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Questions tagged [counters]

助数詞. Suffixes attached to numbers to indicate what is being counted. In linguistics, these are sometimes called 'classifiers'. The combination of a number plus a classifier forms a type of 'quantifier', and the movement of quantifiers into other parts of the sentence is called 'quantifier float'.

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Omission of subject/object with descriptive counters

Counters continue to cause me no end of confusion. Consider りんごを一個食べた。 I ate one apple. In order to know what I'm talking about I need the object, りんご. This is because the counter 個 tells me very ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Is いっしゅるい the correct reading of 1種類?

「いろいろやると大変【たいへん】になるから」と、メニューはカレーライス[1種類]【いっしゅるい】のみ He opened a small curry shop with only one type of curry rice on the menu, saying, "If I do too many things, it will be too much work." Is ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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reading of the counter 種

How does one read the counter 種 in this dictionary entry?三毒/#jn-91663 仏語【ぶつご】。人【ひと】の善心【ぜんしん】を害【がい】する3種の煩悩【ぼんのう】。貪【とん】・瞋【しん】・痴【ち】。 There are three kinds of vexations ...
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How do you say "n out of m" with 目?

I'm writing an application which features pagination, and I would like to translate it into Japanese. I have the following English text: Page 2 / 115 Before adding pagination, I would have ...
matthew-e-brown's user avatar
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Is1人 always ひとり? [duplicate]

This sentence appeared in Mainichi the other day: [1人]【ひとり】のために[10人]【じゅうにん】の未来【みらい】をつぶしていいんですか Is it okay to destroy the future of ten people for the sake of one person? Is the reading of 1人 in this ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What is the correct counter for "frames"?

What is the correct counter word to use when talking about a number of "frames" in a time? Ex: a time in a video game.
rockstonegranite's user avatar
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Why are there so many words that mean "first" (and other ordinal numbers)? What are the differences?

Here are the words that roughly mean "first" that I'm aware of, but feel free to add more: 最初 一番 一番目 一次 第一次 第一 第一位 一位 首位 What are the differences (if any) between all of them?
aviraldg's user avatar
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Anything special with the number 20? [duplicate]

When counting, the number 20 is always quite different than other numbers. For example, you have 二十日 (はつか) and 二十歳 (はたち). Where does this difference come from? Is the number 20 special in Japan?
Simon's user avatar
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Counting number of numbers

So I'm a Japanese learner just coming across how to count stuff like cars, or buildings, or bottles, or anything! But I was just wondering, is there any counter to count numbers? For example, you ...
Thuan Khang's user avatar
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On age counter(s) 「歳 、才 / 年齢 、 年令」

disclaimer: this question regards only the age counter for humans. For age counters regarding innanimate things(such as how old are cars or trees) please refer to this thread: General expression for ...
brenda's user avatar
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Is there a counter for a dog's barking? Or more generally, a counter for sounds?

Had the thought while chatting online about whether there is a counter for barks from a dog or possibly one for distinct sounds in general.
amziraro's user avatar
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What is the grammatical function of "が" in this context of counting people?

In an anime I've been watching, the protagonist goes to a village where one of his friends came from, where all the people in the village have the same hair color as his friend. (with "〇" ...
Ananinunenon's user avatar
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新しい回 counter use

I heard the use of 新しい回 to say "the last episode released" : do I understand it right ? is it a common expression ? I have some doubt because according to me the counter for episode is 話。
Poulp's user avatar
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Counters with and without の

I'm currently reading a short paragraph here that has the following sentences: 男{おとこ}はそう言{い}うと、もう一枚{いちまい}マントを出{だ}して、急{いそ}いで着{き}ました。北風{きたかぜ}は二{に}枚{まい}のマントを脱{ぬ}がせるために、もっと強{つよ}く風{かぜ}を吹{ふ}きました。 In ...
user154989's user avatar
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Why use 一本 in the expression 一本取る

I was watching an episode of ファニエスト外語学院 on judo. At 6:26, the judoka remarked how his opponent ボビー could win him just by his horrid face, saying 「顔で一本取られた」って感じです. I am interested in understanding why ...
L Parker's user avatar
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