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I have a piece of homework due in on describing with adjectives and we just recently learned about prepositions which I'm unsure of, also grammar

(this is all about my ideal bedroom and what I would like in it) 你好!我喜欢城市和雨天所以我想住在下雨的城市。我理想的卧室会很高也大。我的卧室有里很多窗。我想两张桌子在卧室里,也两张很小黄色的灯在桌子上。我的床是橙色的和很大。卧室里有很大电视 和电脑在桌子上。卧室不有椅子。然而,我喜欢我的卧室。 What I'm trying to ...
tva_learner's user avatar
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How is this AI-generated Chinese passage?

I generated this story using (my input was the title): 我被友好的外星人绑架了。 有史以来最引人入胜的电影之一是 H.G. 威尔斯的《世界大战》。这部电影描绘了外星人入侵地球,人类使用大规模杀伤性武器反击外星人。在整部电影中,人类主角都在努力理解他受到外星人攻击的事实。他最终屈服于外星人的精神控制并被他们绑架。...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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这段课文写对了没有? 请你们检查一下。谢谢

Please help me to check if my text for the video is correct. 大家好! 我是_, 我来自俄罗斯, 今年20岁。 目前还是一个_大学外国语学院的学生。 我是一个渴望知识的人, 学得很认真和努力。 我家不太富裕, 我从中学工作和帮助解决金钱问题。 从那时起,我试图了解金融和经济学是如何运作的, 觉得很有意思。 在我上学期间, ...
Mumi's user avatar
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我爱去饭店吃饭。我想去饭店吃米饭,可是我觉得我会去家吃苹果: Does this make grammatical sense?

I am just practicing writing. Does this make sense? 我饿死了!我爱去饭店吃饭。我想去饭店吃米饭,可是我觉得我会去家吃苹果。
Salvatore's user avatar
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Is my sentence 如果没时间的话就告诉我 grammatically correct?

I am not sure that my sentence: 如果没时间的话就告诉我 is grammatically correct or not. So please guide me, have I used the right words?
Farheen Rafi's user avatar
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Is my sentence 如果我没去上班就一起朋友去玩 grammatially correct?

I have written the following sentence 如果我没去上班就一起朋友去玩 But, I am not sure if it is grammatically correct or not. Please give me some guidance.
Farheen Rafi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to write and structure a modern professional follow-up email like a native Chinese speaker?

I'm interested in how the modern professional email structures differ between Chinese and English. I'd like to create a go-to template/structure that can convert what native English speakers ...
questioner56's user avatar
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It's Kong Lin's birthday, but she hates birthdays: is it okay to write 孔琳宁愿发现来月经而整天肚子疼,也不过今天?

I'm writing a story in Chinese (which I go through with my teacher), and this is one sentence from it: 今天是一年中她最讨厌的一天,孔琳宁愿发现来月经而整天肚子疼,也不过今天。 Today is the most annoying day of the year, [and] Kong ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Could anyone help me check my grammar in sentence

请多多指教 😢 I'm just a beginner 这是谁的手机不知道呢 你想吃什么随便呢 我想发电子邮件向妈妈 请在这里等我 我有急事,请您接替我的职位,可以吗? 我想我的行李箱忘在出租车上了 云岘宫是韩国名胜古迹之一 你专心学习,当然不会考不及格的 她不知道怎样使用提款机 上次他们问了我没回应 要是我有一百万,我要买汽车给父母 请等他一会儿 妈妈希望我成功 我们要万事如意 ...
user21921's user avatar
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Please help me fix the grammar in a birthday letter 祝你生日快乐!!! 对不起, 让你久等了

Where do I need to fix grammar? I know for a fact something must be wrong... 于一文: 你好! 祝你生日快乐!!! 对不起, 让你久等了。祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。祝万事如意。谢谢你的万事。有机会的话,大家见个面。 他不但是我的老师还是我的哥哥。 我爱你♡
C I's user avatar
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Could you please correct my sentences?

Could you please correct my text ? 虽然我会说一口流利的法语,但是我想说一口流利的汉语。 我的职业 是律师。 律师 的责任很大,因为他必须解决严重得实情。然后压力大。 可是在巴黎 律师逐渐增加。 因此招聘越来越少。
annaytrh's user avatar
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Is this email correct grammatically and structurally? 希望你一切都好。我已经学习七张纸你给我。……

Recently I have tried to become more proficient in writing emails in Chinese. The structure for these are difficult, I have provided an example of a email I recently wrote. Is this correct ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Is 如果我们,所有的学生,没有我们的中文老师,我们就永远不能站起来在听众前面说中文 grammatical and does it makes sense?

English: If we, all the students, never had our teachers, we would never be able to stand and speak Chinese in front of an audience. My variation in Chinese: 如果我们,所有的学生,没有我们的中文老师,...
Ronen Raduzky's user avatar
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Does 与 change the meaning of 用中文与我联系不是一个好主意?

I ended up writing such a sentence, with some help of Google Translate: 用中文与我联系不是一个好主意。 I tried to say: Contacting me in Chinese is not a good idea. Since my Chinese is pretty basic, I was ...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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What is wrong with my sentence 我的同屋睡觉时候想开屋门一点点?

I wrote this sentence: 我的同屋睡觉时候想开屋门一点点. Wǒ de tóngwū shuìjiào shíhòu xiǎng kāi wūmén yīdiǎndiǎn. It was meant to mean "when my roommate sleeps, they like to open the door a little". Our teacher ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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