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Tracking the entire
- long-term APT malware C2
protocol emulation and scanning
Who am I?
Past Research
CB 2022
CB 2022

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Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) using Docker Containers
Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) using Docker ContainersDigital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) using Docker Containers
Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) using Docker Containers

Digital Forensics & Incident Response is a multidisciplinary profession that focuses on identifying, investigating, and remeidating computer network exploitation. This can take varied forms and involves a wide variety of skills, kinds of attackers, an kinds of targets. This presentation explains how we can implement docker in DFIR practices.

dfirincident responsedigital forensics
VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing
VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing
VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) involves evaluating systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities, configuration issues, and potential routes of unauthorized access. It is recommended for SMEs due to common security issues like phishing and ransomware attacks targeting them. The document outlines the types of VAPT testing, why SMEs need it, example data breaches, and estimated costs of common cyber attacks and security services.

CNIT 121: Computer Forensics Ch 1
CNIT 121: Computer Forensics Ch 1CNIT 121: Computer Forensics Ch 1
CNIT 121: Computer Forensics Ch 1

Slides for a college course based on "Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition" by by Jason Luttgens, Matthew Pepe, and Kevin Mandia". Ch 1: Real-World Incidents Teacher: Sam Bowne Website:

securityhackingincident response
Winnti 4.0 ShadowPad
Prevalence Low High
2016 (start-up
2018 (new C2
Scanning start
2019 2021
Unique feature Server-mode Multiple protocol
listening at a single
Winnti 4.0
CB 2022
Winnti Malware
CB 2022
Winnti Malware 4.0
Macnica Networks
version 4.0
CB 2022
Version 3.0 Version 4.0
Initial component Dropper Loader and DAT file
Initial encryption
Initial encryption key
Easy Hard
Worker encryption 1-byte XOR and nibble swap DPAPI or AES with host-
specific key

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Cyber threats landscape and defense
Cyber threats landscape and defenseCyber threats landscape and defense
Cyber threats landscape and defense

This document summarizes Andrea Minigozzi's presentation on cyber threats landscape and defense. It discusses the evolution of threats from early computer viruses to modern advanced persistent threats. Various threat vectors are examined, including malware, social engineering, and zero-day exploits. Common attack methods like watering hole attacks and the Heartbleed bug are explained. Defensive strategies are proposed, such as previewing shortened URLs and avoiding malicious QR codes. The presentation aims to increase understanding of modern cybersecurity challenges and threats.

cyber threatsfantaghostapt
A Threat Hunter Himself
A Threat Hunter HimselfA Threat Hunter Himself
A Threat Hunter Himself

The document provides biographies and background information for two cyber threat hunters, Teymur Kheirkhabarov and Sergey Soldatov. It then discusses the process of cyber threat hunting, including collecting log and system event data from endpoints, analyzing that data using tools like Yara and Cuckoo Sandbox, and manually investigating anomalies through iterative hypothesis testing to detect advanced threats. Examples are given of how threat hunters traced back the steps of an attacker who compromised a system by injecting code into the LSASS process and establishing persistence via a scheduled task. The document emphasizes that threat hunting requires both machine analysis of large datasets as well as human reasoning to uncover sophisticated threats that evade other security solutions.

elkiocsecurity analytics
MITRE ATT&CKcon 2.0: Using Threat Intelligence to Focus ATT&CK Activities; Da...
MITRE ATT&CKcon 2.0: Using Threat Intelligence to Focus ATT&CK Activities; Da...MITRE ATT&CKcon 2.0: Using Threat Intelligence to Focus ATT&CK Activities; Da...
MITRE ATT&CKcon 2.0: Using Threat Intelligence to Focus ATT&CK Activities; Da...

This document discusses Nationwide's experience using threat intelligence to focus their MITRE ATT&CK activities. Their initial broad approach analyzing 240+ techniques at once was unsuccessful. They then prioritized techniques based on threats to the financial sector. This focused their efforts on the 27 most relevant threat actors and the 100+ techniques associated with them. They mapped techniques to the ATT&CK matrix and conducted intelligence research. This intelligence-led approach improved their security posture understanding and enabled prioritized, actionable recommendations. The process is ongoing to constantly evolve their defenses based on the latest intelligence.

Winnti Malware 4.0 (Cont.)
CB 2022
struct struc_work_config {
char campaignID[64];
char MAC_addr[6];
int c2_proto; // enum_proto
enum enum_proto {
none = 0x0,
TCP = 0x1,
HTTP = 0x2,
HTTPS = 0x3,
TLS = 0x4,
UDP = 0x5,
C2 Protocol
CB 2022
Packet Format
CB 2022
struct struc_custom_header
__int16 temp_key_seed;
__int16 unk_word; // initial value is 2
__int16 signature; // 0x45DB
int payload_len;
struct struc_custom_payload_init
int payload_type; //
int unk_dword; // request:0,
GUID guid;
char null_bytes[14];
__int16 seq_num; // starting from 1
__int16 null_word;
CB 2022

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Windows Operating System Archaeology
Windows Operating System ArchaeologyWindows Operating System Archaeology
Windows Operating System Archaeology

Given at BSides Nashville 2017. The modern Windows Operating System carries with it an incredible amount of legacy code. The Component Object Model (COM) has left a lasting impact on Windows. This technology is far from dead as it continues to be the foundation for many aspects of the Windows Operating System. You can find hundreds of COM Classes defined by CLSID (COM Class Identifiers). Do you know what they do? This talk seeks to expose tactics long forgotten by the modern defender. We seek to bring to light artifacts in the Windows OS that can be used for persistence. We will present novel tactics for persistence using only the registry and COM objects.

Privilege escalation from 1 to 0 Workshop
Privilege escalation from 1 to 0 Workshop Privilege escalation from 1 to 0 Workshop
Privilege escalation from 1 to 0 Workshop

This document provides an overview of privilege escalation techniques. It begins with an introduction to the speaker and defines vertical privilege escalation as moving from a lower privilege user to a higher privilege user. It then covers common privilege escalation vectors for both Linux and Windows systems, such as exploiting kernel vulnerabilities, weak passwords, sudo misconfigurations, vulnerable services, and file permission issues. Specific techniques discussed include dirty cow, password cracking, escaping restricted shells, abusing cron jobs and SUID files. The document emphasizes that credentials are often found in insecure configurations, backup files, logs and other unprotected locations.

information securityworkshoppen testing
Malware analysis
Malware analysisMalware analysis
Malware analysis

- Malware analysis involves both static and dynamic analysis techniques to understand malware behavior and assess potential damage. Static analysis involves disassembling and reviewing malware code and structure without executing it. Dynamic analysis observes malware behavior when executed in an isolated virtual environment. - Tools for static analysis include file hashing, string extraction, and PE header examination. Dynamic analysis tools monitor the registry, file system, processes, and network traffic created by malware runtime behavior. These include Process Monitor, Wireshark, Process Explorer, and network sniffers. - To safely conduct malware analysis, one should create an isolated virtual lab separated from production networks, and install behavioral monitoring and code analysis tools like OllyDbg, Process Monitor, and Wiresh

HTTP Protocol
CB 2022 Customized packet
Customized packet size
HTTP: Size Calculation from Cookie
CB 2022
$ python 640ABEFB16D2CE36E7E83E1B8BEF31B2500ABEFB
dw0=0xfbbe0a64, dw1=0x36ced216, dw2=0x1b3ee8e7, dw3=0xb231ef8b, dw4=0xfbbe0a50
The cookie value validated. dword key = 0x34
HTTP: Dummy Data in GET Request
CB 2022
Size = 0
Size = 0
Behavior After the Initial Handshake
CB 2022
struct struc_nested_payload // at least 0x14 bytes
// e.g., cmd_ID=5 & dispatch_ID=1 order to send victim info
__int16 cmd_ID;
__int16 dispatch_ID;
int additional_data_len;
struc_data_cmd1 additional_data; // flexible size
struct struc_custom_payload_next
__int16 messageID;
__int16 signature; // 0x45db
int nested_payload_len;
struc_nested_payload nested_payload;

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The FatRat
The FatRatThe FatRat
The FatRat

The TheFatrat is an easy tool to generate backdoor’s with msfvenom (a part from metasploit framework) and easy post exploitation attack. This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on android, windows, Linux. The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection. Bypassing the Anti- Virus or Security Software will allow for a metasploit session between the attacker and the target without Anti-Virus detecting the malicious payload and flagging a warning back to the user.

When Insiders ATT&CK!
When Insiders ATT&CK!When Insiders ATT&CK!
When Insiders ATT&CK!

From ATT&CKcon 3.0 By Matt Snyder, VMWare Insider threats are some of the most treacherous and every organization is susceptible: it's estimated that theft of Intellectual Property alone exceeds $600 billion a year. Armed with intimate knowledge of your organization and masked as legitimate business, often these attacks go unnoticed until it's too late and the damage is done. To make matters worse, threat actors are now trying to lure employees with the promise of large paydays to help carry out attacks. These advanced attacks require advanced solutions, and we are going to demonstrate how we are using the MITRE ATT&CK framework to proactively combat these threats. Armed with these tactics and techniques, we show you how to build intelligent detections to help secure even the toughest of environments.

Incident response
Incident responseIncident response
Incident response

The document provides an overview of incident response including: 1) It defines the difference between an event and an incident, noting that all incidents are events but not all events are incidents. 2) It outlines the typical steps in an incident response framework including pre-incident preparation, detection, initial response, formulating a response strategy, investigation, reporting, and resolution. 3) It describes each step in more detail, explaining activities like assembling an incident response team, collecting data, analyzing forensic evidence, documenting findings, restoring systems, and implementing countermeasures to prevent future incidents.

incident responseir
Scanner Implementation
CB 2022
• Internet-wide port scan
• TCP 443 & 80
• UDP 443 & 53 (customized
packet required)
• HTTP(S): Decode and
Validate Cookie value
• Others: Get suspicious
responses with the same
size and different key
• Decrypt response’s
customized packet
• Validate signature
and payload size in
the header
How to Differentiate Server-mode
Infections and C2 Servers
[DEBUG] server header: unknown word = 0x2, header signature = 0x45db, payload length = 0x2a
[*] server payload: payload type = 0xfaceb007, unknown dword = 0xc352, GUID = 0b8212dc-
e364-4c18-ac0b-26382beb1387, sequence number = 2
[DEBUG] server header: unknown word = 0x2, header signature = 0x45db, payload length = 0x2a
[*] server payload: payload type = 0xfaceb007, unknown dword = 0x0, GUID = 00000000-0000-
0000-0000-000000000000, sequence number = 1
Server-mode: the same GUID as client, sequence number incremented
C2: null GUID, sequence number reset
CB 2022
Result: Population by Protocol
CB 2022
Result: Change in Number of Active C2s
CB 2022

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Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 0: Malware Analysis Primer & 1: Basic Static T...
Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 0: Malware Analysis Primer & 1: Basic Static T...Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 0: Malware Analysis Primer & 1: Basic Static T...
Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 0: Malware Analysis Primer & 1: Basic Static T...

This document provides an overview of basic static malware analysis techniques. It discusses using antivirus scanners, hashing files, and finding strings to identify malware without executing it. It also covers analyzing the Portable Executable (PE) file format used in Windows executables, including examining the PE header, imported and exported functions, linked libraries, and sections like .text and .rsrc. The document demonstrates various tools for these static analysis tasks like HashCalc, strings, PEview, Dependency Walker, and Resource Hacker.

Penetration Testing Basics
Penetration Testing BasicsPenetration Testing Basics
Penetration Testing Basics

The document provides an overview of penetration testing basics from a presentation by The Internet Storm Center, SANS Institute, and GIAC Certification Program. It discusses the Internet Storm Center, SANS/GIAC training and certifications, common cyber threats, the methodology for penetration testing, tools used for various stages like reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, and analysis, and the importance of reporting and mitigation strategies.

PowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming
PowerShell for Practical Purple TeamingPowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming
PowerShell for Practical Purple Teaming

The document discusses purple teaming, which involves red and blue teams working together to improve security. It provides two examples using PowerShell to simulate insider threats and client-side attacks. The first story involves escalating privileges from a normal user to domain admin and creating a golden ticket. The second starts as a non-admin user using a client-side attack like an HTA when PowerShell is blocked. Detection methods like logs, Applocker, and network monitoring are also outlined. The document concludes purple teaming aims to maximize threat simulation benefits by bringing red and blue teams together.

samratashokpenetration testingnishang
Public Reports Related to Winnti 4.0
Recorded Future
CB 2022
CB 2022
ShadowPad Malware
CB 2022
C2 Protocol
Key size 4 2
Header size 0x14 8
Payload size in the initial
handshake packet
Up to 0x3F HTTP(S): Up to 0x1F,
UDP: 0x10
CB 2022

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Red Team Framework
Red Team FrameworkRed Team Framework
Red Team Framework

Presented at the DEFCON27 Red Team Offensive Village on 8/10/19. From the dawn of technology, adversaries have been present. They have ranged from criminal actors and curious children to - more modernly - nation states and organized crime. As an industry, we started to see value in emulating bad actors and thus the penetration test was born. As time passes, these engagements become less about assessing the true security of the target organization and more about emulating other penetration testers. Furthermore, these tests have evolved into a compliance staple that results in little improvement and increasingly worse emulation of bad actors. In this presentation, we will provide a framework complementary to the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES). This complementary work, the Red Team Framework (RTF), focuses on the objectives and scoping of adversarial emulation with increased focus on the perspective of the business, their threat models, and business models. The RTF borrows part of the PTES, adding emphasis on detection capabilities as well as purple team engagements. We believe this approach will better assist organizations and their defensive assets in understanding threats and building relevant detections.

red teamoffensive securityinformation security
Threat Intelligence
Threat IntelligenceThreat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence is information that informs enterprise defenders of adversarial elements to stop them. It is information that is relevant to the organization, has business value, and is actionable. If you having all data and feeds then data alone isn’t intelligence. #Threat #Intelligence #Forensics #ELK #Forensics #VAPT #SOC #SIEM #Incident #D3pak

cyber threat intelligencethreatintelligence
IPAddressing .pptx
IPAddressing .pptxIPAddressing .pptx
IPAddressing .pptx

The document discusses IP addressing and networking concepts. It explains that IP addresses are assigned to interfaces, not hosts, and describes how interfaces connect hosts to routers and physical links. It also discusses IP address structure, private IP address ranges, network address translation, and the differences between classful and classless addressing using CIDR notation. It provides examples of IP addresses and network masks.

C2 Protocol (Cont.)
CB 2022
Variant name C2 protocol Config size Attribution Source
(aka ScatterBee)
TCP/UDP 0x896 APT41 Positive
Variant2 HTTP(S) 0x85C Tonto Team ESET
Variant3 HTTP(S) 0x85C unknown Positive
TCP Protocol
CB 2022
struct struc_common_header
int session_key;
int plugin_and_cmd_id; // plugin_id (0x68) << 16 + cmd_id (0x51) byVariant1
int module_code; // 0
int payload_size_compressed; // QuickLZ
int payload_size_original;
TCP Protocol (Cont.)
white paper
CB 2022
HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols
CB 2022
struct struc_proto_header
__int16 session_key;
__int16 type; // 0 in HTTP, req=0x1001/res=(0x2002|0x5005) in UDP
__int16 session_src_id; // random 2 bytes, generated by both client/server
__int16 session_dst_id; // req=0, res=client's session_src_id

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Microsoft Offical Course 20410C_05
Microsoft Offical Course 20410C_05Microsoft Offical Course 20410C_05
Microsoft Offical Course 20410C_05

This document provides an overview of implementing IPv4, including: - Lessons on TCP/IP protocols, IPv4 addressing, subnetting, and configuration/troubleshooting of IPv4 - Formatting IPv4 addresses using dotted decimal notation and relating this to binary numbers - Classifying IPv4 addresses as private or public and examples of simple/complex IPv4 implementations - Benefits of subnetting like segmenting traffic and techniques for calculating subnet/host addresses - Tools for configuring and troubleshooting IPv4 like Windows PowerShell, Ping, Tracert, and Message Analyzer

Your app lives on the network - networking for web developers
Your app lives on the network - networking for web developersYour app lives on the network - networking for web developers
Your app lives on the network - networking for web developers

Our job might be to build web applications, but we can't build apps that rely on networking if we don't know how these networks and the big network that connects them all (this thing called the Internet) actually work. I'll walk through the basics of networking, then dive a lot deeper (from TCP/UDP to IPv4/6, source/destination ports, sockets, DNS and even BGP). Prepare for an eye-opener when you realize how much a typical app relies on all of these (and many more) working flawlessly... and how you can prepare your app for failure in the chain.

web developmentroutingbgp
用Raspberry Pi 學Linux I2C Driver
用Raspberry Pi 學Linux I2C Driver用Raspberry Pi 學Linux I2C Driver
用Raspberry Pi 學Linux I2C Driver

用Raspberry Pi 學Linux I2C Driver

embedded linuxraspberrypii2c
HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols (Cont.)
CB 2022
UDP packet encoding byVariant1
HTTP(S) packet encoding byVariant2
HTTP(S) packet encoding byVariant3
HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols (Cont.)
CB 2022
payload = TCP packet
Scanner Implementation
CB 2022
Scanning start period Target protocol/port/variant
September 2021 HTTP/443 (Variant2 &Variant3)
October 2021 TCP/443 & UDP/53 (Variant1)
June 2022 UDP/443 (Variant1), HTTP/80 (Variant3)
Scanner Implementation (Cont.)
CB 2022
ZMap • Internet-wide port scan
• Targets as mentioned previously
• Decode the response packet
• Validate the decoded values
• TCP: payload size fields
• HTTP(S)/UDP: type and

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Opentalk at Large - StS 2005
Opentalk at Large - StS 2005Opentalk at Large - StS 2005
Opentalk at Large - StS 2005

The document discusses IP multicasting and its use in OpenTalk groups and grids. It describes how IP multicasting works, how to send and receive multicasted messages, and how OpenTalk groups use multicasting to broadcast messages to brokers and receivers in a group. It then discusses how grids can use multicasting and a distributed framework to break tasks like password cracking into ranges and farm them out to drones for parallel processing.

Stu t17 a
Stu t17 aStu t17 a
Stu t17 a

The document discusses security issues related to connected devices in homes and organizations. It provides results from scanning various devices on home and work networks, including details on open ports and services. It finds issues like outdated protocols, self-signed certificates, and lack of encryption on some devices. It notes that many administrators and users are unaware of vulnerabilities in connected devices. It recommends steps administrators and developers can take to improve device security, such as applying patches, network segmentation, monitoring traffic, using encryption, and penetration testing.

Nessus scan report using the defualt scan policy - Tareq Hanaysha
Nessus scan report using the defualt scan policy - Tareq HanayshaNessus scan report using the defualt scan policy - Tareq Hanaysha
Nessus scan report using the defualt scan policy - Tareq Hanaysha

The Nessus scan report summarizes the results of a vulnerability scan performed on a Windows Vista system. The scan found 20 open ports, with 46 low, 8 medium and no high severity issues. Common services like MySQL, HTTP, and SMB were identified. The operating system was determined to be Windows Vista Home and the host name was tareq-laptop. Detailed information is provided about issues found on specific ports including unknown services, web servers, and NetBIOS information retrieved from the host.

nessus vulnerability scan by tareq hanaysha
Multiple Protocol Listening at a Single
CB 2022
[*] config size = 0x85c
[+] C2 Entry 0 (offset 0xbc): 'HTTPS://'
[+] C2 Entry 1 (offset 0xed): 'HTTP://'
SHA256: d011130defd8b988ab78043b30a9f7e0cada5751064b3975a19f4de92d2c0025
Hostname/port matched
Multiple Protocol Listening at a Single
Port (Cont.)
CB 2022
$ ./ -d -l corpus/query.txt -p 443 -f sp httpVariant2
[*] malware options: family = ShadowPad; targeted protocol = http (version =Variant2)
[*] ShadowPad specific options: version =Variant2; key size = 2; key endian = big; header size = 0x8; header
type = 0x0; client session ID = 53978
[D] POST: (proxy={}, stream=True, timeout=30)
[+],active,client session ID matched (type=0x0)
$ ./ -d -l corpus/query.txt -p 443 -f sp httpsVariant2
[*] malware options: family = ShadowPad; targeted protocol = https (version =Variant2)
[*] ShadowPad specific options: version =Variant2; key size = 2; key endian = big; header size = 0x8; header
type = 0x0; client session ID = 52256
[D] POST: (proxy={}, stream=True, timeout=30)
[+],active,client session ID matched (type=0x0)
Result: Population by Variant
CB 2022
Variant1 Variant3 Variant2
Result: Change in Number of Active C2s
CB 2022

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Information Theft: Wireless Router Shareport for Phun and profit - Hero Suhar...
Information Theft: Wireless Router Shareport for Phun and profit - Hero Suhar...Information Theft: Wireless Router Shareport for Phun and profit - Hero Suhar...
Information Theft: Wireless Router Shareport for Phun and profit - Hero Suhar...

The document discusses exploiting vulnerabilities in wireless routers that have USB ports for sharing storage and printers. It describes conducting attacks against a D-Link wireless router to steal data, delete data, and implant backdoors by accessing the shared USB flash drive and printer through the router's vulnerable SharePort technology. The attacker scans the wireless network, identifies the router and connected USB devices, and then explores ways to hack into the shared resources and conduct unauthorized activities.

idsecconf2014paper Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Instructor (1).pdf Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Instructor (1).pdf4.1.1.10 Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Instructor (1).pdf Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Instructor (1).pdf Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Instructor (1).pdf

05 module managing your network enviornment
05  module managing your network enviornment05  module managing your network enviornment
05 module managing your network enviornment

Upon reading the document, the key steps in a router's start-up process can be summarized as follows: 1. When power is applied, the router performs a power-on self-test and loads the bootstrap code from ROM to initialize hardware and find the IOS image. 2. The IOS image is then loaded from flash memory or another source such as TFTP into RAM where it is decompressed and executed. 3. The startup configuration is loaded, typically from NVRAM. If no configuration is present, the router enters setup mode to configure initial settings.

by Asif
Samples Communicating with C2 IPs
CB 2022
Sample Malware
C2 IP address C2
used by sample
date on VT
C2 first-seen
date by
C2 last-seen
date by
Spyder TLS/443 2021/10/26 2021/10/16 2021/10/16
ReverseWindow TCP/10333 2022/02/27 2021/10/17 2022/10/04
ShadowPad UDP/443 2022/03/20 2022/03/06 2022/09/27
Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Code Similarity
CB 2022
Spyder Winnti 4.0 Worker
Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Command IDs
CB 2022
Command Spyder Winnti 4.0Worker
tag id cmd_ID dispatch_ID
Verify the client 1 1 1 1
Send victim information 5 3 5 1
Send plugins information 6 1 6 9 or 13
Save plugin parameters 6 2 6 2
Save plugin data 6 3 6 3
Load and run plugin entrypoint and
export function #1
6 4 6 6
Run plugin export function #4 and
unload the plugin
6 5 6 7
Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Command IDs (Cont.)
CB 2022
Command Spyder Winnti 4.0Worker
tag id cmd_ID dispatch_ID
Heartbeat 6 6 6 8
Run plugin export function #2 6 7 6 10
Run plugin export function #3 6 8 6 11
Send current connection information 7 2 - (no
Run function pointer of the 2nd
parameter obtained by running
export function #1
11 - 11 -

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Positive Hack Days. Sklyarov. Vulnerabilities in the Systems of Authenticity ...
Positive Hack Days. Sklyarov. Vulnerabilities in the Systems of Authenticity ...Positive Hack Days. Sklyarov. Vulnerabilities in the Systems of Authenticity ...
Positive Hack Days. Sklyarov. Vulnerabilities in the Systems of Authenticity ...

The report considers practical aspects of reliability of existing systems allowing authentication of photographic evidence originality. The reporter examines a vulnerability in the Canon Original Data Security system of image authenticity verification, which was designed to authenticate originality of images captured by the Canon digital reflex still cameras.

phdpositive technologies
Networking lab
Networking labNetworking lab
Networking lab

This document describes a C program to implement a date-time server using TCP. The server program gets the system time, binds to a port, and sends the time string to any connected client. The client program connects to the server, receives the time string from the server, and prints it out. The programs successfully demonstrate a simple client-server model where the server provides the current date and time to multiple clients on request.

IMS Authentication with AKAv1 and AKAv2
IMS Authentication with AKAv1 and AKAv2 IMS Authentication with AKAv1 and AKAv2
IMS Authentication with AKAv1 and AKAv2

This slide describes IMS authentication with AKAv1 and AKAv2 protocol in detail based on the Verizon White paper. The white paper is available on SlideShare:

Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Comparison
CB 2022
Spyder Winnti 4.0
Payload encoding /
single-byte XOR AES in CTR mode
(key given as a cmdline
Server-mode support No Yes
3rd-party library uthash, Mbed TLS uthash
Reported year 2020 2019
Incident Response Case Triggered by
Discovered C2
CB 2022
Notes for
C2 Scanning
CB 2022
How to Get Input (Port Scan) Data
scanning target ports
CB 2022
ZMap Shodan CenSys
TCP/10333 4,940,037 4 1,306
TCP/55555 3,199,856 86 486,497
Note: The data was
collected in 2021/11

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Lab telematicos
Lab telematicosLab telematicos
Lab telematicos

The document summarizes 6 network packets captured between different IP addresses. The packets used various protocols including HTTP, TLS, NBNS, SSDP, DHCPv6, and LLMNR. The most common protocols observed were HTTP, TLS, and DHCPv6 which were used to establish secure connections and request network configuration settings.

Lab telematicos
Lab telematicosLab telematicos
Lab telematicos

The document summarizes 6 network packets captured between different IP addresses. The packets utilize various protocols including HTTP, TLS, NBNS, SSDP, DHCPv6, and LLMNR. The most common protocols observed are HTTP, TLS, and DHCPv6 which are used to establish secure connections and dynamically configure host devices on the network. Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1.pdf Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1.pdf4.1.1.10 Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1.pdf Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1.pdf

This document describes configuring and testing extended access control lists (ACLs) on a router to filter traffic between two PCs and a server. It outlines configuring a numbered ACL to permit FTP and ICMP from PC1 to the server, and a named ACL to permit HTTP and ICMP from PC2 to the server. The ACLs are applied to router interfaces and testing verifies only allowed traffic succeeds while denied traffic fails.

CB 2022
Tor Commercial VPN
Cost Free Non-free
Supported protocols TCP TCP/UDP
Risk of being blocked High Low
Anonymization (Cont.)
ZMap issue
CB 2022
Anti-Scanning Techniques:
Cobalt Strike
CB 2022
Anti-Scanning Techniques:
Cobalt Strike (Cont.)
CB 2022

Recommended for you packet tracer configuring extended ac ls scenario 1 packet tracer   configuring extended ac ls scenario packet tracer   configuring extended ac ls scenario 1 packet tracer configuring extended ac ls scenario 1

This document describes configuring and testing extended access control lists (ACLs) on a router to filter traffic between two PCs and a server. It outlines configuring a numbered ACL to permit FTP and ICMP from PC1 to the server, and a named ACL to permit HTTP and ICMP from PC2 to the server. The ACLs are applied to router interfaces and testing verifies only allowed traffic succeeds while denied traffic fails.

Client server
Client serverClient server
Client server

This document discusses various issues in client/server programming and network server design. It covers topics like identifying servers, UDP and TCP client design, specifying local addresses, partial socket closes, concurrent vs iterative servers, and design alternatives like one process per client, preforked servers, and prethreaded servers. The best design depends on factors like expected client load, transaction sizes, and available system resources. Understanding these issues and testing alternatives is important for choosing an optimal server architecture.

Arduino-based-diag OBD-II_programação.pdf
Arduino-based-diag OBD-II_programação.pdfArduino-based-diag OBD-II_programação.pdf
Arduino-based-diag OBD-II_programação.pdf


Anti-Scanning Techniques:
LuoYu’s ReverseWindow
CB 2022
Pros and Cons of Research Publication
in Cobalt Strike Case
JSAC 2021
CB 2022
Research Publication Merits:
Stopping MS Azure domain fronting
CB 2022 Source: Exposing Malware in Linux-Based Multi-Cloud Environments
Research Publication Merits:
Stopping Ongoing Attack Campaign
CB 2022
Source: Exposing Malware in Linux-Based Multi-Cloud Environments

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It started with computer hacking and Japanese linguistics as a kid. Zach Mathis has been based in Kobe, Japan, and has performed both red team services as well as blue team incident response and defense consultation for major Japanese global Japanese corporations since 2006. He is the founder of Yamato Security, one of the largest and most popular hands-on security communities in Japan, and has been providing free training since 2012 to help improve the local security community. Since 2016, he has been teaching security for the SANS institute and holds numerous GIAC certifications. Currently, he is working with other Yamato security members to provide free and open-source security tools to help security analysts with their work.

[cb22] Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...
[cb22]  Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...[cb22]  Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...
[cb22] Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...

Printer has become one of the essential devices in the corporate intranet for the past few years, and its functionalities have also increased significantly. Not only print or fax, cloud printing services like AirPrint are also being supported as well to make it easier to use. Direct printing from mobile devices is now a basic requirement in the IoT era. We also use it to print some internal business documents of the company, which makes it even more important to keep the printer safe. Nowadays, most of the printers on the market do not have to be connected with USB or traditional cable. As long as you are using a LAN cable connected to the intranet, the computer can find and use the printer immediately. Most of them are based on protocols such as SLP and LLMNR. But is it really safe when vendors adopt those protocols? Furthermore, many printers do not use traditional Linux systems, but use RTOS(Real-Time Operating System) instead, how will this affect the attacker? In this talk, we will use Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw as case study, showing how to analyze and gain control access to the printer. We will also demonstrate how to use the vulnerabilities to achieve RCE in RTOS in unauthenticated situations.

Research Publication Demerits:
Developer’s Reaction
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Research Publication Demerits:
Threat Actor’s Reaction
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in Sep 2021
in Jul 2022
HTTP/80 217/559 (38%) 208/387 (53%)
HTTPS/443 210/928 (22%) 206/431 (47%)
DNS/53 46/150 (30%) 51/51 (100%)
Change in the result of a single scan
CB 2022
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[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue.

CB 2022
Indicators of Compromise
CB 2022
Indicator Type Context
SHA256 Winnti 4.0 dat file
SHA256 ShadowPad Variant1
SHA256 ShadowPad Variant2
SHA256 ShadowPad Variant3
SHA256 Spyder communicating with the
ShadowPad C2 (
SHA256 ReverseWindow communicating
with the ShadowPad C2
SHA256 ShadowPad Variant1
communicating with the
ShadowPad C2 (
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  • 2. Who am I? @cci_forensics Past Research CB 2022
  • 5. Target Summary Winnti 4.0 ShadowPad Prevalence Low High First-observed year 2016 (start-up sequence), 2018 (new C2 protocol) 2015 Scanning start year 2019 2021 Supported protocols TCP/TLS/HTTP(S)/ UDP TCP/SSL/HTTP(S)/ UDP/DNS Unique feature Server-mode Multiple protocol listening at a single port
  • 8. Winnti Malware 4.0 Macnica Networks version 4.0 CB 2022 Version 3.0 Version 4.0 Initial component Dropper Loader and DAT file Initial encryption algorithm DES AES Initial encryption key cracking Easy Hard Worker encryption 1-byte XOR and nibble swap DPAPI or AES with host- specific key
  • 9. Winnti Malware 4.0 (Cont.) CB 2022 struct struc_work_config { char campaignID[64]; char MAC_addr[6]; int c2_proto; // enum_proto ... } enum enum_proto { none = 0x0, TCP = 0x1, HTTP = 0x2, HTTPS = 0x3, TLS = 0x4, UDP = 0x5, };
  • 11. Packet Format CB 2022 struct struc_custom_header { __int16 temp_key_seed; __int16 unk_word; // initial value is 2 __int16 signature; // 0x45DB int payload_len; }; struct struc_custom_payload_init { int payload_type; // request:0xEE775BAA/0x4563CEFA/0x5633CBAD, response:0xFACEB007/0x5633CBAD int unk_dword; // request:0, response:0xC350/0xC352 GUID guid; char null_bytes[14]; __int16 seq_num; // starting from 1 __int16 null_word; };
  • 13. HTTP Protocol CB 2022 Customized packet Customized packet size
  • 14. HTTP: Size Calculation from Cookie Value CB 2022 $ python 640ABEFB16D2CE36E7E83E1B8BEF31B2500ABEFB dw0=0xfbbe0a64, dw1=0x36ced216, dw2=0x1b3ee8e7, dw3=0xb231ef8b, dw4=0xfbbe0a50 The cookie value validated. dword key = 0x34
  • 15. HTTP: Dummy Data in GET Request CB 2022 Size = 0 Size = 0
  • 16. Behavior After the Initial Handshake CB 2022 struct struc_nested_payload // at least 0x14 bytes { // e.g., cmd_ID=5 & dispatch_ID=1 order to send victim info __int16 cmd_ID; __int16 dispatch_ID; ... int additional_data_len; struc_data_cmd1 additional_data; // flexible size }; struct struc_custom_payload_next { __int16 messageID; ... __int16 signature; // 0x45db int nested_payload_len; struc_nested_payload nested_payload; };
  • 17. Scanner Implementation CB 2022 ZMap • Internet-wide port scan • TCP 443 & 80 • UDP 443 & 53 (customized packet required) Stand-alone Python Script • HTTP(S): Decode and Validate Cookie value • Others: Get suspicious responses with the same size and different key IDAPython AppCall • Decrypt response’s customized packet • Validate signature and payload size in the header
  • 18. How to Differentiate Server-mode Infections and C2 Servers [DEBUG] server header: unknown word = 0x2, header signature = 0x45db, payload length = 0x2a [*] server payload: payload type = 0xfaceb007, unknown dword = 0xc352, GUID = 0b8212dc- e364-4c18-ac0b-26382beb1387, sequence number = 2 [DEBUG] server header: unknown word = 0x2, header signature = 0x45db, payload length = 0x2a [*] server payload: payload type = 0xfaceb007, unknown dword = 0x0, GUID = 00000000-0000- 0000-0000-000000000000, sequence number = 1 Server-mode: the same GUID as client, sequence number incremented C2: null GUID, sequence number reset CB 2022
  • 19. Result: Population by Protocol CB 2022 TLS 35% HTTPS 29% HTTP 20% TCP 11% UDP 5% TLS HTTPS HTTP TCP UDP
  • 21. Public Reports Related to Winnti 4.0 C2s Trellix Recorded Future CB 2022
  • 24. C2 Protocol TCP HTTP(S)/UDP Key size 4 2 Header size 0x14 8 Payload size in the initial handshake packet Up to 0x3F HTTP(S): Up to 0x1F, UDP: 0x10 CB 2022
  • 25. C2 Protocol (Cont.) CB 2022 Variant name C2 protocol Config size Attribution Source Variant1 (aka ScatterBee) TCP/UDP 0x896 APT41 Positive Technologies Variant2 HTTP(S) 0x85C Tonto Team ESET Variant3 HTTP(S) 0x85C unknown Positive Technologies
  • 26. TCP Protocol QuickLZ CB 2022 struct struc_common_header { int session_key; int plugin_and_cmd_id; // plugin_id (0x68) << 16 + cmd_id (0x51) byVariant1 int module_code; // 0 int payload_size_compressed; // QuickLZ int payload_size_original; };
  • 28. HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols CB 2022 struct struc_proto_header { __int16 session_key; __int16 type; // 0 in HTTP, req=0x1001/res=(0x2002|0x5005) in UDP __int16 session_src_id; // random 2 bytes, generated by both client/server __int16 session_dst_id; // req=0, res=client's session_src_id };
  • 29. HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols (Cont.) CB 2022 UDP packet encoding byVariant1 HTTP(S) packet encoding byVariant2 HTTP(S) packet encoding byVariant3
  • 30. HTTP(S) and UDP Protocols (Cont.) CB 2022 struc_proto_header payload = TCP packet struc_common_header QuickLZ-compressed payload
  • 31. Scanner Implementation CB 2022 Scanning start period Target protocol/port/variant September 2021 HTTP/443 (Variant2 &Variant3) October 2021 TCP/443 & UDP/53 (Variant1) June 2022 UDP/443 (Variant1), HTTP/80 (Variant3)
  • 32. Scanner Implementation (Cont.) CB 2022 ZMap • Internet-wide port scan • Targets as mentioned previously Stand-alone Python Script • Decode the response packet • Validate the decoded values • TCP: payload size fields • HTTP(S)/UDP: type and session_dst_id
  • 33. Multiple Protocol Listening at a Single Port CB 2022 [*] config size = 0x85c .. [+] C2 Entry 0 (offset 0xbc): 'HTTPS://' [+] C2 Entry 1 (offset 0xed): 'HTTP://' .. SHA256: d011130defd8b988ab78043b30a9f7e0cada5751064b3975a19f4de92d2c0025 Hostname/port matched
  • 34. Multiple Protocol Listening at a Single Port (Cont.) CB 2022 $ ./ -d -l corpus/query.txt -p 443 -f sp httpVariant2 .. [*] malware options: family = ShadowPad; targeted protocol = http (version =Variant2) [*] ShadowPad specific options: version =Variant2; key size = 2; key endian = big; header size = 0x8; header type = 0x0; client session ID = 53978 [D] POST: (proxy={}, stream=True, timeout=30) [+],active,client session ID matched (type=0x0) .. $ ./ -d -l corpus/query.txt -p 443 -f sp httpsVariant2 .. [*] malware options: family = ShadowPad; targeted protocol = https (version =Variant2) [*] ShadowPad specific options: version =Variant2; key size = 2; key endian = big; header size = 0x8; header type = 0x0; client session ID = 52256 [D] POST: (proxy={}, stream=True, timeout=30) [+],active,client session ID matched (type=0x0)
  • 35. Result: Population by Variant CB 2022 Variant1 48% Variant3 42% Variant2 10% Variant1 Variant3 Variant2
  • 37. Samples Communicating with C2 IPs CB 2022 Sample Malware family C2 IP address C2 Protocol/Port used by sample Sample submission date on VT C2 first-seen date by scanner C2 last-seen date by scanner Spyder TLS/443 2021/10/26 2021/10/16 2021/10/16 ReverseWindow TCP/10333 2022/02/27 2021/10/17 2022/10/04 ShadowPad UDP/443 2022/03/20 2022/03/06 2022/09/27
  • 38. Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Code Similarity CB 2022 Spyder Winnti 4.0 Worker
  • 39. Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Command IDs CB 2022 Command Spyder Winnti 4.0Worker tag id cmd_ID dispatch_ID Verify the client 1 1 1 1 Send victim information 5 3 5 1 Send plugins information 6 1 6 9 or 13 Save plugin parameters 6 2 6 2 Save plugin data 6 3 6 3 Load and run plugin entrypoint and export function #1 6 4 6 6 Run plugin export function #4 and unload the plugin 6 5 6 7
  • 40. Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Command IDs (Cont.) CB 2022 Command Spyder Winnti 4.0Worker tag id cmd_ID dispatch_ID Heartbeat 6 6 6 8 Run plugin export function #2 6 7 6 10 Run plugin export function #3 6 8 6 11 Send current connection information 7 2 - (no command) - Run function pointer of the 2nd parameter obtained by running export function #1 11 - 11 -
  • 41. Spyder & Winnti 4.0: Comparison CB 2022 Spyder Winnti 4.0 Payload encoding / encryption single-byte XOR AES in CTR mode (key given as a cmdline argument) C2 Protocol TLS TCP/TLS/HTTP(S)/UDP Server-mode support No Yes 3rd-party library uthash, Mbed TLS uthash Reported year 2020 2019
  • 42. Incident Response Case Triggered by Discovered C2 CB 2022
  • 44. How to Get Input (Port Scan) Data scanning target ports CB 2022 ZMap Shodan CenSys TCP/10333 4,940,037 4 1,306 TCP/55555 3,199,856 86 486,497 Note: The data was collected in 2021/11
  • 45. Anonymization CB 2022 Tor Commercial VPN service Cost Free Non-free Supported protocols TCP TCP/UDP Risk of being blocked High Low
  • 48. Anti-Scanning Techniques: Cobalt Strike (Cont.) blocked CB 2022
  • 50. Pros and Cons of Research Publication in Cobalt Strike Case JSAC 2021 CB 2022
  • 51. Research Publication Merits: Stopping MS Azure domain fronting stated CB 2022 Source: Exposing Malware in Linux-Based Multi-Cloud Environments
  • 52. Research Publication Merits: Stopping Ongoing Attack Campaign CB 2022 Source: Exposing Malware in Linux-Based Multi-Cloud Environments
  • 54. Research Publication Demerits: Threat Actor’s Reaction APT41 CB 2022 Protocol/Port Stager-disabled/Total in Sep 2021 Stager-disabled/Total in Jul 2022 HTTP/80 217/559 (38%) 208/387 (53%) HTTPS/443 210/928 (22%) 206/431 (47%) DNS/53 46/150 (30%) 51/51 (100%) Change in the result of a single scan
  • 58. Indicators of Compromise CB 2022 Indicator Type Context 0a3279bb86ff0de24c2a4b646f24ffa196ee639cc23c64a 044e20f50b93bda21 SHA256 Winnti 4.0 dat file 03b7b511716c074e9f6ef37318638337fd7449897be99 9505d4a3219572829b4 SHA256 ShadowPad Variant1 aef610b66b9efd1fa916a38f8ffea8b988c20c5deebf4db8 3b6be63f7ada2cc0 SHA256 ShadowPad Variant2 d011130defd8b988ab78043b30a9f7e0cada5751064b3 975a19f4de92d2c0025 SHA256 ShadowPad Variant3 1ded9878f8680e1d91354cbb5ad8a6960efd6ddca2da1 57eb4c1ef0f0430fd5f SHA256 Spyder communicating with the ShadowPad C2 ( 536def339fefa0c259cf34f809393322cdece06fc4f2b37f 06136375b073dff3 SHA256 ReverseWindow communicating with the ShadowPad C2 ( 9447b75af497e5a7f99f1ded1c1d87c53b5b59fce224a3 25932ad55eef9e0e4a SHA256 ShadowPad Variant1 communicating with the ShadowPad C2 (