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Questions tagged [anticommutator]

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36 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
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Explicit quantization of free fermionic field

The canonical quantization of a scalar field $\phi(x)$ can explicitly be realized in the space of functionals in fields $\phi(\vec x)$ (here $\vec x$ is spacial variable) by operators \begin{eqnarray} ...
MKO's user avatar
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Is $\overline{\psi_{L}^{c}}\psi_{R}^{c}=\overline{\psi_{R}}\psi_{L}$ true for two different spin 1/2 fermions?

In the context of seesaw mechanism or Dirac and Majorana mass terms, one often see the following identity $$ \overline{\psi_{L}^{c}}\psi_{R}^{c}=\overline{\psi_{R}}\psi_{L}. $$ Here, I am using 4 ...
Louis Yang's user avatar
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Defining particles by their commutation/anti-commutation relations

In my studies of many-body physics, I have encountered three types of particles, which can be defined based on their commutation/anti-commutation relations. Fermions, defined by raising/lowering ...
Solarflare0's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is the anticommutator of the uncertainty principle omitted if it serves to increase the accuracy of our "knowledge" of a quantum state?

The generalized uncertainty principle can be derived and shown to be this which is fine and rigorous. $\langle ( \Delta A )^{2} \rangle \langle ( \Delta B )^{2} \rangle \geq \dfrac{1}{4} \vert \langle ...
cheekylittleduck's user avatar
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Can Exceptional Jordan Quantum mechanics model field theory?

Exceptional Jordan Quantum mechanics is an interesting case in which observables are modelled with $3\times3$ Hermitian octonion matrices $\mathbb{J}_3(\mathbb{O})$. There is the Jordan product $A\...
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About the Hilbert space that carries the representation of $\{\psi (x), \bar{\psi (y) }\}=i\delta (x-y) $?

What is this Hilbert space? Is it the complex Hilbert space of wavefunctionals spanned by using the spinor-field configurations as the basis vectors? I know that the wavefunctional space carries a ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Electron fields does not anticommute at space-like points

In the end of page 804 and beginning of page 805 of Streater's paper Outline of axiomatic relativistic quantum field theory which can be find here
Inuyasha's user avatar
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Anticommutator of gauge covariant derivatives

I must convert some dimension-6 operators I've obtained to the SILH base (ref: this, "Review of the SILH basis", CERN presentation by R. Contino). In this conversion I've got operators such ...
Lenz's user avatar
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How are Grassmann fields "forced upon us" by representation theory of $SO(d-1,1)$?

I would like to know if anticommuting fields (which physicists use as fermions) emerge naturally from the spin representation theory of $SO(d-1,1)$. Is the fact that spinor fields anticommute a ...
Dwagg's user avatar
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(Anti) Commutation relation of derivative of the fermionic operator

While deriving Semiconductor Bloch equation, I stumbled upon a commutation relation that I have never seen before. It looks like, $$[\alpha_k^{\dagger}\alpha_k, \alpha_{k'}^{\dagger}(\nabla_{k'}\...
sslucifer's user avatar
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Commutation of kinetic energy operator with Hamiltonian

I am basically trying to calculate current energy operator $\hat{\mathbf{J}}_E(\mathbf{r})$ by using Heisenberg equation of motion as $$ -\nabla\cdot \hat{\mathbf{J}}_E(\mathbf{r})=\frac{i}{\hbar}[H,\...
Sana Ullah's user avatar
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Where do arbitrary phases of wavefunctions go under second-quantization?

As far as I understand, a second-quantized operator in QFT or condensed matter represents a many-body wavefunction (symmetrized for bosons or antisymmetrized for fermions). But every wavefunction is ...
boojumAndSnark's user avatar
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Is there a Stone-von-Neumann theorem-like result for the canonical anti-commutation relations (CAR)?

The canonical commutation relation (CCR) $$[\phi(x), \pi(y)] = i\hbar\delta(x-y)$$ is kind of the key to basically any bosonic quantum theory. This is due to many different remarkable properties: By ...
Quantumwhisp's user avatar
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Do fermionic creation/annihilation anticommutation relations fix the creation and annihilation operators?

If you define operators $a, a^\dagger$ which satisfy (e.g.) the relations $\{a,a\}=\{a^\dagger,a^\dagger\}=0$ and $\{a,a^\dagger\}=1$. Will this uniquely define the operators such that $a |0\rangle \...
Alex Gower's user avatar
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Anticommutation relation for the Weyl spinors in Minkowski space+time

For $D$-dimensional Minkowski space+time, I suppose that the Dirac spinor has the following anticommutation relation: $$ \{ \psi(x_1), \psi(x_2)\}=\{ \psi^\dagger(x_1), \psi^\dagger(x_2)\}=0 $$ $$ \{ \...
Марина Marina S's user avatar

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