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Difference between 怎么办 and 做什么?

1994年,理查德得了心脏病,当时医生说他剩下的时间可能不多了。那时,他开始思考自己的人生,“我该怎么办? 我该做什么?” This is from the Standard Book of HSK5, section 21. I am in this point: 我(I)该(should)怎么(what)办(do)? 我(I)该(should)做(do)什么(what)? So what is ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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On what basis are word classes in Chinese defined?

Since Chinese words are non-inflecting, word classes in Chinese have to be defined based on syntactic behaviour: "verbs" are words that behave like verbs in a sentence (i.e., can fill the ...
Slavus's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between the word 以为 and the grammar structure 以…为?

We have the word: CC-CEDICT: 以为 (yǐ​wéi​) to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication that the notion is mistaken – except when expressing one's own current ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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How does 覆盖着 work grammatically, given that A覆盖着B sometimes means "A covers B" and sometimes means "B covers A"?

CC-CEDICT: 覆盖 (fù​gài​) to cover I've noticed a discrepancy with the usage of 覆盖着 such as in: [A covers B] 积雪覆盖着森林 (snow covers the forest) [Google] [B covers A] 草覆盖着露水 (the grass is covered by dew) ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What is the function of 得 in words like 覺得、記得、顯得、值得、懂得、免得、認得…?

First of all, does 得 have the same meaning in those examples? I'm familiar with 得 in other senses like 得到 and 聽得見, but those meanings seem distant. Is it more related to usage like “我唱得不好”? The main ...
gnucchi's user avatar
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Why is 来 used in "因为‘东西’一般不能用来表示人"?

Why is 来 used in the following sentence? For some context, this is a line from a text used in the second workbook of the New Practical Chinese Reader series (pg. 93). In the text a teacher is ...
A. Bell 's user avatar
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抱有 vs 摆有: When does a serial verb become a word?

Observation: 保有财产; 抱有好感; 怀有敌意; 他俩育有一子; 学校设有音乐课; 杯子留有指纹 Bi-syllabic verbal compounds like those in bold above are sometimes treated as words (insofar as I found them all listed as "entries/...
Sanchuan's user avatar
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What is the difference between 大学的二年级学生 and 大学二年级的学生?

My mom says 大学二年级的学生 is correct, but I don't understand how the other one is wrong. I believe both convey the same meaning. Is one wrong because of syntax?
Redwood's user avatar
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在 in front of the nouns like tomorrow or exact dates and time

Do we need to put 在 before 明天 三点钟 星期五 in such sentences like 早在八月我们就开发了一个愿型,or 我是在1997年喜欢上汉语 or 我在八月到的上海?
user25207's user avatar
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Meaning of 上 as Result Complement

I look up in youdao and it says meanings of 上 as below : (1) from the high position looking down: 登上山顶, 爬上河堤 (2) presents the result of the action: 穿上外衣, 没吃上饭 (3) presents the beginning and ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Is my sentence 如果没时间的话就告诉我 grammatically correct?

I am not sure that my sentence: 如果没时间的话就告诉我 is grammatically correct or not. So please guide me, have I used the right words?
Farheen Rafi's user avatar
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What is the function of 就是

What does 就 是mean and how do we use it I have seen many times people using like in this sentence 就是关于爱情的 so what does 就是really means
Farheen Rafi's user avatar
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what do 形 and 便 mean and how can they combine to make the meaning "situation"?

The Chinese word of 형편 (situation) in Korean is 形便. Can anyone explain what 形 and 便 mean and how can they combine to make the meaning "situation"?
emnha's user avatar
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part of speech - "微" 管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。

What is the part of speech of 微 in the following? A dictionary says it's a verb while others say it's an adverb. Do these claims hold water? 微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。
Apollyon's user avatar
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What kind of words can be followed by the character 感?

For example: 正义感 使命感 厚重感 But some sound weird to me, as 意义感. Is there a rule?
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