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Questions tagged [grammar]

Questions about the grammatical rules governing Chinese structure and composition.

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3 answers

Does the grammar underlying 为期 generalize to 为主, 为基础, and so on?

I'm looking at the word: CC-CEDICT: 为期 (wéi​qī​): (to be done) by (a certain date) / lasting (a certain time) Most examples I've seen are like this: 课程为期五周。 The course runs for five weeks. but ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What's the difference between 伤心 and 难过?

What's the difference between 伤心 and 难过? I know that both mean "sad", but is there any subtle difference? Thanks!
PaoloItaly's user avatar
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whats the error in 父亲对我谈起他青年时代如此充满理想,并且只身到山上来开辟几百亩的林地。

whats the error in 父亲对我谈起他青年时代如此充满理想,并且只身到山上来开辟几百亩的林地。How to correct this sentence?
lily's user avatar
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Why is the usage of 真 in 那是个真热闹的地方 considered an error?

This is a question from 国际汉语教师证书 考试真题集 (pp.6-7; digital version here). I'm interested in why: ……,那是个真热闹的地方,…… is considered incorrect. But I can't really think of why this is problematic. I don't ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Does shi 是 have multiple meanings between copula and cleft?

I'm very much a beginner here learning Chinese and am likely to use the wrong grammatical terminology. I know that you can use 是 to equate a subject to a subject complement (e.g. he is a student). But ...
edaniels's user avatar
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What's the meaning of the last part of this passage?

在 《影》 的写意镜头里,中国文化符号是晕染竹林烟雨,是八卦太极阴阳,其中的极致反差对比与冷凝窒息感,将片中角色的情感外化与人物的情绪内收双线合一. I don't understand the meaning of "其中的极致反差对比与冷凝窒息感,将片中角色的情感外化与人物的情绪内收双线合一". Could somebody please explain?
dems's user avatar
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Translating "and" when it connotes a combined meaning

How would "and" be translated into Chinese if the constituent nouns add up to a combined effect - like "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" or "life, liberty and the ...
Mark Allen Cohen's user avatar
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Sense of "The" in Chinese

There is a poem by G.K. Chesterton called "The Silent People". The first line goes like this: We are the silent people, who have never spoken yet. A straightforward Chinese rendering could ...
河南宝宝's user avatar
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How is 时机 being used in 就可能预测病人发病的时机?

From the HSK6 Standard Course (下册, page 23; photo of original): 比如心脏病,病人发病常常是有预兆的,如果对患者的心跳数据有足够长时间的持续积累,就可能预测病人发病的时机;对于心脏病突发致死的案例,如果能提前24小时监测到零星先兆,甚至可以挽救患者的生命。 I believe the grammar of the clause I ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What's the difference between 所有、全部都 and 全都

If it's possible could you gve some examples which show the difference between 所有、全部都 and 全都 and explain the usage of each?
Ma4kai_Gri6o's user avatar
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How to write the metaphor: "Time is like sunlight and habits are like plants. The habits that receive your time will flourish."

大家好! 这是我第一次用这个网站。谢谢大家的帮助和推荐 目前正在练习用比喻。我想用中文说:"Time is like sunlight and habits are like trees. The habits that receive your time will flourish. If you give your time to good habits, they will ...
user38856's user avatar
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Is 你觉得市场上的几款都不太满意 ungrammatical?

This is from the HSK6 Standard Course textbook (下册, chapter 21, page 4; photo of original; OCR via Yandex): 消费者加入设计队伍,是未来商店着重推荐的服务,譬如,你想买衣服,可是你觉得市场上的几款都不太满意,那就参与设计吧。你登录到虚拟设计室,进入设计过程,对颜色、外观等设计内容进行投票,...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What is a good Chinese Grammar book?

What is a good, comprehensive , learner friendly Chinese Grammar book, with explanations in English or German and Chinese, which also does teach phonetics and the Pinyin spelling rules? With good and ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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What is the subject of 有 in "张涵请求提前解除合同是有一定法律依据的"?

What is the subject of 有 in "张涵请求提前解除合同是有一定法律依据的"? Am I right in interpreting this sentence as having 张涵请求提前解除合同 being the subject for the verb phrase 有一定法律依据? So it directly translates to ...
bargolus's user avatar
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Help with the right version what the Chinese guy is saying

Recently during the lectures we've been listening to "China's Betting Big on Artificial Intelligence. Could the US lose the AI Race?" from YouTube. Certain video sections were in Chinese, ...
Yustus's user avatar
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