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Remaining single in Judaism [duplicate]

Everywhere around me I keep seeing couples getting divorced and separated. I keep hearing tales from work/university colleagues and family members having marital problems which often have led to ...
Yojanan Berrocal's user avatar
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In Halacha, can you sue for Alienation of Affection?

In old times, there were laws on the books that defined a cause of action called "Alienation of Affections" which, among other things, allowed an aggrieved spouse to sue their spouse's ...
lgshost's user avatar
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Does everyone end up with their 'soulmate'/bashert?

I ask this in all respect because there are people who end up not having a romantic partner or spouse in their life. Yet, there is an assertion that HaShem has designated for each individual a ...
ddas91600's user avatar
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Is the marriage contract valid upon the death or the divorce of the spouse?

I had a specific question related to the Kiddushin and death contract. In the schools of Halakha, is the marriage contract considered "void" or "cancelled" or "paused" at ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Would marriage and divorce for Gentiles be invalid for being an appropriation of Jewish commandments?

I've read somewhere that God gave the law of divorce to the Jews but not to the Gentiles, quoted some rabbinic opinion about it, didn't say which one. Is there anything to that effect in the Talmud? I ...
Thales's user avatar
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Four counted as dead & Agunot

Nedarim 64b relates of the Gemara: "it was taught in a baraita: Four are considered as if they were dead: A pauper, and a leper, and a blind person, and one who has no children." Could one ...
ANH's user avatar
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Sexual Relations with a married woman that's asur to her husband

Is it ok for a man to have relations with a married woman who's already been unfaithful to her husband? Is there still an isur kareth? Or since she's already prohibited from being with her husband and ...
Frumguy's user avatar
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Why is the law not enforced, that a couple must divorce if they have no children after ten years? [duplicate]

Jewish law says that if a couple has no children after ten years of marriage, and the man is not allowed to take a second wife, they must get a divorce so the man can remarry and try again to fulfill ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
7 votes
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Divorced woman remarrying her ex-husband

May a woman, who after receiving a get from her husband has relations with another man out of wedlock, remarry her husband?
Tzvi Fastag's user avatar
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May a man marry the women with whom he committed adultery?

A single man commits adultery with a married woman. Later the woman divorces her husband, and wishes to marry the single man with whom she had the meretricious relationship. Is this allowed?
david barnett's user avatar
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Why isn't a divorced woman mentioned in the first mishna of Maseches Kesuvos?

Maseches Kesuvos 2a begins with: בתולה נשאת ליום הרביעי ואלמנה ליום החמישי A virgin is married on Wednesday and a widow on Thursday. The ensuing dafim tell us the reasons why these days were ...
alicht's user avatar
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Question about using the same bed after divorce

Let's suppose a married couple have relations in a specific bed, then divorce and one of then (let's suppose the man), keeps the bed in his house after the divorce. Can that man have relations with ...
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Why for a divorce does a woman do many different actions, but doesn't do them for Kiddushin?

I've witnessed the giving of a get, and it has many steps (the below bulletpoints are adapted from here). For example: the woman accepts the folded get into her cupped hands grasping it. The woman ...
alicht's user avatar
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Can a woman who commits adultery do teshuva and return to her husband?

Suppose a married woman goes her own way and leaves (but not divorces) her husband. She engages in sexual relationships with other men. But after a year, she realizes the error of her ways and does ...
Judah Gabriel Himango's user avatar
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Can a Shliach for receiving a get be מקדש the same woman with the service he is doing for her?

If a woman appoints a shliach (messenger) to receive her get for her, can the shliach be מקדש her with the service he is doing for her by receiving her get for her, and thus the moment he takes her ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Can a man purchase the wife off a husband?

Marriage in Judaism is technically a purchase of a woman with at least two witnesses. So, I was wondering if it's technically possible for man A to negotiate the purchase of the wife of man B (to then ...
JBear's user avatar
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How should a man and a woman behave after their divorce?

Is there any advice, recommendation or requirement for a behaviour after a divorce? Specially when a man wants to take a second wife, and his first wife got married and divorced meanwhile.
Dassi's user avatar
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Does a sotah warning from a couples first marriage carry into their second marriage?

If a husband warns his wife not to be secluded with a certain man ("sotah warning") and subsequently divorces and remarries the same woman does the initial sotah warning carry over into the second ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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If a woman who wants a divorce destroys her ketubah is she somehow forcing her husband's hand?

Not a practical question! I'm reading a parable (from haza"l) that I don't understand. If a woman wanted to get out of a marriage because she committed adultery and the choice was between divorce or ...
NotGoodAtExamples's user avatar
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Intercourse with your ex-wife after giving the get

A man gave his wife a get. He then soon afterwards engaged in sexual intercourse with her. Would he be required to give another get? Possible reasons are that either the intercourse that took place ...
Jack weiss's user avatar
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Who is a bad wife? (that you are obligated to divorce?)

Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 119.4 said that there's is a Mitzva to divorce one's bad wife. אִשָּׁה רָעָה (ה) בְּדֵעוֹתֶיהָ, וְשֶׁאֵינָהּ צְנוּעָה כִּבְנוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַכְּשֵׁרוֹת, מִצְוָה ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Are there any recent statistics showing the "marriage longevity" rate for shidduch arranged marriages?

There has been a "local" campaign in my neighborhood, recently, suggesting that young singles should only use shidduchim (matchmakers) when seeking to become married. Part of the "ad" campaign ...
DanF's user avatar
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Wife's conjugal rights [duplicate]

I understand that a wife has a conjugal rights depending on the occupation of the husband (2 times a week, 1 time a week, on Friday night, one time a month, 1 time in 6 months, 1 time a year) And ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Leaving a mate behind in egypt

Did any husbands leave behind wives, or any wives leave behind husbands in Egypt during the Exodus? If so did this qualify a divorce of sorts?
הראל's user avatar
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Not to marry a divorcée

I remember hearing in a daf yomo shiur (and I want to find where is it written) something similar to this: it is preferable not to marry a divorced woman (if her ex-husband is still alive) because it ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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What customs does a divorced/widowed woman follow? (Ashkenazi/Sfardi -- hers or her ex-husband's?)

When a woman gets married, she takes on her husband's customs. Thus, an Ashkenazi woman marrying a Sfardi man gets to eat rice on Pesach (and vice versa). But what happens if she gets divorced, or if ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Would looking away help a Cohen stay married to his wife?

I read recently about a Jewish woman raped in France at home in front of her husband. If Chas VeChalilah a wife of a Cohen is raped, they have to get divorced. Would it be advisable for an ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Why didn't Yaakov divorce Leah?

It would appear that Yaakov did not intend to marry Leah. If so, why did he simply not divorce her either immediately after the wedding, or at any later point? Related: 1, 2
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Are civil divorces not recognized by Orthodox rabbis?

A Jewish couple gets a civil divorce. The wife remarries, and has children with her new spouse. Are the children of this second marriage, which was performed without a get having been issue, ...
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Should I be giving a get to my girlfriends after a breakup? [duplicate]

I have some knowledge of Jewish law, but it seems ambiguous to me in some areas, either because there are differing opinions, or no one has really explained to me the reasons for the opinions to be ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Why does the Kohen Gadol need to divorce his wife in such a complicated manner?

On Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol must be married to exactly one wife. We are also concerned about her passing away. So the Gemara suggests that he gives a get to one wife on condition that the other ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Can a כהן marry a גרושה בתולה under 3

A cohen may not marry a woman who was divorced (Leviticus 21:7). So too in a case where a woman got married then got divorced but never had relations. However what about a case where a woman got ...
Adám's user avatar
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Do any poskim recommend giving a conditional divorce?

For someone who married without a halachic pre-nuptual agreement, are there any halachic authorities who recommend giving a conditional get (bill of divorce) which stipulates that it would go into ...
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If a woman cannot have children, can she marry?

I've been doing some research, and I found a lot of references to the rule that if a marriage lasts 10 years and does not produce any children, the couple must divorce and remarry in a new attempt to ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Can you remarry someone you have divorced in the past?

If Mr. X married Ms. Y and they got divorced and have a Get, and Mr. X continued to marry Ms. Z and is now asking her for a Get in order to re marry Ms. Y. Is that permitted?
Jennifer's user avatar
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How does the kohein gadol's substitute wife work?

The first mishna of Yoma1 explains that before Yom Kippur, a substitute wife is prepared for the kohein gadol lest his wife die -- because the torah says he makes atonement for himself and "his house",...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Pregnant and not recommended to get a get

I recently heard of a case where a couple were planning on getting divorced: the wife was pregnant and they were given a psak (via the Beth Din) that the husband can not give her a get until the baby ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Is there a tikkun to say/do when your relationship is in danger?

Has anyone come across a tikkun for a spouse during a separation?
google579's user avatar
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Is there dancing at a divorcee's wedding

When a divorcee gets remarried, is there dancing at the wedding or is this prohibited?
MonOve's user avatar
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What happens to the family of a Kohen today if his wife is a victim of rape?

What happens to the family of a Kohen today if his wife is a victim of rape? What are the steps taken and how does this come to be resolved according to halachah and in the most constructive way for ...
seekingclarity's user avatar
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What Chasam Sofer writes in regards to a Kohen Gadol marrying a Basuleh

The Chasam Sofer in Toras Moshe Parsha Emor writes the following: A cohen should marry a basuleh (virgin). The Ramabm counts this as a Mitzvas aseh (positive commandment). However one could have ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Must a couple get divorced if they have no children after 10 years?

I recall learning, but am unsure of the source, that a couple who has been married for 10 years but has no children either should get divorced. What is the source and reason for this? Is it an ...
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What were the marriage rights of the temporary wives of Rav and Rav Nachman?

According to the gemaras at Yoma 18b and Yevamos 37b, Rav and Rav Nachman (and presumably other chachamin) would send representatives to cities a week before the rebbe intended to visit to find the ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Kohain marrying divorcee

Can A Kohain marry a woman who had a reform/conservative rabbi officiate her wedding.. but she was divorced by an orthodox rabbi. Thank you so much in advance
Brian's user avatar
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Retroactive Get [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Would a baalat teshuva need a get from each previous sexual relationship? Suppose: Man A seduces a virgin Woman X. Man B informally lies with Woman X. Man A and Woman X ...
Charles Short's user avatar
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Kiddushin 'Al Tnai and the effect of Nissuin

I just read a comment online asking, in a particular 'Agunah situation, why there was not an agreement before the wedding to allow a rabbinical court to a annul the marriage. Is this a legitimate ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Marital Prenups

In 1993 Rabbi Mordechai Willig, a Rosh Yeshiva at YU and a member of the Beth Din of America, drafted a prenup for use at Jewish weddings to avoid future Aguna/Mesorevet Get problems. The agreement ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Why only 100 zuz to a widow/divorcee?

In a Ketubah, the Rabbis instituted that a man should obligate himself to pay his wife, should he chose to divorce her (or he dies). If she had never been married before, he obligates himself to pay ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Would a baalat teshuva need a get from each previous sexual relationship?

Would a baalat teshuva need a get from each previous sexual relationship? In light of the idea that marriage can be contracted solely through bi'ah/public knowledge of the couple's relationship (as ...
SAH's user avatar
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Does someone who dies very young have a soulmate?

As discussed in this question, the Talmud tells us that 40 days before someone is born, a heavenly voice calls out "This person is destined for so-and-so". Not sure if anyone can answer this, but I'...
Barry Hammer's user avatar
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