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Still Haven’t Found What You’re Looking For?
Use Atlas Search
Karen Huaulmé, Developer Advocate
Safe Harbor Statement
This presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking
statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual
results and the timing of certain events to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by the
forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited
to, those identified our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not rely upon forward-
looking statements as predictions of future events. Furthermore, such forward-looking statements speak only as
of the date of this presentation.
In particular, the development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for MongoDB
products remains at MongoDB’s sole discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our general product
direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is this a commitment, promise or legal
obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to
update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements.
“name”: “Karen Huaulmé”,
“MongoDB”: {
“positions”: [“Developer Advocate”, “Solutions Architect”],
“since” : new Date (“2018-01”),
“Pre-MongoDB”: {
“positions”: [“Solutions Architect”, “Integration Engineer”, “Dev Rel”],
“companies”: [ “Twitch”, “Amazon”, “Nvidia”]
“likes”: [“running”, “Gleitschirmfliegen”, “butchering languages” ]
About Me
Why Atlas
Atlas Search
Queries + How
They Work
Indexes and
Why Full-Text Search?
Search is a requirement
for most applications
Why didn’t
[thing I want]
show up first?
Developer: Matches most terms?
Marketing: Current promotion top
Customer: Ou est l’objet que je
Relevance is Complicated…
So, build the best search
for your application
Atlas Search
Full Text Search Indexes
Searching with $text
{ $text : { $search : ‘football’ }},
{ score : { $meta : ‘textScore’ }},
{ title : 1, fullplot : 1 })
.sort({ score : {$meta : ‘textScore’ }})
Movie Search Engine
Atlas Sample Data:
- sample_mflix.movies
How do I use it?
Create 4.2
Full Text
Full Text Search Index
Dynamic Mapping
Static Mapping
Sample_mflix movies
document model
How do I use it?
Create 4.2
Full Text
Aggregation Pipeline Operator
$searchBeta aggregation pipeline stage
{ $searchBeta: {
search: { query : ‘werewolves and vampires’,
path : ‘fullplot’ },
highlight: { path : ‘fullplot’ }}},
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’ }}},
{ $limit: 10 }
$searchBeta aggregation pipeline stage
{ $searchBeta : {
search : { query : ‘werewolves and vampires’ ,
path : 'fullplot’
highlight : { path:'fullplot’ }}},
$searchBeta aggregation pipeline stage
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’ }}},
{ $limit: 10 }
$searchBeta Results
$searchBeta Results
{ title : { “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones”,
fullplot : “Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ..”
score : 6.8801455497,
highlight: [ ]
$searchBeta Results
{ title : { “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones”,
fullplot : “Set in contemporary ]New York City, a seemingly …”
score : 6.8801455497,
highlight: [ {
path: ‘fullplot’,
texts: [ { value: “After the disappearance of her …”,
type: ‘text’ },
{ value: ‘vampires’,
type: ‘hit’ },
{ value: ‘werewolves’,
type: ‘hit’ },
… } ],
score: 3.556248
} ] }
Query-Time Scoring
{ $searchBeta : {
"search": {
query : "The Godfather",
path: "title",
score: { boost: { value: 3 }
Query-Time Scoring
{ $searchBeta : { compound : {
must : {
"search": { query : "The Godfather",
path : "title",
score : { boost : { value : 3 }}},
should : {
"search": { query : "The Godfather",
path : "fullplot" }
Build a Champion
Football Team
Placeholder –
photos from the Arsenal Match
Neymar Jr.
Zlatan Ibrahimović
Build a Champion
Football Team
Autocomplete / Typeahead
{ $searchBeta: {
search: { query : ’Mbap..',
path : ‘Last’ ,
phrase : {prefix : true},
} ,
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’. }}},
{ $limit: 10 }
Fuzzy Matching
{ $searchBeta: {
term: { query : ’Ibrahimovic',
path : ‘Last’ ,
fuzzy : {maxEdits : 2.0},
} ,
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’. }}},
{ $limit: 10 }
Wildcard Matching
{ $searchBeta: {
term: { query : ’schw*st*ger*',
path : ‘Last’ ,
wildcard : true
} ,
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’. }}},
{ $limit: 10 }
Indexes and Analyzers
Inverted Index
{ _id: 1,
S: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” }
{ _id: 2,
S: “Quick brown foxes leap over lazy dogs in summer” }
The 1
Quick 2
brown 1, 2
fox 1
foxes 2
jumped 1
leap 2
the 1
quick 1, 2
brown 1, 2
fox 1, 2
in 2
jump 1, 2
dog 1, 2
Analyzers used in Index Definitions
Specialized Text Processors
Language specific
Specified in Index Creation
Text -> Terms -> Lucene
$searchBeta aggregation pipeline stage
{ $searchBeta: {
index: <indexname>, // optional, defaults to “default”
search: { query : ‘werewolves and vampires’,
path : ‘fullplot’ },
highlight: { path : 'fullplot’ }}},
{ $project: {
fullplot: 1,
title: 1,
score: { $meta: 'searchScore' },
highlight: { $meta: 'searchHighlights’. }}},
{ $limit: 10 }])
name : "default",
mappings : {
dynamic : true
Index Definitions
mappings: {
dynamic: false,
fields : {
category : {
type : "string",
analyzer: "lucene.keyword”
Static Index Definition
{ mappings: {
dynamic: false,
fields : { title : {
type : "string",
analyzer : "lucene.standard",
multi : { keywordAnalyzer : {
type : "string",
analyzer: "lucene.keyword” }}},
genres : { type: "string",
analyzer : "lucene.standard” },
plot : { type : "string",
analyzer : "lucene.standard” }}}}
Indexes and Analyzers
Advanced Search
MongoDB .local Paris 2020: Tout savoir sur le moteur de recherche Full Text Search MongoDB Atlas
compound: {
"must" : {},
"mustNot": {},
"filter" : {},
"should": []
compound: operator – complex recursive queries
Must Match (scored)
Must not match(not scored)
Must match(not scored)
Should match(scored)
Operators can be other operator: term, span, search,
queryString, exists, or even another compound
In summary, what we used for queries …
How FTS works on MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB +
• Pre-existing functionality
• Highlights, fuzzy-matching, query-time scoring,
faceted searches and more
• Analyzers
• Language support
• Western languages: English, French, etc.
• Eastern Languages: CJK, bigram/unigram support
• Inverted index structure = fast searches
MongoDB Atlas FTS components
mongod mongos mongot (NEW!)
● $searchBeta aggregation
pipeline stage
● Talks mongodb wire protocol to
● Shard aware implementation
● scatter-gather queries
● Based on Apache Lucene 8
● Integrated into MongoDB Atlas
● Separate java process from
● collocated with mongod
FTS Indexing: Initial Sync
MongoDB Atlas
Index Definition
Automation Agent
Collection Scan
FTS Indexing: Steady State
MongoDB Atlas
(per node)
mongot watches
the changestream
continuously and
updates the
search index
Query Lifecycle
Wire Protocol
(over internet to
MongoDB Atlas) aggregate([ {$searchBeta: {
search: {
path: “name”,
query: “star wars”
Wire protocol
Lucene booleanQuery:
(term(“name”, “star”),
term(“name”, wars”))
search: {
path: “name”,
query: “star wars”
[ { _id: “123”,score:
1.23,highlights: […] },
{ “name” :
{ “star” : [123,124],
“wars” : [123,125,…]
Lookup([{_id: “123”],
{$searchBeta: {
search: {
path: “name”,
query: “star wars”
[ { _id: “123”,
title: “Star Wars”},
{ .… }
MongoDB Atlas Host
Key Takeaways
Ø Apache Lucene 8
Ø Uses MongoDB Query Language
Ø Wide variety of query operators – fuzzy, wildcard
Ø Flexible Scoring and Highlights
Ø Configurable Indexes
Ø Free Tier
Ø Expanded Data Type Support
ü Dates
ü Numbers
Ø Synonyms
Ø Improved Operators / Syntax
Ø Performance Improvements
What’s Next? 2020 Roadmap
GA at MongoDB World, May 4-6
Atlas Code:

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