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Questions tagged [maseches-kiddushin]

Tractate of Talmud dealing with the laws of marriage

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Why are the descendants of Hurdus still considered to be slaves according to Shmuel?

In Maseches Kiddushin 70b it seems that Shmuel held that Hurdus and his descendants had the status of slaves, but in Gittin 38a it seems that according to Shmuel, if the master gives up on retrieving ...
User123's user avatar
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Does kiddushin work if the couple don't understand the implications?

According to the first Mishna of Kiddushin, if I understand correctly, marriage is effectively a legal contract where the man takes "ownership" of the woman with her consent. This answer to ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Is the marriage contract valid upon the death or the divorce of the spouse?

I had a specific question related to the Kiddushin and death contract. In the schools of Halakha, is the marriage contract considered "void" or "cancelled" or "paused" at ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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What can a husband do halachically if his wife steals money from him?

Suppose a wife takes a significant amount of money from her husband without his knowledge. Or perhaps, she transfers an asset into her name, without him knowing. Or in another case, she misleads him ...
Curious1's user avatar
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Who was Rav Yonah the grandson of Rabbeinu Yonah and Ramban?

There is a fascinating piece brought in the Shu"t HaRashbash (Rav Shlomo ben Shimon Duran) in siman 291 (although written clearly here) where it relates the following story: Rabbeinu Yonah’s ...
Dov's user avatar
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Masechta Kiddushin: Teaching your son a craft/trade - apparent contradiction?

Do any mefarshim make the following observation? The gemara in Kiddushin 29a famously says: תְּנֵינָא לְהָא דְּתָנוּ רַבָּנַן הָאָב חַיָּיב בִּבְנוֹ לְמוּלוֹ וְלִפְדוֹתוֹ וּלְלַמְּדוֹ תּוֹרָה ...
Dov's user avatar
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Understanding "Shimon ben Shataḥ restored the Torah to its former glory."

"... ויהרגו כל חכמי ישראל והיה העולם משתומם עד שבא שמעון בן שטח והחזיר את התורה ליושנה." "... and all the Sages of the Jewish people were killed. And the world was desolate of Torah ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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“Einstein ketzos”

Shalom chevra, I have heard that the ketzos hachoshen on the sugya of matana al menas lehachzir is called the “Einstein ketzos”. If someone knows why that is, and can let us know that would be great!
Mevakeish's user avatar
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Kiddushin 8b: Making kiddushin vs fulfilling a mitzvah

Kiddushin 8b asks if a man says "Mikudeshes li" to a woman and gives her a loaf and she says "Give it to a poor person" she is not engaged - even if the poor person is supported by ...
Steve Scher's user avatar
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Information of Kiddushin 41a

Shalom. I have a doubt that assails me. In this text from Talmud (b.Kiddushin 41a) the marriage of a minor is not prohibited but not recommended, in contrast to laws that allow it (b.Sanhedrin 54b, ...
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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Berachot 7a – Is there a connection between R. Meir and Acher?

In Berachot 7a we find the following passage: וא"ר יוחנן משום ר' יוסי שלשה דברים בקש משה מלפני הקב"ה ונתן לו בקש שתשרה שכינה על ישראל ונתן לו שנאמר הלוא בלכתך עמנו בקש שלא תשרה שכינה על עובדי ...
Alex's user avatar
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Who is rich in matters of courtship?

The Mishna says: If a man says to a woman, "Marry me. I am rich.", and she agrees, but it turns out he is poor, the betrothal is not valid. If a man says to a woman, "Marry me, even though I am poor."...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Eating outside at a restaurant

The Gemara in Kidushin 40b writes that if one eats in the marketplace (public) is considered like a dog, and his testimony is not accepted. The Rambam in Hilchos Edus 11:5 codified this as halacha. ...
sam's user avatar
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Minimum age of קידושין for a female?

What is the minimum age of kiddushin (that is Dioryta) that the father can effect via כסף or שטר?
Big Mouth's user avatar
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What does the Gemara mean that anything given to the heart, it says by it “and you will fear your G-d”?

Kiddushin 32b: יכול יעצים עיניו כמי שלא ראהו ת"ל תקום ויראת דבר המסור ללב נאמר בו (ויקרא יט, יד) ויראת מאלהיך I might have thought he can close his eyes like one who did not see [the elder]; ...
DonielF's user avatar
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