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Remaining single in Judaism [duplicate]

Everywhere around me I keep seeing couples getting divorced and separated. I keep hearing tales from work/university colleagues and family members having marital problems which often have led to ...
10 votes
1 answer

What customs does a divorced/widowed woman follow? (Ashkenazi/Sfardi -- hers or her ex-husband's?)

When a woman gets married, she takes on her husband's customs. Thus, an Ashkenazi woman marrying a Sfardi man gets to eat rice on Pesach (and vice versa). But what happens if she gets divorced, or if ...
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In Halacha, can you sue for Alienation of Affection?

In old times, there were laws on the books that defined a cause of action called "Alienation of Affections" which, among other things, allowed an aggrieved spouse to sue their spouse's ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does everyone end up with their 'soulmate'/bashert?

I ask this in all respect because there are people who end up not having a romantic partner or spouse in their life. Yet, there is an assertion that HaShem has designated for each individual a ...
8 votes
2 answers

Can a woman who commits adultery do teshuva and return to her husband?

Suppose a married woman goes her own way and leaves (but not divorces) her husband. She engages in sexual relationships with other men. But after a year, she realizes the error of her ways and does ...
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1 answer

Is the marriage contract valid upon the death or the divorce of the spouse?

I had a specific question related to the Kiddushin and death contract. In the schools of Halakha, is the marriage contract considered "void" or "cancelled" or "paused" at ...
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1 answer

Would marriage and divorce for Gentiles be invalid for being an appropriation of Jewish commandments?

I've read somewhere that God gave the law of divorce to the Jews but not to the Gentiles, quoted some rabbinic opinion about it, didn't say which one. Is there anything to that effect in the Talmud? I ...
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Four counted as dead & Agunot

Nedarim 64b relates of the Gemara: "it was taught in a baraita: Four are considered as if they were dead: A pauper, and a leper, and a blind person, and one who has no children." Could one ...
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Sexual Relations with a married woman that's asur to her husband

Is it ok for a man to have relations with a married woman who's already been unfaithful to her husband? Is there still an isur kareth? Or since she's already prohibited from being with her husband and ...
7 votes
2 answers

Would looking away help a Cohen stay married to his wife?

I read recently about a Jewish woman raped in France at home in front of her husband. If Chas VeChalilah a wife of a Cohen is raped, they have to get divorced. Would it be advisable for an ...
4 votes
0 answers

Why is the law not enforced, that a couple must divorce if they have no children after ten years? [duplicate]

Jewish law says that if a couple has no children after ten years of marriage, and the man is not allowed to take a second wife, they must get a divorce so the man can remarry and try again to fulfill ...
5 votes
2 answers

Intercourse with your ex-wife after giving the get

A man gave his wife a get. He then soon afterwards engaged in sexual intercourse with her. Would he be required to give another get? Possible reasons are that either the intercourse that took place ...
7 votes
1 answer

Divorced woman remarrying her ex-husband

May a woman, who after receiving a get from her husband has relations with another man out of wedlock, remarry her husband?
6 votes
2 answers

May a man marry the women with whom he committed adultery?

A single man commits adultery with a married woman. Later the woman divorces her husband, and wishes to marry the single man with whom she had the meretricious relationship. Is this allowed?
17 votes
4 answers

Would a baalat teshuva need a get from each previous sexual relationship?

Would a baalat teshuva need a get from each previous sexual relationship? In light of the idea that marriage can be contracted solely through bi'ah/public knowledge of the couple's relationship (as ...

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