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Questions tagged [marriage]

marriage, marrying, the state of being married; more specific tags are `wedding` and `intermarriage`

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Do we no longer practice the blessing on virginity and when did it go away?

In the responsa of Rav Hai Gaon (4:8) there is a record of a ceremony conducted after a marriage is consummated wherein the sheet displaying virginal blood is produced and a blessing (or perhaps ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is there a blessing upon betrothal through intimacy?

Based on the understanding that marriage is a mitzvah for a man, are there any sources which indicate a blessing should be said either before or after a husband engages in intercourse to betroth his (...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Are Amalekites considered Edomites Halachically?

According to the opinion that we may accept converts from Amalek, must they wait until the third generation to marry a Jew, as would an Edomite, being that Amalek also comes from Esav?
User123's user avatar
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Are co-wives halachically related

Are co-wives halachically related? If one of them dies does the other co-wife have to sit shivah for her co-wife?
Efraym's user avatar
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Should newlyweds sleep under the same roof during the Sheva Brachot period?

When is the most appropriate time for newlyweds to start sleeping under the same roof together?
T.R.'s user avatar
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What kind of marriages was the Rambam thinking of?

Mishnah Torah, Hilchot Biah, 12:1 speaks of “derech ishut” and 12:14 speaks of “derech chatnut.” How does the halacha understand these terms? Sources appreciated. Note: The translation by Rabbi ...
Kleinzahler's user avatar
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Remaining single in Judaism [duplicate]

Everywhere around me I keep seeing couples getting divorced and separated. I keep hearing tales from work/university colleagues and family members having marital problems which often have led to ...
Yojanan Berrocal's user avatar
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Minhag for a couple of converts

When a man is a Jew by birth and has minhag avot, his wife must follow his minhag avot. When a man is converted or baal teshuvah, he must follow his wife's minhag. And if both the man and the woman ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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What is the minhag for a secular couple who become Baalei Teshuvah

According to Halacha, minhag of a married couple follows the husband. What is the Halacha about the minhag for a secular married couple who become Baalei Teshuvah later on? What about a religious ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Restrictions on a Jewess who was baptised as a child

What are the restrictions for a Jewish girl (husband born Jewish, wife converted to Judaism) who was baptized Christian as a child (not by choice) and then converts back to Judaism (by choice) (re ...
Dovid Buchenholz's user avatar
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chupah and halachot of yichud

Do we paskin that after the chupah you're totally married or only after yichud? does the yichud room by a wedding need to be locked? Do the witnesses of the yichud make it secluded as if the door is ...
C L's user avatar
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May a husband and wife swim together while the wife is niddah

According to Halacha, is it permitted for a husband and wife to swim together while the wife is niddah, or no? Would it be considered harchakot and rabbinically forbidden or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Who is the father when parents are not married halachically?

According to halacha, a child's father is considered to be the halachic husband of the mother (based on Sota 27a). Now what is the case for single parents?, e.g., a Jewish mother married only through ...
חיים's user avatar
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Bracha for guests- who should be saying it?

In the bencher I use it has some instructions, which I don't understand or know where they come from. Are all the cases listed supposed to be done? A wife for her husband? A husband for his wife? Are ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Definition of ervah

"ערוה" is the Torah's usual word for a forbidden relationship. I remember seeing a Rishon, maybe a Tosefos, who says that the fact that kiddushin is impossible, that a permanent relationship ...
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