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Questions tagged [death]

Questions relating to the nature, function, or process of Death in Jewish thought.

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What do the trees in the Garden represent?

In Genesis 2, God plants a garden in Eden for man to tend and cultivate. At the center of the garden are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. What do these trees ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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What does going "alive into Sheol" mean in Numbers 16?

Parshat Korach contains a curious phrase in Moses's admonition to Korach and the resulting consequences: וְאִם־בְּרִיאָה יִבְרָא יְהֹוָה וּפָצְתָה הָאֲדָמָה אֶת־פִּיהָ וּבָלְעָה אֹתָם וְאֶת־כׇּל־...
Avi Avraham's user avatar
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Are amputated limbs and organs to be treated with the same care as a dead body? [duplicate]

In Judaism, when a person dies they are to be buried immediately. My question is whether the same rule applies to organs and limbs of an individual who is still living. If a Jew has an arm amputated ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does halacha strongly encourage the use of aggressive medical interventions?

It seems from what I've read in books: Jewish law encourages the uptake of aggressive medical interventions. Some examples include CPR, ventilators, chemotherapy, and intensive care unit (ICU) care. ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Why does Hashem, Who is all-merciful, let children get cancer and suffer and die? [duplicate]

Even if there are reasons beyond human comprehension, the seemingly unjustifiable cruelty of letting/making children (and their families!) suffer makes Hashem “look bad” in some people’s eyes. It’s a ...
user35205's user avatar
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Must people be informed they are terminally ill?

In Judaism, do doctors or other informed parties have a halachic obligation to tell a person he is terminally ill? Or to lie to him by telling him his affliction is treatable? Of course, one can ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why didn't G-d make us resistant to pain or blows?

Why didn't G-d make us resistant to pain or blows? Keep in mind that prior to the creation of human beings, G-d made angels, who do not suffer from pain or the possibility of losing their physical ...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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What does the phrase HY''D mean?

What does "Hashem yikom damam" mean? Does it imply Hashem will take revenge on the murderer? Being that we believe every soul taken was a decision made by Hashem, even if it's impossible to ...
moshechaim's user avatar
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Story of a child who fell in honey and died?

I remember learning in Yoreh Deah about a halachic case about a child who fell into honey and died, and the Tosfos Yom Tov declared the honey not kosher. Where is that story found?
sam's user avatar
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First luchoth and death

In the Zohar (Noach, Chapter 13, Verse 89) we find the following: וְאִלְמָלֵא דְהָדְרוּ יִשְׂרָאֵל וְחָאבוּ קַמֵּיהּ קֻדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, לָא הֲווֹ מֵתִין לְעָלְמִין, דְּהָא אִתְפּ��סַּק ...
Mars Sojourner's user avatar
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In the event of a horrific death, what is the Halachic minimum of biological materials which must be collected for burial?

Hashem requires that a Jew be buried and that the body should be intact. In horrific circumstances, that isn't always possible and there are medical crews who need to collect the remains (such as a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Name misspelling on a matzeivah (tormented neshama) [closed]

My mom unfortunately passed away a few months ago and I've been working with my dad to finish the process of putting up the matzeivah. We've designed it to be exactly how she wanted. For her Hebrew ...
Sander Smith's user avatar
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How should a Jew deal with a haunting?

I know that the historical view on ghosts in Judaism is mixed. That being said, there does exists a belief in certain types of Ashkenazi folklore regarding a dybbuk. The belief is these being spirits ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does every bullet have a name on it (during war)?

R Avraham ibn Ezra writes (Devarim 20:7) that folks (can) die in wars even if it isn't yet their time to go: ולא לקחה – בנשואין. והנה זה הכתוב לאות על כי יש מי שימות בבוא יומו, רק המת במלחמה מת בלא ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Is suicide okay if someone is (being) captured by barbarians?

The barbarians in question have a history of sometimes freeing their captives but also have a history of torturing their captives to death. And what if it is becoming clear that no one will negotiate ...
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