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Questions tagged [midrash]

Exegetical interpretation, often of verses in Tanach. The term also refers to books based on these interpretations, e.g., Midrash Rabba, Midrash Tanchuma, et al.

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Source for this midrash?

Can someone quote where this midrash is found- there was a man who came to a rabbi and asked him to come live in his city and he’ll give him all the money, and the rabbi basically roasted the city and ...
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An example of a man asked for a sign, been given the sign, then rejecting the sign, but he repents afterwards?

I wonder if there is a case in The Torah, of a man (or group of people) asking God for a miracle, then God offered the miracle, but the man rejected the sign, or accepted the sign but later will show ...
Ezra2020's user avatar
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Meaning of "ascended on the high and taken it"? (Psalm 68:18)

What are the various meanings or references of this phrase, particularly the meaning of "ascended on high and taken it", the parenthesis shows that Torah is the object of achieving, but ...
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Midrash about 10 commandments

Looking for a midrash that says that after the Chet HaEgel, Moshe told Gd “the 10 commandments are in singular form. Bnei Yisrael thought they were directed solely to me and not to them”
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Why did Gabriel interfere with Joseph’s cloak?

In Ginzberg’s Legends of the Jews, a legend is quoted which says that Joseph was eventually found not-guilty of assaulting Mrs Potiphar because, when the Egyptians examined the tear pattern on the ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Eretz Yisroel as G-ds palace

Based on this answer, I was looking for sources that describe Eretz Yisroel as the "palace of G-d". Are there any sources that describe Eretz Yisroel as such? As "Palace of the King&...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Source for Bloody Fruits Story

Recall reading a story when I was younger, pretty sure in a kid's book of Midrash/Aggadah, like Our Sages Showed The Way. Trying to find the original source, could be have some details wrong. Someone ...
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Deeper meaning of Bat Shlomo midrash

Do any commentaries elucidate any deeper meaning into the story of Bat Shlomo in the tower (found here: The Medrash About Shlomo HaMelech's Daughter ) Obviously the Pashut message is that Gd runs ...
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Story of Shlomo and birds

Just heard today that apparently there’s some midrash where Shlomo sees two birds perched on top of his castle and he overheard one bird saying to the other “with the stomp of my foot I can crumble ...
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Being MeChadesh Torah saves lives

HaRav Shaul Alter shlit"a, when he was at the Beis Medrash of Lakewood Commons in Lakewood earlier this month, he delivered a Divrei Chizuk (Words of Strength) on the war and quoted the Midrash ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where can I find this text from Midrash Tanhuma?

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo discusses Jesus association with Balaam and offers the following text from the uncensored Midrash Tanhumah : “Bilaam foresaw that a man born from a woman would arise and ...
haroune zeraib's user avatar
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Feast of achashverosh connected to failed 70 year prophecy

What is the source where it actually mentions that one of the reasons for the feast of Achashverosh was celebrating the "failed" prophecy of Yirmiyahu?
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attack against Persia (Iran) in the Acharis HaYomim

I saw a midrash that says that Edom (Europe, US?) will join forces with Arabia; together they will attack Malchus Poras (Persia, Iran).After they defeat her, they will in turn attack Yisrael, leading ...
arnold merenstein's user avatar
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What is HaAshmurah HaRishona in the Mishnah

BH What is HaAshmura HaRishonah? Someone told me it is just a division in the night while someone else told me that it is referring to the Leviim guarding in the temple which ever it is does it speak ...
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Source for the practice of messianic interpretation of calamity

I seem to recall a Rashi somewhere in Nach which explains a Pasuk as praising B’nei Yisrael, who see every calamity that befalls them as heralding Mashiach. Can anyone source this?
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