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2 votes

Geo Nodes - Deform Object to Curve

(Using Blender 4.2.0) The length of the object to wrap is greater than the length of the curve, and its X coordinate does not start at 0. Consequently, the object is truncated. One approach is to ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I import an SVG as one path object instead of many?

It looks like some or all of the bad effect from joining is connected to that one complete circle that borders most of the drawing and doesn’t have any width. I recommend you delete it, then try ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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-1 votes

Geometry Proximity - Permanent vertex attribute value switch ("Permanent/Temporary proximity trail")

Found solution here: This is the setup:
user45026's user avatar
0 votes

Geometry Nodes Simulation: Create a simple explosion

I figured it out, and I think this works for me as a starting point. See my example below. If you have another idea for a simpler or more elegant way, please post it here.
Christoph Werner's user avatar
0 votes

How do you invert a transformation in geometry nodes?

Blender 4.2 As of Blender version 4.2.0, you can now invert all transformations together using the Matrix attribute and the Invert Matrix Node. Just wanted to ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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2 votes

Geometry Nodes: How Can I make an Organic Vein system?

3D grid of connected neighbors Distort Remove half of the longest connections Remove all but the biggest island Add thickness Convert curves to mesh by giving it a circular profile, fillet the ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
1 vote

Instance scaling up randomly with no random node using geometry nodes

I'm not doing anything with the scale. Yes, you are. The object is not at 1, 1, 1 scale: You even have this non-default scale being expressly used in the geometry nodes, which I think is squaring it ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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1 vote

Making conjunction between instances and objects nice

Well, in the best case, if you really want to realize this under all circumstances with geometry nodes, the underlying geometry would need a sufficiently high resolution to be able to depict the ...
quellenform's user avatar
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5 votes

How to Create a Halftone Dot Effect in Blender Similar to This Reference Image?

Achieving the overall look and feel of the pattern seen in the image. I would describe it as columns of circles, with semi-random brightness. The semi-randomness is resembling Perlin noise in the ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

Peeling Effect: geometry nodes

While I do agree with others that you might get better or easier results with texture/material based options, it IS possible to do this with GN alone. If you were to maybe use a blend of both, find ...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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geometry nodes hair refusing to render / set hair curve profile doesn't work

To make Geonodes Hair render, it needs to be applied to a Curves object. Check it out, in outliner it looks like this: If it doesn't, you can add it with Shift+A ⇾ Curve ⇾ Empty Hair (or Fur)
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.1k
2 votes

Need help with creating space between books (Geometry Nodes)

Nothing stops you from using arbitrary shapes, but for a cuboid shape rotated just around one axis, you can heavily resample one side (as a single line) to raycast on the previous books to get a very ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes

Extrude mesh based on proximity to faces

(Using Blender 3.6.12) I understand you are looking for this: The Extrude Mesh node is set in Face domain. Consequently, when triggering the ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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4 votes

Extrude mesh based on proximity to faces

Pretty sure this is because Geometry Proximity requires actual geometry to detect proximity to. You can achieve what you're looking for with a node setup like this. Results:
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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5 votes

'noise value' in geometry nodes

Instead of Random Value use a Noise Texture, there you can adjust the Scale of the noise. This generates values between 0 and 1 at the Fac output. Then you can use a Multiply math node or a Map Range ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
0 votes

How do I do instance coloring with nodes in Blender 4.1?

...just to be able to mark this question as solved: Since you are only creating instances here with geometry nodes, the trick in this case is to set the type of node ...
quellenform's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I best join more than two curves in Geometry Nodes?

It all depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve. A curve is defined by an array of points, so you can just glue multiple arrays together and reinterpret as curves: Of course the points can ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
0 votes

How rotate instances to align with wall on geometry nodes

To be able to align the pillars along the wall, you would need to know the direction in which the faces of the wall are pointing. However, since a vertex group is the basis for instantiation in your ...
quellenform's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I maintain Bezier circle resolution when selecting fill mode "none" for processing with Geometry Nodes?

I honestly can't understand what exactly you're trying to do here (it may be an XY problem), but your question about why Fillet Curve works so strangely here is ...
quellenform's user avatar
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2 votes

Rotate instances randomly along Z-axis in Blender 4.1+

Since you want to rotate each instance differently, the node Transform Geometry will unfortunately not help you. This rotates an object, but unfortunately only a ...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 37.9k
0 votes

find vertex with highest value of named attribute

Got it, thanks to @scurest for putting me on the right track. This works, with no repeat zone:
stib's user avatar
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2 votes

Geonodes texture doesn't show in viewport

At some point you disabled the viewer node in the viewport. Just enable it here :
Lutzi's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I merge overlapping faces converted from a text string in geometry nodes, to avoid Z-fighting issues during rendering?

I suggest the following: Move the points of the curves along their normals by a small amount (e.g. $0.00001$). Fill the resulting curves with Fill Curve. Do the ...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 37.9k
3 votes

How can I instantiate a Simulation Zone input / output node's socket via python?

You need to access state_items on the simulation output node: ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
0 votes

How to select non-manifold edges in geometry nodes?

If you need to select the hole edges, I found workaround here and here is the blender artist thread.
filanek's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I merge overlapping faces converted from a text string in geometry nodes, to avoid Z-fighting issues during rendering?

In Blender and a lot of other software, curve filling works by filling the space that is wrapped by an odd number of curves. This is why you get undesired holes, but this is also why you get desired ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes

Geometry nodes: random value as single value rather than field

Nodes are smart enough to know if their result is based on a field, and therefore they should return a field (exceptions are Sample Index and Attribute Statistic, which use a field to get a single ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
3 votes

Create edges for a set of vertices with Geometry Nodes

This setup connects pairs of vertices, which sums of indices are divisible by $8$:
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

Summing volumes of nearby objects in geo nodes

This solution groups the datapoints together using a grid with cell size depending on the distance to camera. In order to be able to animate and make transitions smooth, the grid is dynamically ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

Summing volumes of nearby objects in geo nodes

(Using Blender 3.6.12) NB: The proposed approach does not rely on the Voronoi partitioning to aggregate the population (because it seems a workaround), but on a ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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1 vote

Set Position by using mesh islands in GeoNodes

(Using Blender 3.6.12) The following GeometryNodes modifier is shifting every mesh island away from one another, before calling a Geometry Proximity node to find ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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2 votes

Topology nodes: get nearest vertex based on vertex group

Thanks for answer Markus, I deleted this question because I found the answer in the other one:
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.1k
3 votes

Topology nodes: get nearest vertex based on vertex group

Evaluation from left to right: - v3 - v1 - v2 - v15 First problem: there's exactly two edges with weight 0.5 connected to ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
6 votes

How to delete an island whose min x less than -1

First I plug a Position node into a Vector Math node set to Absolute, this way all position values will be positive, i.e. if you want to check if values are below -1 or above +1, you can use a Compare ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
5 votes

How to delete an island whose min x less than -1

You can avoid a repeat zone which will be a life-saver if you have thousands or more of mesh islands, if you use the below trick: move each point satisfying a criterion for deletion to the coordinate ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

How to delete an island whose min x less than -1

Here is the example how to remove all islands that Z is less then 0: Basically, it loops through all islands and collect it if minimum of Z positions is grater than 0.
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.1k
0 votes

Geometry Nodes: Random per Object (per Modifier) - Randomize a Noise Pattern

Since Blender 3.6 you can use a Simulation zone, and since Blender 4.0 you can additionally skip the evaluation of it: To support an additional seed you can use the 4th dimension: Keep in mind the ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
1 vote

How to add Fall-Off texture to every instance in geometry nodes individually and keep each instances color?

Thanks to @Jakemoyo I was able to generate the shader I needed! I had to use an object from the scene, the white circle, that I UV unwrapped and added a mix shader with a principled and a transparent ...
Prtstrk's user avatar
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2 votes

Geometry nodes - Pack UV Mesh quads sliced by Grid into first UDIM (0..1)

You're 2D-arraying a default "Grid" and then sample UVs from it, however when you're sampling at a position equal to an edge/corner of the source "Grid" array, there's 2/4 ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
0 votes

Access previous field value using "Accumulate Field" node

Of course since Blender 4.0 introduced Repeat Zones, you now can run things sequentially: For the actual "accumulate" functionality simply add the current value to the former one, though in ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
1 vote

Geometry nodes - UV project from procedural geo

(Using Blender 3.6.12) The issue is not about interpolation of UVMap from one mesh to an other, but it is about interpolation inside a face of $U$ and $V$ values between face corners. Consequently, ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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4 votes

Remesh criss-cross pattern using geometry nodes

Essentially, this task can be solved by following these steps: First isolate the faces that are to be removed Convert the outer line of this selection into curves Divide the curves into two parts (...
quellenform's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I apply multiple selection criteria to a single node?

If you want to get only the first point (index = 0) then simply delete all other points: Keep in mind the "Greater Than" node is not needed here, as indices are never negative, and any non-...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
3 votes

Attach "variables" to objects to be used in Geometry Nodes

(Using Blender 3.6.12) The proposed approach is a workaround for Instance on Points node not transferring attributes from "input instances" to "...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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4 votes

Controlling an animated shader with a proximity Geo nodes

Simple dynamic setup with Geometry Nodes I'm using an empty as a controller. I didn't see why you would want to use Geometry Proximity so I took the liberty to discard your cube controller. Here is ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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1 vote

Geo Nodes Adding Falloff To Normal Node

(Using Blender 3.6.12) This proposal is based on a Boolean Random Value node to draw the probability to instance an object. The probability distribution is ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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3 votes

Connect multiple menu switch in Geometry Nodes

Use Index Switch You can use one Menu Switch with an integer as output (index) followed by multiple Index Switch. Wrap inside Node Group As explained in the official documentation, you can make a ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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