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ShoppingToday 2015
5 must-do’s for the holiday season
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
(bad) Performance triggers emotions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Performance complaints patterns per branche/day
Retail100 Travel30
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
179 tweets p/hour
21% of social complaints are about
user experience
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
Week/Year (2014-2015)
Performance complaints pattern per branche/day
Retail100 Travel30
Normal average:
2398 tweets p/day
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
Week/Year (2014-2015)
Performance complaints pattern per branche/day
Retail100 Travel30
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
Normal average:
2398 tweets p/day
Holiday average:
2897 tweets p/day
18% increase in
performance complaints
during holiday season
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
Week/Year (2014-2015)
Performance complaints pattern per branche/day
Retail100 Travel30
Research from MeasureWork & Social and More. Twitter mentions collected for Twinkle100
webshops between July 1 2014 - July 1 2015
Holiday average:
2897 tweets p/day
Complaint top 3:
1. Downtime (36%)
2. Mobile readiness (21%)
3. Slow (19%)
Complaint top 3:
1. Downtime (39%)
2. Slow (29%)
3. Mobile readiness (11%)
Slow impacts our perception
(of design)
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
1 2 3 4 5
Slow Average Fast
Design score (1=bad - 5=beautiful)
When users experienced a slow
website, 60% of them rated
design lower
...Conversion Impact Score
0-0,5 0,5-1 1-1,5 1,5-2 2-2,5 2,5-3 3-3,5 3,5-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 >10
Category Title
Real User Monitoring: True Conversion Rate
Data collected by MeasureWorks at various e-commerce websites using real user monitoring, reference:
Retail Travel B2B
Real User Monitoring: True Conversion Rate
Data collected by MeasureWorks at various e-commerce websites using real user monitoring, reference:
Optimal Conversion: 1,8s
0-0,5 0,5-1 1-1,5 1,5-2 2-2,5 2,5-3 3-3,5 3,5-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 >10
Category Title
Competitive Custom B2B
Real User Monitoring: True Conversion Rate
Data collected by MeasureWorks at various e-commerce websites using real user monitoring, reference:
Optimal Conversion: 1,8s
LD50: 4,3s
0-0,5 0,5-1 1-1,5 1,5-2 2-2,5 2,5-3 3-3,5 3,5-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 >10
Category Title
Competitive Custom B2B
Real User Monitoring: True Conversion Rate
Data collected by MeasureWorks at various e-commerce websites using real user monitoring, reference:
Optimal Conversion: 1,8s
LD50: 4,3s
Poverty Line: 7,6s
0-0,5 0,5-1 1-1,5 1,5-2 2-2,5 2,5-3 3-3,5 3,5-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 >10
Category Title
Competitive Custom B2B
On average a fast(er) experience
provides a 70% higher
conversion rate...
Yet, in reality...
...this is a familiar sight ;-(
Queuing for iPhone6 launch - London 2014
Purpose vs. Context
Online users often lack context for delays...
...and see no other option than to click away
For many, Performance is like the gym...
There’s always an excuse ;-(
5 must haves
for happy customers (again)...
Understand & Prioritize
your feature content
Three (simple) performance/content checks
Defer non-feature content
A: Load carousel first B: Delayed download
20% time spent on priority content 1% time spent on priority content
Yet, 83% of all Twinkle100 sites
loads menu before feature
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
“The faster you can
paint your feature content,
the more engaged
your visitors will become”
Avoid (too much) Sequencing
“Provide your users the time to
understand navigation as they often
overlook things that change too fast and/or
Consistent, simple &
user generated navigation
Use speed to increase perceived value
Fast response = Fast Experience?
The kayak effect:
People prefer to wait for up
to a minute to get what they
want from an app rather
than get it instantly – if, and
it’s an important if, they
believe the app is working
for them
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
Show effort,
provide specific content,
build trust
Set your performance budget
Setting a performance budget:
A pre-defined set of metrics
that describe normal behavior
in order to detect variances
and to be comparable in historical context
Example performance budget...
Page Size
Time to first Byte 0.0 - 0.2 sec.
Speed Index 0.5 - 1 sec.
Document complete: 1-3 sec
Variation < 20% between pages in funnel
Page size < 1Mb (75 requests)
Example performance budget...
How fast is your (front-end) code?
Build for speed?
go to
select location
select browser
Set connection speed
Capture video
1: Configure test
2: Key Optimizations
3: Performance metrics
Use Akamai State of the Internet quarterly reports to select right bandwith per country:
Responsive web?
Compared to the competition?
No permission needed...
9.76 sec. 4.75 sec. 7.09 sec. 2.31 sec.
Tested with (WiFi (10Mbs down/1,5Mbs up), 4G (5Mbps Down, 1Mbps Up) & 3G (2000Kbps Down, 764Kbps Up))
Or the easy way:
Do you trust your third parties?
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
4.3 sec
22.1 sec
Anatomy of a
web page
Anatomy of a web page
A set of resources to be fetched from a server...
The browser renders the page...
This results in the page being displayed on your
Introducing the waterfall chart
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
See also: 90 minute optimization cycle, Strangeloop, Velocity 2012
See also: 90 minute optimization cycle, Strangeloop, Velocity 2012
See also: 90 minute optimization cycle, Strangeloop, Velocity 2012
See also: 90 minute optimization cycle, Strangeloop, Velocity 2012
See also: 90 minute optimization cycle, Strangeloop, Velocity 2012
Waterfall technique
a.k.a. show me where it hurts
Code Green:
Time to first byte?
MeasureWorks - Shoppingtoday - 5 must-do's for the holiday season
Code Orange:
Too many connections
106 Connections
(almost one per request)
Code Blue:
Too many bytes (page bloat)
Code Grey:
Bad repeat view
First view Repeat view
Why is this important?
Why is this important?
85-90% of all slowdowns are
caused by your front-end code...
Fast enough?
Then test for peak traffic
Load/Performance testing:
Measure performance under both normal and
peak volumes to discover how your application
behaves under stress
Find your ceilings in time to fix them...
The End
Current state
January-14 April-14 July-14 October-14 January-15 April-15 July-15 October-15
Forecast pageviews Actual pageviews
Traffic realized
Traffic forecast
Max infra capacity (90%)
Safety infra capacity (80%)
# pageviews at peak
hour of peak day per
Build your spreadsheet...
Your marketing campaign must never be a
suprise for your site...
Questions so far?
Repeat, repeat, repeat...
It’s a process. Integrate the
performance budget in your
continuous delivery cycle
Analyze the performance as your
users experience it and
compare against your budget to
identify what areas need
Build faster websites
and optimize the
rendering of your
application and the
perception of speed
Automate & Update
performance testing and
integrate into your delivery
Measure Build Run
Performance is a team sport...
Makes it real,
builds &
deploys code.
demand and
generates new
in mind
budget, drives
and keeps
you honest.
...Use performance as a business
metrics to make it stick
Holy performance, Batman...
Always remember this...
You owe it to your customers...
Thanks! More questions?
T: @jeroentjepkema
Or, view slides:
Visit us at our stand

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