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Questions tagged [parshanut-torah-comment]

interpretation of parts of Tanach by close reading, not derivation

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Spie(s) sent out to scout Yazer

In Parshat Chukat (21:32), we are told that Moshe Rabbenu sent out spie(s) to scout the land of Yazer. Are there any sources that identify who went to scout out the land of Yazer?
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Prophetic status of all Israelites in the wilderness

Given the traditional understanding that God spoke the Ten Commandments directly to the entirety of the people of Israel at Mount Sinai (Deut 5.19), two questions arise: is the Exodus generation that ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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"When you raise up the lamps, to the face of the menorah, light 7 lamps"?

B"H In Parshas bahalosecha it says "When you raise up the lamps, to the face of the menorah, light 7 lamps" Why does it first mention "raising up the lamps", without ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Torah’s use of the same verb(s) with different meanings

Bemidbar 1:49 tells Moshe not to פקד the Leviim, nor to תשא them, both understood as referring to methods of counting. But then in 1:50 the same two verbs are used: the Leviim are to be “appointed”/...
Myron Chaitovsky's user avatar
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Why does the Torah say bichukosei בחוקותי -- in my "statutes"?

ב"ה In the Torah Parshas Bichukosei it uses the term "if you walk in my statutes", referring to the kind of Mitzvos known as חוקים -- statues, those which are beyond logic, as it says ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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What is Tzurah and Chomer & does it relate to mainly Olam deisgalia & Olam De Iskasia

BH Hi, I read in ch 26 in Tanya that if a person is going through any sort of pain it is essentially coming from the world of Olam deIskasia(the hidden world that is mainly labeled by the first two ...
David 's user avatar
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How can a Ger Toshav have an idol?

Leviticus 25:47: וְכִ֣י תַשִּׂ֗יג יַ֣ד גֵּ֤ר וְתוֹשָׁב֙ עִמָּ֔ךְ וּמָ֥ךְ אָחִ֖יךָ עִמּ֑וֹ וְנִמְכַּ֗ר לְגֵ֤ר תּוֹשָׁב֙ עִמָּ֔ךְ א֥וֹ לְעֵ֖קֶר מִשְׁפַּ֥חַת גֵּֽר׃ If a resident alien among you has ...
sds's user avatar
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Contradiction in Parashat Behukotai Blessings

In Parashat Behukotai it is written: "והשיג לכם דיש את בציר ובציר ישיג את זרע ואכלתם לחמכם לשובע..." (Your threshing shall overtake the vintage, and your vintage shall overtake the sowing; ...
Avi's user avatar
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What tribe is Avner from?

bs"D From what tribe was Avner, he was not fond of tribe of Yehuda. In book Shmuel, Avner said to Ish boshet, am leader to yehuda dogs.
E N's user avatar
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Why the words "אחרי מות"?

Parshas Acherei Mos begins off saying "And it happened after the death of Ahron's 2 sons..." The Torah never says when things happen - it just goes in order! So, why here does the Torah tell ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why is a certain sentence repeated so many times in Parsha of Tzav

In Parshas Tzav, the Pasuk, וידבר ה׳ אל משה לאמר: is repeated many times… sometimes only a few sentences apart. We know that not one extra letter is written in the Torah. The question is why is this ...
Menachem 's user avatar
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וידבר ה' אל משה לאמר: Same paragraph

In almost all cases in the Torah, when G-d's speech to Moshe is introduced with: וידבר ה' אל משה לאמר a new paragraph is begun in the written Torah text at this point. I'm aware of one possible ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What clothing did Esther send Mordechai

In Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther) 4:4 it says Esther offered Mordechai clothing. My question is, what clothing did she send?
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Did Korach and friends sin in the Golden Calf?

There is a tradition in קבלה that קרח was secretly righteous and will come back in the end times and rise up. (They are not clear exactly about what he will do). I am wondering if part of what ...
zunior's user avatar
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Why is the mizbeach hazahav not mentioned in parshas terumah with the rest of the keilim? [duplicate]

Do any of the meforshim comment on why the mizbeach hazahav (the golden altar) is mentioned in parshas tetzaveh which largely deals with the bigdei kehunah (the clothing of the kohanim) and not in the ...
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