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What is the motivation for the Self-Dual Canonical Anticommutation Relation (CAR) algebra?

What exactly is the motivation for the use of the Self-Dual Canonical Anticommutation Relation (CAR) algebra in the context of infinite lattice systems? Why not remain with the CAR algebra, as both ...
TheDawg's user avatar
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(Anti)commutation relations for higher-dimensional anti-symmetrized Gamma matrices

Suppose $a,b,c...=0,....,D-1$ are Lorentz indices of $SO(1,D-1)$ tangent space and consider $D$-dimensional Clifford algebra defined by the usual anticommutation relation $$\{\Gamma^a,\Gamma^b\}=2\eta^...
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Is there a bosonic representation of Clifford algebra in (1,3) spacetime?

By a suitable combination of Dirac's $\gamma_\mu$ matrices one can define creation and destruction operators satisfying fermionic anticommutators. Is there a similar result for bosons in the context ...
Dharam Vir Ahluwalia's user avatar
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Is there an identity for anti-commutator $\{ A B, \, C D \}$ in terms of commutators $[\, , \,]$ only?

I'm looking for an identity that could express the anti-commutator $$\tag{1} \{ A B , \, C D \} \equiv A B C D + C D A B $$ expressed as a combination of commutators only: $[A,\, C]$, $[A, \, D]$, etc....
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Matrix representation of the CAR for the fermionic degrees of freedom

The canonical anticommutation relations (CAR) for a fermionic degree of freedom can be written as follows: $$ a^2 = \left( a^{\dagger} \right) ^2 = 0, $$ $$ a a^{\dagger} + a^{\dagger} a = 1. $$ ...
Prof. Legolasov's user avatar
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Anticommutator of spin-1 matrices

We know that in the spin-1/2 representation the anticommutation relation of the Pauli matrices is $\{\sigma_{a},\sigma_{b}\}=2\delta_{ab}I$. Does a similar relation hold for the spin-1 representation?
Antonis Kyriazis's user avatar
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Proving identity $\mathrm{Tr}[\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}] = 4 \eta^{\mu\nu}$

In the lecture notes accompanying a course I'm following, it is stated that $$\DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr} \Tr\left[\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\right] = 4 \eta^{\mu\nu} $$ Yet when I try to prove this,...
Spurious Eigenstate's user avatar
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Proof of the Anti-Commutation Relation for Gamma Matrices from Dirac Equation

My textbook on QFT says that the Dirac equation can be used to show the following relation: $$\{\gamma^{\mu},\gamma^{\nu}\}=2g^{\mu\nu}$$ I have searched around and unable to find how to prove this ...
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