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Questions tagged [zivug-sheini]

The second marriage.

2 votes
2 answers

Soul mates, death and remarriage - who will we spend eternity with?

Introduction In the general concept of kabbalistic soul mates, we marry the other half of our soul (may we all be zoche to find our true zivug and have a bayit ne'eman b'yisrael). Our goal is to ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Chatam Sofer and soulmates

I've been looking for the exact text, or at least a link to the Chatam Sofer bringing down the Ari on the topic of soulmates in Shu”t Chatam Sofer 7:34. I've seen it quoted in several articles, but ...
SarcasticAquarius's user avatar
7 votes
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Divorced woman remarrying her ex-husband

May a woman, who after receiving a get from her husband has relations with another man out of wedlock, remarry her husband?
Tzvi Fastag's user avatar
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Changing husband's habits after remarrying

After remarrying, a husband inevitably keeps comparing the new wife to the former, no matter what was the reason for their separation (death or divorce), and that fact can undermine the ongoing Shlom ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Consummating a Second Marriage

Does a woman have to go to the Mikva after consummating her remarriage? I know a woman needs to go after consummating her marriage the first time, but if she is no longer a virgin is it necessary to ...
user17131's user avatar
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Marriage/Zivug Sheini

We know that first marriages are arranged in Heaven 40 days before a child is created. Second marriages however are based on the person's merits. What happens when it's a first marriage for one spouse ...
Earl's user avatar
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I'm reading the book of Ezra. Would the Kohanim have gone on to marry Jewish women?

If a Cohen had married a non-Jew, and divorces her (as in Ezra ch 9 & Ezra ch10) could he marry a virgin, unmarried Jewess? I am reading the Book of Ezra and am curious to see what would have been ...
Yankel's user avatar
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Touching a Stepson [closed]

As an orthodox Jew, I married another orthodox Jew. This is a second marriage and he has a son. Am I allowed to touch the boy, as his stepmother, after he reaches the age of 9?
Debra's user avatar
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Chuppah by a Zivug Sheini (second marriage) and the "main" kinyan

It seems that the prevalent minhag by a zivug sheini (second marriage) is to have the chuppah inside (as opposed to the minhag of (at least) the ashkanazim to have the chuppah outside.) What is the ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Must a man seek 100 rabbis' permission again to take another "second" wife?

In certain cases, a man might receive a heter meah rabbanim (permission from 100 rabbis) to take a second wife. This may happen for a variety of reasons, but I understand that all of the cases involve ...
Daniel's user avatar
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If a woman has only had 1 partner since her last period (i.e not three months) is that sufficient to determine the father?

I've heard that a woman should separate from men after a divorce for 3 months, so that there isn't a question as to who the father is. If this didn't occur, but a single period elapsed, would this ...
jj2's user avatar
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Not to marry a divorcée

I remember hearing in a daf yomo shiur (and I want to find where is it written) something similar to this: it is preferable not to marry a divorced woman (if her ex-husband is still alive) because it ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Source of 7 days or 3 days celebration for married couples

I read in the Art Scroll Ashkenaz siddur in the section about when to omit Tachanun, that one of the occurrences is when a new groom is present in the synagogue and he is considered a "groom" from the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Getting back together with a girlfriend after she has dated other guys?

Suppose a young Jewish couple, Bob and Jane dated, and had sex. (Yes, I realize premarital sex isn't ideal under orthodox Judaism, but I am interested in the halachic and spiritual implications given ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Sheva Brachos for zivug sheini

I know it says in Shulchan Aruch that, in a case where both spouses are getting married for the second time, all sheva brachos are recited under the chuppah and then after the meal on the first day ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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