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CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
o-checker :
Malicious document file detection tool
- File sizes tell whether the document file is malicious or not -
Yuhei Otsubo
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
1. Background
2. Structure of malicious document files
3. Overview of o-checker
4. Detection mechanism
5. Demo
6. Application
7. Conclusion
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Increase in targeted email attacks (1/3)
1. Background

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This document provides information about the Semester VII curriculum including course details, teaching schemes, and examination schemes. Key points: - The semester includes courses like Compiler Construction and Design, Computer Forensics and Cyber Laws, Software Testing, and an elective. - Courses involve lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions. Examinations include internal assessments, unit tests, term work assignments, and end semester exams. - Detailed course objectives, prerequisites, outcomes are provided for Compiler Construction and Design along with unit-wise syllabus and assignment lists. - Similarly, course details like objectives, prerequisites, outcomes are given for Computer Forensics and Cyber Laws along with its unit-wise syllabus

Digital forensics lessons
Digital forensics lessons   Digital forensics lessons
Digital forensics lessons

this presentation is taking about lessons learned in digital forensics tools development

digital forensics

FoRREST is a Python framework that provides tools for reverse engineering binaries. It represents information extracted from binaries in a hierarchy of levels from raw data to high-level analysis. FoRREST implements plugins that interface with tools like Radare2 and Boomerang to decompile and infer control flow. It stores results in a database and provides an intuitive interface to simplify reverse engineering for novices. The goals are to make as much information accessible, implement high-level analysis, and ensure the framework is extensible.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Increase in targeted email attacks (2/3)
Number of security advisories on targeted email attacks to government
※GSOC:Government Security Operation Coordination team
1. Background
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Increase in targeted email attacks (3/3)
5.4% → 33%
research commissioned by METI(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), (2007,2011)
Rate of companies that had experienced targeted attacks
1. Background
2007 2011
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Example of target attacks
Send emails
with malware
Open an
with malware
Network of companies
and private individuals
Attacker Victim
1. Background
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
File types of targeted email attacks
Trend of the extension of the attachment of targeted email attacks,Trend Micro Japan(2013)
Executable files :59%
Document files :41%
1. Background

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How to Use Linux Forensic Analysis Tools for Digital Investigations.pdf
How to Use Linux Forensic Analysis Tools for Digital Investigations.pdfHow to Use Linux Forensic Analysis Tools for Digital Investigations.pdf
How to Use Linux Forensic Analysis Tools for Digital Investigations.pdf

Linux provides a vast range of forensic analysis tools that can be used to conduct digital investigations. The use of these tools is crucial to ensure the integrity of the evidence collected and to maintain the chain of custody. Acquiring evidence, analyzing it, and reporting on the findings are the three main steps of a digital investigation. In this article, we have covered how to use Linux forensic analysis tools for each of these steps. Linux forensic analysis tools provide a powerful and cost-effective solution for digital investigations. These tools are regularly updated to keep up with the latest technology and techniques. However, it is important to note that the use of these tools requires a high level of expertise and knowledge in digital forensics. In summary, Linux forensic analysis tools are an essential part of digital investigations, and their use is becoming increasingly important as digital data continues to play a crucial role in legal proceedings. With the right expertise and knowledge, these tools can be used to acquire, analyze, and report on electronic evidence in a reliable and secure manner. FAQs What is a digital investigation? A digital investigation is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting on electronic data to uncover facts that can be used in legal proceedings. What are Linux forensic analysis tools? Linux forensic analysis tools are a collection of software tools used to acquire, analyze, and report on electronic evidence in a digital investigation. What are the benefits of using Linux forensic analysis tools? Linux forensic analysis tools provide a cost-effective and powerful solution for digital investigations. They are regularly updated to keep up with the latest technology and techniques. Are Linux forensic analysis tools difficult to use? The use of Linux forensic analysis tools requires a high level of expertise and knowledge in digital forensics. However, with the right expertise, these tools can be used effectively to acquire, analyze, and report on electronic evidence. Can Linux forensic analysis tools be used in legal proceedings? Yes, Linux forensic analysis tools can be used in legal proceedings to provide evidence in a case. However, it is important to ensure that the evidence collected is reliable, secure, and admissible in court. Linux provides a vast range of forensic analysis tools that can be used to conduct digital investigations. The use of these tools is crucial to ensure the integrity of the evidence collected and to maintain the chain of custody. Acquiring evidence, analyzing it, and reporting on the findings are the three main steps of a digital investigation. In this article, we have covered how to use Linux forensic analysis tools for each of these steps. Linux forensic analysis tools provide a powerful and cost-effective solution for digital investigations. These tools are regularly updated to keep up with the latest technology and techniques. However, it is important to

admissible in court.command:introduction
La préservation des logiciels: défis et opportunités pour la reproductibilité...
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This document discusses the challenges of software preservation and reproducibility in science and technology. It outlines how software is a key component of modern research but is fragile and can be lost. The state of software reproducibility in computer systems research is examined, finding that the majority of papers could not be reproduced. The Software Heritage project is introduced which aims to collect, organize, preserve and share all software to address these issues and support reproducibility. Open source software and replication are advocated for as important principles for software preservation platforms. Collaboration from the community is needed to integrate software preservation into development and publishing workflows while addressing legal and licensing issues.

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Fighting Malware Without Antivirus
Fighting Malware Without AntivirusFighting Malware Without Antivirus
Fighting Malware Without Antivirus

When it comes to actual, real-world, active malware detection there are surprisingly few choices. Most companies invest in one anti-virus vendor and when they suspect a compromise they simply wait for them to issue signatures. If a company thinks they may be compromised but there is no AV signature, then what? What if we could use basic python scripting to identify malware based on signatures we produce in real time? There are plenty of python tools, scripts and frameworks for malware identification including yara, pefile, nsrl hash db, pyemu, hachoir, volatility and pyew. What if we could integrate these together into a system for centrally issuing indicators of compromise? What if hosts we suspect as being compromised used this system to check themselves for compromise? Lets find out...

energysecsecurity2012 summit
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Malware executable file
Decoy file(for display)
Structure of malicious document files
Abuses a browsing
Creates a malware
executable file and
a decoy file then
executes/opens them
Encoded by various
No relation with
document contents
2. Structure of malicious document files
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Example of malicious document files
2. Structure of malicious document files
Bitmap View Hex View
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
• Object 29
• A JavaScript action
• Its script is stored in object
2. Structure of malicious document files
• Object 31
• A JavaScript script(Exploit)
• Flate compression method

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FuzzyDbg is a debugger that integrates fuzzing and execution tracing functionality. It generates mutated inputs to test programs and identify crashes. When a crash occurs, it saves the crashing input and execution trace which details the functions triggered prior to the crash. This provides more information for analyzing crashes than a typical debugger. It aims to reduce performance overhead during tracing and provide a one-stop debugging solution.

#security #debuggers

The document discusses a smart fuzzer tool that can automatically generate test cases to test applications by providing semi-valid or corrupted input files. It specifically describes a smart fuzzer for PNG image files that understands the PNG file format and can selectively corrupt chunks like IHDR, pHYs and other common chunks. The smart fuzzer aims to test application robustness by detecting crashes or abnormal behavior when handling invalid input. It also discusses how fuzzing tools can range from simple to more advanced ones that virtualize file streams for fuzz testing at scale.

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CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
After decoding the Flate compression data
↓Shellcode encoded by escape() function
2. Structure of malicious document files
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
2. Structure of malicious document files
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
2. Structure of malicious document files
Decoder : 40 Bytes
Shellcode is encoded with
printable characters
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Executable file(1/2)
Encoded executable file
2. Structure of malicious document files

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The MOOSE framework is an object-oriented multiphysics PDE solver written primarily in C++. It has over 22,000 commits from 203 contributors representing over 448,000 lines of code. It is a mature, well-established codebase maintained by a large development team with stable yearly growth. The framework takes an estimated 121 years of effort to develop and focuses on handling all parallelism so users can focus on modeling physics.


Abstract-Software is ubiquitous in our daily life. It brings us great convenience and a big headache about software reliability as well: Software is never bug-free, and software bugs keep incurring monetary loss of even catastrophes. In the pursuit of better reliability, software engineering researchers found that huge amount of data in various forms can be collected from software systems, and these data, when properly analyzed, can help improve software reliability. Unfortunately, the huge volume of complex data renders the analysis of simple techniques incompetent; consequently, studies have been resorting to data mining for more effective analysis. In the past few years, we have witnessed many studies on mining for software reliability reported in data mining as well as software engineering forums. These studies either develop new or apply existing data mining techniques to tackle reliability problems from different angles. In order to keep data mining researchers abreast of the latest development in this growing research area, we propose this paper on data mining for software reliability. In this paper, we will present a comprehensive overview of this area, examine representative studies, and lay out challenges to data mining researchers.

Improvement of Software Maintenance and Reliability using Data Mining Techniques
Improvement of Software Maintenance and Reliability using Data Mining TechniquesImprovement of Software Maintenance and Reliability using Data Mining Techniques
Improvement of Software Maintenance and Reliability using Data Mining Techniques

This document discusses using data mining techniques to improve software maintenance and reliability. It provides an overview of applying techniques like classification, association rule mining, and clustering to mine software engineering data from code bases, change histories, and bug reports. Specifically, it describes mining frequent patterns and rules from source code and revision histories to detect bugs as deviations from these patterns. A methodology is presented that involves parsing source code to build an itemset database, applying frequent itemset mining to extract programming patterns and rules, and detecting violations of rules as potential bugs. Challenges and limitations of these approaches are also discussed.

softwaresoftware reliabilitydata mining
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Executable file(2/2)
After decode
2. Structure of malicious document files
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Decoy file
2. Structure of malicious document files
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Utilizes particular patterns found
through static/dynamic analysis.
Document file
Malware executable file
Decoy file(for display)
traditional methods of malicious document detection
malicious code
3. Overview of o-checker
Traditional methods
• Particular patterns can be changed
by encode.
• There are cases when exploits only
work on specific environments and
dynamic analysis is difficult.

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Cyber forensics question bank
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Cyber forensics question bank

This document contains a question bank for the subject Cyber Forensics. It includes questions related to various topics in the subject organized under different parts (A, B, C). The topics covered include processing crime scenes, working with Windows/DOS systems, computer forensics tools, validating forensic data, data hiding techniques, network forensics, email investigations, and mobile device forensics. For each topic, questions ranging from basic to advanced level are provided along with their knowledge level, number of times the question has appeared in previous exams.

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SHIELDEXTM is a solution that uses content disarm and reconstruction (CDR) technology to sanitize incoming external files by removing potentially malicious code and reconstructing only approved contents, in order to protect against advanced persistent threats (APTs) in a way that existing security methods cannot. The solution scans file structures, applies CDR technology, and provides logging and reporting while allowing only safe documents internally through various network access points.

shieldexcdrcdr technology

This document provides an overview and outline for a research project titled "Finding Forensic Artifacts From Window Registry". The research aims to analyze the Windows Registry to find forensic artifacts from USB devices and unauthorized access. The summary provides background on the structure and contents of the Windows Registry. It also outlines some open problems regarding artifacts left in the Registry when USB devices are connected. The proposed solution will analyze specific locations in the Registry related to USB and other forensic artifacts. This research aims to build upon prior work by providing a deeper analysis of USB device identifiers and Registry locations beyond just installation locations.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Vicious circle
If a detection method focuses on codes that can be written
arbitrarily by attackers
Vicious circle
Creates a signature based on
malicious code.
Changes malicious code so that it can
avoid detection.
3. Overview of o-checker
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Breaking the vicious circle
Vicious circle
Creates a signature based on
structural analysis of file formats.
Changes malicious code so that it can
avoid detection.
Changes file format syntax so that it
can avoid detection.
3. Overview of o-checker
If a detection method focuses on file formats that cannot be written
arbitrarily by attackers
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Characteristic of malicious document ~based on file format
A document file is an aggregate of pictures, text, and auxiliary data.
There is no data which a browsing software does not process.
Whether a browsing software processes data or not
Exploit 
for abusing a browsing software
Shellcode  exploit code includes shellcode
Executable file -
If a browsing software parses it, the
contents will be displayed garbled or
a browsing software will malfunction.
Decoy file -
If a browsing software parses it, the
contents will be displayed garbled or
a browsing software will malfunction.
Each data has its purpose.
3. Overview of o-checker
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Detection mechanism (simplified)
All of structures match
directly to contents
Contents Structures
A part of structures is
mismatched to contents
Contents Structures
Normal document files Malicious document files
Detection based on structural analysis
of document formats
3. Overview of o-checker

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The document discusses the challenges of preserving software to ensure reproducibility in science. It notes that 81% of computer science papers studied were found to be non-reproducible due to a lack of available source code and documentation. Preserving software is complex as it often has dependencies on other software and hardware. However, software embodies much of our scientific and technical knowledge, so efforts must be made to preserve and provide access to source code in order to establish reproducibility as the foundation of scientific inquiry.

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It started with computer hacking and Japanese linguistics as a kid. Zach Mathis has been based in Kobe, Japan, and has performed both red team services as well as blue team incident response and defense consultation for major Japanese global Japanese corporations since 2006. He is the founder of Yamato Security, one of the largest and most popular hands-on security communities in Japan, and has been providing free training since 2012 to help improve the local security community. Since 2016, he has been teaching security for the SANS institute and holds numerous GIAC certifications. Currently, he is working with other Yamato security members to provide free and open-source security tools to help security analysts with their work.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Performance of o-checker
• High speed and high detection rates
detection rates:98.9% Average execution time:0.3s
• Almost maintenance-free
Anti-virus software Every day 200,000 new type of malware per day
It needs update, if a new document
file format comes out.
Documentation files
embedded with
executable files
3. Overview of o-checker
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Inspection items
(A) Attached data after EOF
(B) Anomaly file size
(C) Data not referred from FAT
(D) Free sector in the last sector
(E) Unaccounted-for sector
(F) Unaccounted-for section
(G) Unreferenced object
(H) Camouflaged stream
Rich Text
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of Rich Text files
This is some {¥b bold} text.¥par
RTF files are usually 7-bit ASCII plain text. RTF consists of
control words, control symbols, and groups. ※
an example, RTF code
The signature that
indicates a RTF file
(}) corresponding to the first ({) is located
at the end of a file (EOF).
4. Detection mechanism

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[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl
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An expert in mobile network security provided a summary of hacking 5G networks. Some key points include: 1) Standard IT security techniques uncovered issues when applied to upgraded legacy 4G networks, such as unpatched operating systems, weak configurations, and lack of encryption. 2) Future 5G networks introduce new security risks due to increased complexity from virtualization and automation layers, as well as a continuously evolving attack surface extending into cloud infrastructure. 3) Red team exercises show that hacking mobile networks has become a multi-step process, where initial access through one vulnerability can enable lateral movement and privilege escalation to compromise critical systems or customer data.

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Printer has become one of the essential devices in the corporate intranet for the past few years, and its functionalities have also increased significantly. Not only print or fax, cloud printing services like AirPrint are also being supported as well to make it easier to use. Direct printing from mobile devices is now a basic requirement in the IoT era. We also use it to print some internal business documents of the company, which makes it even more important to keep the printer safe. Nowadays, most of the printers on the market do not have to be connected with USB or traditional cable. As long as you are using a LAN cable connected to the intranet, the computer can find and use the printer immediately. Most of them are based on protocols such as SLP and LLMNR. But is it really safe when vendors adopt those protocols? Furthermore, many printers do not use traditional Linux systems, but use RTOS(Real-Time Operating System) instead, how will this affect the attacker? In this talk, we will use Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw as case study, showing how to analyze and gain control access to the printer. We will also demonstrate how to use the vulnerabilities to achieve RCE in RTOS in unauthenticated situations.

[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(A) Attached data after EOF
This is some {¥b bold} text.¥par
・ コ エ ヘ!ク
L!This program cannot be run in
DOS mode.$ 猝t讀ォオ、ォオ、ォオュモ
PE d・ ヤノ[J ・ "
An executable
file is
inserted at
the end of a
file in order
not to affect
the display.
a RTF file embedded with an executable files.
Data exists after EOF.
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CFB (doc,xls,ppt,jtd/jtdc)
Root Storage
Storage 1 Storage 2
Storage 3
Stream A
Stream B Stream C
[MS-CFB] – v20130118 Compound File Binary Format (
In file system
Stream → File
Storage → Folder
CFB:Compound File Binary
• A layered structure can be stored in one file.
• An archive format which Microsoft Corp. developed
• It is used by Microsoft Word etc.
4. Detection mechanism
※:jtd and jtdc are used by Ichitaro (一太郎),
a Japanese word processor developed by
JustSystems Corp.
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of CFB files
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
Directory Entry
Stream Name:a.txt
Size:696 Index:2
Stream Name:b.txt
Size:318 Index:5
Storage Name:root
Size:- Index:-
(File Allocation Table)
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Physical structure of CFB
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
512 Byte
(512 or 4096) x N Byte
FileSize = 512 + (512 or 4096) x N
= 512 x M
The file size of a regular CFB file is
certainly a multiple of 512.
4. Detection mechanism

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ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

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[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(B) Anomaly file size
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
(File Allocation Table)
Directory Entry
The size of the file except a header is not
a multiple of the size of sector.
 If the file size is divided by 512, the
remainder will come out.
Stream Name:a.txt
Size:696 Index:2
Stream Name:b.txt
Size:318 Index:5
Storage Name:root
Size:- Index:-
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(C) Data not referred from FAT
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
Directory Entry
The file exceeds the area
The area which can be referred to by FAT:
(The number of sectors of FAT)×128×512 (Byte)
Stream Name:a.txt
Size:696 Index:2
Stream Name:b.txt
Size:318 Index:5
Storage Name:root
Size:- Index:-
(File Allocation Table)
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(D) Free sector in the last sector
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
Directory Entry
The sector corresponding to the end of the
file (n-th sector) is a free sector.
When the size of sector is 512,
n = (file size-512)/512
Stream Name:a.txt
Size:696 Index:2
Stream Name:b.txt
Size:318 Index:5
Storage Name:root
Size:- Index:-
(File Allocation Table)
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(E) Unaccounted-for sector
Directory Entry
Stream A
Stream A
Free Sector
Stream B
Physical Structure
Directory Entry
There is a sector which cannot be classified
into FAT (DI-FAT and mini-FAT are included),
DE, stream and free sector.
Stream Name:a.txt
Size:696 Index:2
Stream Name:b.txt
Size:318 Index:5
Storage Name:root
Size:- Index:-
(File Allocation Table)
4. Detection mechanism

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[cb22] ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...
[cb22]  ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...[cb22]  ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...
[cb22] ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman
[cb22]  「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman [cb22]  「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
PDF document
Structure of PDF:Physical structure
Comment (Header)
Cross-reference table
Trailer Comment(EOF)
Sequence of indirect
objects (fonts, pages and
sampled images)
1 0 obj
2 0 obj
n 0 obj
End-of-file marker
x 0 obj <</R2 /P-64 /V 2 /O
(dfhjaklgk… …>>
A PDF file is an aggregate of many objects(numeric, string, a
sequence of bytes etc.)
4 elements
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of PDF:Types of objects
Basic Objects
(A) Numeric
(B) String
(C) Name
(D) Boolean
(E) Null
Composite Objects
(F) Array
(G) Dictionary
(H) Stream(a sequence of bytes)
(I) Indirect(referring to other objects)
(PDF32000-1:2008 7.3)
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of PDF:Stream filter
Filter Name Description
/ASCIIHexDecode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII hexadecimal representation, reproducing
the original binary data.
/ASCII85Decode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII base-85 representation, reproducing the
original binary data.
/LZWDecode Decompresses data encoded using the LZW adaptive compression method,
reproducing the original text or binary data.
/FlateDecode Decompresses data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method,
reproducing the original text or binary data.
/RunLengthDecode Decompresses data encoded using a byte-oriented run-length encoding
algorithm, reproducing the original text or binary data.
/CCITTFaxDecode Decompresses data encoded using the CCITT facsimile standard, reproducing
the original data.
/JBIG2Decode Decompresses data encoded using the JBIG2 standard, reproducing the
original monochrome image data.
/DCTDecode Decompresses data encoded using a DCT technique based on the JPEG standard,
reproducing image sample data that approximates the original data.
/JPXDecode Decompresses data encoded using the wavelet-based JPEG2000 standard,
reproducing the original image data.
(PDF32000-1:2008 7.4)
Stream filters indicate how to decode stream data. The standard filters
are summarized in the following table.
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of PDF:Document structure
Document catalog
Page tree
Page Page
Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image
Structure of a PDF document
By following the link from trailer, all objects
can be referred to.
4. Detection mechanism

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[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by 高橋 郁夫
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by  高橋 郁夫[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by  高橋 郁夫
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by 高橋 郁夫

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

[cb22] Are Embedded Devices Ready for ROP Attacks? -ROP verification for low-...
[cb22] Are Embedded Devices Ready for ROP Attacks? -ROP verification for low-...[cb22] Are Embedded Devices Ready for ROP Attacks? -ROP verification for low-...
[cb22] Are Embedded Devices Ready for ROP Attacks? -ROP verification for low-...

Yuuma Taki is enrolled in the Hokkaido Information University Information Media Faculty of Information Media (4th year). At university he is focusing on learning about security for lower-level components, such OS and CPU. In his third year of undergraduate school, he worked on trying to implement the OS security mechanism "KASLR", at Sechack365. Currently, he is learning about ROP derivative technology and embedded equipment security.

[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka
[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka [cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka
[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka

2021年10月、Lazarusグループに関連する可能性が高いユニークなローダーであるWSLinkの最初の分析を公開。ほとんどのサンプルは難読化され、高度な仮想マシン(VM)難読化機能で保護されている。サンプルには明確なアーティファクトが含まれておらず、当初は難読化を公的に知られているVMと関連付けなかったが、後にそれをCodevirtualizerに接続することに成功。このVMは、ジャンクコードの挿入、仮想オペランドの暗号化、仮想オペコードの重複、難読化手法仮想命令のマージ、ネストされたVMなど、いくつかの追加の難読化技術を導入する。 本発表では、VMの内部を分析し、合理的な時間で難読化技術を「見抜く」ための半自動化されたアプローチについて説明する。また、難読化されたバイトコードと難読化されていないバイトコードを比較し、本手法の有効性を紹介する。われわれの手法は、仮想オペコードのセマンティクスを抽出する既知の難読化解除手法に基づいており、単純化規則によるシンボリック実行を使用。さらに、バイトコードチャンクとVMの内部構成を記号ではなく、具体的な値として扱い、既知の難読化手法で追加の難読化技術を自動的に処理できるようにする。

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of PDF:Encryption
Structure of a PDF document enctypted
Encryption applies to almost all strings and streams in the PDF file.
Leaving the other object types unencrypted allows random access to the
objects within a document. (except for the object stored in ObjStm)
Document catalog
Page tree
Page Page
Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Structure of PDF:ObjStm (Object Streams)
ObjStm (Object Streams) are introduced in
PDF 1.5. The purpose of ObjStm is to allow
indirect objects other than streams to be
stored more compactly by using the facilities
provided by stream compression filters.
( PDF32000-1:2008 7.5.7)
Packing Compressing Encryption
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(F) Unaccounted-for section
PDF Document
Cross-reference table
Executable file
Classifying objects into four
elements from the head of a
file, there is data which
cannot be classified.
4. Detection Mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
(G) Unreferenced object
Executable file
A PDF file embedded with a executable files
When an executable file is inserted as an object in disregard of
document structure, it is often unreferenced.
Executable file :Object embedded with
an executable file
Document catalog
Page tree
Page Page
Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image
4. Detection mechanism

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[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...
[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...

In October 2021, we published the first analysis of Wslink – a unique loader likely linked to the Lazarus group. Most samples are packed and protected with an advanced virtual machine (VM) obfuscator; the samples contain no clear artifacts and we initially did not associate the obfuscation with a publicly known VM, but we later managed to connect it to CodeVirtualizer. This VM introduces several additional obfuscation techniques such as insertion of junk code, encoding of virtual operands, duplication of virtual opcodes, opaque predicates, merging of virtual instructions, and a nested VM. Our presentation analyzes the internals of the VM and describes our semi automated approach to “see through” the obfuscation techniques in reasonable time. We demonstrate the approach on some bytecode from a protected sample and compare the results with a non-obfuscated sample, found subsequent to starting our analysis, confirming the method’s validity. Our solution is based on a known deobfuscation method that extracts the semantics of the virtual opcodes, using symbolic execution with simplifying rules. We further treat the bytecode chunks and some internal constructs of the VM as concrete values instead of as symbolic ones, enabling the known deobfuscation method to deal with the additional obfuscation techniques automatically.

[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...
[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...
[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...

Kimsuky is a North Korean APT possibly controlled by North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau. Based on reports from the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and other vendors, TeamT5 identified that Kimsuky's most active group, CloudDragon, built a workflow functioning as a "Credential Factory," collecting and exploiting these massive credentials. The credential factory powers CloudDragon to start its espionage campaigns. CloudDragon's campaigns have aligned with DPRK's interests, targeting the organizations and key figures playing a role in the DPRK relationship. Our database suggested that CloudDragon has possibly infiltrated targets in South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Victims include think tanks, NGOs, media agencies, educational institutes, and many individuals. CloudDragon's "Credential Factory" can be divided into three small cycles, "Daily Cycle," "Campaign Cycle," and "Post-exploit Cycle." The"Daily Cycle" can collect massive credentials and use the stolen credentials to accelerate its APT life cycle. In the "Campaign Cycle," CloudDragon develops many new malware. While we responded to CloudDragon's incidents, we found that the actor still relied on BabyShark malware. CloudDragon once used BabyShark to deploy a new browser extension malware targeting victims' browsers. Moreover, CloudDragon is also developing a shellcode-based malware, Dust. In the "Post-exploit Cycle," the actor relied on hacking tools rather than malicious backdoors. We also identified that the actor used remote desktop software to prevent detection. In this presentation, we will go through some of the most significant operations conducted by CloudDragon, and more importantly, we will provide possible scenarios of future invasions for defense and detection.

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[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...
[cb22] From Parroting to Echoing: The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...

Social media is no doubt a critical battlefield for threat actors to launch InfoOps, especially in a critical moment such as wartime or the election season. We have seen Bot-Driven Information Operations (InfoOps, aka influence campaign) have attempted to spread disinformation, incite protests in the physical world, and doxxing against journalists. China's Bots-Driven InfoOps, despite operating on a massive scale, are often considered to have low impact and very little organic engagement. In this talk, we will share our observations on these persistent Bots-Driven InfoOps and dissect their harmful disinformation campaigns circulated in cyberspace. In the past, most bots-driven operations simply parroted narratives of the Chinese propaganda machine, mechanically disseminating the same propaganda and disinformation artifacts made by Chinese state media. However, recently, we saw the newly created bots turn to post artifacts in a livelier manner. They utilized various tactics, including reposting screenshots of forum posts and disguised as members of “Milk Tea Alliance,” to create a false appearance that such content is being echoed across cyberspace. We particularly focus on an ongoing China's bots-driven InfoOps targeting Taiwan, which we dub "Operation ChinaRoot." Starting in mid-2021, the bots have been disseminating manipulated information about Taiwan's local politics and Covid-19 measures. Our further investigation has also identified the linkage between Operation ChinaRoot and other Chinese state-linked networks such as DRAGONBRIDGE and Spamouflage.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Executable file
(H) Camouflaged Stream
Camouflaged Filter
Putting to the end of Streams
Regular Stream EOD
End-of-data marker
Data used for decoding
(Decoding is successful.)
Data which is not used for decoding
When the filter is FlateDecode, DCTDecode or JBIG2Decode,
Plain Text small
FlateDecode big
Execution file big
An attacker camouflages as the
object is using the filter of which
value of entropy is similar to the
value of entropy of executable
(Decoding goes wrong.)
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Malicious documents Clean documents
File type Extension Quantity
Rich Text rtf 98 266.5 199 516.2
doc 36 252.2 1,195 106.1
CFB xls 49 180.4 298 191.7
jtd/jtdc 17 268.5 - -
PDF pdf 164 351.2 9,109 101.7
Total 364 291.8 10,801 322.7
Document files used for
targeted email attacks
from 2009 to 2012※1
Clean document files
classified according to
contagio a malware dump
※1:Rich Text by which the extension was camouflaged by doc is
counted as rtf.
4. Detection mechanism
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Detection rate of o-checker
Rich Text
4. Detection mechanism
(A) Attached data after EOF
(B) Anomaly file size
(C) Data not referred from FAT
(D) Free sector in the last sector
(E) Unaccounted-for sector
(F) Unaccounted-for section
(G) Unreferenced object
(H) Camouflaged stream
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan

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[cb22] Who is the Mal-Gopher? - Implementation and Evaluation of “gimpfuzzy”...

Malwares written in Go is increasing every year. Go's cross-platform nature makes it an opportune language for attackers who wish to target multiple platforms. On the other hand, the statically linked libraries make it difficult to distinguish between user functions and libraries, making it difficult for analysts to analyze. This situation has increased the demand for Go malware classification and exploration. In this talk, we will demonstrate the feasibility of computing similarity and classification of Go malware using a newly proposed method called gimpfuzzy. We have implemented "gimpfuzzy", which incorporates Fuzzy Hashing into the existing gimphash method. In this talk, we will verify the discrimination rate of the classification using the proposed method and confirm the validity of the proposed method by discussing some examples from the classified results. We will also discuss issues in Go-malware classification.

[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也
[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也
[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也

Goで書かれたマルウェアは年々増加している。Goはクロスプラットフォームの性質を持っており、複数のプラットフォームを標的にしたい攻撃者にとって好都合な言語である。その一方で、ライブラリが静的にリンクされていることからユーザ関数とライブラリの区別が難しく、アナリストにとって解析が困難である。そうした状況で、Goマルウェアの分類や探索の需要が高まっている。 本講演ではgimpfuzzyという新たな提案手法を用いてGoマルウェアに対し類似性の計算や分類が可能であることを検証する。われわれは既存手法であるgimphashにFuzzy Hashingを組み込んだ「gimpfuzzy」を新たに実装した。講演では提案手法を利用した分類の判別率を検証し、分類された結果の中からいくつかの事例を取り上げその妥当性について確認する。また、Goマルウェアの分類における課題についても検討を行う予定である。

[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...
[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...
[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...

This document discusses the results of long-term scanning and analysis of Winnti 4.0 and ShadowPad malware command and control (C2) protocols. It finds that Winnti 4.0 C2s primarily use TLS, HTTPS, and HTTP, while ShadowPad variants primarily use TCP, HTTPS, and HTTP. Analysis of the protocols reveals encryption methods, packet structures, and server-side functionality. Over time, the number and distribution of active C2s changed, likely in response to research publications and incident response actions. The document advocates for anonymization techniques and merits and risks of future research publications.

CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Output of o-checker
C:¥tmp> a.pdf
00000010-00000110:obj 25 0 old(not used)
00000111-00000197:obj 26 0 old(not used)
000036B1-000036C2:startxref 00003617
0000E9EA-0000EAEA:obj 25 0 ObjStm [7, 8, 13]
FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 7 0 xref from None
FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 8 0 xref from None
Offset address Classification result
Decoy Document
5. Demo
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Judgment option
C:¥tmp> a.pdf -j
00000010-00000110:obj 25 0 old(not used)
00000111-00000197:obj 26 0 old(not used)
FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 7 0 xref from None
FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 8 0 xref from None
“-j” is
a judgment option.
The three judgment types
“Suspicious!” or
will be shown at the end
of an output.
5. Demo
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan

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We are swamped with new types of malware every day. The goal of malware analysis is not to reveal every single detail of the malware. It is more important to develop tools for efficiency or introduce automation to avoid repeating the same analysis process. Therefore, malware analysts usually actively develop tools and build analysis systems. On the other hand, it costs a lot for such tool developments and system maintenance. Incident trends change daily, and malware keeps evolving. However, it is not easy to keep up with new threats. Malware analysts spend a long time maintaining their analysis systems, and it results in reducing their time for necessary analysis of new types of malware. To solve these problems, we incorporate DevOps practices into malware analysis to reduce the cost of system maintenance by using CI/CD and Serverless. This presentation shares our experience on how CI/CD, Serverless, and other cloud technologies can be used to streamline malware analysis. Specifically, the following case studies are discussed. * Malware C2 Monitoring * Malware Hunting using Cloud * YARA CI/CD system * Malware Analysis System on Cloud * Memory Forensic on Cloud Through the above case studies, we will share the benefits and tips of using the cloud and show how to build a similar system using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The audience will learn how to improve the efficiency of malware analysis and build a malware analysis system using Cloud infrastructure.

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

blockchainweb3blockchain technology
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Application to NIDS
Network cable
o-checker can be introduced into an existing system
without updating.
6. Application
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Problems of the application
Failure to recover
Broken document files
False positive
up ~2%
False positives increases because of the performance
of e-mail recovering software.
Network cable
6. Application
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Enhanced o-checker
Deselection of broken document files based on
structural analysis of file formats
Network cable
Failure to recover
Broken document files
False positive
up ~0%
6. Application
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Application to android (1)
Mail server
Manual delete
Manual check

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CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
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Application to android (2)
Mail server
Auto delete
Auto check
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
• Tradition detectional method reaches
its limit.
• Structural analysis of file formats
is effective to detect malicious
document files that have embedded
executable files.
• Various application of o-checker is
possible. Because it can detect
malicious documents by high
probability at high speed.
7. Conclusion

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CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan
Thank you!

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o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - Malicious feature can be detected based on file size by Yuuhei Ootsubo

  • 1. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan o-checker : Malicious document file detection tool - File sizes tell whether the document file is malicious or not - Yuhei Otsubo 1
  • 2. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Agenda 2 1. Background 2. Structure of malicious document files 3. Overview of o-checker 4. Detection mechanism 5. Demo 6. Application 7. Conclusion
  • 3. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 1. BACKGROUND 3
  • 4. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Increase in targeted email attacks (1/3) 4 1. Background
  • 5. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Increase in targeted email attacks (2/3) 5 Number of security advisories on targeted email attacks to government institutions ※GSOC:Government Security Operation Coordination team 1. Background
  • 6. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Increase in targeted email attacks (3/3) 6 5.4% → 33% research commissioned by METI(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), (2007,2011) Rate of companies that had experienced targeted attacks 1. Background 2007 2011
  • 7. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Example of target attacks 7 secret Send emails with malware Open an attachment Infected with malware Network of companies and private individuals Attacker Victim Data exfiltration 1 2 3 ④ 1. Background
  • 8. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan File types of targeted email attacks 8 Trend of the extension of the attachment of targeted email attacks,Trend Micro Japan(2013) Executable files :59% Document files :41% 1. Background
  • 9. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 2. STRUCTURE OF MALICIOUS DOCUMENT FILES 9
  • 10. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 文書ファイル Exploit Shellcode Malware executable file Decoy file(for display) Structure of malicious document files 10 Abuses a browsing software vulnerability Creates a malware executable file and a decoy file then executes/opens them Encoded by various ways. No relation with document contents 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 11. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Example of malicious document files 11 2. Structure of malicious document files Bitmap View Hex View
  • 12. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Exploit(1/2) 12 • Object 29 • A JavaScript action • Its script is stored in object 31. 2. Structure of malicious document files • Object 31 • A JavaScript script(Exploit) • Flate compression method
  • 13. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Exploit(2/2) 13 After decoding the Flate compression data ↓Shellcode encoded by escape() function 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 14. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Shellcode 14 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 15. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Shellcode 15 2. Structure of malicious document files Decoder : 40 Bytes Shellcode is encoded with printable characters
  • 16. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Executable file(1/2) 16 Encoded executable file 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 17. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Executable file(2/2) 17 After decode 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 18. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Decoy file 18 2. Structure of malicious document files
  • 19. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 3. OVERVIEW OF O-CHECKER 19
  • 20. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Utilizes particular patterns found through static/dynamic analysis. Document file Exploit Shellcode Malware executable file Decoy file(for display) traditional methods of malicious document detection 20 malicious code 3. Overview of o-checker Traditional methods • Particular patterns can be changed by encode. • There are cases when exploits only work on specific environments and dynamic analysis is difficult. Problems
  • 21. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Vicious circle 21 If a detection method focuses on codes that can be written arbitrarily by attackers Vicious circle Creates a signature based on malicious code. Defender Changes malicious code so that it can avoid detection. Attacker 3. Overview of o-checker
  • 22. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Breaking the vicious circle 22 Vicious circle Creates a signature based on structural analysis of file formats. Defender Changes malicious code so that it can avoid detection. Attacker Changes file format syntax so that it can avoid detection. 3. Overview of o-checker If a detection method focuses on file formats that cannot be written arbitrarily by attackers
  • 23. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Characteristic of malicious document ~based on file format 23 A document file is an aggregate of pictures, text, and auxiliary data. There is no data which a browsing software does not process. Whether a browsing software processes data or not reason Exploit  for abusing a browsing software vulnerabilities Shellcode  exploit code includes shellcode Executable file - If a browsing software parses it, the contents will be displayed garbled or a browsing software will malfunction. Decoy file - If a browsing software parses it, the contents will be displayed garbled or a browsing software will malfunction. Each data has its purpose. 3. Overview of o-checker
  • 24. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Detection mechanism (simplified) All of structures match directly to contents Contents Structures A part of structures is mismatched to contents Contents Structures Normal document files Malicious document files Detection based on structural analysis of document formats 3. Overview of o-checker
  • 25. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Performance of o-checker 25 • High speed and high detection rates detection rates:98.9% Average execution time:0.3s • Almost maintenance-free Updating frequency Remarks Anti-virus software Every day 200,000 new type of malware per day (2012)※ o-checker Almost none It needs update, if a new document file format comes out. input Documentation files embedded with executable files input Alert 3. Overview of o-checker ※:
  • 26. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 4. DETECTION MECHANISM 26
  • 27. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Inspection items 27 (A) Attached data after EOF (B) Anomaly file size (C) Data not referred from FAT (D) Free sector in the last sector (E) Unaccounted-for sector (F) Unaccounted-for section (G) Unreferenced object (H) Camouflaged stream Rich Text CFB PDF o-checker 4. Detection mechanism
  • 28. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of Rich Text files 28 {¥rtf Hello!¥par This is some {¥b bold} text.¥par } RTF files are usually 7-bit ASCII plain text. RTF consists of control words, control symbols, and groups. ※ ※:wikipedia an example, RTF code The signature that indicates a RTF file (}) corresponding to the first ({) is located at the end of a file (EOF). 4. Detection mechanism
  • 29. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (A) Attached data after EOF 29 {¥rtf Hello!¥par This is some {¥b bold} text.¥par } MZ・ ク ・ コ エ ヘ!ク L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.$ 猝t讀ォオ、ォオ、ォオュモ 招ヲォオュモ楫喚オ、ォオ0ェオュモ卸・オュモ匏ウォ Rich、ォオ PE d・ ヤノ[J ・ " An executable file is inserted at the end of a file in order not to affect the display. a RTF file embedded with an executable files. Data exists after EOF. 4. Detection mechanism
  • 30. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan CFB (doc,xls,ppt,jtd/jtdc) 30 Root Storage Storage 1 Storage 2 Storage 3 Stream A Stream B Stream C [MS-CFB] – v20130118 Compound File Binary Format ( In file system Stream → File Storage → Folder CFB:Compound File Binary • A layered structure can be stored in one file. • An archive format which Microsoft Corp. developed • It is used by Microsoft Word etc. doc,ppt,xls,jtd/jtdc※ 4. Detection mechanism ※:jtd and jtdc are used by Ichitaro (一太郎), a Japanese word processor developed by JustSystems Corp.
  • 31. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of CFB files 31 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure -2 -2 3 -2 -1 -2 Directory Entry index sector Stream Name:a.txt Size:696 Index:2 Stream Name:b.txt Size:318 Index:5 Storage Name:root Size:- Index:- FAT (File Allocation Table) 4. Detection mechanism
  • 32. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Physical structure of CFB 32 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure 512 Byte (512 or 4096) x N Byte FileSize = 512 + (512 or 4096) x N = 512 x M The file size of a regular CFB file is certainly a multiple of 512. 4. Detection mechanism
  • 33. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (B) Anomaly file size 33 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure -2 -2 3 -2 -1 -2 FAT (File Allocation Table) Directory Entry malware6 7 The size of the file except a header is not a multiple of the size of sector.  If the file size is divided by 512, the remainder will come out. Stream Name:a.txt Size:696 Index:2 Stream Name:b.txt Size:318 Index:5 Storage Name:root Size:- Index:- 4. Detection mechanism
  • 34. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (C) Data not referred from FAT 34 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure -2 -2 3 -2 -1 -2 Directory Entry malware6 7 The file exceeds the area -1 The area which can be referred to by FAT: (The number of sectors of FAT)×128×512 (Byte) Stream Name:a.txt Size:696 Index:2 Stream Name:b.txt Size:318 Index:5 Storage Name:root Size:- Index:- FAT (File Allocation Table) ? 4. Detection mechanism
  • 35. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (D) Free sector in the last sector 35 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure -2 -2 3 -2 -1 -2 Directory Entry malware6 The sector corresponding to the end of the file (n-th sector) is a free sector. -1 When the size of sector is 512, n = (file size-512)/512 n Stream Name:a.txt Size:696 Index:2 Stream Name:b.txt Size:318 Index:5 Storage Name:root Size:- Index:- FAT (File Allocation Table) 4. Detection mechanism
  • 36. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (E) Unaccounted-for sector 36 Header FAT0 Directory Entry Stream A Stream A Free Sector Stream B 1 2 3 4 5 Physical Structure -2 -2 3 -2 -1 -2 Directory Entry malware6 There is a sector which cannot be classified into FAT (DI-FAT and mini-FAT are included), DE, stream and free sector. -2 Stream Name:a.txt Size:696 Index:2 Stream Name:b.txt Size:318 Index:5 Storage Name:root Size:- Index:- FAT (File Allocation Table) 4. Detection mechanism
  • 37. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan PDF document Structure of PDF:Physical structure Comment (Header) Body Cross-reference table Trailer Comment(EOF) Sequence of indirect objects (fonts, pages and sampled images) 1 0 obj 2 0 obj n 0 obj End-of-file marker x 0 obj <</R2 /P-64 /V 2 /O (dfhjaklgk… …>> A PDF file is an aggregate of many objects(numeric, string, a sequence of bytes etc.) 4 elements 4. Detection mechanism
  • 38. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of PDF:Types of objects 38 Basic Objects (A) Numeric (B) String (C) Name (D) Boolean (E) Null Composite Objects (F) Array (G) Dictionary Others (H) Stream(a sequence of bytes) (I) Indirect(referring to other objects) (PDF32000-1:2008 7.3) 4. Detection mechanism
  • 39. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of PDF:Stream filter 39 Filter Name Description /ASCIIHexDecode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII hexadecimal representation, reproducing the original binary data. /ASCII85Decode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII base-85 representation, reproducing the original binary data. /LZWDecode Decompresses data encoded using the LZW adaptive compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. /FlateDecode Decompresses data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. /RunLengthDecode Decompresses data encoded using a byte-oriented run-length encoding algorithm, reproducing the original text or binary data. /CCITTFaxDecode Decompresses data encoded using the CCITT facsimile standard, reproducing the original data. /JBIG2Decode Decompresses data encoded using the JBIG2 standard, reproducing the original monochrome image data. /DCTDecode Decompresses data encoded using a DCT technique based on the JPEG standard, reproducing image sample data that approximates the original data. /JPXDecode Decompresses data encoded using the wavelet-based JPEG2000 standard, reproducing the original image data. (PDF32000-1:2008 7.4) Stream filters indicate how to decode stream data. The standard filters are summarized in the following table. 4. Detection mechanism
  • 40. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of PDF:Document structure 40 Trailer Document information Document catalog Outline hierarchy Page tree Page Page Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image :Object Structure of a PDF document :Link By following the link from trailer, all objects can be referred to. 4. Detection mechanism
  • 41. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of PDF:Encryption 41 Structure of a PDF document enctypted Encryption applies to almost all strings and streams in the PDF file. Leaving the other object types unencrypted allows random access to the objects within a document. (except for the object stored in ObjStm) Trailer Document information Document catalog Outline hierarchy Page tree Page Page Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image :Object :Link 4. Detection mechanism
  • 42. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Structure of PDF:ObjStm (Object Streams) 42 ObjStm (Object Streams) are introduced in PDF 1.5. The purpose of ObjStm is to allow indirect objects other than streams to be stored more compactly by using the facilities provided by stream compression filters. ( PDF32000-1:2008 7.5.7) Packing Compressing Encryption 4. Detection mechanism
  • 43. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (F) Unaccounted-for section 43 PDF Document Comment(Header) Body Cross-reference table Trailer Comment(EOF) Executable file Classifying objects into four elements from the head of a file, there is data which cannot be classified. 4. Detection Mechanism
  • 44. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan (G) Unreferenced object 44 Executable file A PDF file embedded with a executable files When an executable file is inserted as an object in disregard of document structure, it is often unreferenced. Executable file :Object embedded with an executable file Trailer Document information Document catalog Outline hierarchy Page tree Page Page Content stream Annotations Content stream Thumbnail image :Object :Link 4. Detection mechanism
  • 45. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Executable file (H) Camouflaged Stream 45 Camouflaged Filter Putting to the end of Streams Regular Stream EOD End-of-data marker Data used for decoding (Decoding is successful.) Data which is not used for decoding When the filter is FlateDecode, DCTDecode or JBIG2Decode, entropy Plain Text small FlateDecode big Execution file big An attacker camouflages as the object is using the filter of which value of entropy is similar to the value of entropy of executable files. (Decoding goes wrong.) 4. Detection mechanism
  • 46. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Malicious documents Clean documents File type Extension Quantity Average size(KB) Quantity Average size(KB) Rich Text rtf 98 266.5 199 516.2 doc 36 252.2 1,195 106.1 CFB xls 49 180.4 298 191.7 jtd/jtdc 17 268.5 - - PDF pdf 164 351.2 9,109 101.7 Total 364 291.8 10,801 322.7 Experiment 46 Document files used for targeted email attacks from 2009 to 2012※1 Clean document files classified according to contagio a malware dump site※2 ※1:Rich Text by which the extension was camouflaged by doc is counted as rtf. ※2: malicious-files.html 4. Detection mechanism
  • 47. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Detection rate of o-checker 47 99.0% 77.5% 90.2% 97.1% 96.1% 49.4% 43.9% 63.4% 99.0% 98.0% 99.4% Rich Text CFB PDF o-checker 4. Detection mechanism (A) Attached data after EOF (B) Anomaly file size (C) Data not referred from FAT (D) Free sector in the last sector (E) Unaccounted-for sector (F) Unaccounted-for section (G) Unreferenced object (H) Camouflaged stream
  • 48. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 5. DEMO 48
  • 49. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Output of o-checker 49 C:¥tmp> a.pdf 00000000-00000008:comment, 00000009-0000000F:comment, 00000010-00000110:obj 25 0 old(not used) 00000111-00000197:obj 26 0 old(not used) : 00003622-000036B0:trailer 000036B1-000036C2:startxref 00003617 000036C3-000036C9:comment, 000036CA-0000E9E2:unknown 0000E9E3-0000E9E9:comment, 0000E9EA-0000EAEA:obj 25 0 ObjStm [7, 8, 13] : 0001209D-000120A3:comment, 000120A4-000120A7:unknown FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 7 0 xref from None FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 8 0 xref from None : Offset address Classification result Decoy Document ObjStm 5. Demo
  • 50. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Judgment option 50 C:¥tmp> a.pdf -j 00000000-00000008:comment, 00000009-0000000F:comment, 00000010-00000110:obj 25 0 old(not used) 00000111-00000197:obj 26 0 old(not used) : : 0001209D-000120A3:comment, FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 7 0 xref from None FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF:obj 8 0 xref from None : Malicious! “-j” is a judgment option. The three judgment types “Malicious!”, “Suspicious!” or “None!” will be shown at the end of an output. 5. Demo
  • 51. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 51 DEMO 1
  • 52. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 6. APPLICATION 52
  • 53. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Application to NIDS 53 Network cable NIDS o-checker Packet Capture Reconstruct e-mails Alert o-checker can be introduced into an existing system without updating. 6. Application
  • 54. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan NIDS Problems of the application 54 o-checker Alert Failure to recover e-mails ~2% Broken document files ~2% False positive up ~2% False positives increases because of the performance of e-mail recovering software. Network cable Packet Capture Reconstruct e-mails 6. Application
  • 55. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan NIDS Enhanced o-checker 55 new o-checker Alert Deselection of broken document files based on structural analysis of file formats Network cable Packet Capture Reconstruct e-mails Failure to recover e-mails ~2% Broken document files ~2% False positive up ~0% 6. Application
  • 56. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan o-checker Application to android (1) 56 Mail server Manual delete Manual check
  • 57. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 57 DEMO 2
  • 58. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan E-mailer o-checker Application to android (2) 58 Mail server Auto delete Auto check
  • 59. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 7. CONCLUSION 59
  • 60. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan Conclusion 60 • Tradition detectional method reaches its limit. • Structural analysis of file formats is effective to detect malicious document files that have embedded executable files. • Various application of o-checker is possible. Because it can detect malicious documents by high probability at high speed. 7. Conclusion
  • 61. CODE BLUE Feb.17 (Mon) - 18 (Tue), 2014 Tokyo, Japan 61 Thank you!