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Fight Against
Citadel in Japan
JPCERT/CC Analysis Center
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—Unauthorized Remittance in Japan
Analyzing Citadel
Making of Citadel Decryptor
Citadel Decryptor
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Illegal Transfer in Japan
2011 2012 2013
Targeting 32 Banks

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Advanced Encryption on the JVM v0.2.8
Advanced Encryption on the JVM v0.2.8Advanced Encryption on the JVM v0.2.8
Advanced Encryption on the JVM v0.2.8

This document provides an overview of advanced encryption concepts, including research, books, news events, costs, laws, deeper Java Virtual Machine (JVM) encryption, encoding, hashing, salting, keytool, SSL/TLS, elliptic curve cryptography, and other techniques like steganography. Specific encryption algorithms, protocols, and libraries are discussed like RSA, MD5, SHA-1, HMAC, Base64, and tools in the JDK like keytool. Potential attacks on encryption systems from news stories are also summarized.

Introduction to parallel computing using CUDA
Introduction to parallel computing using CUDAIntroduction to parallel computing using CUDA
Introduction to parallel computing using CUDA

Supercomputers in our lab CUDA - history, api, gpu vs cpu, etc. Practical examples Thanks to Nvidia for the pictures

cuda tesla fermi supercomputer nvidia
Software Define your Current Storage with Opensource
Software Define your Current Storage with OpensourceSoftware Define your Current Storage with Opensource
Software Define your Current Storage with Opensource

While Software Defined Storage is becoming one of the major trend topics in the Data Center, what do you do with your current “legacy” arrays? Learn how with ViPR Controller, or its Open Source counterpart, CoprHD, you can automate and make your datacenter “software defined” with your current infrastructure. Content from my Brighttalk webinar available here:

sdsstorage automationvipr
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Related with Malware
In most cases, passwords are retrieved
and abused through defaced web pages
where malware request users to
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.5
Banking Trojan
Ice IX
SpyEye Carberp etc.
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Why Citadel?
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.7
Banking Trojan Incident
Back Connect

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GPU Computing with CUDA
GPU Computing with CUDAGPU Computing with CUDA
GPU Computing with CUDA

These are the slide from the NVIDIA Webinar - Introduction to GPU computing with CUDA taken by Naga Vydyanathan.

Apache Commons ソースリーディングの会:Codec
Apache Commons ソースリーディングの会:CodecApache Commons ソースリーディングの会:Codec
Apache Commons ソースリーディングの会:Codec

Apache Commons Codec is a library that provides implementations for common encoding and decoding algorithms. It includes classes for encoding and decoding formats like Base64, Hex, URL encoding, and phonetic algorithms. The library is organized into packages for binary codecs, digest algorithms, language-specific codecs, and network-specific codecs. It aims to provide a consistent API for various encoding and decoding needs in Java applications.

java apache commons codec
Cs423 raw sockets_bw
Cs423 raw sockets_bwCs423 raw sockets_bw
Cs423 raw sockets_bw

Raw sockets allow direct access to network protocols like ICMP and IGMP without using TCP or UDP. They enable implementing new IPv4 protocols, controlling packet headers, and building custom packets. However, raw sockets lose reliability guarantees and require handling network details like packet fragmentation manually. They also require root access on most systems.

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Web Injects
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.9
Web Injects Demo
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.10
Builder & Web Panel
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.11
Underground Market

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Barios crosober
Barios crosoberBarios crosober
Barios crosober

This document summarizes the steps taken to copy a CD to an image file and then burn that image file to a new CD. It analyzed the original CD, copied the audio tracks and data to an image file, and prepared the burner and blank disc to write the image in disc-at-once mode. However, the process was aborted by the user before the image could be burned to the new disc.

Cryptography 101 for Java developers
Cryptography 101 for Java developersCryptography 101 for Java developers
Cryptography 101 for Java developers

So you're logging in to your favorite crypto currency exchange over https using a username and password, executing some transactions, and you're not at all surprised that, security wise, everything's hunky dory... In order to appreciate and understand what goes on under the hood, as a developer, it's really important to dive into the key concepts of cryptography . In this presentation, we'll go back to JCA (Java Cryptography API) en JCE (Java Cryptography Extensions) basics, like message digests, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and digital signatures, and see how they're used in a variety of examples like https and certificates, salted password checking, and block chain technology. After this presentation, you'll have a better understanding of Java Cryptography APIs and their applications.

javajdk 11cryptography
Dell Technologies Dell EMC Data Protection Solutions On One Single Page - POS...
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Dell Technologies Dell EMC Data Protection Solutions On One Single Page - POS...

The Dell EMC Data Protection solutions and specifications on one single page. Dell Technologies is a unique family of businesses that provides the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important asset, information. ISO A0 poster edition - v2 October 2019

idpadata protection suitenetworker
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Our Incident Response
Back Connect
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Information We Need
Back Connect
Which site
is targeted
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Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.15
External Information
Web panel
Web panel
Web panel

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Dell Technologies Dell EMC ISILON Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a S...
Dell Technologies Dell EMC ISILON Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a S...Dell Technologies Dell EMC ISILON Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a S...
Dell Technologies Dell EMC ISILON Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a S...

The Dell EMC ISILON storage system specifications on one single page. Dell Technologies is a unique family of businesses that provides the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important asset, information. ISO A0 poster edition - v1a September 2019

nvmestorage class memoryscm
Dell Technologies Dell EMC POWERMAX Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a...
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Dell Technologies Dell EMC POWERMAX Storage On One Single Page - POSTER - v1a...

The Dell EMC PowerMax storage system specifications on one single page. Dell Technologies is a unique family of businesses that provides the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important asset, information. ISO A0 poster edition - v1a September 2019

nvmestorage class memoryscm
Kato Mivule: An Overview of CUDA for High Performance Computing
Kato Mivule: An Overview of CUDA for High Performance ComputingKato Mivule: An Overview of CUDA for High Performance Computing
Kato Mivule: An Overview of CUDA for High Performance Computing

This document provides an overview of CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), a parallel computing platform developed by NVIDIA that allows programming of GPUs for general-purpose processing. It outlines CUDA's process flow of copying data to the GPU, running a kernel program on the GPU, and copying results back to CPU memory. It then demonstrates CUDA concepts like kernel and thread structure, memory management, and provides a code example of vector addition to illustrate CUDA programming.

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Analysis Method
•Retrieving information
Surface Analysis
•Monitoring tools, Sandbox and
Runtime Analysis
•Reading source code, assembly code
Static Analysis
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.17
Static Analysis
Diffing with ZeuS
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.18
Citadel Overview
Sending report
Current settings,
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.19
Configuration Files
•Default settings
•Encryption key, URL of Dynamic
•Encoded and hardcoded
Base Config
•Additional settings
•HTTP Injection, etc…
•Downloaded from servers
Dynamic Config

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High Performance Networking Leveraging the DPDK and Growing Community
High Performance Networking Leveraging the DPDK and Growing CommunityHigh Performance Networking Leveraging the DPDK and Growing Community
High Performance Networking Leveraging the DPDK and Growing Community

Presentation for DPDK Summit 2014 by Thomas Monjalon, 6WIND Packet Processing Engineer and Maintainer

tcp terminationdata plane development
Nvidia cuda tutorial_no_nda_apr08
Nvidia cuda tutorial_no_nda_apr08Nvidia cuda tutorial_no_nda_apr08
Nvidia cuda tutorial_no_nda_apr08

The document provides an overview of GPU computing and CUDA programming. It discusses how GPUs enable massively parallel and affordable computing through their manycore architecture. The CUDA programming model allows developers to accelerate applications by launching parallel kernels on the GPU from their existing C/C++ code. Kernels contain many concurrent threads that execute the same code on different data. CUDA features a memory hierarchy and runtime for managing GPU memory and launching kernels. Overall, the document introduces GPU and CUDA concepts for general-purpose parallel programming on NVIDIA GPUs.

Disruptive IP Networking with Intel DPDK on Linux
Disruptive IP Networking with Intel DPDK on LinuxDisruptive IP Networking with Intel DPDK on Linux
Disruptive IP Networking with Intel DPDK on Linux

Disruptive IP Networking with Intel DPDK on Linux 07 Jan, 2013 SAKURA Internet Research Center Senior Researcher / Naoto MATSUMOTO

Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.20
botnet "CIT"
timer_config 4 9
timer_logs 3 6
timer_stats 4 8
timer_modules 1 4
timer_autoupdate 8
url_config1 "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=config.dll"
url_config2 "http://reserve-citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=config.dll"
remove_certs 1
disable_cookies 0
encryption_key "key123"
report_software 1
enable_luhn10_get 0
enable_luhn10_post 1
disable_antivirus 0
use_module_video 1
antiemulation_enable 0
disable_httpgrabber 0
use_module_ffcookie 1
Base Config
Dynamic Config URL
Password to generate
RC4 key
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.21
Dynamic Config
url_loader "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=soft.exe"
url_server "http://citadelhost/folder/gate.php"
file_webinjects "injects.txt"
url_webinjects "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php"
entry "AdvancedConfigs"
entry "WebFilters"
set_url GP
<div><strong><label for="userid">Username</la
<input type="text" accesskey="U" id="userid" na
<DIV><STRONG><LABEL for=userid>ATM Pin</L
style="WIDTH: 147px" tabIndex="2" maxLength=
<DIV><STRONG><label for="password">Passwo
<input type="password" accesskey="P" id="pass
<input type="hidden" name="screenid" value="SI
<input type="submit" value="Go" name="btnSign
<input type="hidden" id="u_p" name="u_p" value
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.22
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.23
Encrypted Data

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This document summarizes the design and operation of an OpenStack cloud on 100 physical servers. Key aspects discussed include the network configuration using MLAG with Open vSwitch, using VXLAN for network virtualization and the performance benefits of using NICs with VXLAN offload support. The document also covers the high availability design using MySQL Galera cluster for the database and load balancing across the nodes.

DPDK in Containers Hands-on Lab
DPDK in Containers Hands-on LabDPDK in Containers Hands-on Lab
DPDK in Containers Hands-on Lab

This document provides an agenda and overview for a hands-on lab on using DPDK in containers. It introduces Linux containers and how they use fewer system resources than VMs. It discusses how containers still use the kernel network stack, which is not ideal for SDN/NFV usages, and how DPDK can be used in containers to address this. The hands-on lab section guides users through building DPDK and Open vSwitch, configuring them to work with containers, and running packet generation and forwarding using testpmd and pktgen Docker containers connected via Open vSwitch.

Networked Home Appliances and Vulnerabilities.  by Yukihisa Horibe
Networked Home Appliances and Vulnerabilities.  by Yukihisa HoribeNetworked Home Appliances and Vulnerabilities.  by Yukihisa Horibe
Networked Home Appliances and Vulnerabilities.  by Yukihisa Horibe

A decade has passed since the introduction of network enabled home appliances into the market. Every year these appliances advance in functionality and inter device integrations, such as the integration with cell phones/smart phones , service servers/ cloud services and more. This has lead to a significant increase in the information and value that the network enabled house hold appliances handle. Under such circumstances a vulnerability in the house hold appliance could be leveraged to gain access to other devices and information. In this presentation I will present whether such risks can be actualised and the changes of functionality and vulnerabilities in network enabled house hold appliances,looking at those changes from a user's and developer'sperspective. Yukihisa Horibe Panasonic Corporation Analysis Cente Panasonic PSIRT member. Over 10 years of experience in vulnerability research and risk analysis regarding networked household appliances and embedded systems.

networked home appliancessecuritycode blue
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.24
Encrypted Data
POST data
(report file)
Backup of
Backup of
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.25
Encryption Method
• AES encryption and XOR encoding
• RC4 encryption and XOR encoding
• Encryption of RC4+ twice
RC4+ * 2
• AES+ encryption using random generated key when
Installed Data
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.26
In Case of Dynamic Config
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.27
0x400 Bytes Overlay
PE file PE file
Install setting
Installed data
Before install After install
XOR key
ID, Install paths,
AES key,
StrageArray key, etc.

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SCADA Software or Swiss Cheese Software?  by Celil UNUVER
SCADA Software or Swiss Cheese Software?  by Celil UNUVERSCADA Software or Swiss Cheese Software?  by Celil UNUVER
SCADA Software or Swiss Cheese Software?  by Celil UNUVER

The talk is about SCADA vulnerabilities and exploiting. We will answer some specific questions about SCADA software vulnerabilities with technical details. The questions are; - Why are SCADA applications buggy? - What is the status and impact of the threat? - How do researchers or hackers discover these vulnerabilities? In this talk we will also look at some SCADA vulnerabilities that affects well-known SCADA/HMI vendors, and will show how it's easy to hunt these vulnerabilities via reverse engineering , fuzzing etc. Celil UNUVER Celil Unuver is co-founder & security researcher of SignalSEC Ltd. He is also founder of NOPcon Security Conference. His areas of expertise include Vulnerability Research & Discovery, Exploit Development, Penetration Testing and Reverse Engineering. He has been a speaker at CONFidence, Swiss Cyber Storm, c0c0n, IstSec, Kuwait Info Security Forum. He enjoys hunting bugs and has discovered critical vulnerabilities affect well-known vendors such as Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Novell etc.

o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - Malicious feature can be...
o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - Malicious feature can be...o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - Malicious feature can be...
o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - Malicious feature can be...

In the targeted email attacks, it is often used the documentation file embedded with the execution files. To detect this kind of malicious documentation file, researching with the malcode detection approach has been focused. However, because the attacker can write the arbitrary code, thus it is always behind of the attacker to find the unknown malcode by focusing the traditional malcode detection methods. In this talk I will introduce a different analytical approach compared to the more traditional malcode detection approach to detecting targeted email attacks by focusing on structural analysis of file formats. I will explain the ability to detect malware solely on file size and introduce o-checker which has implemented a general detection method that does not rely on the content of malicious code. Yuuhei Ootsubo Started to be interested in programming around 1987. 2005 Employed by the National Police Agency. 2007 National Police Agency Public Safety Information Technology Counter Crime Division. 2001 National Police Agency Information Communication Division Information Technology Analysis Division. 2012 Assigned to The National Information Security Center.

securityaptyuhei otsubo
libinjection: from SQLi to XSS  by Nick Galbreath
libinjection: from SQLi to XSS  by Nick Galbreathlibinjection: from SQLi to XSS  by Nick Galbreath
libinjection: from SQLi to XSS  by Nick Galbreath

libinjection was introduced at Black Hat USA 2012 to quickly and accurately detect SQLi attacks from user inputs. Two years later the algorithm has been used by a number of open-source and proprietary WAFs and honeypots. This talk will introduce a new algorithm for detecting XSS. Like the SQLi libinjection algorithm, this does not use regular expressions, is very fast, and has a low false positive rate. Also like the original libinjection algorithm, this is available on GitHub with free license. Nick Galbreath Nick Galbreath is Vice President of Engineering at IPONWEB, a world leader in the development of online advertising exchanges. Prior to IPONWEB, his role was Director of Engineering at Etsy, overseeing groups handling security, fraud, security, authentication and other enterprise features. Prior to Etsy, Nick has held leadership positions in number of social and e-commerce companies, including Right Media, UPromise, Friendster, and Open Market. He is the author of ""Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications"" (Wiley). Previous speaking engagements have been at Black Hat, Def Con, DevOpsDays and other OWASP events. He holds a master's degree in mathematics from Boston University and currently resides in Tokyo, Japan. In 2013 - LASCON, Keynote Speaker Austin, Texas USA - DevOpsDays Tokyo, Japan - Security Development Conference (Microsoft)  San Francisco, CA, USA - DevOpsDays Austin, Texas, USA - Positive Hack Days, Moscow Russia - RSA USA, San Francisco, CA, speaker and panelist In 2012 - DefCon - BlackHat USA - Others

web securitynick galbreathxss
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.28
Encryption Summary
Category Data Format Encryption
Dynamic Config
Additional modules Executable RC4+ * 2
Report file StrageArray Installed Data
Backup of modules StrageArray Installed Data
Backup of Dynamic
Installed Data
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.29
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.30
Our Goal
Decrypt data & retrieve information for incident
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.31
Python PyCrypto
pefile UCL

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Rehabilitation situation in vietnam
Rehabilitation situation in vietnamRehabilitation situation in vietnam
Rehabilitation situation in vietnam

This document provides an overview of the history and current state of rehabilitation medicine in Vietnam. It discusses how rehabilitation services developed from ancient traditional medicine practices through French colonial rule and the Vietnam War. Today, rehabilitation medicine has expanded across Vietnam with rehabilitation departments and hospitals established at central, provincial, district and community levels. However, there are still shortages of rehabilitation professionals and modern equipment. Future priorities include further developing the rehabilitation workforce and network, improving services, continuing community-based programs, and increasing research and international cooperation.

rehabilitation situation in vietnam
A Security Barrier Device That Can Protect Critical Data Regardless of OS or ...
A Security Barrier Device That Can Protect Critical Data Regardless of OS or ...A Security Barrier Device That Can Protect Critical Data Regardless of OS or ...
A Security Barrier Device That Can Protect Critical Data Regardless of OS or ...

A Security Barrier Device protects PC and other control devices by relaying every port between the motherboard and the peripherals. The SBD is totally transparent from the PC and can be installed regardless of OS or application. At this presentation I will discuss the storage securing function achieved by the SBD relaying the SATA port. The SBD has a security information disk only accessible to itself where it stores the access privilege information of the original disk in the PC. When the PC issues a data access request to the original disk, the SBD will reference the access privileges of that particular sector, if the sector is read-deny then returns dummy data of 0 , if the sector is write-deny then it won’t write to that sector. The SBD not only allows for sector based protection but also a file based protection. In case of a file write-deny, there were some issues with the disc related cache in memory not being synchronised or the pointer’s position to the file in regards to its directory being shifted , but I will show how it was solved. I will also talk about the fact that a SBD is an effective protection against any malware that attempts to manipulate the boot data sector or system files, once it detects any access right violations it can shutdown the ethernet port remotely and thwart the spreading of malware. Kenji Toda At the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology conducted research and development of 30 Gbps intrusion detection systems , 60 Gbps URL filtering systems and or network devices testing equipment for such systems. Currently co-developing security barrier devices with the Research and Development Control System Security Center. (Presented at international conferences regarding MST and real-time systems)

securitycode bluekenji toda
Amar jyoti school & rehabilitation center
 Amar jyoti school & rehabilitation center Amar jyoti school & rehabilitation center
Amar jyoti school & rehabilitation center

its is a NGO organisation which provides the educational & developmental support to disabled childrens

Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.32
RC4+ Decryption
Get RC4
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.33
RC4+ Implementation
def rc4_plus_decrypt(login_key, base_key, buf):
S1 = base_key['state']
S2 = map(ord, login_key)
out = ""
i = j = k = 0
for c in buf:
i = (i + 1) & 0xFF
j = (j + S1[i]) & 0xFF
S1[i], S1[j] = S1[j], S1[i]
out += chr((ord(c) ^ S1[(S1[i]+S1[j])&0xFF])
^ S2[k%len(S2)])
k += 1
return out
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.34
AES+ Decryption
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.35
AES+ Implementation
def unpack_aes_plus(login_key, base_key, xor_key,
aes_key, data):
aes =
tmp = aes.decrypt(data)
out = ""
for i in range(len(tmp)):
out += chr(ord(tmp[i]) ^
return out

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Keynote : CODE BLUE in the ICU! by Jeff Moss
Keynote : CODE BLUE in the ICU! by Jeff MossKeynote : CODE BLUE in the ICU! by Jeff Moss
Keynote : CODE BLUE in the ICU! by Jeff Moss

1. The document discusses cybersecurity threats from different groups like nation states, criminals, protesters, and hackers/researchers. It argues hackers and researchers play an important role in discovering vulnerabilities and spurring security improvements. 2. It notes the increasing scale of DDoS attacks and complexity of cloud systems makes failures difficult to predict. The lack of secure communication options shows current approaches have failed. 3. The author advocates for a public health approach to cybersecurity where risks are managed rather than eliminated, and emphasizes the role of the security community in providing leadership through education and best practices.

keynotecodebluejeff moss
IDA Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty  by Masaaki Chida
IDA Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty  by Masaaki ChidaIDA Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty  by Masaaki Chida
IDA Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty  by Masaaki Chida

IDA Pro is an advanced disassembler software and often used in vulnerability research and malware analysis. IDA Pro is used to analyse software behavior in detail, if there was a vulnerability and the user is attacked not only can it have impact in a social sense but also impact legal proceedings. In this presentation I will discuss the vulnerabilities found and attacks leveraging the vulnerabilities and Hex-rays's remediation process and dialogue I had with them.

bug bountysecuritycode blue
Preventing hard disk firmware manipulation attack and disaster recovery by Da...
Preventing hard disk firmware manipulation attack and disaster recovery by Da...Preventing hard disk firmware manipulation attack and disaster recovery by Da...
Preventing hard disk firmware manipulation attack and disaster recovery by Da...

The document discusses disaster data recovery methods for HDDs. It describes how physical damage from events like floods, earthquakes or head crashes can corrupt HDD components like the PCB, firmware or platters, preventing normal access to data storage areas. The document outlines challenges in recovering data from scratched or dusty platters due to their close proximity to read/write heads. It proposes research into precision surface cleaning and analysis techniques to improve data recovery rates from physically damaged HDDs.

securitycodebluedai shimogaito
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.36
Decryption Parameter
RC4 key
AES key
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.37
Obtaining Parameter
¥x50¥xE8....¥x8B¥x0D.*", re.DOTALL)
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.38
UCL Decompress
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.39
UCL Decompress using ctypes
def _ucl_decompress(self, data):
ucl = cdll.LoadLibrary(UCL)
compressed = c_buffer(data)
decompressed = c_buffer(DECOMPRESS_MAX_SIZE)
decompressed_size = c_int()
result = ucl.ucl_nrv2b_decompress_le32(
return decompressed.raw[:decompressed_size.value]

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The Current State of Automotive Security by Chris Valasek
The Current State of Automotive Security by Chris ValasekThe Current State of Automotive Security by Chris Valasek
The Current State of Automotive Security by Chris Valasek

Automotive computers, or Electronic Control Units (ECU), were originally introduced to help with fuel efficiency and emissions problems of the 1970s but evolved into integral parts of in-car entertainment, safety controls, and enhanced automotive functionality. This presentation will examine some controls in two modern automobiles from a security researcherís point of view. We will first cover the requisite tools and software needed to analyze a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. Secondly, we will demo software to show how data can be read and written to the CAN bus. Then we will show how certain proprietary messages can be replayed by a device hooked up to an ODB-II connection to perform critical car functionality, such as braking and steering. Finally, weíll discuss aspects of reading and modifying the firmware of ECUs installed in todayís modern automobile. Chris Valasek Christopher Valasek is the Director of Security Intelligence at IOActive, an industry leader in comprehensive computer security services. Valasek specializes in offensive research methodologies with a focus in reverse engineering and exploitation. Valasek is known for his extensive research in the automotive field and his exploitation and reverse engineering of Windows. Valasek is also the Chairman of SummerCon, the nation’s oldest hacker conference. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh.

securitychris valasekcodeblue
Secret of Intel Management Engine by Igor Skochinsky
Secret of Intel Management Engine  by Igor SkochinskySecret of Intel Management Engine  by Igor Skochinsky
Secret of Intel Management Engine by Igor Skochinsky

Intel Management Engine ("ME") is a dedicated microcontroller embedded in all recent Intel motherboard chipsets. It works independently from the main CPU, can be active even when the rest of the system is powered off, and has a dedicated connection to the network interface for out-of-band networking which bypasses the main CPU and the installed OS. It not only performs the management tasks for which it was originally designed, but also implements features such as Intel Identity Protection Technology (IPT), Protected Audio-Video Path, Intel Anti-Theft, Intel TPM, NFC communication and more. There is not much info available about how exactly it works, and this talk aims to fill the gap and describe the low-level details. Igor Skochinsky Igor Skochinsky is currently one of the main developers of the world-famous Interactive Disassembler and Hex-Rays Decompiler. Even before joining Hex-Rays in 2008 he had been interested in reverse engineering for a long time and had brief periods of Internet fame after releasing a dumper for DRM-ed iTunes files (QTFairUse6) and hacking the original Amazon Kindle. He spoke previously at Recon, Breakpoint and Hack.LU.

intel management enginesecuritycodeblue
[CB21] The Lazarus Group's Attack Operations Targeting Japan by Shusei Tomona...
[CB21] The Lazarus Group's Attack Operations Targeting Japan by Shusei Tomona...[CB21] The Lazarus Group's Attack Operations Targeting Japan by Shusei Tomona...
[CB21] The Lazarus Group's Attack Operations Targeting Japan by Shusei Tomona...

The document discusses cyber attacks by the Lazarus Group targeting Japan, including Operation Dream Job and details of their tactics, techniques, and procedures. It provides an overview of the Lazarus Group, describes how they used LinkedIn to target a defense company, the malware used including Torisma and LazarusMTB, and encryption methods like RC4 and VEST ciphers for communication with command and control servers.

Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.40
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.41
• Citadel Decryptor is only available for 32bit environment
Windows + 32bit Python
• For AES decryption
• Windows binary
• A Python module for parsing PE file format (Windows executable)
• For parsing PE sections to get decryption params
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42
Data Requirement
Encrypted data
Unpacked Citadel
• RC4 key
• XOR key for AES+
• XOR key for RC4+ (LOGINKEY)
• Salt for RC4+
Installed Citadel
• Installed Data
• Random generated AES key
• Random generated StrageArray key
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.43
Encrypted data & unpacked module are always
usage: [-h] [-n] [-a] [-d]
[-o OUT] [-D] [-l LOGIN]
[-k KEY] [-x XOR] [-s SALT]
[-m MODE] [-v]
DAT EXE error: too few arguments

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DPDK Summit 2015 - Intel - Keith Wiles
DPDK Summit 2015 - Intel - Keith WilesDPDK Summit 2015 - Intel - Keith Wiles
DPDK Summit 2015 - Intel - Keith Wiles

DPDK Summit 2015 in San Francisco. Intel's presentation by Keith Wiles. For additional details and the video recording please visit

packet processingdpdksdn
[CB19] MalConfScan with Cuckoo: Automatic Malware Configuration Extraction Sy...
[CB19] MalConfScan with Cuckoo: Automatic Malware Configuration Extraction Sy...[CB19] MalConfScan with Cuckoo: Automatic Malware Configuration Extraction Sy...
[CB19] MalConfScan with Cuckoo: Automatic Malware Configuration Extraction Sy...

This document discusses extracting malware configuration data from memory dumps. It introduces MalConfScan, a Volatility plugin that extracts configuration data of known malware from memory images. It supports many malware families. Using Volatility avoids needing to unpack malware. The document also covers MalConfScan-with-Cuckoo, which automates configuration extraction by running malware in Cuckoo Sandbox and analyzing the memory dump with MalConfScan. It discusses bypassing anti-analysis techniques used by malware to evade detection.

DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...
DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...
DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...

The document discusses findings from analyzing the web interfaces and firmware of various VoIP phone models. Several vulnerabilities were found, including: - Cross-site scripting (XSS) in AudioCodes 405HD phone web interface allowing injection of scripts - Information leakage in Gigaset Maxwell Basic phone web interface revealing if an admin is logged in - Authentication bypass in Gigaset Maxwell Basic phone by manipulating the session token The methodology involved analyzing phone web traffic, extracting and emulating firmware, and investigating code like PHP files. Many phones were found to have weaknesses in their cryptography implementation or use of plaintext credentials.

Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.44
Cheat Sheet
The following options have to be specified as well
as encrypted data and unpacked Citadel
Category Data Option
Report -m2
Dynamic Config -d
Additional modules -m3 -n
Report files -a -i [Installed Citadel]
Backup of modules -a -i [Installed Citadel]
Registry Backup of Dynamic Config -d -i [Installed Citadel]
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.45
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.46
Convert registry data to binary
• Export data using regedit & convert them to binary
using the following FileInsight plugin
• It is easy to break on APIs
• WriteProcessMemory
• CreateProcessW
• VirtualFree / VirtualFreeEx / RtlFreeHeap
• Dump executable (not after allocated) from virtual
• including 0x400 bytes overlay
Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.47
Future Tasks
We already have
• ZeuS Decryptor
• Ver
• Ver
• Ice IX Decryptor
• etc.
We want
• Gameover (P2P ZeuS) Decryptor

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A New Framework for Detection
A New Framework for DetectionA New Framework for Detection
A New Framework for Detection

Project Razorback(tm) is an undertaking by the Sourcefire VRT. This is the initial presentation of the new framework for detection.

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NSC #2 - D2 01 - Andrea Allievi - Windows 8.1 Patch Protections
NSC #2 - D2 01 - Andrea Allievi - Windows 8.1 Patch ProtectionsNSC #2 - D2 01 - Andrea Allievi - Windows 8.1 Patch Protections
NSC #2 - D2 01 - Andrea Allievi - Windows 8.1 Patch Protections

This document discusses defeating Windows 8.1's Kernel Patch Protection. It begins with introductions and definitions. It then explains how Patchguard and driver signing enforcement work in Windows 8.1, providing more protection than previous versions. The implementation of Kernel Patch Protection is described, including how it initializes, verifies the kernel, and crashes the system if modifications are detected. Previous methods of attacking Patchguard are reviewed, noting they have all been defeated in the latest version. The document aims to provide information to understand and potentially find new ways of attacking Patchguard.

“Programming Vision Pipelines on AMD’s AI Engines,” a Presentation from AMD
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“Programming Vision Pipelines on AMD’s AI Engines,” a Presentation from AMD

For the full video of this presentation, please visit: Kristof Denolf, Principal Engineer, and Bader Alam, Director of Software Engineering, both of AMD, present the “Programming Vision Pipelines on AMD’s AI Engines” tutorial at the May 2022 Embedded Vision Summit. AMD’s latest generation of Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP), Versal AI Core and Versal AI Edge, include an array of powerful AI Engines alongside other computation components, such as programmable logic and ARM cores. This array of AI Engines has high computational capability to address the workloads of diverse applications, including automotive solutions. This presentation introduces the properties and capabilities of these AI Engines for image, video and vision processing. Denolf and Alam begin with a top-down look at how video data makes its way to the AI Engines. Then they delve into a detailed discussion of the compute properties of the VLIW vector architecture of the AI Engines and illustrate how it efficiently executes vision processing kernels. Next, they introduce the Vitis Vision Library and give an overview of its data movement and kernel processing capabilities. They conclude by showing how AMD’s Vitis tools support building a vision pipeline and analyzing its performance.

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Thank You!
Incident report

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Fight Against Citadel in Japan  by You Nakatsuru

  • 1. Fight Against Citadel in Japan 2014/02/18 JPCERT/CC Analysis Center NAKATSURU You
  • 2. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.1 Agenda Background —Unauthorized Remittance in Japan Analyzing Citadel —Overview —Encryption Making of Citadel Decryptor Citadel Decryptor —Usage —Demo
  • 3. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.2 BACKGROUND
  • 4. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.3 Illegal Transfer in Japan $14million $500k $3million 2011 2012 2013 Targeting 32 Banks
  • 5. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.4 Related with Malware In most cases, passwords are retrieved and abused through defaced web pages where malware request users to authenticate
  • 6. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.5 Banking Trojan ZeuS Ice IX Citadel GameOver SpyEye Carberp etc.
  • 7. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.6 Why Citadel?
  • 8. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.7 Banking Trojan Incident Back Connect Server Web Panel Attacker User Internet Banking
  • 9. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.8 Web Injects User Internet Banking
  • 10. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.9 Web Injects Demo
  • 11. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.10 Builder & Web Panel
  • 12. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.11 Underground Market
  • 13. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.12 Our Incident Response Back Connect Server Web Panel Attacker User Internet Banking Information Sharing
  • 14. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.13 Information We Need Back Connect Server Web Panel Attacker User Internet Banking Which site is targeted Where Where How Where
  • 15. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.14 ANALYZING CITADEL
  • 16. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.15 External Information Leaked Citadel Web panel Builder Leaked ZeuS Web panel Builder ZeuS source Web panel source Builder source Binary Debug info Blogs Sophos LEXSI
  • 17. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.16 Analysis Method •Retrieving information Surface Analysis •Monitoring tools, Sandbox and debugging Runtime Analysis •Reading source code, assembly code Static Analysis
  • 18. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.17 Static Analysis Diffing with ZeuS
  • 19. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.18 Citadel Overview Sending report Current settings, etc. Web Injects
  • 20. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.19 Configuration Files •Default settings •Encryption key, URL of Dynamic Config •Encoded and hardcoded Base Config •Additional settings •HTTP Injection, etc… •Downloaded from servers Dynamic Config
  • 21. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.20 botnet "CIT" timer_config 4 9 timer_logs 3 6 timer_stats 4 8 timer_modules 1 4 timer_autoupdate 8 url_config1 "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=config.dll" url_config2 "http://reserve-citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=config.dll" remove_certs 1 disable_cookies 0 encryption_key "key123" report_software 1 enable_luhn10_get 0 enable_luhn10_post 1 disable_antivirus 0 use_module_video 1 antiemulation_enable 0 disable_httpgrabber 0 use_module_ffcookie 1 Base Config Dynamic Config URL Password to generate RC4 key
  • 22. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.21 Dynamic Config url_loader "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php|file=soft.exe" url_server "http://citadelhost/folder/gate.php" file_webinjects "injects.txt" url_webinjects "http://citadelhost/folder/file.php" entry "AdvancedConfigs" "http://reserve-host1/folder/file.php|file=config.bin" "http://reserve-host2/folder/file.php|file=config.bin" end entry "WebFilters" "#**" "@**" "!http://*.com/*.jpg" end (snip) set_url GP data_before <div><strong><label for="userid">Username</la data_end data_inject <input type="text" accesskey="U" id="userid" na <DIV><STRONG><LABEL for=userid>ATM Pin</L style="WIDTH: 147px" tabIndex="2" maxLength= <DIV><STRONG><label for="password">Passwo <input type="password" accesskey="P" id="pass <input type="hidden" name="screenid" value="SI <input type="submit" value="Go" name="btnSign <input type="hidden" id="u_p" name="u_p" value </form> data_end
  • 23. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.22 Encryption
  • 24. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.23 Encrypted Data
  • 25. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.24 Encrypted Data Packet POST data (report file) Dynamic Config Additional modules File Report Backup of additional modules Registry Current settings Backup of Dynamic Config
  • 26. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.25 Encryption Method • AES encryption and XOR encoding AES+ • RC4 encryption and XOR encoding RC4+ • Encryption of RC4+ twice RC4+ * 2 • AES+ encryption using random generated key when installd Installed Data
  • 27. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.26 In Case of Dynamic Config Base Config Dynamic Config XOR AES+ UCL
  • 28. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.27 0x400 Bytes Overlay PE file PE file Install setting Installed data Before install After install XOR key ID, Install paths, AES key, StrageArray key, etc. Padding Padding
  • 29. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.28 Encryption Summary Category Data Format Encryption Packet Report Encrypted BinStrage RC4+ Dynamic Config Encrypted BinStrage AES+ Additional modules Executable RC4+ * 2 File Report file StrageArray Installed Data Backup of modules StrageArray Installed Data Registry Backup of Dynamic Config Encrypted BinStrage Installed Data
  • 30. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.29 MAKING OF CITADEL DECRYPTOR
  • 31. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.30 Our Goal Decrypt data & retrieve information for incident response
  • 32. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.31 Implementation Python PyCrypto pefile UCL
  • 33. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.32 RC4+ Decryption Get RC4 keystream RC4 Visual Decrypt
  • 34. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.33 RC4+ Implementation def rc4_plus_decrypt(login_key, base_key, buf): S1 = base_key['state'] S2 = map(ord, login_key) out = "" i = j = k = 0 for c in buf: i = (i + 1) & 0xFF j = (j + S1[i]) & 0xFF S1[i], S1[j] = S1[j], S1[i] out += chr((ord(c) ^ S1[(S1[i]+S1[j])&0xFF]) ^ S2[k%len(S2)]) k += 1 return out
  • 35. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.34 Get AES key AES Decrypt Visual Decrypt AES+ Decryption
  • 36. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.35 AES+ Implementation def unpack_aes_plus(login_key, base_key, xor_key, aes_key, data): aes = tmp = aes.decrypt(data) out = "" for i in range(len(tmp)): out += chr(ord(tmp[i]) ^ ord(xor_key[i%len(xor_key)])) return out
  • 37. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.36 Decryption Parameter Base Config RC4 key Installed Data StrageArray key Random AES key Others Salt LoginKey RC4 XOR key
  • 38. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.37 Obtaining Parameter re.compile(".*¥x56¥xBA(..)¥x00¥x00¥x52¥x68(....) ¥x50¥xE8....¥x8B¥x0D.*", re.DOTALL)
  • 39. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.38 UCL Decompress
  • 40. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.39 UCL Decompress using ctypes def _ucl_decompress(self, data): ucl = cdll.LoadLibrary(UCL) compressed = c_buffer(data) decompressed = c_buffer(DECOMPRESS_MAX_SIZE) decompressed_size = c_int() result = ucl.ucl_nrv2b_decompress_le32( pointer(compressed), c_int(len(compressed.raw)), pointer(decompressed), pointer(decompressed_size)) return decompressed.raw[:decompressed_size.value]
  • 41. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.40 CITADEL DECRYPTOR
  • 42. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.41 Environment • Citadel Decryptor is only available for 32bit environment Windows + 32bit Python • For AES decryption • Windows binary • PyCrypto • A Python module for parsing PE file format (Windows executable) • For parsing PE sections to get decryption params pefile
  • 43. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42 Data Requirement Encrypted data Unpacked Citadel • RC4 key • XOR key for AES+ • XOR key for RC4+ (LOGINKEY) • Salt for RC4+ Installed Citadel • Installed Data • Random generated AES key • Random generated StrageArray key
  • 44. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.43 Encrypted data & unpacked module are always required > usage: [-h] [-n] [-a] [-d] [-o OUT] [-D] [-l LOGIN] [-k KEY] [-x XOR] [-s SALT] [-i INSTALLED] [-m MODE] [-v] DAT EXE error: too few arguments >
  • 45. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.44 Cheat Sheet The following options have to be specified as well as encrypted data and unpacked Citadel Category Data Option Packet Report -m2 Dynamic Config -d Additional modules -m3 -n File Report files -a -i [Installed Citadel] Backup of modules -a -i [Installed Citadel] Registry Backup of Dynamic Config -d -i [Installed Citadel]
  • 46. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.45 Demo
  • 47. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.46 Tips Convert registry data to binary • Export data using regedit & convert them to binary using the following FileInsight plugin • Unpacking • It is easy to break on APIs • WriteProcessMemory • CreateProcessW • VirtualFree / VirtualFreeEx / RtlFreeHeap • Dump executable (not after allocated) from virtual memory • including 0x400 bytes overlay
  • 48. Copyright©2014 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.47 Future Tasks We already have • ZeuS Decryptor • Ver • Ver • Ice IX Decryptor • etc. We want • Gameover (P2P ZeuS) Decryptor