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Questions tagged [beit-din-court]

Court of Jewish Law. Nowadays, they mostly adjudicate civil disputes, and are composed of 3 judges. Their decisions are halachically binding, and in most cases, legally as well.

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Who shuts down fake bayt din? [closed]

Who in the ancient Israelite justice system would be responsible for shutting down fake or rogue Bayt Dins doing things like fake conversions et al? (Before it reached the desk of the King.)
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Eradication of Free Will under a functioning Biblical legal system or Talmudic education

It is frequently argued that the lack of direct Heavenly intervention in the Creation was designed to allow for a free "pressure-free" choice between good and bad. E.g. when a person breaks ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why two mussafim?

Today, the second day of Rosh chodesh, we leined the קרבנות of ר"ח for the second day in a row, and likewise prayed another תפילת מוסף, although in the בית המקדש only one מוסף was brought each ...
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Does the Sanhedrin of 23 have any involvement whatsoever in judging damages? (financial disputes)

It seemed from reading Mishnayot Sanhedrin that the court of 3 was in charge of damages. They said 71 was for declaring war. 23 seemed to judge cases of non-financial disputes (death penalty if I ...
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Is a court of 3 that has complete authority to judge damages called by the name a "Sanhedrin"?

The Mishna in Sanhedrin disscuses a court of three being sufficient to judge damages. However it does not say the name of this court. Is this court named a בית דין or is this court named a סנהדרין. ...
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Private conversions [closed]

Chalom Are private orthodox conversions are kosher according halacha ? For exemple, I converted sincerely throught a private Beit Din headed by Rav Chaim Amsellem . The Chief Rabbinate did not ...
חיים's user avatar
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Did the ancient Israelite Kings appoint royal justices?

Did the ancient Israelite Kings appoint royal justices? If so, how is this distinct from the medieval practice of appointing beurim in certain medieval Jewish communities? And what powers were these ...
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Do beit dins have the right to disbar Jewish attorneys

According to Halacha, does a beit din have the jurisdictional authority and right to disbar Jewish lawyers? Furthermore, do they have the right to prevent them from being lawyers in secular courts ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is kiddushin which a man was coerced to do valid

According to Halacha, if a man was coerced/forced to do kiddushin to a woman, under threat of penalty (from say a Beit Din) is that a valid kiddushin? Or no, since this was done against his true will ...
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Limited liability in Halacha

According to Halacha, may a Jew sue another Jew through a beit din for the actions of a corporation the other Jew is invested in if that corporation is a limited liability structure under secular law?...
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In Halacha, can you sue for Alienation of Affection?

In old times, there were laws on the books that defined a cause of action called "Alienation of Affections" which, among other things, allowed an aggrieved spouse to sue their spouse's ...
lgshost's user avatar
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Qualified immunity in Halacha

I am curious about whether the concept of qualified immunity (for monetary liability) exists in Halacha. Qualified immunity in secular law generally means one who is a judge or police officer is ...
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Paradox of a corrupt court

With current events in mind (South Africa v. Israel Genocide Convention), I have a question. How does Torah help us solve the paradox of applying justice to an injust justice system? If the court ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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How to address rabbis of a Bet Din in an email

What is the proper salutation and/or way to address the rabbis of a bet din in an email?
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Why are beit din-coerced gittin generally kosher [duplicate]

The Passuk in the Torah outlining the rule for divorce is that if a husband loses favor in his wife. My question is, why in Halacha do most poskim rule that prenuptial agreements are fine and gittin ...
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