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4 votes

Greasepencil Lineart accumulating strokes opacity (Greasepencil uniform opacity <100%)

Have you tried the most basic Layer Opacity? That works fine on my end. I didn't even have to turn on Compositor nodes to render stroke opacity. In my case, I set my background to Transparent and ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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Problem with edge creases using subdivision surface

You probably need a 32 vertex cylinder and sometimes you can't succeed with creases and you need to do real topology like for example this solution:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 163k
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Image not shrinkwrapping around my sphere object

When Shrinkwrap modifier is set to Project method, every point on the plane will try to collide with something along its normal direction, those points which collide with nothing will stay still.To ...
Lin Du's user avatar
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3 votes

how to find the angle between faces in order to set it in smooth by angle modifier to shade the faces we want instead of using ignore sharpness?

As @moonboots said, you still have to set Shade Smooth on the object, the Smooth by Angle modifier is kind of confusingly named, because it is rather sharpening by angle when the object is already ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
4 votes

Creating a circular array of individual planes that face the camera while animating

I think this solution should work. Hopefully I understood your question fully. Put all your plane objects into one collection then use that domain size to set the number of points, assign each object ...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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Creating a circular array of individual planes that face the camera while animating

Use Track to object constraint with the Camera as the target.
Lynx095's user avatar
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0 votes

Creating a circular array of individual planes that face the camera while animating

Maybe you can parent the planes to a circle and then just animate the rotation of the circle?
Prtstrk's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote

Simple deform modifier making object thicker

For this particular use case, I found that if you make a chain of small bones then go to pose mode and change pivot to individual origins, then select all bones and rotate them to get the desired ...
Labeeb's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes

Can you Constrain the Noise Modifier?

You could give a Limit Location constraint to your object, or add a Limits modifier and set the Y values as needed:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 163k
0 votes

Mesh cache modifier bake to keyframes

You need to Bake Action on selected objects with Transform Cache Select objects with constraints (I'd filtered it manually with Outliner's search and Object Children filter unchecked). Rub Object >...
RUben's user avatar
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Boolean modifier is ignoring original object of array

Ok I found out what was wrong there was a face behind the first object that I used as a reference. It interfered with the Boolean but once deleted the problem went away.
JaketheJeff's user avatar
0 votes

How to fix noise modifiers getting clamped to -0.5 to 0.5 range

This behavior is indeed a bug, and has been confirmed as such So, I guess the fix is to wait until it's patched
SomeSnowLeopard's user avatar
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Correct use of Merge by Distance in Geometry Nodes, with smooth joining sites

To merge two curves at their ends in Geometry Nodes smoothly without creating angles: Align Endpoints: Make sure the endpoints of your curves are close together using the Set Position node. Convert ...
Razi Haider Jaffery's user avatar
0 votes

How to fix noise modifiers getting clamped to -0.5 to 0.5 range

Changing the strength of the noise modifier changes its amplitude. At default strength 1.0: The noise ranges from -0.5 to 0.5 (but tends to 0 because it is a normal distribution, not an even ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25k
4 votes

How to duplicate a lot of windows all in different sizes when the frames are the same?

I can use Hook modifiers and duplicate the window together with hook objects parented to it, then just snap the hooks into places. I probably first want to make sure I can snap the whole window to ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar

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