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Questions tagged [karet]

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Punishment for breaking Yom Tov

What’s the punishment for breaking Yom tov (i.e. doing one of the forbidden melachot)? Is it like Shabbat and you get karet?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Belief in the details of Halacha

The Chazon Ish in the Sefer 'Emunah Ubitachon' says that unless one has focused intensely on trying to believe that all the seemingly small details of halacha are indeed just as serious as killing, ...
Bpsb's user avatar
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Does Karet apply in cases of Safek

If there is question which is a Machloket Halacha, and one takes a position which is lenient on a Safek D’oraita of a Karet level sin (such as say a dispute whether something constitutes a Melacha on ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Yevamot with karet?

Is the mandate of yibbum suspended for a man whose soul is punished with karet, for it is stated the purpose of yibbum “The first child that she bears shall be accounted to the dead brother, that his ...
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sex with jewish girlfriend... what are the ways to atone? [closed]

If a Jewish man and his Jewish girlfriend have sex regularly, what is the best way to atone for this? I know that it's kares, but is there any way to atone ?
Nossiee's user avatar
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In Orthodox Judaism, can a person repent for a sin normatively punished by death?

Say someone commits a sin that is normatively punished by death - can one perform teshuva and be forgiven in such a case? Is the situation different for sins classified as yehareg ve'al ya'avor (...
John Dumancic's user avatar
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Caret for an intentional Sin punishable by Death when there are no witnesses

We know that Sins punishable by death are punished when there are witnesses and warning. We also know that when there are no witnesses, but the sin is made intentionally, the punishment is Caret (1). ...
kouty's user avatar
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Sexual Relations with a married woman that's asur to her husband

Is it ok for a man to have relations with a married woman who's already been unfaithful to her husband? Is there still an isur kareth? Or since she's already prohibited from being with her husband and ...
Frumguy's user avatar
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How can the Mishnah derive that lashes exempt kares, from a pasuk speaking only about one liable for lashes?

The Mishnah in Makkot 23a says "All those liable to receive karet who were flogged in court were exempted from their karet [...] as it is stated with regard to one liable to receive ...
user9806's user avatar
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How can Kares be greater than execution by beis din (and also eternal according to R' Kapach)?

In this exposition of what kares means, the following view is quoted: [...] R. Yosef Kafach (Mishneh Torah, Hilkhos Teshuvah ch. 8 n. 4) offers a different interpretation. He suggests that the Rambam’...
user9806's user avatar
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Is everyone who dies in his 50s Chayav Kares?

I've come across a bunch of great Rabbanim: Poskim, Mekubalim and Tzadikim who passed away within their 50s. The Gemara in Moed Katan 28a says: אמר רבה: [מיתה] מחמשים ועד ששים שנה זו היא מיתת כרת....
Moshe's user avatar
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Is kares a greater punishment than capital punishment, or vice versa?

In many cases (e.g., no warning, no witnesses) a capital crime is not punished by a beis din, but instead the offender gets kares. Let's assume for the purposes of this question that kares includes ...
user9806's user avatar
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Karet and No Share in ha'olam Haba

What is the difference between a person who died without doing teshuva on his sins on Karet, Eternal gehinnom and having no share in the world to come?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Is there a difference between "kareis" and "misas be'dei shamayim?"

They sound very similar- is there a difference between them or are they interchangeable and pretty much mean the same thing?
alicht's user avatar
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Capital Punishment and Kares simultaneously

I always understood that if a person does something that warrants capital punishment, and there are witnesses who warned them against the crime, that's all they are punished with. If it was done ...
robev's user avatar
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