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Mobile Webinar
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Of all Danes use a smartphone!
(Nr.1 in Europe)
*eMarketer: “IT-anvendelse i befolkningen 2015.”
Confidential & Proprietary
We don’t go online. We live online.
Confidential & Proprietary
devices activated since the beginning
of this presentation

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The Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the WebThe Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the Web

The document provides an agenda and summary for a talk on how the physical world is meeting the web through various technologies. The topics discussed include mobile and IoT, the Physical Web, Progressive Web Apps, and connecting through web APIs. Specific emerging APIs that allow access to device sensors and hardware are demonstrated, such as ambient light detection, web Bluetooth, and web audio. The talk aims to show how the web is becoming a universal platform to enable new experiences at the intersection of the digital and physical worlds.

html5virtual realityhololens
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018

Talk at Smashing Conf - 7th Feb 2018 (Video - Explores some of the issues that 3rd-party tags introduce when we add them to our sites, some ways of measuring the impact, and challenges we still have

Responsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and PerformanceResponsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and Performance

Talk delivered in New York, Sep 19, 2016 during an O'Reilly meetup before Velocity Conference about Web Performance and Images, including HTTP Client Hints and new Image Formats

mobile webweb performanceimages
Confidential & Proprietary
Proprietary + Confidential
mSite Speed & Performance: Fast(er) mSites = More revenue
Thoughtful user experience design
with highly performant load speed and responsiveness
leads to higher conversions
Ultimately, speed & performance
correlates directly to conversions
UX = Perception
Great user experience is the
perception that all touchpoints in the
journey completed seamlessly and
Speed & Performance
Design is what the customer sees,
speed & performance is what the
customer feels
Smartphones are
performance constrained
Users have high(er)
expectations on mobile
Proprietary + Confidential
Tough to swallow, but true...
(7.083 seconds = avg load time for US retail mSites*)
*Source: Proprietary + Confidential
mCommerce remains an upper funnel affair

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How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics
How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metricsHow I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics
How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics

This talk at the 2018 conference (Amsterdam) walks through a brief history of UX and web performance research, highlighting landmark studies that helped connect the dots between performance and user experience. I also demystify the current state of performance metrics and help you understand what you need to focus on for your site and your users.

web performanceuser experienceux
Its timetostopstalling cambridgemot
Its timetostopstalling cambridgemotIts timetostopstalling cambridgemot
Its timetostopstalling cambridgemot

This document discusses optimizing mobile and web performance through testing, analyzing, and improving the delivery of content such as images, videos, and text. It provides an overview of common tools for testing performance, such as WebPageTest and Video Optimizer. It then covers best practices for optimizing different types of content, including compressing text and images, using responsive images, lazy loading images, optimizing video quality and formats, and configuring video streaming and delivery. The goal is to understand current performance and make targeted improvements to provide fast, high-quality experiences for users on mobile.

Fast Fashion… How Missguided revolutionised their approach to site performanc...
Fast Fashion… How Missguided revolutionised their approach to site performanc...Fast Fashion… How Missguided revolutionised their approach to site performanc...
Fast Fashion… How Missguided revolutionised their approach to site performanc...

Slides from my talk at WebPerfDays Amsterdam, Nov 2018 on how Misguided improved the speed of their website and some of he business gains

ecommercespeedweb performance
“When you squeeze that Web shopping
experience into a mobile browser, the
result is disaster -- or, to use the technical
term, abandoned shopping carts. ”
Proprietary + ConfidentialSource:
Google Poll:
“what do you dislike the most when browsing the web on your mobile device?”
Encountering unplayable videos
Getting redirected to the homepage
Waiting for slow pages to load
Being shown interstitials
Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog: “#MobileMadness: a campaign to help you go mobile-friendly” (posted: Monday, April 27, 2015) Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
?? ?
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
20.1s9.4s 11.6s
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
Watch the
video here

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Networks, Networks Everywhere, And Not A Packet To Drink
Networks, Networks Everywhere, And Not A Packet To DrinkNetworks, Networks Everywhere, And Not A Packet To Drink
Networks, Networks Everywhere, And Not A Packet To Drink

Martin Flack of Akamai discusses how a content delivery network (CDN) can help accelerate and secure internet of things (IoT) devices and traffic. A CDN can handle IoT device traffic by routing around problems, minimizing delay and loss. It provides traffic management, load balancing, and caching of IoT data and software to improve performance. Edges in the CDN network are positioned close to devices and backends to optimize routing of IoT data and requests.

e2econtent-delivery networksplatform as a service
MeasureWorks - Fast Experiences for Responsive Websites
MeasureWorks - Fast Experiences for Responsive WebsitesMeasureWorks - Fast Experiences for Responsive Websites
MeasureWorks - Fast Experiences for Responsive Websites

My slides from M-commerce Event 2015 ( About why we need to start designing for performance as your visitors don't like to wait online... For you, as a business owner, a speed(y) way to design & xperiment with at your own website

m-commerce eventjeroen tjepkemabbp
Practical Microservices, Practical Whiskey
Practical Microservices, Practical WhiskeyPractical Microservices, Practical Whiskey
Practical Microservices, Practical Whiskey

This document discusses using an event-driven microservices architecture with messaging to build applications for the Utah Department of Alcohol Control. It outlines some issues with an initial REST-based approach, such as tight coupling and lack of scalability. The document then presents an alternative event-driven approach using messaging to decouple services and allow independent scaling. It highlights benefits like resilience and reduced network costs, as well as considerations for using an event-driven style.

springone platformspringone platform 2017
Proprietary + Confidential
abandon if a
site takes >3 sec
to load
expect a page
to load in <2 sec
say fast load time
is important to
brand loyalty
Is your mSite fast enough?
Proprietary + Confidential
Compared to a page that loads in 1 second
bounce rate
bounce rate
Proprietary + ConfidentialSource: SOASTA Case study (September 1st, 2015)
1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9
Load time (seconds)
Sessions Conversion rate (%)
1.9% conversion rate
1.5% conversion rate
Case Study:
Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to 27% increase in CvR
Note: Some of the pages that were
faster than 2.4 seconds experienced a
lower conversion rate. While we don’t
know for sure, the most common
reason is because a lot of the faster
pages are 404/error pages.
How fast is your site?
?? ?
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Measuring Web Performance (HighEdWeb FL Edition)
Measuring Web Performance (HighEdWeb FL Edition)Measuring Web Performance (HighEdWeb FL Edition)
Measuring Web Performance (HighEdWeb FL Edition)

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply. This presentation builds upon Dave’s “Optimization for Mobile” chapter in Smashing Magazine’s “The Mobile Book.” This talk was given at HighEdWeb Florida.

webperfresponsive web designweb performance
Handling Changes to Your Server-Side Data Model
Handling Changes to Your Server-Side Data ModelHandling Changes to Your Server-Side Data Model
Handling Changes to Your Server-Side Data Model

A presentation given by Gilt Principal Software Engineer Evan Coyne Maloney at the ioSoho meetup group, August 2014.

mockingbirdgiltgilt tech
Mobile web perf Amsterdam Tech Tips
Mobile web perf Amsterdam Tech TipsMobile web perf Amsterdam Tech Tips
Mobile web perf Amsterdam Tech Tips

Mobile and web performance is critical for user experience. Testing tools like WebPageTest and Video Optimizer can identify optimization opportunities such as slow delivery speeds, large files, and inefficient content. Key best practices include using content delivery networks to cache content globally, compressing text and images, resizing images appropriately, and choosing optimal video bitrates. Adhering to these performance best practices can significantly improve load times and user engagement.

How fast is your site?
SLOW 1 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 2 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 3 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 4 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Page speed is increasingly important for websites. Performance is User Experience and not only a Development Issue. Performance is a process and starts in conception and design.

Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

PAC 2019 virtual Joerek Van Gaalen
PAC 2019 virtual Joerek Van GaalenPAC 2019 virtual Joerek Van Gaalen
PAC 2019 virtual Joerek Van Gaalen

- Automating performance tests through continuous integration can provide direct feedback on performance changes after code releases and infrastructure changes. It allows performance issues to be detected and addressed earlier. - Key best practices include starting with a single important test scenario, focusing on robustness over realism, visualizing trend data over time, and analyzing results to update thresholds and catch regressions. - The goal is to continuously monitor performance through the pipeline and in production to better understand impacts of changes and flag any performance issues for further investigation. Automated tests complement but do not replace thorough acceptance testing.

How fast is your site?
SLOW 5 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 6 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 7 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 8 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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iOS Testing With Appium at Gilt
iOS Testing With Appium at GiltiOS Testing With Appium at Gilt
iOS Testing With Appium at Gilt

Automating mobile tests for Gilt's iOS app presented many challenges. While Appium provided a way to write cross-platform tests, implementing full accessibility and mocking complex infrastructure required significant effort. Getting developer buy-in was also difficult as testing was seen as extra work rather than integral to the development process. Overall, mobile testing faced cultural hurdles compared to web.

gilttechgiltgilt groupe
Its timetostopstalling londroid
Its timetostopstalling londroidIts timetostopstalling londroid
Its timetostopstalling londroid

This document discusses optimizing mobile performance. It recommends testing performance with tools like WebPageTest and Video Optimizer. It then provides tips for optimizing content delivery such as compressing text, resizing and compressing images, preloading video correctly, and starting video streams at a low bitrate for faster loading. The document stresses the importance of mobile performance and outlines best practices.

MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key
MeasureWorks  - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).keyMeasureWorks  - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key
MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences (Startup session).key

Slides from my session at StartupBootcamp Smart City & Living program... You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The same goes for online, where the decision to bounce is often made in the first 2 seconds, and Google will lower your ranking if your site is too slow... This talks is about why startups should care about speed when building product, how to improve design with speed and how to measure & optimize speed and beat the (corporate) competition...

complete web monitoringlean analyticsone metric that matters
How fast is your site?
SLOW 9 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 10 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 11 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 12 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Data driven mobile UX - UX insight 2017,
Data driven mobile UX -  UX insight 2017, uxinsight.nlData driven mobile UX -  UX insight 2017,
Data driven mobile UX - UX insight 2017,

Great design needs great insights based on qualitative and quantitative data. And you need to use a/b testing to validate the end result. As 70% of a/b tests have no or negative results, the chance of impactless design is to too high for you not to a/b test.

mobile designdata driven muxux insight
MeasureWorks - Why people hate to wait for your website to load (and how to f...
MeasureWorks - Why people hate to wait for your website to load (and how to f...MeasureWorks - Why people hate to wait for your website to load (and how to f...
MeasureWorks - Why people hate to wait for your website to load (and how to f...

My slides from DrupalJam 2014... About why users abandon your website and best practices to align content and speed to create a fast user experience, and continue to keep it aligned for every release

performance managementdrupalcondrupalconf
MeasureWorks - Emerece eTravel - 7 performance concerns for marketers
MeasureWorks - Emerece eTravel -  7 performance concerns for marketersMeasureWorks - Emerece eTravel -  7 performance concerns for marketers
MeasureWorks - Emerece eTravel - 7 performance concerns for marketers

De hedendaagse consument is verwend. Bezoekers verwachten een makkelijke en snelle website waarin het reisaanbod overzichtelijk en snel toegankelijk is. Recent onderzoek van ondermeer Forrester en Aberdeen Groep toont aan dat een website met pagina’s langzamer dan 3 seconden het risico loopt dat meer dan 40% van uw bezoekers uw website vroegtijdig verlaten. Spitsuur op jouw website voor vertragingen kan zorgen, met de kans dat meer dan 75% van de bezoekers wegslikt naar een concurrent. 
In jouw reisorganisatie besteed je dan ook veel tijd en geld aan het creëren van een zo volledig mogelijk beeld van het profiel van de bezoeker. De Web Analytics oplossing staat hierin vaak centraal bij het inzichtelijk maken en sturen van het bezoek van de gebruikers op de site. Vaak wordt vergeten dat een goede werking en kwaliteit van een website een minstens even bepalende factor kunnen zijn in een succesvolle conversie van bezoeker naar klant. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden zullen we u niet alleen laten zien hoe de resultaten van A/B performance testen een directe koppeling leggen tussen site performance en omzet en loyaliteit van de bezoeker, maar ook welke aspecten de performance van uw website kunnen beïnvloeden en hoe u deze kunt opsporen. Tevens hoe u performance aspecten eenvoudig kunt kwantificeren EN relateren aan verloren conversie op uw website.

How fast is your site?
SLOW 13 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 14 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 15 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 16 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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MeasureWorks - Prepare your mobile User Experience for fast conversion
MeasureWorks - Prepare your mobile User Experience for fast conversionMeasureWorks - Prepare your mobile User Experience for fast conversion
MeasureWorks - Prepare your mobile User Experience for fast conversion

Slides from M-commerce Event 2014. 99% of consumers' time is spend on other websites than yours. And when luck happens and they visit to buy something you better make sure it performs and works. This talk will dive into the delicate balance between speed, usability and content and provides best practices to create a mobile user experience that's ready for fast conversion.

Stress Test as a Culture
Stress Test as a CultureStress Test as a Culture
Stress Test as a Culture

If you are working on a serious project, you want it to scale. The thing about scale is, you only focus on it once you really need it. I’m the CTO of an soccer social network based in Brazil. To put it mildly, soccer is big in my country. This summer, we focused our marketing on the World Cup, preparing our application to support as many users as possible. To do that, we had to benchmark and improve, but how could we load test? What tool should we use? Those are just some questions that I'll go through in this talk, that will show youhot to address this challenge so stress test you app.

web design and developmentstressloas test
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!

My presentation at the Zycko breakfast session... About why your users don't like to wait and why you should care as a site owner. This presentation covers the importance of perception of speed, navigation and how to do proper performance monitoring...

web performance analyticsreal user monitoringend user experience
How fast is your site?
SLOW 17 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 18 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 19 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 20 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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PERFORMIX.Wien 2016 – Wachstumstreiber Google – Dominik Wöber (Google Germany)
PERFORMIX.Wien 2016 – Wachstumstreiber Google – Dominik Wöber (Google Germany)PERFORMIX.Wien 2016 – Wachstumstreiber Google – Dominik Wöber (Google Germany)
PERFORMIX.Wien 2016 – Wachstumstreiber Google – Dominik Wöber (Google Germany)

This document discusses improving mobile performance and measuring impact. It addresses growing mobile traffic and the need to improve the user experience on mobile. It covers testing site speed, optimizing ads for mobile, and attributing conversions across devices and touchpoints to understand mobile's impact. Attribution is important as 30% more conversions are now attributed to mobile. The document provides resources for testing, benchmarks, and understanding how to measure store visits from mobile.

Focus sur les PWA par Loic de Saint-Andrieu de Google
Focus sur les PWA par Loic de Saint-Andrieu de GoogleFocus sur les PWA par Loic de Saint-Andrieu de Google
Focus sur les PWA par Loic de Saint-Andrieu de Google

D’après Forrester, seulement 1% des consommateurs français considèrent que les marques délivrent une bonne expérience client quand, à titre de comparaison, 14% des consommateurs anglais se disent satisfaits. Les français sont aujourd’hui largement “mobile first” avec 75% du temps passé en ligne sur mobile or ils sont toujours plus exigeants, impatients et curieux. Comment faire pour améliorer l’expérience digitale sur mobile ? Pour Google la réponse repose sur une expérience app-like sur le web. Loïc de Saint-Andrieu, Head of Customer Experience FR @Google

conversionproduct managementpwa
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger BartelWeb Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel

Web performance optimisation has been gaining ground and is slowly getting more of its deserved recognition. Nevertheless, much of our time on the web is still used up by waiting. To decrease our wait time and improve the web’s overall performance, this integral part of user experience needs further promotion. Waiting and the perception of time itself, is reason enough to explore some of the psychological effects time has on our users, too. Passing time also plays a big role in the evolution of technologies. Through the history of HTTP we have reached the latest version as HTTP/2, which will turn some of our existing web performance best practices on their head and into the new anti-patterns of today.

web performanceweb designhttp/2
How fast is your site?
SLOW 21 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 22 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 23 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 24 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Its timetostopstalling androidcork
Its timetostopstalling androidcorkIts timetostopstalling androidcork
Its timetostopstalling androidcork

The document discusses various tools and techniques for optimizing mobile and web performance, including testing sites using tools like WebPageTest and Video Optimizer, optimizing delivery of content like images, videos and text through techniques like compression and CDNs, and best practices for mobile video streaming to reduce startup delays and prevent stalls. Common issues covered include large file sizes, unnecessary connections, and choosing video streams appropriate for available bandwidth.

MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences
MeasureWorks - Design for Fast ExperiencesMeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences
MeasureWorks - Design for Fast Experiences

Slides from my session at Multichannel Conference 2015... You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The same goes for online, where the decision to bounce is often made in the first 2 seconds, and Google will lower your ranking if your site is too slow... This talks is about why we should care about speed, how to improve design with speed and how to measure & optimize speed...

end user experiencemobile performancetwinkle100
Using Automation to Meet Demands for Performance and Quality
Using Automation to Meet Demands for Performance and QualityUsing Automation to Meet Demands for Performance and Quality
Using Automation to Meet Demands for Performance and Quality

In an evolving market where expectations are high for performance and quality, performance engineers and project leaders need to be able to automate their performance tests without being impacted by maintenance costs. In agile and DevOps approaches, testers have to test more in less time, so automation is also a critical component for a quick, machine-driven software pipeline build. But how do you avoid extra work when automatically handling scenario updates? Join this web seminar to discover how you can deliver efficient regression and report on realistic UX during functional and nonfunctional testing activities. You’ll also see a demonstration of the integration between NeoLoad and Ranorex.

neotysload testingperformance testing
How fast is your site?
SLOW 25 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 26 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 27 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 28 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Kenta Yasukawa - IoT World 2018
Kenta Yasukawa - IoT World 2018Kenta Yasukawa - IoT World 2018
Kenta Yasukawa - IoT World 2018

From Prototype to Production: How to take the leap in IoT... and stick the landing A field-tested, production-ready IoT prototype is both an enormous milestone and the beginning of a brand new challenge, one that requires new skills, new tools, new partners, and a keen eye for both danger and opportunity. As CTO of cloud-connectivity pioneer Soracom, Kenta Yasukawa has helped customers around the world manage the tricky transition from prototype to production. This session will examine real-world use cases across industries to to show how to achieve success at scale. From managing certificates in Shenzhen to capping connectivity cost in California, today's cloud offers more opportunities than ever to break through the hardware, software and connectivity dependencies unique to IoT.

cloud connectivityinternet of thingsiot
Using Customer Development to get Traction in a Crowded Space
Using Customer Development to get Traction in a Crowded SpaceUsing Customer Development to get Traction in a Crowded Space
Using Customer Development to get Traction in a Crowded Space

How we used Customer Development at Dataloop.IO to get our initial customers and traction in the crowded monitoring space. Presentation from Hacker News London Meetup - 9th October 2014

monitoringdevopscustomer development
Aditi_Neotys Webinar_FinalCopy
Aditi_Neotys Webinar_FinalCopyAditi_Neotys Webinar_FinalCopy
Aditi_Neotys Webinar_FinalCopy

The document discusses performance testing for betting operators during seasonal spikes like the Grand National horse race. It recommends: 1) Analyzing user data and server logs to understand realistic user journeys and volumetric requirements. 2) Designing test scripts that mimic end users' actions and sports updates using customized load profiles. 3) Executing performance tests on web and mobile applications to ensure 99.9% uptime, quick responses and loading times during high-traffic events.

How fast is your site?
SLOW 29 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
SLOW 30 sec
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
How fast is your site?
10.1s5.6s 14.4s
Source: Proprietary + Confidential

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Testing Strategies to Deliver Consistent App Performance
Testing Strategies to Deliver Consistent App Performance Testing Strategies to Deliver Consistent App Performance
Testing Strategies to Deliver Consistent App Performance

Stop gambling with your application performance. Know how continuous testing processes and strategies can help you deliver better app performance during Grand National and Seasonal spikes.

app performanceapp testingbetting and gaming
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday seasonMeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season

Slides from my session at Shoppingtoday 2015, a 5 step approach to get your site fast and ready for peak volumes for your customers during the holidays season...

soastameasureworksweb performance
Testing Mobile App Performance
Testing Mobile App PerformanceTesting Mobile App Performance
Testing Mobile App Performance

The mix of ever-smarter mobile devices and the constant connectivity of wireless networks have changed the way users access applications—and the way we develop and test them. Deployed applications deliver different content and functionality depending on whether the user is accessing them via a browser, smartphone, or tablet. And applications are accessed over myriad network configurations, including wireless and mobile networks. Brad Stoner presents an in-depth look at performance testing challenges for mobile applications including recording from devices, playing back device-specific requests, and accounting for variances in users’ geographical locations. Discover some of the best mobile performance testing approaches such as emulating mobile networks with varying connection speeds, packet loss, and latency during load tests. Find out when to use real devices vs. emulators to ensure high mobile application performance delivery to all end-users, at all times—on any device or network.

software testing
Page speed = $$$
Proprietary + Confidential
Winning in mobile is elusive.
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
accommodate smartphone users
eliminate impediments to action
simplify checkout forms
streamline site design
test & experiment continuously
treat performance as a feature
link performance to business KPIs
set performance budgets, monitor
and optimize
a higher chance of
in CvR*}*Source: Criteo study Proprietary + Confidential

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Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

9 tips til at optimere din webshops konverteringsrate
9 tips til at optimere din webshops konverteringsrate 9 tips til at optimere din webshops konverteringsrate
9 tips til at optimere din webshops konverteringsrate

Har du masser af besøgende på din webshop, men kniber det med at få dem til at købe? Se med i dette webinar, hvor du får 9 gode råd, der kan hjælpe dig med at omdanne besøgende til kunder.

webinaronline marketingconversion rate
Google Analytics Ninja Tricks
Google Analytics Ninja TricksGoogle Analytics Ninja Tricks
Google Analytics Ninja Tricks

Har du svært ved at danne dig et overblik over, hvad du rent faktisk får ud af din markedsføringsindsats, og er du i tvivl om, hvad dine penge egentlig går til? I dette webinar får du indsigt i, hvordan du bruger Google Analytics til at se nærmere på, hvordan dine kunder interagerer med dit website og dine kampagner - og ikke mindst hvor dine kunder kommer fra. Derudover får du en række smarte tricks du kan bruge, når du skal have sat din Google Analytics op.

online marketinggoogle analyticscompell
Why Amazon is
“Customers can go from
‘I want that’ to ‘I bought
that’ in under 30
1 #winning
Fact: Revenue at Amazon increases by 1% for
every 100ms it cuts off download times.
Source:; Eliminating the speed delays with mobile Web shopping Proprietary + Confidential
+ Made performance a top priority
+ Reduced startup time by 70%
2 Why Netflix is #winning
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
““We firmly believe high performance is not an
optional engineering goal – it’s a requirement for
creating great user-experiences.”
–Kristofer Baxter, User Interface Engineering @ Netflix
+ Decreased page load times by 80% to 2s
+ Reduced calls to the server by 400%
+ 83% increase in traffic
+ 32% increase in median time spent on site
+ Interaction rate on ads up 108%
3 Why GQ is #winning
Source: Proprietary + Confidential
We care a lot...

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Webinar - Digital Marketing Anno 2019 - Et kig i krystalkuglen
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Webinar - Digital Marketing Anno 2019 - Et kig i krystalkuglen

Én ting er sikkert: digital marketing udvikler sig hurtigt og hele tiden. Det er derfor ikke bare vigtigt at følge med strømmen, det er også en rigtig god idé at være et skridt foran. Følg med, når Casper tager de langsynede briller på og fortæller dig, hvad du skal holde fokus på i 2019, hvis du vil stå stærkt online.

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Styrk dit B2C brand på digitale kanaler
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Styrk dit B2C brand på digitale kanaler

Få 8 konkrete tips til, hvordan du kan arbejde målrettet med din branding på de digitale kanaler.

Webinar: Sociale og (betalte) medier for b2 b virksomheder
Webinar: Sociale og (betalte) medier for b2 b virksomhederWebinar: Sociale og (betalte) medier for b2 b virksomheder
Webinar: Sociale og (betalte) medier for b2 b virksomheder

Den 3. oktober kl. 10.30 afholdt Compells Casper Theilgaard webinar med fokus på sociale (og betalte) medier for B2B virksomheder. Bliv bl.a. klogere på, hvordan du bruger Facebook, LinkedIn og Instagram til at udvikle din forretning samt opbygge og pleje dine forretningsrelationer. Du kan se eller gense slides fra webinaret her.

marketingsocial media marketingb2b marketing
Speed Test
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
PageSpeed Insights
Source: PageSpeed Insights
3 Unoptimized images
4 Unminified resources
Website page speed
Proprietary + Confidential
1. Images = 63% of the average page’s total weight
Solution: Use the right format & size - always compress!
2. 20% of pages have 100+ resource requests
Solution: Reduce server response time, leverage browser cache (so
resources are called only once) and consolidate resources (to limit the # of
3. JavaScript usage is intensifying
Each request adds to the complexity of page rendering, because it needs
to be downloaded and parsed by the browser.
Solution: Know when to use JS and when to back away. Audit key pages
and see where they sit on the JS spectrum.
4. 50% of mobile pages use custom fonts
Poorly implemented custom fonts or fonts hosted externally =
performance pain. Some fonts require tons of CSS code, while others rely
on heavy JS.
Solution: Disable custom fonts for smartphones. If necessary, only use
them with headers and key typographical elements.
Usual suspects in mobile performance
5. 20% of pages have 5+ redirects
Redirects = performance fail = total usability fail.
Solution: Use this SEO tool to audit your pages and identify all your
6. The # of pages containing HTTPS requests has >
HTTPS requests need additional handshakes in order to verify
their authenticity = extra network latency which, if your server isn’t
configured correctly, can impact load times.
Solution: Run your URL through an SSL server test such as to verify that your server and certificate are configured
Source: The Performance Beacon - The web performance, analytics, and optimization blog
Proprietary + Confidential
Because slow is always bad in mobile
High site abandonment
High bounce rates
Low CvRs
Poor retention
Hurts crawl efficiency
Fewer pages are indexed
Hurts UX Slows the (Google) crawler

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Kom godt i gang med email marketing (Erhverv Skanderborg)Kom godt i gang med email marketing (Erhverv Skanderborg)
Kom godt i gang med email marketing (Erhverv Skanderborg)

Oplæg holdt af Anja den 27. juni 2017 for Erfa-netværk, Erhverv Skanderborg.

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Seo og kommunikation - Erhverv Skanderborg
Seo og kommunikation  - Erhverv SkanderborgSeo og kommunikation  - Erhverv Skanderborg
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Seo og kommunikation - Erhverv Skanderborg

Oplæg v/ Bjarke bekhøj – Succes Online Summit Aarhus 290617
Oplæg v/ Bjarke bekhøj – Succes Online Summit Aarhus 290617Oplæg v/ Bjarke bekhøj – Succes Online Summit Aarhus 290617
Oplæg v/ Bjarke bekhøj – Succes Online Summit Aarhus 290617

Slides fra Bjarkes oplæg til Succes Online Summit i Aarhus den 29. maj 2017. Google Analytics (digital ledelse for SMV). Som online virksomhed indsamler du store mængder data. Data er guld - særligt for dig som leder. På denne breakout lærer du, hvordan du kan bruge den data du allerede indsamler online til at skabe viden, indsigt og målbare resultater. Du finder ud af, hvordan webanalyse kan hjælpe dig til at prioritere din online indsats og får mest muligt ud af dit marketingbudget.

google analyticsbreakoutsessionsuccesonline
Proprietary + Confidential
Thoughtful user experience design
with highly performant load speed and responsiveness
leads to higher conversions
Ultimately, speed & performance
correlates directly to conversions
UX = Perception
Great user experience is the
perception that all touchpoints in the
journey completed seamlessly and
Speed & Performance
Design is what the customer sees,
speed & performance is what the
customer feels
Confidential & Proprietary
devices activated since the beginning
of this presentation
Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
UX Strategy
UX principles
a. Attention: homepage, landing pages
b. Engage: search, navigation, product pages
c. Action: call to actions, form completion
d. Flow: Mobile hygiene
Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Hook users: Homepage/Landing pages

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Compell Webinar #7 – Tænk mere mobil eller bliv ved med at tabe med din annoncering. Webinaret blev afholdt den 9. marts 2017.

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Varier - Google marketing: Understanding consumers shopping for Furniture
Varier - Google marketing: Understanding consumers shopping for FurnitureVarier - Google marketing: Understanding consumers shopping for Furniture
Varier - Google marketing: Understanding consumers shopping for Furniture

Varier - Google marketing: Understanding consumers shopping for Furniture. Slides blev brugt i forbindelse med Varier Retailer Marketing Academy #2. 01.12.16.

Proprietary + Confidential
The 2 most important
elements of the homepage
1. A clear Call To Action
2. A clear Value Proposition
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Let users explore: Navigation/Search/Filters/Product pages/Online to Store
Proprietary + Confidential
Top categories should be displayed on the
Example Your Site Recommendations:
Let users access the top categories
quickly by displaying them on the
You can order them per popularity or
by best sellers.
Insert a screenshot of
the client’s homepage
Proprietary + Confidential
Make them act: CTA/Basket/Conversion funnel/Checkout forms

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Google Marketing for Retailers - Varier Retailer Marketing Academy #2

Google Marketing for Retailers - Varier Retailer Marketing Academy #2. Webinaret blev afholdt den 1.12.16.

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Facebook for retailers (Varier, webinar #1) - 17.11.2016Facebook for retailers (Varier, webinar #1) - 17.11.2016
Facebook for retailers (Varier, webinar #1) - 17.11.2016

This webinar discusses using Facebook for retailers. The agenda includes an introduction, overview of digital marketing and Facebook, and how retailers can use Facebook. Key points include: - Facebook is recommended because it has the most users and is a good advertising and business platform. - Retailers should create a Facebook page, post regular updates about products, discounts, and other relevant content. They should also use the page to communicate directly with customers. - Advertising on Facebook allows retailers to promote their page and products to all Facebook users locally or globally with budgets starting at $1 per day. Setting up ads involves choosing an audience, ad content, and allows measuring results to optimize campaigns.

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Compell – Matchmaking konference 2016

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Proprietary + Confidential
Action buttons should stay in natural
Example Your Site Recommendations:
Make sure that your action buttons
(eg. “add to cart”, “pay securely now”,
“filter”, “sort”) stay in natural
(easy-to-reach) areas on mobile
Proprietary + Confidential
Have noticeable CTAs
Example Your Site Recommendations:
Have bigger and thumb-friendly
Insert a screenshot of
the client’s product
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Offer a seamless experience: Mobile Hygiene/Speed

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Compell webinar #6 - Bliv klar til Black Friday. Afholdt den 30. september 2016.

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AdWords kursus 2 - start

I denne udgave af Risk er der krig i Europa.

Proprietary + Confidential
Leverage mobile UI elements
Example Recommendations:
- Use the most suited input type
for each field (eg. don’t show
the text keyboard in the card
number field)
- Drop-downs are the UI of last
resort. Show the different
options instead.
- Use touch controls like
steppers instead of making
users type or select options
from a drop-down menu
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential

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Succes online modul 4 - sociale medier og email-marketing

Confidential & Proprietary
Mobile traffic up 145% YoY - now 34% of all site visits
Confidential & Proprietary
More customers now convert on mobile
Confidential & Proprietary
But why the gap between visits and conversions?
Confidential & Proprietary
On Desktop, customers already know what they want

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Confidential & Proprietary
Fewer pages?
Confidential & Proprietary
Less time?
Confidential & Proprietary
Confidential & Proprietary
Who gets credit for
this conversion?

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Lately, it’s been feeling a little Terminator-y out there, huh? But the future of paid media isn’t an employment battle between AI and humans like some believe. Instead, it’s about collaboration and another powerful tool to add to the digital marketer’s tool belt. In fact, the best digital marketers have been integrating AI-elements into their work for years… with one caveat - there’s still an industry professional driving the bus. Join Curtiss Gulash, Director of Paid Media, at Be Found Online, to explore the strengths and weaknesses of AI (as well as humans), and how those qualities can complement one another to develop stronger, more informed, and more efficient paid media campaigns. It’s time to turn and embrace the machine to carve out a path for improving efficiency across your accounts with your new AI companions!

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Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing

CIIM (Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing) – ISO:9001 Certified & Google Partner Digital Marketing institute in Chandigarh — was founded by Surjeet Thakur in the year 2010. We specialize in training aspirants in various digital marketing domains such as Google Ads, PPC, SEO, SMM, SEM, Video Marketing, Amazon Marketing etc.

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Digital Solutions Content Craftsmanship Demand/Lead Gen Design Offerings

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Time Decay
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Mange tak!

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Webinar #5: Mobile indsigter og trends ft. Google

  • 2. Confidential + Proprietary 85% Of all Danes use a smartphone! (Nr.1 in Europe) *eMarketer: “IT-anvendelse i befolkningen 2015.”
  • 3. Confidential & Proprietary We don’t go online. We live online.
  • 4. Confidential & Proprietary devices activated since the beginning of this presentation 12456
  • 6. Proprietary + Confidential mSite Speed & Performance: Fast(er) mSites = More revenue Thoughtful user experience design with highly performant load speed and responsiveness leads to higher conversions ▲Conversions Ultimately, speed & performance correlates directly to conversions UX = Perception Great user experience is the perception that all touchpoints in the journey completed seamlessly and naturally Speed & Performance Design is what the customer sees, speed & performance is what the customer feels
  • 7. Smartphones are performance constrained Users have high(er) expectations on mobile Proprietary + Confidential Tough to swallow, but true...
  • 8. (7.083 seconds = avg load time for US retail mSites*) *Source: Proprietary + Confidential mCommerce remains an upper funnel affair
  • 9. “When you squeeze that Web shopping experience into a mobile browser, the result is disaster -- or, to use the technical term, abandoned shopping carts. ” – Proprietary + ConfidentialSource:
  • 10. Google Poll: “what do you dislike the most when browsing the web on your mobile device?” Encountering unplayable videos Getting redirected to the homepage Waiting for slow pages to load Being shown interstitials Other 14% 13% 46% 16% 11% Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog: “#MobileMadness: a campaign to help you go mobile-friendly” (posted: Monday, April 27, 2015) Proprietary + Confidential
  • 11. How fast is your site? SLOW ?? ? Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 12. How fast is your site? SLOW 20.1s9.4s 11.6s Source: Proprietary + Confidential Watch the video here
  • 13. Proprietary + Confidential 40% abandon if a site takes >3 sec to load 47% expect a page to load in <2 sec 52% say fast load time is important to brand loyalty Is your mSite fast enough?
  • 14. Proprietary + Confidential Compared to a page that loads in 1 second -35% pageviews +105% bounce rate -38% conversions 5seconds 3seconds -22% pageviews +50% bounce rate -22% conversions
  • 15. Proprietary + ConfidentialSource: SOASTA Case study (September 1st, 2015) 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9 Load time (seconds) Conversionrate(%) Sessions Sessions Conversion rate (%) 1.9% conversion rate 1.5% conversion rate Case Study: Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to 27% increase in CvR Note: Some of the pages that were faster than 2.4 seconds experienced a lower conversion rate. While we don’t know for sure, the most common reason is because a lot of the faster pages are 404/error pages.
  • 16. How fast is your site? SLOW ?? ? Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 17. How fast is your site? SLOW 1 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 18. How fast is your site? SLOW 2 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 19. How fast is your site? SLOW 3 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 20. How fast is your site? SLOW 4 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 21. How fast is your site? SLOW 5 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 22. How fast is your site? SLOW 6 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 23. How fast is your site? SLOW 7 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 24. How fast is your site? SLOW 8 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 25. How fast is your site? SLOW 9 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 26. How fast is your site? SLOW 10 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 27. How fast is your site? SLOW 11 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 28. How fast is your site? SLOW 12 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 29. How fast is your site? SLOW 13 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 30. How fast is your site? SLOW 14 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 31. How fast is your site? SLOW 15 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 32. How fast is your site? SLOW 16 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 33. How fast is your site? SLOW 17 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 34. How fast is your site? SLOW 18 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 35. How fast is your site? SLOW 19 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 36. How fast is your site? SLOW 20 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 37. How fast is your site? SLOW 21 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 38. How fast is your site? SLOW 22 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 39. How fast is your site? SLOW 23 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 40. How fast is your site? SLOW 24 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 41. How fast is your site? SLOW 25 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 42. How fast is your site? SLOW 26 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 43. How fast is your site? SLOW 27 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 44. How fast is your site? SLOW 28 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 45. How fast is your site? SLOW 29 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 46. How fast is your site? SLOW 30 sec Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 47. Source: Proprietary + Confidential 5.6s 14.4s 10.1s
  • 48. How fast is your site? SLOW 10.1s5.6s 14.4s Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 49. Page speed = $$$ Proprietary + Confidential
  • 50. Winning in mobile is elusive. POSSIBLE Proprietary + Confidential
  • 52. accommodate smartphone users eliminate impediments to action simplify checkout forms streamline site design test & experiment continuously treat performance as a feature link performance to business KPIs set performance budgets, monitor and optimize #winning a higher chance of 100%+ increase in CvR*}*Source: Criteo study Proprietary + Confidential
  • 53. Why Amazon is “Customers can go from ‘I want that’ to ‘I bought that’ in under 30 seconds.” –Amazon 1 #winning Fact: Revenue at Amazon increases by 1% for every 100ms it cuts off download times. Source:; Eliminating the speed delays with mobile Web shopping Proprietary + Confidential
  • 54. + Made performance a top priority + Reduced startup time by 70% 2 Why Netflix is #winning Source: Proprietary + Confidential ““We firmly believe high performance is not an optional engineering goal – it’s a requirement for creating great user-experiences.” –Kristofer Baxter, User Interface Engineering @ Netflix
  • 55. + Decreased page load times by 80% to 2s + Reduced calls to the server by 400% + 83% increase in traffic + 32% increase in median time spent on site + Interaction rate on ads up 108% 3 Why GQ is #winning Source: Proprietary + Confidential
  • 56. We care a lot...
  • 58. Proprietary + Confidential PageSpeed Insights Source: PageSpeed Insights 1 2 Render-blocking Compression 3 Unoptimized images 4 Unminified resources Website page speed audit!
  • 59. Proprietary + Confidential 1. Images = 63% of the average page’s total weight Solution: Use the right format & size - always compress! 2. 20% of pages have 100+ resource requests Solution: Reduce server response time, leverage browser cache (so resources are called only once) and consolidate resources (to limit the # of roundtrips). 3. JavaScript usage is intensifying Each request adds to the complexity of page rendering, because it needs to be downloaded and parsed by the browser. Solution: Know when to use JS and when to back away. Audit key pages and see where they sit on the JS spectrum. 4. 50% of mobile pages use custom fonts Poorly implemented custom fonts or fonts hosted externally = performance pain. Some fonts require tons of CSS code, while others rely on heavy JS. Solution: Disable custom fonts for smartphones. If necessary, only use them with headers and key typographical elements. Usual suspects in mobile performance 5. 20% of pages have 5+ redirects Redirects = performance fail = total usability fail. Solution: Use this SEO tool to audit your pages and identify all your redirects. 6. The # of pages containing HTTPS requests has > quintupled HTTPS requests need additional handshakes in order to verify their authenticity = extra network latency which, if your server isn’t configured correctly, can impact load times. Solution: Run your URL through an SSL server test such as to verify that your server and certificate are configured correctly. Source: The Performance Beacon - The web performance, analytics, and optimization blog
  • 60. Proprietary + Confidential Because slow is always bad in mobile High site abandonment High bounce rates Low CvRs Poor retention Hurts crawl efficiency Fewer pages are indexed Hurts UX Slows the (Google) crawler
  • 61. Proprietary + Confidential Thoughtful user experience design with highly performant load speed and responsiveness leads to higher conversions ▲Conversions Ultimately, speed & performance correlates directly to conversions UX = Perception Great user experience is the perception that all touchpoints in the journey completed seamlessly and naturally Speed & Performance Design is what the customer sees, speed & performance is what the customer feels
  • 62. Confidential & Proprietary devices activated since the beginning of this presentation 12456
  • 63. Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential UX Strategy UX principles a. Attention: homepage, landing pages b. Engage: search, navigation, product pages c. Action: call to actions, form completion d. Flow: Mobile hygiene
  • 64. Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential ATTENTION Hook users: Homepage/Landing pages
  • 65. Proprietary + Confidential The 2 most important elements of the homepage 1. A clear Call To Action 2. A clear Value Proposition 1 2
  • 66. Proprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential ENGAGE Let users explore: Navigation/Search/Filters/Product pages/Online to Store
  • 67. Proprietary + Confidential Top categories should be displayed on the homepage Example Your Site Recommendations: Let users access the top categories quickly by displaying them on the homepage. You can order them per popularity or by best sellers. Insert a screenshot of the client’s homepage
  • 68. Proprietary + Confidential ACTION Make them act: CTA/Basket/Conversion funnel/Checkout forms
  • 69. Proprietary + Confidential Action buttons should stay in natural areas Example Your Site Recommendations: Make sure that your action buttons (eg. “add to cart”, “pay securely now”, “filter”, “sort”) stay in natural (easy-to-reach) areas on mobile screen
  • 70. Proprietary + Confidential Have noticeable CTAs Example Your Site Recommendations: Have bigger and thumb-friendly CTAs. Insert a screenshot of the client’s product page
  • 71. Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem Proprietary + Confidential Source:
  • 72. Proprietary + Confidential FLOW Offer a seamless experience: Mobile Hygiene/Speed
  • 73. Proprietary + Confidential Leverage mobile UI elements Example Recommendations: - Use the most suited input type for each field (eg. don’t show the text keyboard in the card number field) - Drop-downs are the UI of last resort. Show the different options instead. - Use touch controls like steppers instead of making users type or select options from a drop-down menu
  • 74. Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem Proprietary + Confidential
  • 75. Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem Proprietary + Confidential
  • 76. Proprietary + ConfidentialProprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential Attribution
  • 77. Confidential & Proprietary Mobile traffic up 145% YoY - now 34% of all site visits
  • 78. Confidential & Proprietary More customers now convert on mobile
  • 79. Confidential & Proprietary But why the gap between visits and conversions?
  • 80. Confidential & Proprietary On Desktop, customers already know what they want
  • 84. Confidential & Proprietary Who gets credit for this conversion?
  • 85. Confidential & Proprietary Last Click Attribution Model vs. Linear Attribution Model
  • 86. Confidential & Proprietary Position-based Linear Time Decay AdWords attribution models First ClickLast Click Data-Driven