS Next Dig Deeper • Cache Activity • Cache Usage
  • 26. There are only 4 resources: 1. CPU 2. RAM 3. Disk Space 4. IOPS
  • 27. There are only 4 resources: 1. CPU 2. RAM 3. Disk Space 4. IOPS Atlas will automatically scale this one for you
  • 28. CPU
  • 29. Atlas Provides 3 CPU Metrics 1. System CPU – All processes (may be > 100%, multiple cores) 2. Normalized – All processes, normalized 0 – 100% 3. Process – MongoDB only
  • 30. Minimal Additional CPU Capacity M40 • 15 GB RAM • 4 vCPUs
  • 31. Extra CPU Capacity M40 • 15 GB RAM • 4 vCPUs
  • 33. RAM and Disk activity are interrelated • More RAM è less disk activity • Less RAM à more disk activity • Why?
  • 34. Data and indexes are cached in RAM File System collections indexes CPU Memory indexes documents {} {} {} {} {} More RAM à more data in cache à less read from disk
  • 35. MongoDB allocates ~50% RAM for cache OS MDB ? File System Cache Wired Tiger Cache Uncompressed Documents Indexes Compressed Documents Indexes Disk
  • 36. How much RAM is enough? RAM > Working Set Working Set = Indexes + Frequently accessed documents Atlas displays the index size:
  • 37. Index size gives us the lower bound for RAM Working Set = Indexes + Frequently accessed documents How big are the frequently accessed documents? There isn’t a an Atlas chart for that:
  • 38. Cache Activity can provide some visibility Disk FSCacheWTCache Application
  • 39. Working set doesn’t fit in RAM Disk FSCacheWTCache Application High cache and disk activity
  • 40. What does this look like in Atlas? M40 • 15 GB RAM • 4 vCPUs Cache Activity Cache Usage
  • 41. What does this look like in Atlas? M40 • 15 GB RAM • 4 vCPUs Cache Activity Cache Usage Disk Utilization
  • 42. Available runway is short Queues are empty Query execution times aren’t horrible
  • 43. How do we add more runway (capacity)? 1. Add RAM § More of working set in RAM § Shorter latency § Less IO 2. Add more IOPS § Read more data from disk per second Which should you choose?
  • 44. Add more RAM or IO? Memory is much faster • ~ .1 us = memory access • ~150 us = 4K random read from SSD • Putting more of the working set in RAM will have big impact • Upgrade instance size • Add shard • Adding IOPS will provide a smaller boost
  • 45. Example: working set fits in RAM M10 • 1.7 GB RAM • .5 vCPU • Lots of queries • Low cache activity
  • 46. Low disk activity à working set fits in RAM • Excellent query performance • Low disk utilization
  • 47. What about writes? • Available IOPS must be greater than: • IOPS required for writes • IOPS for reads not in cache • Cache activity will provide visibility into write IOPS as well
  • 48. Cache usage with max write throughput M10 • 1.7 GB RAM • .5 vCPU • Write intensive workload
  • 49. Cache usage with max write throughput Reads Writes WT Cache Size: • 256 MB • Max Dirty (20%) : 51.2 MB
  • 50. In this case, CPU is the limiting factor
  • 51. Step 3 – Do we have enough future capacity? At this point: 1. MongoDB is optimally configured 2. We understand our current level of utilization § CPU § IO/IOPS 3. We estimated our working set 4. Validated our working set estimate by looking at cache activity
  • 52. Step 3 – Do we have enough future capacity? We need to understand how the workload will change in the future: • How much more data? • How many more queries? • New data types and queries?
  • 53. For writes # Writes Today # Write IOPS Today # Future Writes # Future IOPS = # Future IOPS = (# Future Writes * Write IOPS Today) / # Writes Today Assumes application doesn’t change Make sure there is sufficient CPU capacity for additional writes
  • 54. For Reads Need to understand how working set will change: 1. Static working set • More queries against same working set 2. Linear growth • More data, but same documents/indexes/queries 3. New working set • Changes to documents, indexes, queries
  • 55. Static Working Set, but more queries Disk FSCacheWTCache Application W o r k i n g S e t
  • 56. Static Working Set, but more queries 1. Scale reads IOPS proportionally (similar to writes) 2. Verify available CPU capacity § Scale up or out as necessary
  • 57. Linear growth, same queries, same documents Disk FSCacheWTCache Application W o r k i n g S e t W o r k i n g S e t
  • 58. Linear growth, same data, same documents 1. Scale write IOPS proportionally 2. Scale reads IOPS proportionally 3. Scale RAM proportionally 4. Verify available CPU capacity § Scale up or out as necessary
  • 59. Changes to documents, queries, indexes, volume, … Extrapolate if changes are small If not, estimate RAM, Disk, IOPS as in: § Sizing MongoDB Clusters § MongoDB World 2017
  • 60. Review 1. Optimally configured § Indexes support queries § Query targeting, Scan and Order, Performance Profiler 2. Evaluate remaining capacity § CPU § IO § Use cache activity to evaluate working set size 3. Extrapolate to future § Extrapolate linearly, if application changes are small
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  • 63. Presenter name or subtitle here – keep it to one line or 57 characters Title of the presentation goes here – keep title to two lines maximum and/or 112 characters with spaces SocialMedia
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  • 81. Title four content with subheads Subhead First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to place emphasize on content. Subhead First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to place emphasize on content. Subhead First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to place emphasize on content. Subhead First line of copy is not bulleted. Use bold or green font treatment to place emphasize on content.
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  • 86. Title with infographic – 1 TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style. TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style. TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style. TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style. TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style. TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. It can be replaced with your own style.
  • 87. Title with build animation infographic – 2 TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. 40% TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. 50% TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. 70% TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. 50% TITLE GOES HERE This is a sample text. You simply add your own text and description here. This text is fully editable. 90%
  • 89. Statement or divider – Graphite
  • 92. Eliot Horowitz CTO & Co-Founder
  • 93. Eliot Horowitz CTO & Co-Founder
  • 94. CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder Eliot HorowitzEliot Horowitz
  • 95. CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder Eliot Horowitz CTO & Co-Founder Eliot Horowitz
  • 96. CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder CTO & Co-Founder Eliot Horowitz CTO & Co-Founder Eliot Horowitz CTO & Co-Founder Eliot Horowitz
  • 98. Title – no branding
  • 99. This is a quote slide with white background for your presentation. Use green bold treatment if you want to emphasize content. Attributor Name
  • 100. This is a quote slide with graphite background for your presentation. Use yellow bold treatment if you want to emphasize content. Attributor Name
  • 103. session.start_transaction() order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity: 6 }, … ] } db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session ); for x in order.line_items: db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } , { $inc : { number : -1 * x.qty } }, session=session ) session.commit_transaction() Code with title
  • 104. order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity : 6 }, … ] } db.orders.insertOne( order ); for x in order.line_items: db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item }, { $inc : { number : -1 * x.qty } }) Code comparison with title session.start_transaction() order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity: 6 }, … ] } db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session ); for x in order.line_items: db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } , { $inc : { number : -1 * x.qty } }, session=session ) session.commit_transaction()
  • 105. session.start_transaction() order = { line_items : [ { item : 5, quantity: 6 }, … ] } db.orders.insertOne( order, session=session ); for x in order.line_items: db.inventory.update( { _id : x.item } , { $inc : { number : -1 * x.qty } }, session=session ) session.commit_transaction()
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