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What's the difference between 伤心 and 难过?

What's the difference between 伤心 and 难过? I know that both mean "sad", but is there any subtle difference? Thanks!
PaoloItaly's user avatar
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What's the meaning of the last part of this passage?

在 《影》 的写意镜头里,中国文化符号是���染竹林烟雨,是八卦太极阴阳,其中的极致反差对比与冷凝窒息感,将片中角色的情感外化与人物的情绪内收双线合一. I don't understand the meaning of "其中的极致反差对比与冷凝窒息感,将片中角色的情感外化与人物的情绪内收双线合一". Could somebody please explain?
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Why is there 之 in 夫不觀之⋯乎?

Problem I stumbled upon this pattern 夫不觀之X乎? It seems to be an injunction to consider X, which I would try to phrase as: 何故不觀X? But, how does it come to mean this - if it does? The question ...
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Help understand this 却少了抬头看路,少了思考、总结这一重要的步骤?

“那是为了让我们的灵魂,能够追得上我们赶了三天路的疲劳的身体。” 多么富有哲理的话!在这个提倡和鼓励竞争的时代,我们常常只顾低头拉车,却少了抬头看路,少了思考、总结这一重要的步骤。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 26. I need your help for understanding this 却少了抬头看路,...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Meaning of 提頓 outside 書法

I know that 提頓 has a certain meaning in calligraphy. Besides that, however, it appears in the definition of a few classical grammatical particles. For example, the Hanyu Da Cidian remarks on 耶: 助词。...
Ludi's user avatar
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What is the function of 可 here: 他可不敢得罪?

二来,会因为费用增加而让投资人不高兴,至于这部影片的投资人,可是一位大人物,他可不敢得罪。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 26. What is the function (and the meaning) of 可 here: 他可不敢得罪? I ask because for me the sentence ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice?

假如借走回家看,则每本每天2分钱,挑好书后交给摊主,摊主仔细地将租书人的姓名、地址和所借小人书的书名登记在本子上,收了租金就可以拿走了,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 20. What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice? Some ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the difference between the classifiers 册 and 本?

租借小人书很便宜,在摊里看,每册1分钱,选好书坐下就看,看完连书带钱交给摊主;假如借走回家看,则每本每天2分钱,挑好书后交给摊主,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 20. What is the difference between the classifiers 册 and 本? 在摊里看,每册1分钱 在摊里看,...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Help understand this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名

为了减少损坏程度,每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,整齐漂亮的毛笔字能充分地显示出书摊主人的文化水平。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 20. I need your help in understanding this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,... Actually ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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If A伴随着B, then is it true that B伴随着A?

CC-CEDICT: 伴随 (bàn​suí​) to accompany / to follow / to occur together with / concomitant I saw on Tateoba the sentence 闪电常常伴随着雷鸣。 Lightning is usually followed by thunder. The English sentence ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Explanation of 五颜六色

棚子里有一张床板摆着各种题材的小人书,墙边还拉了几根绳子,一本本书翻开搭在上面,五颜六色的,很好看。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, segment 20. The 五颜六色 with meaning colorful or multicolored, can it be used even if the number of the ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Difference between 怎么办 and 做什么?

1994年,理查德得了心脏病,当时医生说他剩下的时���可能不多了。那时,他开始思考自己的人生,“我该怎么办? 我该做什么?” This is from the Standard Book of HSK5, section 21. I am in this point: 我(I)该(should)怎么(what)办(do)? 我(I)该(should)做(do)什么(what)? So what is ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Differences between 知识,知,识,知感 and 认识?

“知识” 两个字我始终认为它是要分开来谈的,“知” 就是知感,“识” 就是认识。所谓 “知感” 就是别人告诉你、说给你听、要求你记住的那一部分。但只有这一部分是不够的,还要有认识、思考。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 22. I would appreciate if you explain the ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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When to prefer “是……的” over “了” in “是谁把你送到机场的?” or “谁把你送到了机场?”?

When to prefer “是……的”· over “了”? Which one of the following is correct? 是谁把你送到机场的? 谁把你送到了机场?
Michal Rosenbaum's user avatar
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I can't understand the roles of 光 and 就 which are used inside 光写这份提纲,就花了我一个月的时间。

光写这份提纲,就花了我一个月的时间。 It took me a month to write this outline. (this translation has been made by deepL). I can completely link the sentences of deepL and 写这份提纲,花了我一个月的时间(removed 光 and 就)。 I want to ...
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