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MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
Ken W. Alger
Developer Advocate, MongoDB
@ kenwalger
Safe Harbor Statement
This presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such
forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that
could cause actual results and the timing of certain events to differ materially from future results expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include,
but are not limited to, those identified our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should
not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Furthermore, such forward-looking
statements speak only as of the date of this presentation.
In particular, the development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for MongoDB
products remains at MongoDB’s sole discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our general
product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is this a commitment,
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undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the
date of such statements.
MongoDB Atlas – What is it?

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MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive

MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a new service offered by MongoDB Atlas. Many organizations store long term, archival data in cost-effective storage like S3, GCP, and Azure Blobs. However, many of them do not have robust systems or tools to effectively utilize large amounts of data to inform decision making. MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a service allowing organizations to analyze their long-term data to discover a wealth of information about their business. This session will take a deep dive into the features that are currently available in MongoDB Atlas Data Lake and how they are implemented. In addition, we'll discuss future plans and opportunities and offer ample Q&A time with the engineers on the project.

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MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: MongoDB Atlas JumpstartMongoDB .local Toronto 2019: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart

Join this talk and test session with MongoDB Support where you'll go over the configuration and deployment of an Atlas environment. Setup a service that you can take back in a production-ready state and prepare to unleash your inner genius.

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Venez en apprendre davantage sur notre nouvel opérateur de recherche en texte intégral pour MongoDB Atlas. Il s'agit d'une amélioration significative des fonctionnalités de recherches de MongoDB et c'est également la solution de recherche en texte intégral la plus simple et la plus puissante pour les bases de données MongoDB Atlas. Cette présentation est importante pour quiconque a mis en place ou en visage de mettre en place une fonctionnalité de recherche dans son application MongoDB. Vous assisterez à une démo de $searchBeta, apprendrez comment cela fonctionne, découvrirez des fonctionnalités spécifiques vous permettant d'obtenir des résultats de recherche pertinents et apprendrez comment vous pouvez commencer à utiliser la recherche en texte intégral dans votre application dès aujourd'hui.

mongodb .local paris 2020mongodb atlas
MongoDB Atlas — Global Cloud Database
Self-service & elastic
Deploy, modify, and upgrade on demand with
best-in-class operational automation
Automated database maintenance
Database and infrastructure resources as code,
optionally via Kubernetes OSB
Scale up, out, or down in a few clicks or API calls
Global & cloud-agnostic
Available in 60+ regions across AWS, Azure, GCP
Global clusters for read/write anywhere
deployments and multi-region fault tolerance
Easy migrations with a consistent experience
across cloud providers
Enterprise-grade security & SLAs
Network isolation, VPC peering, end-to-end
encryption, and role-based access controls
Encryption key management, LDAP integration,
granular database auditing
SOC 2 / ISO27001 / Privacy Shield / HIPAA / PCI
Guaranteed reliability with SLAs
Comprehensive monitoring
Deep visibility into 100+ KPIs with proactive
Real-time performance tracking and
Performance Advisor
APIs to integrate with monitoring dashboards
Managed backup
Point-in-time data recovery
Queryable backup snapshots
Consistent snapshots of sharded deployments
Cloud data mobility
Sync and Serverless
Simple, serverless functions for backend logic,
service integrations, and APIs
Database access from your frontend secured by
straightforward, field-level access rules
Database and authentication triggers to react to
changes in real time
Intelligently put data where you need it
Declare data locality
rules for governance
(e.g. data sovereignty),
class of service & local
low latency access
Elastic horizontal
scalability – add/remove
capacity dynamically
without downtime
Workload Isolation
Ability to run both
operational & analytics
workloads on same
cluster, for timely insight
and lower cost
Highly Availability
Built-in multi-region high
availability, replication &
automated failover
Sounds Complicated
Jumpstart Objectives
• Sign up for Atlas
• Setup an Organization
• Configure a Project
• Deploy a Cluster
• Explore MongoDB Atlas Features
• Connect to a production-ready environment
Where are we headed?

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mongodb .local bengaluru 2019
• Deploy a cluster
• Load Sample Data
• Set Access
• Analytics
• Backups
• Connection
In 45 minutes?!?
MongoDB Atlas
Connect with Python
import pymongo
from random import randint
client = MongoClient(<<ATLAS CONNECTION STRING>>)
num_docs = 50000
db = client.sflocal
sites = ["Disneyland", "Crystal Cove State Park", "Balboa Pier", "Irvine Spectrum"]
locations = ["AU", "US-CA", "US-OR", "CA", "DE", "GB", "IE", "IN", "MX"]
for x in range(1, num_docs+1):
attraction = {
'site' : sites[randint(0, (len(sites)-1))],
'location' : locations[randint(0, (len(locations)-1))],
'rating' : randint(1, 5)
result =
print('Saved {0} of {1} as {2}'.format(x, num_docs, result))
print('Rating creation completed')
Next Steps
TEST (with reckless abandon!)
§ Try the tutorials
§ MongoDB University!
§ Ken W. Alger @kenwalger

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Les données de séries chronologiques sont de plus en plus au cœur des applications modernes: pensez à l'IoT, aux transactions sur actions, aux flux de clics, aux médias sociaux, etc. Avec le passage des systèmes batch aux systèmes temps réel, la capture et l'analyse efficaces des données de séries chronologiques peuvent permettre aux entreprises de mieux détecter et réagir aux événements en avance sur leurs concurrents ou d'améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle pour réduire les coûts et les risques. Travailler avec des données de séries chronologiques est souvent différent des données d’application classiques et vous devez observer les meilleures pratiques. Cette conférence couvre: Composants communs d'une solution IoT Les défis liés à la gestion de données chronologiques dans les applications IoT Différentes conceptions de schéma et leur incidence sur l'utilisation de la mémoire et du disque sont deux facteurs déterminants dans les performances des applications. Comment interroger, analyser et présenter les données de séries chronologiques IoT à l'aide de MongoDB Compass et MongoDB Charts À la fin de la session, vous aurez une meilleure compréhension des meilleures pratiques clés en matière de gestion des données de séries chronologiques de l'IoT avec MongoDB.

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A Free New World: Atlas Free Tier and How It Was Born
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A Free New World: Atlas Free Tier and How It Was Born

A Free New World: Atlas Free Tier and How It Was Born Speaker: Louisa Berger, Senior Software Engineer Speaker: Vincent Do, Fullstack Engineer, MongoDB Level: 200 (Intermediate) Track: How We Build MongoDB Last year, MongoDB released Atlas – a new Database as as Service product that takes handles running, monitoring, and maintaining your MongoDB deployment in the Cloud. This winter, we added a new Free Tier option to the product, which allows users to try out Atlas with their own real data for free. Lead Automation engineer Louisa Berger and Atlas engineer Vincent Do will talk about how it works behind the scenes, and why you might want to try out Atlas. This talk is intended for developers, and will take you through the technical details of the architecture, and show you the techniques and challenges in building a multi-tenant MongoDB. What You Will Learn: - Insights on how/why you should use the Atlas free tier - How the Atlas free tier was designed and implemented - Best practices for building a multi-tenant MongoDB application

Every session you rate enters you into a drawing for a gift card and
TWO passes to MongoDB World 2020!
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MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start

  • 2. #MDBlocal SoCal Ken W. Alger Developer Advocate, MongoDB @ kenwalger
  • 3. #MDBLocal Safe Harbor Statement This presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results and the timing of certain events to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those identified our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Furthermore, such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this presentation. In particular, the development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for MongoDB products remains at MongoDB’s sole discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is this a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements.
  • 5. #MDBLocal MongoDB Atlas — Global Cloud Database Self-service & elastic Deploy, modify, and upgrade on demand with best-in-class operational automation Automated database maintenance Database and infrastructure resources as code, optionally via Kubernetes OSB Scale up, out, or down in a few clicks or API calls Global & cloud-agnostic Available in 60+ regions across AWS, Azure, GCP Global clusters for read/write anywhere deployments and multi-region fault tolerance Easy migrations with a consistent experience across cloud providers Enterprise-grade security & SLAs Network isolation, VPC peering, end-to-end encryption, and role-based access controls Encryption key management, LDAP integration, granular database auditing SOC 2 / ISO27001 / Privacy Shield / HIPAA / PCI Guaranteed reliability with SLAs Comprehensive monitoring Deep visibility into 100+ KPIs with proactive alerting Real-time performance tracking and Performance Advisor APIs to integrate with monitoring dashboards Managed backup Point-in-time data recovery Queryable backup snapshots Consistent snapshots of sharded deployments Cloud data mobility Sync and Serverless Simple, serverless functions for backend logic, service integrations, and APIs Database access from your frontend secured by straightforward, field-level access rules Database and authentication triggers to react to changes in real time
  • 6. #MDBLocal Intelligently put data where you need it Locality Declare data locality rules for governance (e.g. data sovereignty), class of service & local low latency access Scalability Elastic horizontal scalability – add/remove capacity dynamically without downtime Workload Isolation Ability to run both operational & analytics workloads on same cluster, for timely insight and lower cost Highly Availability Built-in multi-region high availability, replication & automated failover
  • 8. #MDBLocal Jumpstart Objectives • Sign up for Atlas • Setup an Organization • Configure a Project • Deploy a Cluster • Explore MongoDB Atlas Features • Connect to a production-ready environment Where are we headed?
  • 9. #MDBLocal Production-Ready • Deploy a cluster • Load Sample Data • Set Access • Analytics • Backups • Connection In 45 minutes?!?
  • 11. #MDBLocal Connect with Python import pymongo from random import randint client = MongoClient(<<ATLAS CONNECTION STRING>>) num_docs = 50000 db = client.sflocal sites = ["Disneyland", "Crystal Cove State Park", "Balboa Pier", "Irvine Spectrum"] locations = ["AU", "US-CA", "US-OR", "CA", "DE", "GB", "IE", "IN", "MX"] for x in range(1, num_docs+1): attraction = { 'site' : sites[randint(0, (len(sites)-1))], 'location' : locations[randint(0, (len(locations)-1))], 'rating' : randint(1, 5) } result = print('Saved {0} of {1} as {2}'.format(x, num_docs, result)) print('Rating creation completed')
  • 12. Next Steps TEST (with reckless abandon!) § Try the tutorials § MongoDB University! § Ken W. Alger @kenwalger
  • 13. #MDBlocal Every session you rate enters you into a drawing for a gift card and TWO passes to MongoDB World 2020! MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart