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Security Barrier Device
Protects Critical Data Regardless of OS
and Applications by Just Attached
Kenji TODA, Ichiro EBIHARA, Koji SEGAWA,
Koichi TAKAHASHI and Kazukuni KOBARA
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST)
in cooperation with
Control System Security Center (CSSC)
• Background
• Concept of SBD
• Data Protection Mechanism
• Hardware and Security Tag
• Sector Based Access Control
• File Based Access Control
• Malware Prevention
• Demonstration Video
• Future Work
Currently NTFS is implemented.
EXT and FAT are under development.
Applicable for other file systems.
PC and/or Server
• Hard to fix all the
vulnerabilities of complex
OS and applications.
• There exists undefended
period called zero-day
exposing unknown or
fixed vulnerabilities.
#Identified Vulnerabilities in a year
Control System
• Additional security software is not
affordable for restricted hardware
resources and / or realtime systems
• Outdated OS and applications might be
used without any security patch.
We develop SBD, the hardware solution of
easy attachable regardless of any OS and
applications without software installation.

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Detect Kernel-Mode Rootkits via Real Time Logging & Controlling Memory Access
Detect Kernel-Mode Rootkits via Real Time Logging & Controlling Memory AccessDetect Kernel-Mode Rootkits via Real Time Logging & Controlling Memory Access
Detect Kernel-Mode Rootkits via Real Time Logging & Controlling Memory Access

The demo is here - All details and source code are here - Modern malware and spyware platforms attack existing antivirus solutions and even Microsoft PatchGuard. To protect users and business systems new technologies developed by Intel and AMD CPUs may be applied. To deal with the new malware we propose monitoring and controlling access to the memory in real time using Intel VT-x with EPT. We have checked this concept by developing MemoryMonRWX, which is a bare-metal hypervisor. MemoryMonRWX is able to track and trap all types of memory access: read, write, and execute. MemoryMonRWX also has the following competitive advantages: fine-grained analysis, support of multi-core CPUs and 64-bit Windows 10. MemoryMonRWX is able to protect critical kernel memory areas even when PatchGuard has been disabled by malware. Its main innovative features are as follows: guaranteed interception of every memory access, resilience, and low performance degradation.

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Kernel Memory Protection by an Insertable Hypervisor which has VM Introspec...
Kernel Memory Protection by an Insertable Hypervisor which has VM Introspec...Kernel Memory Protection by an Insertable Hypervisor which has VM Introspec...
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IWSEC2014(The 9th International Workshop on Security 弘前) で"Kernel Memory Protection by an Insertable Hypervisor which has VM Introspection and Stealth Breakpoints"

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Divide et Impera: MemoryRanger Runs Drivers in Isolated Kernel Spaces
Divide et Impera: MemoryRanger Runs Drivers in Isolated Kernel SpacesDivide et Impera: MemoryRanger Runs Drivers in Isolated Kernel Spaces
Divide et Impera: MemoryRanger Runs Drivers in Isolated Kernel Spaces

MemoryRanger is a hypervisor-based project, which isolates kernel-mode drivers and their allocated data by running drivers in isolated kernel enclaves. All the details are here -

bheublackhatmemory protection
SBD – Easy Attaching
Just insert SBD between
IO Ports on the original hardware.
Protecting important data
regardless of OS and
Data Protection Mechanism
①The target system issues an
IO request to the original
②SBD reads the security
information of corresponding
IO blocks.
③Data access is handled
according to the information
(permitted / inhibited /
queried) .
Added HDD:
Security Information
←Invisible from the System!
Original HDD:
Full View
Security Barrier Device FPGA board developed for SBD
Security Barrier Device (SBD):
Board and Specifications
• Board size: PCI Express card (230mm x 110mm)
• FPGA chip: Xilinx Kintex-7 676pin XC7K325T
• Configuration Flush Rom: for power-on-write to FPGA
• Memory I/F: DDR3 SODIMM×1
• Display input: HDMI×1
• Display output: HDMI×1
• Optical audio: input×1, output×1
• Storage I/F: SATA (7pin)×5
• Ethernet I/F: 1G/100Mbit Ether (RJ-45) ×2
• USB I/F: USB (Type A)×6 (USB2.0)
• SBD host PC I/F: PCI Express×18

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Code Injection in Windows
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Code Injection in Windows

This document discusses different techniques for injecting code on Windows systems, including PE file infection, IAT hooking, and runtime code injection. PE file infection involves overwriting a section like .code and changing the entry point to inject malicious code. IAT hooking changes the DLL name in the import address table to point to a proxy DLL for intercepting function calls. Runtime code injection uses APIs like CreateRemoteThread and WriteProcessMemory to load a DLL or executable into another process's memory and execute it remotely.

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The document discusses exploiting vulnerabilities in the Windows registry and kernel to execute malicious code without detection. It describes how vulnerabilities in functions like RtlQueryRegistryValues and win32k.sys that improperly read registry values can be triggered to cause a buffer overflow and gain kernel code execution. The goal is to store malicious code in the registry and have it execute by exploiting these vulnerabilities during system startup before detection can occur.

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Bootkits: past, present & future
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This document discusses the history and evolution of bootkits from legacy BIOS to UEFI environments. It describes various bootkit techniques used in BIOS and UEFI, including MBR/VBR modification, hidden file systems, and replacing bootloaders. It also covers attacks against secure boot and forensic tools for analyzing firmware like HiddenFsReader and CHIPSEC.

SBD Board Connections
SBD Control PC
SBD Board
Target Control Device
Ethernet (LAN)
(card slot)
Peripherals of Target Control Device
Security Barrier Device (SBD):
Security Tags (sector based control)
Security Barrier Device (SBD)
Additional Storage for SBD Security
Target Control Device
User Login to
SBD Control PC
(Linux kernel 2.6 or above)
SBD Board
RqraWqra RqraWqra RqraWqraRqraWqra
Original Storage of Target Control Device
SBD SECURITY TAGs for corresponding BLOCK
Original Data in Target Storage
Storage Access Storage Access
Additional Storage
Loop Back
LoopBack / AccessControl:
{Query - assert / negate},
{Recording - all / no},
{Alert - no}
for storage access
(R: read, W: write, q: query, r: record, a: alert)
Loop Back
• SATA Port Handling Logic is
• Ethernet can be cut-off.
Security Barrier Device (SBD):
Sector Based Access Control
The target of storage access control is block devices
such as HDD / SSD / USB memory.
Since storage access is performed sector based
(512Byte unit),
implementation of sector based access control is
• Defense of disk regions and partitions is OK!
• Gathering to-be-write-protected data and system files
to write-protected partitions.
• Gathering to-be-read-protected data to read-protected
SBD: File Based Access Control
File based access control extends defense coverage and
improves convenience dramatically:
• Critical system and user data is mostly files.
• No need to gather important files to protected partitions
• Original data disk can be protected as is.
• Easy assigning and releasing of protection on files.
• No stress on attaching and detaching of SBD (just plug
in/out IO connectors).

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Applying Memory Forensics to Rootkit Detection
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Volatile memory dump and its analysis is an essential part of digital forensics. Among a number of various software and hardware approaches for memory dumping there are authors who point out that some of these approaches are not resilient to various anti-forensic techniques, and others that require a reboot or are highly platform dependent. New resilient tools have certain disadvantages such as low speed or vulnerability to rootkits which directly manipulate kernel structures e.g. page tables. A new memory forensic system – Malware Analysis System for Hidden Knotty Anomalies (MASHKA) is described in this paper. It is resilient to popular anti-forensic techniques. The system can be used for doing a wide range of memory forensics tasks. This paper describes how to apply the system for research and detection of kernel mode rootkits and also presents analysis of the most popular anti-rootkit tools. Applying Memory Forensics to Rootkit Detection #adfsl #Virginia #USA

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Windows Internals: fuzzing, hijacking and weaponizing kernel objects

Advanced Threats are rising in the Windows 10 environment, where sophisticated attack vectors are being used to evade threat detection tools and extract privileged data from the user. This talk presents a collection of tools and techniques developed after reverse engineering and playing with Windows interfaces, aim to evade detection system (A/V or A/C) and to escalate kernel privileges.

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Live Memory Forensics on Android devices

This presentation deals with some RAM forensics on the Android OS using the LiME tool for getting a RAM dump and the Volatility framework for the analysis part!

SBD: File Based Access Control
Commonly-used file systems:
• NTFS (Windows, …)
• EXT(Linux, Android, …)
• FAT(old Windows, MS-DOS, VxWorks, USB memory,..)
• HFS+(Mac OS X,…)
Requirements to handle the above file systems:
• On access control of data blocks,
→〇 sector based control is appropriate;
→〇 read access control is appropriate;
→×write access control is NOT appropriate because pointers to
the data blocks may change their locations.
In non-resident data file and parent directories
SBD: File Based Access Control
Fine Grain Control
Protection is required on data of file and path from
the root.
Access granularity for directories and pointer areas
≦ sector size (512B)
1. Put access control granularity to the security information
corresponding to a sector.
2. In case of write to a sector, in addition to the security
information, the content of the sector is also read.
Then the write protected portion of the read data is used
instead of the sector data intended to write.
Consequently, fine grain control is achieved.14
Security Barrier Device (SBD):
File Read Protection (no difficulty)
In case SBD
returns zeroes for
read protected
An error message
on opening
protected data on
a target system
(Ubuntu) →
SBD: Requirement for
Write Protection -- EXT2(Linux)
• /appdata/app_critical is a write protected file.
Path from the root directory needs protection.16

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zeronights 2011
SBD: File Based Access Control
Remaining Difficulties
Problems of write protection on NTFS file:
① Inconsistency between disk-relating caches on the memory of a
defense target system and the disk may destroy file system and
cause OS crash.
② The locations of pointer entries relating the write protected file in its
parent directories may change by addition or deletion of other non-
protected files. Because, the location is rearranged by balanced
tree algorithm in NFTS. (←SBD achieves high performance by
means of FPGA circuit assuming fixed location.)
SBD: File Based Access Control
Disk-Relating OS Caches
[Problems] Linux (also Windows) utilizes following
caches for performance:
• Superblock (block group descriptor, bitmaps of free
block and free i-node, …)
• i-node cache
• Directory entry cache
• Buffer cache (for disk block data)
• Page cache (for file data)
Write inhibition on the disk causes
inconsistency between OS caches and the disk!18
SBD: File Based Access Control
Problems of write protection on NTFS file:
① Inconsistency between disk-relating caches on the memory of a
defense target system and a data disk may destroy file system and
cause OS crash.
② The locations of pointer entries relating the write protected file in its
parent directories may change by addition or deletion of other non-
protected files. Because, the location is rearranged by balanced
tree algorithm in NFTS. (←SBD achieves high performance by
means of FPGA circuit assuming fixed location.)
By observing OS
behavior using
→SBD makes the OS handle an accessed write-
protected file entry as a (pseudo) bad block by returning
a disk access error to the OS!
→The pointer location to its patent directory is never
changed as long as its directory pass is not changed!19
SBD: File Based Access Control
Write Protection Procedure
Write protection on NFTS file:
① In case of write, if rename or deletion is performed to the write
protected file, the operation is done on caches and appears
② In a short period, the contents of the caches are written to the disk,
then SBD detects it.
③ SBD returns a device error on the file access and issues an alert to
a user. OS handles the file entry as it is in a (pseudo) bad block.
(An Ethernet port can be shut-off by the alert as a trigger.)
① When a user reboots the OS, SBD restores the write protected files
in prior to OS booting. Hence, the OS can be booted as it was.
SBD makes write protection
consistent with the OS!
The pseudo bad blocks are restored from
$BadClus file.24

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Kernel Hijacking Is Not an Option: MemoryRanger Comes to The Rescue Again
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The document discusses attacks on kernel memory data structures in Windows. It describes three types of attacks: handle table hijacking, hijacking NTFS file structures, and token hijacking. The author previously developed MemoryRanger, a hypervisor that runs drivers in isolated kernel enclaves to block such attacks. A new feature called a data-only enclave is introduced. The document then demonstrates how hijacking file structures could allow bypassing file access controls by copying a file object's data to gain unauthorized access to a secret file. MemoryRanger is shown to prevent this attack by isolating drivers and their memory.

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SBD: File Based Access Control
Security Barrier Device (SBD)
Additional Storage for SBD Security
Target Control Device
User Login to
SBD Control PC
(Linux kernel 2.6 or above)
SBD Board
RqraWqra RqraWqra RqraWqraRqraWqra
Original Storage of Target Control Device
SBD SECURITY TAGs for corresponding BLOCK
Original Data in Target Storage
Storage Access Storage Access
Additional Storage
Loop Back
LoopBack / AccessControl:
{Query - assert / negate},
{Recording - all / no},
{Alert - no}
for storage access
(R: read, W: write, q: query, r: record, a: alert)
Loop Back
Detecting information is
prepared in prior to detection.
File system Dependent
Detection is
performed in fine
grain, byte unit,
by FPGA.
File system
Performance of Access Control
In case of fine grain, byte unit, detection (at high
overhead sate) = File based access control (read /
write) is enabled:
Experimentally 100MByte/s
Measuring Condition:
A original data disk and a security information disk:
Samsung SSD 830, 128GB
Benchmark Program:
Read-Only Benchmark, Ubuntu Disk Utility
Sector-wide comparator with byte unit mask circuit
+ Multi-sector IO buffer circuit
Security Barrier Device (SBD):
Malware Prevention
Protection by SBD:
• Bootkit
• Rootkit
Definition and Win32/Gapz
• The most dangerous infectious form bootkit launches before
Windows and hides in between hardware and OS. Hence, it
becomes undetectable and accesses system resources unlimitedly. 。
• Win32/Gapz: Advanced Evasion Techniques VBR infection type replaces
only a few bytes in BIOS Parameter Block. Hence, it is hard to detect.
(Evolved form of MBR infection type) (

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This document provides an introduction to secure boot. It begins with an overview of the topics to be covered, including attack surfaces, attack types, and basic defenses for embedded devices. It then describes the typical boot chain process, including the roles of the ROM bootloader, SPL, main bootloader, OS kernel, and initramfs. Finally, it discusses the basic chain of trust for secure boot and compares it to the PC bootchain, noting some vulnerabilities in the basic secure bootchain model.

MemoryRanger Prevents Hijacking FILE_OBJECT Structures in Windows Kernel
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I have presented that files open in an exclusive mode can be illegally accessed without any security reaction. After that, I’ve presented my MemoryRanger, which can prevent such unauthorized memory access. All the details are here -

I/O System and Case study
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The document provides information about I/O systems and a case study, including details about disk structure, disk scheduling algorithms, disk management techniques, direct memory access, swap space management, RAID structure, disk attachment methods, and features of the Windows 2000 and MS-DOS operating systems. Key points covered include how disks are addressed as logical blocks, techniques for minimizing seek time and maximizing disk bandwidth, common disk scheduling algorithms like SSTF and SCAN, and how swap space is allocated and managed in different operating systems.

MBR Infection type
• Fig shows the infection sequence of
MBR infection type (Traditional
① Bootkit code is loaded from disk,
Int 13h disk handler is hooked.
② ntldr, bootmgr, winload.exe and
loInitSystem are hooked in series,
kernel mode code (rootkit) is
Win32/Gapz VBR
Infection type
• VBR Infection Type disk
image (Advanced techs)
① Hidden Sectors (4B) at
BIOS Parameter Block
in Volume Boot Record
is modified.
② Bootkit is launched
instead of IPL by mean
of skipping whole NTFS
volume in front of
Bootkit: ELAM
• ELAM(Early Launch Anti-Malware Module), introduced in
Windows 8, does not work. (
• VBR Infection Type disk
image (Advanced techs)
① Hidden Sectors (4B) at
BIOS Parameter Block
in Volume Boot Record
is modified.
② Bootkit is launched
instead of IPL by mean
of skipping whole NTFS
volume before bootkit
③ The rest is the same as
MBR Infection type.
SBD protectable!

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A case study of Fault Tolerance features of BTRFS. These slides were prepared for the coursework for a Masters level program at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. A lot of materials in the slides are taken from the materials in the public domain. Many thanks to the people on BTRFS IRC Channel.

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The document provides an overview of the Sector/Sphere software which includes two components: the Sector distributed file system and the Sphere parallel data processing framework. Sector provides data locality, simplified programming, and global-scale capabilities while Sphere allows for simplified data parallel processing. The document outlines the key features and components of Sector including the security server, master server, slave nodes, clients, topology awareness, replication, and fault tolerance. It also describes how Sphere allows for parallel data processing via user-defined functions.

Bootkit: Secure Boot
• On the secure boot, UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware
Interface) verifies boot loader in advance of its loading. In case the
boot loader is modified or replaced (by bootkit), the secure boot
prevents its execution. (,
The boot
loader code
itself is not
The boot loader
is stored in a
file for
Bootkit: Secure Boot
• On the secure boot, UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware
Interface) verifies boot loader in advance of its loading. In case the
boot loader is modified or replaced (by bootkit), the secure boot
prevents its execution. (,
The boot
loader code
itself is not
The boot loader
is stored in a
file for
SBD protectable!
Definition and Sample
• Generic name of tool which invades and modifies computer
system with root (system manager) privilege (
• Typical rootkit hides Logon, Process, File and Log. It often
monitors input from network and/or keyboard. In many cases,
rootkit is also Trojan Horse. (Wikipedia)
• SONY BMG CD XCP case: It is audio player software with Copy
Guard function, on the side, access control (permitting outgoing
transmission and system invasion) using rootkit is installed. It
transmits data on computer and also prevents other media player
software from playing a music CD and/or copying to disk. Its
vulnerability was found and abused by malware. (→Currently,
Windows update has fixed it.) (Wikipedia)
System files
are modified!
Definition and Sample
• Generic name of tool which invades and modifies computer
system with root (system manager) privilege (
• Typical rootkit hides Logon, Process, File and Log. It often
monitors input from network and/or keyboard. In many cases,
rootkit is also Trojan Horse. (Wikipedia)
• SONY BMG CD XCP case: It is audio player software with Copy
Guard function, on the side, access control (permitting outgoing
transmission and system invasion) using rootkit is installed. It
transmits data on computer and also prevents other media player
software from playing a music CD and/or copying to disk. Its
vulnerability was found and abused by malware. (→Currently,
Windows update has fixed it.) (Wikipedia)
System files
are modified!SBD protectable!

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The document provides information on several topics related to IT and networking: 1. It discusses the components of a motherboard including the north bridge and south bridge, and their functions. 2. It provides steps for performing a zero-level format of a hard drive using Windows 98. 3. It describes different types of RAID configurations (RAID 0-10) and their characteristics in terms of performance and fault tolerance.


The document discusses the need for standardization of self-encrypting storage security. It outlines the scope, goals, threat models, and alternatives of a potential standard. The key advantages of self-encrypting storage are that it provides low-cost encryption using true random keys generated and stored within the device, protecting data even if the host is compromised. A standard could simplify security analysis and increase trust compared to proprietary solutions.

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The JetStor NAS 724UXD is a unified / hybrid NAS storage system that consolidates NAS and IP-based iSCSI SAN in one chassis. Featuring the newest Intel Haswell platform to lower power consumption and 7x 1Gb Ethernet host ports per controller, all encompassed in a small 4U enclosure. The JetStor NAS 724UXD offers SSD Caching to boost random I/O intensive application, Snapshot, Thin Provisioning, Online Capacity Expansion and Controller-based cable-less design for excellent manageability.

zfs storagenas storagenas
SBD prevents write on boot area and shut-off
Ethernet, and stops Remote Control.
Network is shut-off.
Defense by SBD
Future Work
• Feasibility study and
its feedback to SBD at
Control System Security
Center (CSSC)
• Linux EXT families and
widely-used FAT families are under development.
(Applicable for other file systems also.)
• Improvements on performance and robustness
• Tests using various malware
• Extension of SBD defense ability by developing
Ethernet, USB and HDMI port-supervisory circuit.
• Downsizing (such as a SBD storage)

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Igor Korkin
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Bootkits: past, present & future
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Доставка зловредов через облака
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A Security Barrier Device That Can Protect Critical Data Regardless of OS or Applications by Just Installing It. by Keiji Toda

  • 1. Security Barrier Device Protects Critical Data Regardless of OS and Applications by Just Attached Kenji TODA, Ichiro EBIHARA, Koji SEGAWA, Koichi TAKAHASHI and Kazukuni KOBARA The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in cooperation with Control System Security Center (CSSC)
  • 2. Contents • Background • Concept of SBD • Data Protection Mechanism • Hardware and Security Tag • Sector Based Access Control • File Based Access Control • Malware Prevention • Demonstration Video • Future Work Currently NTFS is implemented. EXT and FAT are under development. Applicable for other file systems. 2
  • 3. Background: PC and/or Server • Hard to fix all the vulnerabilities of complex OS and applications. • There exists undefended period called zero-day exposing unknown or discovered-but-not-yet- fixed vulnerabilities. #Identified Vulnerabilities in a year ( total_number_of_vulnerabilities)3
  • 4. Background: Control System • Additional security software is not affordable for restricted hardware resources and / or realtime systems • Outdated OS and applications might be used without any security patch. We develop SBD, the hardware solution of easy attachable regardless of any OS and applications without software installation. 4
  • 5. SBD – Easy Attaching Target System Just insert SBD between IO Ports on the original hardware. Protecting important data regardless of OS and applications.5
  • 6. SBD: Data Protection Mechanism ①The target system issues an IO request to the original HDD. ②SBD reads the security information of corresponding IO blocks. ③Data access is handled according to the information (permitted / inhibited / queried) . ① ② Added HDD: Security Information ←Invisible from the System! Original HDD: Data RW=10 ③ Read〇 Write× 6
  • 7. SBD: Full View Security Barrier Device FPGA board developed for SBD 7
  • 8. Security Barrier Device (SBD): Board and Specifications • Board size: PCI Express card (230mm x 110mm) • FPGA chip: Xilinx Kintex-7 676pin XC7K325T • Configuration Flush Rom: for power-on-write to FPGA • Memory I/F: DDR3 SODIMM×1 • Display input: HDMI×1 • Display output: HDMI×1 • Optical audio: input×1, output×1 • Storage I/F: SATA (7pin)×5 • Ethernet I/F: 1G/100Mbit Ether (RJ-45) ×2 • USB I/F: USB (Type A)×6 (USB2.0) • SBD host PC I/F: PCI Express×18
  • 9. SBD Board Connections SBD Control PC SBD Board Target Control Device USB0 Ethernet (LAN) HDMI SATA0 PCIe (card slot) SATA1 USB1 SATA0 SATA1 USB0 USB1 HDMI Ethernet (LAN) Peripherals of Target Control Device 9
  • 10. Security Barrier Device (SBD): Security Tags (sector based control) Security Barrier Device (SBD) Additional Storage for SBD Security Target Control Device User Login to SBD SBD PASSWORD FILE USER NAME PASSWORD (root) UID 0 GID SBD Control PC (Linux kernel 2.6 or above) SBD Board OWNER GROUP OTHER RqraWqra RqraWqra RqraWqraRqraWqra UID GID Original Storage of Target Control Device SBD SECURITY TAGs for corresponding BLOCK BLOCK Original Data in Target Storage USER NAME PASSWORD UID 1 GID Storage Access Storage Access Additional Storage Access Loop Back ... LoopBack / AccessControl: {Query - assert / negate}, {Recording - all / no}, {Alert - no} SBD SECURITY MODE for storage access (R: read, W: write, q: query, r: record, a: alert) USB USB HDMI SATA PCIe UID SBD DEFAULT UID & GID Ethernet Loop Back GID • SATA Port Handling Logic is implemented. • Ethernet can be cut-off. 10
  • 11. Security Barrier Device (SBD): Sector Based Access Control The target of storage access control is block devices such as HDD / SSD / USB memory. Since storage access is performed sector based (512Byte unit), implementation of sector based access control is straightforward. • Defense of disk regions and partitions is OK! • Gathering to-be-write-protected data and system files to write-protected partitions. • Gathering to-be-read-protected data to read-protected partitions.11
  • 12. SBD: File Based Access Control Motivation File based access control extends defense coverage and improves convenience dramatically: • Critical system and user data is mostly files. • No need to gather important files to protected partitions • Original data disk can be protected as is. • Easy assigning and releasing of protection on files. • No stress on attaching and detaching of SBD (just plug in/out IO connectors). 12
  • 13. SBD: File Based Access Control Requirements Commonly-used file systems: • NTFS (Windows, …) • EXT(Linux, Android, …) • FAT(old Windows, MS-DOS, VxWorks, USB memory,..) • HFS+(Mac OS X,…) Requirements to handle the above file systems: • On access control of data blocks, →〇 sector based control is appropriate; →〇 read access control is appropriate; →×write access control is NOT appropriate because pointers to the data blocks may change their locations. In non-resident data file and parent directories 13
  • 14. SBD: File Based Access Control Fine Grain Control Protection is required on data of file and path from the root. Access granularity for directories and pointer areas ≦ sector size (512B) 1. Put access control granularity to the security information corresponding to a sector. 2. In case of write to a sector, in addition to the security information, the content of the sector is also read. Then the write protected portion of the read data is used instead of the sector data intended to write. Consequently, fine grain control is achieved.14
  • 15. Security Barrier Device (SBD): File Read Protection (no difficulty) In case SBD returns zeroes for read protected data: An error message on opening protected data on a target system (Ubuntu) → 15
  • 16. SBD: Requirement for Write Protection -- EXT2(Linux) • /appdata/app_critical is a write protected file. Path from the root directory needs protection.16
  • 17. SBD: File Based Access Control Remaining Difficulties Problems of write protection on NTFS file: ① Inconsistency between disk-relating caches on the memory of a defense target system and the disk may destroy file system and cause OS crash. ② The locations of pointer entries relating the write protected file in its parent directories may change by addition or deletion of other non- protected files. Because, the location is rearranged by balanced tree algorithm in NFTS. (←SBD achieves high performance by means of FPGA circuit assuming fixed location.) 17
  • 18. SBD: File Based Access Control Disk-Relating OS Caches [Problems] Linux (also Windows) utilizes following caches for performance: • Superblock (block group descriptor, bitmaps of free block and free i-node, …) • i-node cache • Directory entry cache • Buffer cache (for disk block data) • Page cache (for file data) Write inhibition on the disk causes inconsistency between OS caches and the disk!18
  • 19. SBD: File Based Access Control Solution Problems of write protection on NTFS file: ① Inconsistency between disk-relating caches on the memory of a defense target system and a data disk may destroy file system and cause OS crash. ② The locations of pointer entries relating the write protected file in its parent directories may change by addition or deletion of other non- protected files. Because, the location is rearranged by balanced tree algorithm in NFTS. (←SBD achieves high performance by means of FPGA circuit assuming fixed location.) By observing OS behavior using SBD →SBD makes the OS handle an accessed write- protected file entry as a (pseudo) bad block by returning a disk access error to the OS! →The pointer location to its patent directory is never changed as long as its directory pass is not changed!19
  • 20. SBD: File Based Access Control Write Protection Procedure Write protection on NFTS file: ① In case of write, if rename or deletion is performed to the write protected file, the operation is done on caches and appears successful. ② In a short period, the contents of the caches are written to the disk, then SBD detects it. ③ SBD returns a device error on the file access and issues an alert to a user. OS handles the file entry as it is in a (pseudo) bad block. (An Ethernet port can be shut-off by the alert as a trigger.) ① When a user reboots the OS, SBD restores the write protected files in prior to OS booting. Hence, the OS can be booted as it was. SBD makes write protection consistent with the OS! The pseudo bad blocks are restored from $BadClus file.24
  • 21. SBD: File Based Access Control Mechanism Security Barrier Device (SBD) Additional Storage for SBD Security Target Control Device User Login to SBD SBD PASSWORD FILE USER NAME PASSWORD (root) UID 0 GID SBD Control PC (Linux kernel 2.6 or above) SBD Board OWNER GROUP OTHER RqraWqra RqraWqra RqraWqraRqraWqra UID GID Original Storage of Target Control Device SBD SECURITY TAGs for corresponding BLOCK BLOCK Original Data in Target Storage USER NAME PASSWORD UID 1 GID Storage Access Storage Access Additional Storage Access Loop Back ... LoopBack / AccessControl: {Query - assert / negate}, {Recording - all / no}, {Alert - no} SBD SECURITY MODE for storage access (R: read, W: write, q: query, r: record, a: alert) USB USB HDMI SATA PCIe UID SBD DEFAULT UID & GID Ethernet Loop Back GID Detecting information is prepared in prior to detection. File system Dependent Detection is performed in fine grain, byte unit, by FPGA. File system Independent 25
  • 22. SBD: Performance of Access Control In case of fine grain, byte unit, detection (at high overhead sate) = File based access control (read / write) is enabled: Experimentally 100MByte/s Measuring Condition: A original data disk and a security information disk: Samsung SSD 830, 128GB Benchmark Program: Read-Only Benchmark, Ubuntu Disk Utility Sector-wide comparator with byte unit mask circuit + Multi-sector IO buffer circuit 26
  • 23. Security Barrier Device (SBD): Malware Prevention Protection by SBD: • Bootkit • Rootkit 27
  • 24. 28 Bootkit: Definition and Win32/Gapz • The most dangerous infectious form bootkit launches before Windows and hides in between hardware and OS. Hence, it becomes undetectable and accesses system resources unlimitedly. 。 ( • Win32/Gapz: Advanced Evasion Techniques VBR infection type replaces only a few bytes in BIOS Parameter Block. Hence, it is hard to detect. (Evolved form of MBR infection type) (
  • 25. 29 Bootkit Win32/Gapz MBR Infection type • Fig shows the infection sequence of MBR infection type (Traditional Techniques) ① Bootkit code is loaded from disk, Int 13h disk handler is hooked. ② ntldr, bootmgr, winload.exe and loInitSystem are hooked in series, kernel mode code (rootkit) is launched.
  • 26. 30 Bootkit Win32/Gapz VBR Infection type • VBR Infection Type disk image (Advanced techs) ① Hidden Sectors (4B) at BIOS Parameter Block in Volume Boot Record is modified. ② Bootkit is launched instead of IPL by mean of skipping whole NTFS volume in front of bootkit
  • 27. 31 Bootkit: ELAM • ELAM(Early Launch Anti-Malware Module), introduced in Windows 8, does not work. (
  • 28. 32 Bootkit Win32/Gapz • VBR Infection Type disk image (Advanced techs) ① Hidden Sectors (4B) at BIOS Parameter Block in Volume Boot Record is modified. ② Bootkit is launched instead of IPL by mean of skipping whole NTFS volume before bootkit ③ The rest is the same as MBR Infection type. SBD protectable!
  • 29. 34 Bootkit: Secure Boot • On the secure boot, UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) verifies boot loader in advance of its loading. In case the boot loader is modified or replaced (by bootkit), the secure boot prevents its execution. (, The boot loader code itself is not protected! The boot loader is stored in a file for verification!
  • 30. 35 Bootkit: Secure Boot • On the secure boot, UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) verifies boot loader in advance of its loading. In case the boot loader is modified or replaced (by bootkit), the secure boot prevents its execution. (, The boot loader code itself is not protected! The boot loader is stored in a file for verification! SBD protectable!
  • 31. 36 Rootkit: Definition and Sample • Generic name of tool which invades and modifies computer system with root (system manager) privilege ( • Typical rootkit hides Logon, Process, File and Log. It often monitors input from network and/or keyboard. In many cases, rootkit is also Trojan Horse. (Wikipedia) • SONY BMG CD XCP case: It is audio player software with Copy Guard function, on the side, access control (permitting outgoing transmission and system invasion) using rootkit is installed. It transmits data on computer and also prevents other media player software from playing a music CD and/or copying to disk. Its vulnerability was found and abused by malware. (→Currently, Windows update has fixed it.) (Wikipedia) System files are modified!
  • 32. 37 Rootkit: Definition and Sample • Generic name of tool which invades and modifies computer system with root (system manager) privilege ( • Typical rootkit hides Logon, Process, File and Log. It often monitors input from network and/or keyboard. In many cases, rootkit is also Trojan Horse. (Wikipedia) • SONY BMG CD XCP case: It is audio player software with Copy Guard function, on the side, access control (permitting outgoing transmission and system invasion) using rootkit is installed. It transmits data on computer and also prevents other media player software from playing a music CD and/or copying to disk. Its vulnerability was found and abused by malware. (→Currently, Windows update has fixed it.) (Wikipedia) System files are modified!SBD protectable!
  • 33. SBD prevents write on boot area and shut-off Ethernet, and stops Remote Control. Attacker Victim Network is shut-off. Defense by SBD 38
  • 34. Future Work • Feasibility study and its feedback to SBD at Control System Security Center (CSSC) • Linux EXT families and widely-used FAT families are under development. (Applicable for other file systems also.) • Improvements on performance and robustness • Tests using various malware • Extension of SBD defense ability by developing Ethernet, USB and HDMI port-supervisory circuit. • Downsizing (such as a SBD storage) 39