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libinjectionFrom SQLi to XSS
Nick Galbreath @ngalbreath!
Signal Sciences Corp!
Code Blue ∙ Tokyo ∙ 2014-02-17
Nick Galbreath

• Founder/CTO of Signal Sciences Corp
• Before: IponWeb (Moscow, Tokyo)
• Before: Etsy (New York City)
What is libinjection?
• A small C-library to detect SQLi attacks in user-
• With API in python, lua and php
• Introduced at Black Hat USA 2012
• Open source with BSD license
Why libinjection?
• Existing detection is mostly done with regular expressions
• No unit tests
• No performance (speed) tests
• No coverage tests
• No accuracy or precision tests
• No false positive tests
• “what are they actually doing?”

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The Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing With Apache Arrow and Apache Pa...
The Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing With Apache Arrow and Apache Pa...The Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing With Apache Arrow and Apache Pa...
The Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing With Apache Arrow and Apache Pa...

Essentially every successful analytical DBMS in the market today makes use of column-oriented data structures. In the Hadoop ecosystem, Apache Parquet (and Apache ORC) provide similar advantages in terms of processing and storage efficiency. Apache Arrow is the in-memory counterpart to these formats and has been been embraced by over a dozen open source projects as the de facto standard for in-memory processing. In this session the PMC Chair for Apache Arrow and the PMC Chair for Apache Parquet discuss the future of column-oriented processing.

Apache Airflow Architecture
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Apache Airflow Architecture

Presentation given at Coolblue B.V. demonstrating Apache Airflow (incubating), what we learned from the underlying design principles and how an implementation of these principles reduce the amount of ETL effort. Why choose Airflow? Because it makes your engineering life easier, more people can contribute to how data flows through the organization, so that you can spend more time applying your brain to more difficult problems like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and higher level analysis.

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Bootstrapping state in Apache Flink
Bootstrapping state in Apache FlinkBootstrapping state in Apache Flink
Bootstrapping state in Apache Flink

Apache Flink is a popular stream computing framework for real-time stream computing. Many stream compute algorithms require trailing data in order to compute the intended result. One example is computing the number of user logins in the last 7 days. This creates a dilemma where the results of the stream program are incomplete until the runtime of the program exceeds 7 days. The alternative is to bootstrap the program using historic data to seed the state before shifting to use real-time data. This talk will discuss alternatives to bootstrap programs in Flink. Some alternatives rely on technologies exogenous to the stream program, such as enhancements to the pub/sub layer, that are more generally applicable to other stream compute engines. Other alternatives include enhancements to Flink source implementations. Lyft is exploring another alternative using orchestration of multiple Flink programs. The talk will cover why Lyft pursued this alternative and future directions to further enhance bootstrapping support in Flink. Speaker Gregory Fee, Principal Engineer, Lyft

apache flinkapache kafkaiot and streaming
libinjection SQLi Today
• Version 3.9.1
• 8000 unique SQLi fingerprints
• 400+ unit tests
• 85,000+ SQLi samples
In Use At
• mod_security WAF -
• ironbee WAF -
• glastopf honeypot -
• proprietary WAFs
• internally at many companies
• partial pure-java port
Similar to SQLi
• No standard detection library
• Few if any have tests
• Regular expression based detection
• Can we do better?

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Running Apache Spark on a High-Performance Cluster Using RDMA and NVMe Flash ...
Running Apache Spark on a High-Performance Cluster Using RDMA and NVMe Flash ...Running Apache Spark on a High-Performance Cluster Using RDMA and NVMe Flash ...
Running Apache Spark on a High-Performance Cluster Using RDMA and NVMe Flash ...

This document summarizes a presentation about using the Crail distributed storage system to improve Spark performance on high-performance computing clusters with RDMA networking and NVMe flash storage. The key points are: 1) Traditional Spark storage and networking APIs do not bypass the operating system kernel, limiting performance on modern hardware. 2) The Crail system provides user-level APIs for RDMA networking and NVMe flash to improve Spark shuffle, join, and sorting workloads by 2-10x on a 128-node cluster. 3) Crail allows Spark workloads to fully utilize high-speed networks and disaggregate memory and flash storage across nodes without performance penalties.

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Go言語で作る webアプリ@gocon 2013 spring
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Go言語で作る webアプリ@gocon 2013 spring
대용량 로그분석 Bigquery로 간단히 사용하기
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대용량 로그분석 Bigquery로 간단히 사용하기

빅쿼리 구현하기 v1.1

Two Types of XSS
• HTML injection attacks
• Javascript injection attacks
XSS Javascript Injection
• Includes DOM-style attacks
• Attacks existing javascript code.
• Detection can truly be done on client
• A very hard problem
HTML Injection
• HTML injection are attacks against the HTML
tokenization algorithm 

(text “<b>foo</b>” to tags <b>, foo, </b>)
• The goal is to change the context to ‘javascript’ and
execute arbitrary code.
• This seems detectable.
HTML Injection Samples
<b>XSS</b> (raw HTML)

<foo XSS> (tag attribute from user input)

<foo name=XSS> (tag value from user input)

<foo name='XSS'> (quoted value)

<foo name="XSS"> (quoted value)

<foo name=`XSS`> (IE only!)

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실시간 게임 서버 최적화 전략 C++ Korea group 2020년 2월 15일 미니 세미나.

game developmentwin32
The basics of fluentd
The basics of fluentdThe basics of fluentd
The basics of fluentd

This document discusses Fluentd, an open source log collector. It provides a pluggable architecture that allows data to be collected, filtered, and forwarded to various outputs. Fluentd uses JSON format for log messages and MessagePack internally. It is reliable, scalable, and extensible through plugins. Common use cases include log aggregation, monitoring, and analytics across multiple servers and applications.

Tame the small files problem and optimize data layout for streaming ingestion...
Tame the small files problem and optimize data layout for streaming ingestion...Tame the small files problem and optimize data layout for streaming ingestion...
Tame the small files problem and optimize data layout for streaming ingestion...

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. In modern data platform architectures, stream processing engines such as Apache Flink are used to ingest continuous streams of data into data lakes such as Apache Iceberg. Streaming ingestion to iceberg tables can suffer by two problems (1) small files problem that can hurt read performance (2) poor data clustering that can make file pruning less effective. To address those two problems, we propose adding a shuffling stage to the Flink Iceberg streaming writer. The shuffling stage can intelligently group data via bin packing or range partition. This can reduce the number of concurrent files that every task writes. It can also improve data clustering. In this talk, we will explain the motivations in details and dive into the design of the shuffling stage. We will also share the evaluation results that demonstrate the effectiveness of smart shuffling. by Gang Ye & Steven Wu

apache flinkbig datastream processing
Browser HTML
• Previously every browser parsed or tokenised
HTML differently.
• This lead to a number of different attacks using
broken html tags, special characters or encodings.
• Now, most browsers now use the same algorithm
specified by HTML5.
> 65% are HTML5
Every Tokenization Step
Is Clearly Defined

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These slides present how DBT, Coral, and Iceberg can provide a novel data management experience for defining SQL workflows. In this UX, users define their workflows as a cascade of SQL queries, which then get auto-materialized and incrementally maintained. Applications of this user experience include Declarative DAG workflows, streaming/batch convergence, and materialized views.

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The remainder are IE
• And IE only has a few versions
• And has some well-known exceptions to the HTML5
parsing rules.
IE6 and IE7
• IE7 has only 2% of market share
• IE6 will, in time, go away.
• Both are likely running on 10 year old machine.
• Somewhere between 10-20% marketshare
• The most modern MS browser on Windows XP
• Marketshare can only go down.
• 1.33% Global Market Share
• But maybe 40% of that is ‘Opera Mini’ for phone or
embedded systems
• Opera has a lot of oddities in HTML functionality and
• Ignoring

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libinjection XSS
HTML injection attacks

in HTML5 clients.
• No: XML / XSLT injection
• No: Any injection for IE6, IE7, Opera, FF and Chrome
older than a year.
• No: DOM style attacks (need a client solution)
libinjection html5
• Full HTML5 Tokenizer.
• Does not build a tree or DOMs
• Just emits tokenizer events.
• Zero copying of data
Tokenization Sample
ATTR_NAME onerror
ATTR_VALUE alert(1);
<img src=“junk” onerror=alert(1);>

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GIT 초보에서 벗어나고자 하는 분들을 위해 정리해보았습니다

A 20 minute introduction to AngularJS for XPage developers
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Slides for the session I gave at the XPages & Beer event on July 2nd, 2014. See for the demo files.

Check in each Context
Each input is parsed in at least 6 different HTML contexts,
because thats how XSS works!
<b>XSS</b> (raw HTML)

<foo XSS> (tag attribute from user input)

<foo name=XSS> (tag value from user input)

<foo name='XSS'> (quoted value)

<foo name="XSS"> (quoted value)

<foo name=`XSS`> (IE only!)
Ban Problematic Tokens
• Problematic tags, attributes, and values are
• Tags: <script>, anything XML or SVG related
• Attributes: on*, etc
• Values: javascript URLs in various formats
• and more…
Training Sources
XSS Cheat sheets
• Most are outdated (exploits for Firefox 3! )
• sorry OWASP :-(
• Each entry validated to make sure they are valid for
HTML5 browsers.

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Application Security Tools
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Application Security Tools

This presentation is part of one of talk, I gave in Microsoft .NET Bootcamp. The contents are slightly edited to share the information in public domain. In this presentation, I tried to cover Application Security Tools that can be helpful for analyzing security threats as well as putting up some defense . This presentation will be useful for software architects/Managers,developers and QAs. Do share your feedback in comments.

Finding Needles in Haystacks
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This document summarizes Louis Nyffenegger's talk on code review and capture-the-flag exercises for finding security vulnerabilities. The talk discusses different approaches to code review like grepping for bugs, following user inputs, reviewing functionality, and reading all code. It also provides tips for getting started with capture-the-flag exercises by focusing on weaknesses rather than vulnerabilities and combining issues. An example application is provided for attendees to practice on, and common weaknesses are listed that could lead to vulnerabilities like hardcoded credentials, cross-site scripting, and remote code execution.

code reviewhackingweb security
• Fantastic resource
• But lists many examples for Firefox 3 and/or obsolete
Opera versions
• Pruned to focus on HTML5 browsers
• Produces interesting new XSS regularly
• If you like XSS you should follow him on Twitter
Attack / Scanners
• Integrate one scanner’s test cases
• Using Shazzer fuzz databases -
Current Status

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Attacking with html5(lava kumar)
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Attacking with html5(lava kumar)

The document discusses attacking websites using HTML5 features and capabilities. It introduces HTML5 and some of its new tags, attributes, and APIs that can be abused for attacks like cross-site scripting and bypassing input filters. Specific techniques demonstrated include bypassing blacklists using new HTML5 event attributes and tags, setting up reverse web shells using cross-origin requests, and clickjacking via the drag-and-drop API. The talk also covers poisoning the HTML5 application cache and exploiting client-side file includes through cross-origin XMLHttpRequests. Demo attacks are promised to illustrate these HTML5-based vulnerabilities.

clubhack2010web app securityhtml
XFLTReaT: A New Dimension In Tunnelling (DeepSec 2017)
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XFLTReaT: A New Dimension In Tunnelling (DeepSec 2017)

XFLTReaT presentation from DeepSec 2017 This presentation will sum up how to do tunnelling with different protocols and will feature different perspectives in detail. For example, companies are fighting hard to block exfiltration from their network: They use http(s) proxies, DLP, IPS technologies to protect their data, but are they protected against tunnelling? There are so many interesting questions to answer for users, abusers, companies and malware researchers. During this presentation we'll show you some mitigation and bypass techniques, which can be used to filter any tunnelling on your network or to bypass misconfigured filters. Our new tool XFLTReaT is an open-source tunnelling framework that handles all the boring stuff and gives users the capability to take care of only the things that matter. It provides significant improvements over existing tools. From now on there is no need to write a new tunnel for each and every protocol or to deal with interfaces and routing. Any protocol can be converted to a module, which works in a plug-and-play fashion; authentication and encryption can be configured and customised on all traffic, and it is also worth mentioning that the framework was designed to be easy to configure, use and develop. In case there is a need to send packets over ICMP type 0 or HTTPS TLS v1.2 with a special header, then this can be done in a matter of minutes, instead of developing a new tool from scratch. The potential use (or abuse) cases are plentiful, such as bypassing network restrictions of an ISP, the proxy of a workplace or obtaining Internet connectivity through bypassing captive portals in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or at an altitude of 33000ft on an airplane. This framework is not just a tool; it unites different technologies in the field of tunnelling. While we needed to use different tunnels and VPNs for different protocols in the past, like OpenVPN for TCP and UDP, ptunnel for ICMP or iodined for DNS tunnelling, this changes now: After taking a look at these tools it was easy to see some commonality. All of them are doing the same things only the means of communication are different. We simplified the whole process and created a framework that is responsible for everything but the communication itself, we rethought the old way of tunnelling and tried to give something new to the community. After the initial setup the framework takes care of everything. With the check functionality we can even find out, which module can be used on the network, so there is no need for any low-level packet fu and hassle. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with the tool and the talk, actually you will be an open-source tool richer.

XFLTReaT: A New Dimension in Tunnelling (HITB GSEC 2017)
XFLTReaT: A New Dimension in Tunnelling (HITB GSEC 2017)XFLTReaT: A New Dimension in Tunnelling (HITB GSEC 2017)
XFLTReaT: A New Dimension in Tunnelling (HITB GSEC 2017)

XFLTReaT presentation from Hack In The Box GSEC 2017 XFLTReaT is an open-source tunnelling framework that handles all the boring stuff and gives users the capability to take care of only the things that matter. It provides significant improvements over existing tools. From now on there is no need to write a new tunnel for each and every protocol or to deal with interfaces and routing. Any protocol can be converted to a module, which works in a plug-and-play fashion; authentication and encryption can be configured and customised on all traffic and it is also worth mentioning that the framework was designed to be easy to configure, use and develop. In case there is a need to send packets over ICMP type 0 or HTTPS TLS v1.2 with a special header, then this can be done in a matter of minutes, instead of developing a new tool from scratch. The potential use (or abuse) cases are plentiful, such as bypassing network restrictions of an ISP, the proxy of a workplace or obtaining Internet connectivity through bypassing captive portals in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or at an altitude of 33000ft on an airplane. This framework is not just a tool; it unites different technologies in the field of tunnelling. While we needed to use different tunnels and VPNs for different protocols in the past like OpenVPN for TCP and UDP, ptunnel for ICMP or iodined for DNS tunnelling, it changes now. After taking a look at these tools it was easy to see some commonality, all of them are doing the same things only the means of communication are different. We simplified the whole process and created a framework that is responsible for everything but the communication itself, we rethought the old way of tunnelling and tried to give something new to the community. After the initial setup the framework takes care of everything. With the check functionality we can even find out, which module can be used on the network, there is no need for any low-level packet fu and hassle. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with the tool and the talk, actually you will be richer with an open-source tool.

xfltreat bucsay balazs tunnelling tunneling
Available Now
• Available on github
• but… still alpha
$ make test-xss
./reader -t -i -x -m 10 ../data/xss*
../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 149 False test 62_1 <x '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(1)//'>
../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 151 False test 62_2 <! '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(2)//'>
../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 153 False test 62_3 <? '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(3)//'>
../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 352 False test 102 <img src="x` `<script>alert(1)</script>"` `>
../data/xss-soaj1664ashar-pastebin-u6FY1xDA.txt 96 False 92) <--`<img/src=` onerror=alert(1)> --!>
../data/xss-soaj1664ashar.txt21 False <form/action=ja&Tab;vascr&Tab;ipt&colon;confirm(document.cookie)>
../data/xss-xenotix.txt 17 False "'`><?img src=xxx:x onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
../data/xss-xenotix.txt 19 False '`"><?script>javascript:alert(1)</script>
../data/xss-xenotix.txt 610 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
../data/xss-xenotix.txt 613 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
../data/xss-xenotix.txt 615 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
XSS : 1628
SAFE : 11
TOTAL : 1639
Threshold is 10, got 11, failing.
1639 Total Samples
1628 Detected as XSS
11 False Negatives
IE Unbalanced Quotes
• IE 8+ has strange behaviour with ‘unbalanced
quotes’ inside comments and attribute values.
• Work in progress

checks per second

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Entomology 101
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This document provides an introduction to studying, collecting, and finding bugs. It discusses how to collect bugs by following security mailing lists, bug bounty programs, security researchers on Twitter. It also discusses how to study bugs by analyzing code diffs between vulnerable and patched versions, building test environments, and documenting findings. The document then covers hunting for bugs by finding targets on sites like GitHub and HackerNews, setting up test environments, and optimizing hunting strategies based on collected bugs. Finally, it discusses responsible disclosure of bugs and some of the author's favorite bugs.

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Java is everywhere. According to Oracle it’s on 3 billion devices and counting. We also know that Java is one of the most popular vehicles for delivering malware. But that’s just the plugin right? Well maybe not. Java on the server can be just at risk as the client. In this talk we’ll cover all aspects of Java Vulnerabilities. We’ll explain why Java has this dubious reputation, what’s being done to address the issues and what you have to do to reduce your exposure. You’ll learn about Java vulnerabilities in general: how they are reported, managed and fixed as well as learning about the specifics of attack vectors and just what a ‘vulnerability’ actually is. With the continuing increase in cybercrime it’s time you knew how to defend your code. With examples and code this talk will help you become more effective in reducing security issues in Java.

ExpressionEngine - Simple Steps to Performance and Security (EECI 2014)
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This document discusses steps website administrators can take to improve the performance and security of websites built with ExpressionEngine. It begins by demonstrating through benchmarks how upgrading to newer versions of PHP can significantly improve performance. It then provides recommendations for optimizing ExpressionEngine settings and plugins, and using caching, CDNs and hardware. For security, it advises keeping software updated, restricting access, using firewalls and HTTPS, and securely managing user accounts and publishing workflows. The overall message is that ongoing performance and security efforts can directly benefit websites and should be made part of the development process.

TODO 2014-02-17
• It’s alpha — so it’s likely to have some spectacular failures
• False-positive QA not completed.
• Currently does not handle some IE injections
• Does not have a test-bed for experimenting 

(maybe later this week).
• More QA, code-coverage needed
• No bindings for scripting languages (soon).

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libinjection: from SQLi to XSS  by Nick Galbreath

  • 1. libinjectionFrom SQLi to XSS Nick Galbreath @ngalbreath! Signal Sciences Corp! Code Blue ∙ Tokyo ∙ 2014-02-17
  • 2. Nick Galbreath
 @ngalbreath • Founder/CTO of Signal Sciences Corp • Before: IponWeb (Moscow, Tokyo) • Before: Etsy (New York City)
  • 3. What is libinjection? • A small C-library to detect SQLi attacks in user- input • With API in python, lua and php • Introduced at Black Hat USA 2012 • Open source with BSD license •
  • 4. Why libinjection? • Existing detection is mostly done with regular expressions • No unit tests • No performance (speed) tests • No coverage tests • No accuracy or precision tests • No false positive tests • “what are they actually doing?”
  • 5. libinjection SQLi Today • Version 3.9.1 • 8000 unique SQLi fingerprints • 400+ unit tests • 85,000+ SQLi samples
  • 6. In Use At • mod_security WAF - • ironbee WAF - • glastopf honeypot - • proprietary WAFs • internally at many companies • partial pure-java port
  • 7. XSS
  • 8. Similar to SQLi • No standard detection library • Few if any have tests • Regular expression based detection • Can we do better?
  • 9. Two Types of XSS • HTML injection attacks • Javascript injection attacks
  • 10. XSS Javascript Injection • Includes DOM-style attacks • Attacks existing javascript code. • Detection can truly be done on client • A very hard problem
  • 11. HTML Injection • HTML injection are attacks against the HTML tokenization algorithm 
 (text “<b>foo</b>” to tags <b>, foo, </b>) • The goal is to change the context to ‘javascript’ and execute arbitrary code. • This seems detectable.
  • 12. HTML Injection Samples <b>XSS</b> (raw HTML) <foo XSS> (tag attribute from user input) <foo name=XSS> (tag value from user input) <foo name='XSS'> (quoted value) <foo name="XSS"> (quoted value) <foo name=`XSS`> (IE only!)
  • 13. Browser HTML Tokenization • Previously every browser parsed or tokenised HTML differently. • This lead to a number of different attacks using broken html tags, special characters or encodings. • Now, most browsers now use the same algorithm specified by HTML5.
  • 14. > 65% are HTML5
  • 17. The remainder are IE • And IE only has a few versions • And has some well-known exceptions to the HTML5 parsing rules.
  • 18. IE6 and IE7 • IE7 has only 2% of market share • IE6 will, in time, go away. • Both are likely running on 10 year old machine.
  • 19. IE8 • Somewhere between 10-20% marketshare • The most modern MS browser on Windows XP • Marketshare can only go down.
  • 20. Opera • 1.33% Global Market Share • But maybe 40% of that is ‘Opera Mini’ for phone or embedded systems • Opera has a lot of oddities in HTML functionality and parsing • Ignoring
  • 22. HTML injection attacks
 in HTML5 clients. • No: XML / XSLT injection • No: Any injection for IE6, IE7, Opera, FF and Chrome older than a year. • No: DOM style attacks (need a client solution)
  • 23. libinjection html5 • Full HTML5 Tokenizer. • Does not build a tree or DOMs • Just emits tokenizer events. • Zero copying of data
  • 24. Tokenization Sample TAG_NAME_OPEN img ATTR_NAME src ATTR_VALUE junk ATTR_NAME onerror ATTR_VALUE alert(1); TAG_NAME_CLOSE > <img src=“junk” onerror=alert(1);>
  • 25. Check in each Context Each input is parsed in at least 6 different HTML contexts, because thats how XSS works! <b>XSS</b> (raw HTML) <foo XSS> (tag attribute from user input) <foo name=XSS> (tag value from user input) <foo name='XSS'> (quoted value) <foo name="XSS"> (quoted value) <foo name=`XSS`> (IE only!)
  • 26. Ban Problematic Tokens • Problematic tags, attributes, and values are cataloged. • Tags: <script>, anything XML or SVG related • Attributes: on*, etc • Values: javascript URLs in various formats • and more…
  • 28. XSS Cheat sheets • Most are outdated (exploits for Firefox 3! ) • sorry OWASP :-( • Each entry validated to make sure they are valid for HTML5 browsers.
  • 29. • Fantastic resource • But lists many examples for Firefox 3 and/or obsolete Opera versions • Pruned to focus on HTML5 browsers
  • 30. @soaj1664ashar • Produces interesting new XSS regularly • If you like XSS you should follow him on Twitter
  • 31. Attack / Scanners • Integrate one scanner’s test cases • Using Shazzer fuzz databases -
  • 33. Available Now • Available on github • • but… still alpha
  • 34. $ make test-xss ./reader -t -i -x -m 10 ../data/xss* ../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 149 False test 62_1 <x '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(1)//'> ../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 151 False test 62_2 <! '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(2)//'> ../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 153 False test 62_3 <? '="foo"><x foo='><img src=x onerror=alert(3)//'> ../data/xss-html5secorg.txt 352 False test 102 <img src="x` `<script>alert(1)</script>"` `> ../data/xss-soaj1664ashar-pastebin-u6FY1xDA.txt 96 False 92) <--`<img/src=` onerror=alert(1)> --!> ../data/xss-soaj1664ashar.txt21 False <form/action=ja&Tab;vascr&Tab;ipt&colon;confirm(document.cookie)> <button/type=submit> ../data/xss-xenotix.txt 17 False "'`><?img src=xxx:x onerror=javascript:alert(1)> ../data/xss-xenotix.txt 19 False '`"><?script>javascript:alert(1)</script> ../data/xss-xenotix.txt 610 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)> ../data/xss-xenotix.txt 613 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)> ../data/xss-xenotix.txt 615 False `"'><img src=xxx:x ?onerror=javascript:alert(1)> ! XSS : 1628 SAFE : 11 TOTAL : 1639 ! Threshold is 10, got 11, failing. 1639 Total Samples 1628 Detected as XSS 11 False Negatives
  • 35. IE Unbalanced Quotes • IE 8+ has strange behaviour with ‘unbalanced quotes’ inside comments and attribute values. • Work in progress
  • 37. TODO 2014-02-17 • It’s alpha — so it’s likely to have some spectacular failures (bypasses) • False-positive QA not completed. • Currently does not handle some IE injections • Does not have a test-bed for experimenting 
 (maybe later this week). • More QA, code-coverage needed • No bindings for scripting languages (soon).