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Why is the word order ……想做一些与工作无关的事情 and not ……想做一些事情与工作无关?

Modern translate engines are good to mimic native speakers syntax, but haven't explained yet why you have to do it in this way. I would like to say something like this: 我现在在休息,我想做一些事情与工作无关 But Google ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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Help understand this 却少了抬头看路,少了思考、总结这一重要的步骤?

“那是为了让我们的灵魂,能够追得上我们赶了三天路的疲劳的身体。” 多么富有哲理的话!在这个提倡和鼓励竞争的时代,我们常常只顾低头拉车,却少了抬头看路,少了思考、总结这一重要的步骤。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 26. I need your help for understanding this 却少了抬头看路,...
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Help understand this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名

为了减少损坏程度,每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,整齐漂亮的毛笔字能充分地显示出书摊主人的文化水平。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 20. I need your help in understanding this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,... Actually ...
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Differences between 知识,知,识,知感 and 认识?

“知识” 两个字我始终认为它是要分开来谈的,“知” 就是知感,“识” 就是认识。所谓 “知感” 就是别人告诉你、说给你听、要求你记住的那一部分。但只有这一部分是不够的,还要有认识、思考。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 22. I would appreciate if you explain the ...
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在...之间 = between?

另外还要承认人性中一些先天的不完美,就是说作为一个母亲,在自己的亲生女儿和不是亲生的灰姑娘之间,难免会更疼爱自己亲生的女儿,很难完全平等地对待她们。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 22. I would like you to confirm that a way of saying between is 在...之间:...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Difference between 且... 且... and 一面… 一面

The structures 且+verb 且+verb and 一面… 一面... (or 一边... 一边...) are used to describe two actions taking place at the same time. But I've only seen us 且... 且... used with monosyllabic verbs and no ...
Cong Wei's user avatar
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Does omitting pronouns change the relationship between sentences?

Compare the following sentences: 妈妈昨天喝茶,今天喝咖啡。 妈妈不喝茶,她喝咖啡。 Sentence (1) seems quite straightforward: the pronoun is omitted because it is clear who is being talked about and there is no need to ...
Buddy L's user avatar
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扣里:里 as verbal complement?

I've encountered the sentence 把准备好的葱姜蒜全扣里, in the context of having to tip some ingredients into a previously-mentioned pan. I wonder if 里 is acting as an internal object of 扣 or as its locative ...
Sanchuan's user avatar
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What is the subject of the verb 组成?

北京有各种规模的四合院。最简单的四合院只有一个院子,比较复杂的有两三个,而有钱人家的,通常是由好几座四合院并列组成的。 Hi all. I found this in the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 14. What is the subject of the verb 组成? The abstract "it", as in ...
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Why is this sentence 「我沒來以前那個事你說給他了嗎?」 grammatically correct?

from DeFrancis' Beginning Chinese Reader p. 329 – Lesson 26, Exercise 2, Item 13 The sentence translates as, "Did you tell him what happened before I came?" Please provide example sentences ...
dandanphp's user avatar
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Why are measure words omitted after specifiers and before some verbs?

这(个)是我的,this is mine: Before 是,normally I would omit 个 这没有道理, this doesn't make sense: Before 有 I would find 个 strange. Although maybe that is because 有道理 is an abstract concept. If I was talking ...
Buddy L's user avatar
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The sentence 「你們中大有語言學這科嗎?」 doesn't seem to be grammatically correct

Unless I'm mistaken, this sentence translates to "Does your Sun Yatsen University have this course in linguistics?" From DeFrancis' Beginning Chinese Reader p. 271 – Lesson 23, Exercise 3, ...
dandanphp's user avatar
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Wh-questions in Chinese

As far as I could learn through research, wh-questions in Chinese are formed by keeping the wh phrases "in situ", I mean, the wh part is not fronted (like it is in English, for instance). ...
lis_132135's user avatar
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How do I analyze "惟意所欲適" and "惟所欲為"?

"惟意所欲適" is a phrase from the Chinese poem 《有馬示徐無黨》: 惟意所欲適,九州可周尋。 I assume that "所欲適" is "所-phrase" and "意" is the subject, then where is the predicate? ...
lee's user avatar
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抱有 vs 摆有: When does a serial verb become a word?

Observation: 保有财产; 抱有好感; ���有敌意; 他俩育有一子; 学校设有音乐课; 杯子留有指纹 Bi-syllabic verbal compounds like those in bold above are sometimes treated as words (insofar as I found them all listed as "entries/...
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