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Does the anticommutator of two spinors affect the transpose of their product?

My lecture notes claim that for an anticommutation relation $$[ \psi_{\mu}(\bf{x},t),{\psi_{{\nu}}^{*}}(\bf{y},t)] = \delta_{\mu \nu} \delta^3(\bf{x}-\bf{y})$$ between two spinors, the transpose of ...
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How to generalize the (anti)commutation for spacelike separation to more than $2$ field operators?

Let $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ be quantum field operators of certain spin on $\mathbb{R}^4$. Then, the principle of locality dictates that if $x$ and $y$ are space-like separated, we have \begin{equation} \...
Keith's user avatar
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Quantization of an Interacting Field Theory

The procedure to quantize free field theories is imposing a commutation/anticommutation relation with the field and its conjugate momentum, as $$\mathcal L = i\bar\psi\gamma^\mu\partial_\mu\psi\...
vfigueira's user avatar
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Why does $[Q,P]=i\hbar$ work for fermion? Shouldn't fermion satisfy anticommuting relation?

For hydrogen, we use $[Q,P]=i\hbar$ for electron, which is a fermion. Does it have a deeper reason such as that we're really considering the proton + electron system, which might be of bosonic nature?
Bababeluma's user avatar
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Why is commutation bracket used instead of anti-commutation bracket on page 61 of Peskin QFT?

Peskin&Schroeder was performing a trick where they used $$J_za^{s\dagger}_0|0\rangle=[J_z,a^{s\dagger}_0]|0\rangle\tag{p.61}$$ and claimed that the only non-zero term in this commutator would be ...
Rescy_'s user avatar
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Help with commutator algebra with fermionic operators

I am struggling to understand how the following is true for the fermionic creation/annihilation operators $a^\dagger, a$: $$[a^\dagger a, a]=-a$$ If someone could walk me through the math derivation ...
photonica's user avatar
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Why do we only consider commutators and anticommutators in QFT?

While studying canonical quantization in QFT, I observed that we quantize fields either by a commutation or an anticommutation relation \begin{equation} [\phi(x), \phi(y)]_\pm := \phi(x) \phi(y) \pm \...
Ishan Deo's user avatar
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What is the motivation for the Self-Dual Canonical Anticommutation Relation (CAR) algebra?

What exactly is the motivation for the use of the Self-Dual Canonical Anticommutation Relation (CAR) algebra in the context of infinite lattice systems? Why not remain with the CAR algebra, as both ...
TheDawg's user avatar
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Why can the commutator of a general expression be replaced by the anti-commutator in the $bc$ CFT theory?

Polchinski states in his equation 2.6.14 (in his book String Theory Vol. 1, Introduction to the Bosonic String) that for charges $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ the following equation holds, where $j_i$ is the ...
kalle's user avatar
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Commutation of kinetic energy operator with Hamiltonian

I am basically trying to calculate current energy operator $\hat{\mathbf{J}}_E(\mathbf{r})$ by using Heisenberg equation of motion as $$ -\nabla\cdot \hat{\mathbf{J}}_E(\mathbf{r})=\frac{i}{\hbar}[H,\...
Sana Ullah's user avatar
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Contour integral for commutator of fermionic fields

Suppose we have primary fields $A$ and $B$ which have the OPE, $$A(z) B(w) = \frac{1}{z-w} = -B(z)A(w), \quad |z| > |w|,\tag{1}$$ so they have fermionic statistics. Now I was curious how this would ...
user2062542's user avatar
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Can Hadamard's formula be used for fermionic operators?

Can I use this special case of Hadamard's formula $$e^\hat B \hat A e^{-\hat B}= A + [B,A]+\frac{1}{2!}[B, [B,A]] + \dots$$ for fermionic operators? Suppose I have fermionic operators that obey ...
C-Roux's user avatar
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Can the operator field Dirac equation be expressed as Heisenberg's equation?

The Dirac equation of the operator spinor field is: $$(i\gamma ^{\mu}\partial _{\mu} -m)\psi =0$$ where $\psi$ is interpreted to be a quantum field. I'm wondering, can this be derived from the ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Is there a Stone-von-Neumann theorem-like result for the canonical anti-commutation relations (CAR)?

The canonical commutation relation (CCR) $$[\phi(x), \pi(y)] = i\hbar\delta(x-y)$$ is kind of the key to basically any bosonic quantum theory. This is due to many different remarkable properties: By ...
Quantumwhisp's user avatar
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Which of these commutation relations are correct? [closed]

I saw, in two different references, the following two commutation relations for the fermionic field operator: and which one of them is correct? 1 "Stefanucci, Gianluca, and Robert Van Leeuwen. ...
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