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Questions tagged [maseches-kesubos]

"Shas Kattan." Maseches Kesubos (112 dafim/pages) deals with a variety of marital responsibilities, especially those intended for the marital contract aka "the kesubah."

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Explanation of a Tosfos on Kesubos 111a; ד"ה בבלה

I was reading the Gemara about whether it is permissible to emigrate from Babylonia to Eretz Yisrael (Kesubos 111a). Rav Yehudah holds that whoever ascends from Babylonia to Eretz Yisrael, ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Wasn't Rabbi Akiva violating hilchos onah?

Akiva stayed away from his wife for 24 years. Per Kesuvos 61b, this is forbidden. As a talmid chacham, he might be able to stretch it to a week, but not more. Was this an aveira?
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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Pain in Rape vs. Seduction, isnt the difference obvious?

The gemara in Ketubot 39a and 39b discusses the difference between the pain endured during rape and seduction in order to fully understand why a rapist has to pay צער and a seducer doesn't. From the ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Who was R Abba Shaul's mother, Imma Miriam?

Asking about the mother of אַבָּא שָׁאוּל בֶּן אִימָּא מִרְיָם, who is mentioned in Kesuvos 87a and other places in the gemara. Is there any information about "Imma Miriam": who she was, why ...
PurpleTurtle's user avatar
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Not rupturing hymen

An unattributed statement in Ketubot 6b: The majority of men are experts in intercourse without rupturing the hymen. On the other hand, Niddah 64b: Rabbi Ḥanina maintains that Shmuel was ...
sds's user avatar
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Original Arabic text of Isaac Alfasi in last 3 responsum of Menahem Azariah da Fano

In Shut Harama Mipano (see opening page of book), the final three responsum are from the Rif, and explain three laws in tractate Kesubos. He wrote them in Arabic, and the Rama got a reputable ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Where's the Gemara about a woman ultra-multitasking?

I thought – but forgive me, can't find it now – that the Gemara assumes if a husband provides for his wife, then he has the rights to minor earnings she makes from spinning or the like. The Gemara ...
Shalom's user avatar
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How is the vav extra?

In Ketubot, 103a the text discusses what the "et" words include in the phrase כַּבֵּ֥ד אֶת־אָבִ֖יךָ וְאֶת־אִמֶּ֑ךָ Each et refers to another spouse of the parent so the non-biological step ...
rosends's user avatar
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Discarding halachic rules on Ketubot 60b

In Masechet Ketubot, 60b there is a discussion of how long a nursing woman has to wait before being remarried. There are 2 opinions: R. Meir says 24 months (or 21 months as the problem with the milk ...
rosends's user avatar
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On tunneling to Israel after death

I don't understand this passage in the Talmud: The righteous outside of Eretz Yisrael will be resurrected and roll [until they reach Eretz Yisrael]… Rabbi Abba Salla Rava strongly objects to this: ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why is there a switch from Sin to Samech?

related Relationship between Samekh and Sin (referencing the Schottenstein edition of Masechet Ketubot -- I haven't checked other printings) In the mishna on 46b, the text reads נשאת יתר עליו הבעל -- ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why isn't there a source for a widows time limit?

The Mishnah in Ketubot 57a says: נותנין לבתולה שנים עשר חודש משתבעה הבעל לפרנס את עצמה, וכשם שנותנין לאשה כך נותנין לאיש לפרנס את ‏עצמו. ולאלמנה שלשים יום One gives a virgin twelve months from the ...
Dani's user avatar
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Why is Yevamot the first masechet in Nashim?

Rashi in Nazir (2a) says that Ketuvot is the main Masechta in Nashim. If so, why is Ketuvot not the first Masechta in Nashim? Thanks so much in advance.
talmidforlife's user avatar
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Does the Gemara talk about interpersonal dynamics between step-siblings in blended families?

Obviously the model of get married at age 20, stay married for 70 years, then both spouses drop dead was not one in the Gemara; if nothing else, enough people died young that remarriages were common. ...
Shalom's user avatar
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If a Gett is given on condition the husband does not return what is considered "returning"?

Apologies if this is answered simply elsewhere -- I haven't studied the laws of Gittin, but this question doesn't seem to be addressed in the connected mishna in Gittin 76a. In Ketuvot, 2b, the text ...
rosends's user avatar
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