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How is 时机 being used in 就可能预测病人发病的时机?

From the HSK6 Standard Course (下册, page 23; photo of original): 比如心脏病,病人发病常常是有预兆的,如果对患者的心跳数据有足够长时间的持续积累,就可能预测病人发病的时机;对于心脏病突发致死的案例,如果能提前24小时监测到零星先兆,甚至可以挽救患者的生命。 I believe the grammar of the clause I ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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6 answers

When translating "I'm trying to [do something]" into Chinese, when do you use a Chinese word meaning "to try"?

Over the years, I've been corrected repeatedly for using 试图 and other verbs meaning "to try", seemingly because "to try"'s usage in English is different to 试图's usage in Chinese. ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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4 answers

Why should 对于 be changed to 对 in 妈妈对于我不太信任,老把我当成孩子?

This is a 语病 question from HSK6 Standard Course (p.94 photo of original): 妈妈对于我不太信任,老把我当成孩子。 The corrections are: 介词和宾语搭配不当。 妈妈对我不太信任,老把我当成孩子。 So the answer changes 对于 to 对 and nothing else. ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I understand the wording 常有……配合 within 常有“可是、但是、却、然而”等词配合?

This is part of the grammar explanation for 固然 from the HSK6 Standard Course textbook page 46 (photo of original). (1)下文转折,提出对立的另一事实。后一分句中常有“可是、但是、却、然而”等词配合。例如…… It seems like in this sentence 常有 + ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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4 answers

Is 好好简练一番 grammatical?

现在的规定有点儿太复杂了吧,真应该好好简练一番。 This sentence is from the HSK6 Standard Course textbook (上册 p.36; photo of original). I have an issue with: CC-CEDICT: 简练 (jiǎn​liàn​) terse / succinct This seems to be an ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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6 answers

Why does my textbook consider 空气很清凉 incorrect, and change 清凉 to 清新?

This is a faulty-wording grammar exercise from the HSK6 Standard Course textbook page 30 (photo of original) in the part titled 词语误用 = "word misuse": 因为是冬天,没有什么人到山上来玩儿。我站在山顶上,空气很清凉。 The ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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2 answers

What objects can 眼红 take when used as a verb?

CC-CEDICT 眼红 (yǎn​hóng​) to covet / envious / jealous / green with envy / infuriated / furious The motivation for this question is the following 语病 in the HSK6 Standard Course textbook (page 30; ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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9 answers

How should I understand this teacher's objection to filling in the blank 阑尾不_____任何生理功能 with 拥有?

长期以来,人们总认为阑尾不_____任何生理功能,是人��_____的器官。近年来,医学研究_____,阑尾是人体一个重要的免疫器官,对_____人体正常的免疫功能起着重要作用。 A. 拥有 额外 显示 保证 B. 具有 多余 证实 维持 C. 具备 附属 解释 保护 D. 享有 无效 论证 维护 This is a fill-in-the-blanks HSK6 past exam ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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4 answers

In 别人先代替他的工作, should we delete the 的?

鉴于他的身体还需要恢复一段时间,我们只好请别人先代替他的工作。 My textbook (《会通汉语 6读写》 p.11) contains the above sentence (photo). I'm confused about the last part 代替他的工作. I would expect a person (sb.) to replace (代替) a person (...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it okay to fill in the blanks of 那种汽车 ____ 价钱很贵, ____ 的确质量很好 with 虽然……但是 despite the 的确?

This is a fill-in-the-blanks exercise on page 56 of 新实用汉语课本5 (photo): 那种汽车 ____ 价钱很贵, ____ 的确质量很好。 We're asked to fill in the blanks with 关联词语. What's tripping me up here: if the 的确 weren't there, ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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10 answers

Should the blank in 他毕业以后很快 _____ 找到了一个理想的工作 be filled with 才, 可, or 便?

This is on page 11 of the textbook New Practical Chinese Reader Textbook 5 (photo of original, p.11, #8): 他毕业以后很快 _____ 找到了一个理想的工作。 And the given options for the blank are 才, 可, or 便. Now I think ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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4 answers

Difference between 地 and 得 in 他很難過[得/地]哭起來了

他很難過得哭起來了 他很難過地哭起來了 Which one is correct? 1 makes sense because 得 is describing the extent of how 難過 he is, but 2 also seems to make sense because 地 is just before the verb 哭. So I'm really confused ...
ronald christenkkson's user avatar
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2 answers

check that each file in this folder is the latest version

In my learning of Chinese, I am exploring two related sentences: the first is the simple statement Each file in this folder is the latest version 里 这个 文件夹 的 文件部 最新的版本 Or perhaps, one should or ...
user2694186's user avatar
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Why does 张连跃 (2019) give the example sentence 我推荐你跟本地人一起住,这样可以事半功倍 to discuss problems with misused commonly/uncommonly-used words?

但也��相反的情况,即误用非常用词,当用词是常用词。例如: (5)我推荐你跟本地人一起住,这样可以事半功倍。(当用“建议”) 张连跃, 英语背景 CSL 学习者特异性混淆词语特征探析, 2019. The above paper analyzes Chinese words which are problematic for native-English speakers in ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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2 answers

How can we construct natural Chinese sentences when their English counterpart contains the verb "attempt"?

In English, we often use the word "attempt". Here's 5 random example sentences (off the top of my head): I'm attempting to learn Chinese. I attempted to make a joke, but it didn't go well. ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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