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Questions tagged [pru-urvu]

The positive commandment of procreation.

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Is someone who is physically or mentally disabled obligated to be fruitful and multiply

By this I mean, what if someone is disabled in such a way a likely spouse would not be interested in him, or he can’t properly support a child or spouse?
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
-3 votes
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Should one celebrate someone having a child at 87 years old?

In light of recent news, there has been discussion surrounding a man who became a father at the age of 87. This raises questions regarding the applicability of the mitzvah of Pru Urvu at such an ...
Truth seeker 's user avatar
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Does one fulfill p’ru u’rvu after one child [duplicate]

Do men fullfill their obligation in their mitzvah of P’ru U’rvu after having one child? Or is the requirement to be fruitful and multiply fulfilled only after more children? If so, how many children ...
Kirk's user avatar
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A question on the duty to procreate

Bet Hillel ruled that a man fulfills his obligation to procreate when he has a boy and a girl. The Sages say: If a man’s children die while he is alive, he has not yet fulfilled his obligation to ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Can the Mitzvah of being fruitful be fulfilled through Yibbum?

If one had children from his late brother’s wife, fulfilling the Mitzvah of Yibbum, did he also fulfill the Mitzvah of being fruitful, or do we say that for this purpose they are not considered his ...
שלום's user avatar
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LOR Questions family planning

One of the most common questions Rabbis tend to get is about contraception. Specifically a discussion about family planning, and how long one can use contraception for. Before the man has fulfilled ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Can a woman time intercourse to avoid conception?

Can a woman whose husband already has children refuse sex with him on days she may be fertile with the goal of not conceiving?
ninamag's user avatar
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Pru vRvu - is it for all time?

In Genesis 1, Humans are given a blessing to procreate and multiply, to fill the Earth and subdue it. This is traditionally interpreted as the first commandment G-d gave to humans. Main question: if ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Can Gentiles Perform a Vasectomy?

Can Gentiles perform a vasectomy once there is an understanding that they are not obligated to have children? If it is prohibited, what principle is it linked to? If vasectomy is prohibited, would ...
Thales's user avatar
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Sex in the world to come

I was reading Minhat Yehuda. In the book, the Tzadik Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya asks the destroying angels what they are like. The angels mentioned things like how they ate manna, had kids, died, etc. So my ...
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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Why do we not say a bracha before sex? [duplicate]

There is a mitzvah to populate the world, pru urvu. For most mitzvot, there is a bracha we say before we do it. So why do we not say a bracha before sex? Also, whenever one benefits from anything, he ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Why is the law not enforced, that a couple must divorce if they have no children after ten years? [duplicate]

Jewish law says that if a couple has no children after ten years of marriage, and the man is not allowed to take a second wife, they must get a divorce so the man can remarry and try again to fulfill ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why Sarah didn't have more kids with Avraham?

IIRC, Sarah was completely rejuvenated in order to give birth to Itzhak, but I don't remember that G-d took it back after he was born. Apparently, Avraham was eager to have more kids in his old age. ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why it was important for Avraham to bring more goyish children in his old age?

וַיֹּסֶף אַבְרָהָם וַיִּקַּח אִשָּׁה וּשְׁמָהּ קְטוּרָה׃ Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah. (Gen 25.1) While the Gemmorah (Yevomos 62b) learns that a person must procreate through ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why does the Man need a Brachah to multiply?

According to Rashi (Ber 1.20), animals needed a blessing to multiply because humans hunt and exterminate them. Why do humans need a Bracha to multiply?
Al Berko's user avatar
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