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Questions tagged [issur-vheter]

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Is a Semicha required for determining the status of a Safek Niddah

According to Halacha, is it required for a Rabbi to have semicha if he’s determining the status of whether a woman is a niddah if she believes it’s a Safek? Or no, is a formal semicha not required ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can one do an issur derabanan so that his friend can do a mitzva doraisa

There’s a rule not to do an aveira to benefit another but would it apply in a scenario where the purpose of performing an issur derabanan is to enable another person to perform a mitzva doraisa.
Xavier Florentine's user avatar
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Can a Talmid Chacham pasken something isn’t shaatnez for himself

According to this answer, the Taz believes that a Talmid Chacham has the right to pasken for himself, however there is an exception if something has a previous status of prohibition. Can a Talmid ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is the היתר to have long bangs and hairdos nowadays?

I remember hearing that there were gentiles from years ago (not sure what time period) that used to leave a lot of hair on the front of their heads and would have the rest of their hair either shaved ...
Shlomo's user avatar
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Does the Issur of Zera Levatala still apply to a infertile person

If a person has been diagnosed and confirmed by doctors as infertile, does the Issur of Zera Levatala still apply to them?
Ben Moshe's user avatar
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Good shiur on Issur Vehetar for semicha?

I'm looking for clear and concise shiurim on Issur Vehetar that gives a summary of the Shulchan aruch with Shach and Taz to aide in my smicha studies. I see there are many shiurim on yutorah but I ...
user6781's user avatar
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Am I allowed to print individual sheets or full Seforim from copyright Seforim found online? [duplicate]

"if someone posted a copyrighted book accessible online, what does halacha say about printing it? I'm worried about Gezeilah on the one hand, but perhaps since there is no loss to the owner it ...
Chaim L.'s user avatar
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May one take vitamins without a hechsher? [closed]

I.e, vitamins from big pharmacies. Are there kashrus issues? Must they be certified?
michael's user avatar
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Shiurim of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits

Does anyone have the shiurim of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits which he gives in his Kollel(not his daily Mishna Berura Shiur)? There are only a few on the Jerusalem Kollel website.
Moz's user avatar
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What precisely are the differences between היתר מצטרף לאיסור and טעם כעיקר?

Learning maseches nozir around daf 35, I encountered two concepts: היתר מצטרף לאיסור (HML) and טעם כעיקר (TK) HML The Gemoro 35b indicates that HML is derived from Bamidbar 6(3) מִיַּ֤יִן וְשֵׁכָר֙ ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Collecting water before pesach

People who are worried about chometz in water on pesach collect water before pesach so it can be Me'vutal before pesach. However won't they cause themselves a bigger problem? If they are worried for ...
Do Ki's user avatar
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Divorced woman remarrying her ex-husband

May a woman, who after receiving a get from her husband has relations with another man out of wedlock, remarry her husband?
Tzvi Fastag's user avatar
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Is a neder against doing a prohibited behavior a neder?

If one makes a neder not to do something issur derabbanan, if they break it, are they liable for the neder?
Richard Franklin's user avatar
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Milk & Meat by milk of a dead cow?

Someone told me today that they thought it was permitted to mix milk and meat if the milk was extracted from a dead cow (ie by cooking its udder). However I was unable to confirm in my googling. Has ...
eliyahu's user avatar
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Walking in front of someone saying kaddish

I have heard that in addition to the prohibition of passing in front of someone who is davening shemoneh esrei, it is also forbidden (or at least improper) to walk in front of someone who is saying ...
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