Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Gravity.

"Gravity" was the 105th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 13th episode of the show's fifth season, first aired on 3 February 1999. The episode was written by Jimmy DiggsMA, Bryan FullerMA & Nick SaganMA and directed by Terry WindellMA.



Chakotay • The Doctor • Kathryn Janeway • Harry Kim • Neelix • Noss • Tom Paris • Seven of Nine • B'Elanna Torres • Tuvok • Yost
Referenced only
Jara • T'Pel


the galaxy's Delta Quadrant)

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Voyager (Intrepid-class cruiser) • type-6 shuttlecraft

Races and cultures[]

Borg • Hologram • Human • Klingon • Noss' species • Talaxian • Vulcan • Yost's species

Materials and substances[]

atmosphere • blood • gas • oxygen

Technology and weapons[]

hologram • holographic emitter • sensors • spacecraft • starship • viewscreen

States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet

Ranks and titles[]

captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • commander • commanding officer • doctor • engineer • ensign • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • first officer • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • lieutenant junior grade • flight controller • medical practitioner • operations manager • officer • second officer • security chief • tactical officer • weapons officer

Other references[]

anatomy • beaming • boot • captain's log • captain's log, USS Voyager, 2375 • clothing • government • homeworld • hair • humanoid • jumpsuit • language • lifeform • log entry • logic • matter • nation-state • orbit • pants • planet • quadrant • races and cultures • rank • space • star • star system • stardate • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • technology • title • uniform • universe • war • weapon


2375 (2370s chronology, Voyager's journey)
Voyager's travels.


Related stories[]



published order
Previous episode:
Bride of Chaotica!
Voyager episode produced Next episode:
Previous episode:
Bride of Chaotica!
Voyager episode aired Next episode:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Chapters 5-11
Pocket Next Adventure:
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Previous Adventure:
The Secret Heart of Zolaluz
Journey of the USS Voyager Next Adventure:

External links[]
