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Questions tagged [gentiles]

Relations with non-Jews, and laws regarding them.

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Connection between Yitro and Malchizedek?

I remember reading somewhere a comparison between Yitro and Malchizedek. Saying they were both Goyish Kohanim who where with אברהם ומשה. Are there any sources that associate these two figures? What ...
zunior's user avatar
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Are garden gnomes Chukot Hagoyim

According to Halacha, are garden gnomes classified as Chukot Hagoyim, or not? I ask because on the one hand, they are not associated with idolatry nowadays, however they are a custom of non-Jewish ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is Tosefta Avodah Zarah misinterpreting the Talmud with regard to prohibited sexual relations for gentiles?

It is taught in a baraita in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yoḥanan: Any forbidden sexual relations for which a Jewish court administers capital punishment are prohibited to a descendant of Noah,...
wmasse's user avatar
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Is there a biblical or rabbinical prohibition to commit mortgage fraud?

To simplify the question, assume a situation where the lender is a Jew. If it doesn't fall under the rules of Geneiva, is it possible it's Oshek? And in the case of a non-Jewish lender, does the rule ...
J G's user avatar
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Need the "how" steps to ask legitimate non-judgemental regarding issues needing resolution to inspire peaceful negotiation

Children are expected to ask questions. Jewish people are supposed to answer those who ask regardless of their knowledge/upbringing - i.e., the four sons represented in the Haggadah. In order to ...
A Lehodia's user avatar
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How are we to understand future prophecy fulfillment concerning extinct nations?

In Isaiah , the prophecy about the root of Jesse, there is reference to the people of Moab,Ammon and edom and of nations like Shinar (Babylon) which have already passed away. There are other such ...
Davies's user avatar
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Should you say a beracha when you see a gentile child prodigy

The Talmud in tractate Berachot 58a mentions a beracha that should be recited when you see a gentile scholar. Many poskim hold it is required for the scholar mentioned in the Gemara to observe the ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Avodah Zarah and non-Jewish houseworkers

Does a Jewish homeowner need to be concerned that non-Jewish maids might perform idol worship with his possessions? Would this make any of the things in his house forbidden, or no? What precautions is ...
Libi Liberstein's user avatar
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Are gentile shrunken heads assur to own

According to Halacha, is it assur to own a gentile Shrunken head? The reason I ask is because my understanding is Halacha prohibits Jews from owning things made like the human form, even if not actual ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Dream Catchers as a Native Noahide [closed]

I am Native, and I want to buy a dream catcher, but I'm afraid it'll be bad to have as a noahide. I don't believe it has mythical or magical stuff I just think it's pretty to have in my home. Should I ...
Nee's user avatar
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Can Noahides have a prayer book?

I heard somewhere that Noahides are not supposed to have a prayer book while others say it's okay. I'm not sure if having a prayer book that isn't the Jewish siddur permissible?
Simplest's user avatar
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Does chinaware need Tevilat keilim

According to Halacha, does chinaware need tevilat keilim when it is bought by a Jew from a gentile or no? Is this question a machloket amongst the different poskim?
Kirk's user avatar
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Does bikur cholim apply to a non-Jew?

Does visiting non-Jewish sick fulfill the mitzvah? Or is it only for Jews?
Jacob J Xiong's user avatar
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Understanding ערלים comparisons

In Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer chapter 29 (uncensored version), we read: ולמה מלן, בשביל הטהרה שלא יטמאו את אדניהם במאכליהם ובמשתיהם, שכל מי שאוכל עם הערל כאלו אוכל עם הכלב, מה הכלב שלא נמול כך הערל שלא ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Does Bishul Akum follow the rules of the location of cooking or eating?

Although it is forbidden for a Jew to eat food cooked by a gentile (YD 113), there are some exceptions - notably, food that is regularly eaten raw (113:1), or food that is not fit to be served by a ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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