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Making More Happen –
How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds
Cliff Crocker
VP Product, mPulse
Performance is a Business
Funnel Optimization is Everything
• Merchandizing
• Multivariate testing
• Pricing
• Ad Campaigns & targeting
• User Experience
Performance IS User

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Applications Performance Monitoring with Applications Manager part 1
Applications Performance Monitoring with Applications Manager part 1Applications Performance Monitoring with Applications Manager part 1
Applications Performance Monitoring with Applications Manager part 1

Explore the components of a simple web app and then see how Applications Manager helps you discover and map relationships between your apps and take a look at the wide range of business critical metrics monitored for every app/ server in your network. We will also explore how to logically group your apps so as to achieve maximum productivity from your IT department.

application performance monitoringapplication discoverydependency mapping
REST API Design & Development
REST API Design & DevelopmentREST API Design & Development
REST API Design & Development

The document discusses demystifying APIs. It begins with an introduction to APIs, including their evolution and benefits. It then discusses RESTful APIs and their key aspects like uniform interface and use of HTTP methods. The document outlines best practices for API design, development, and challenges. It provides examples of designing APIs using Node.js and Hapi.js and discusses challenges like security, authentication, rate limiting, and scalability. Tools mentioned include Express, Swagger, Postman, and Kong.

restfulrest apiapi platform
RPA Developer Kickstarter | Day 3: UI Automation and UiPath Selectors
RPA Developer Kickstarter | Day 3: UI Automation and UiPath SelectorsRPA Developer Kickstarter | Day 3: UI Automation and UiPath Selectors
RPA Developer Kickstarter | Day 3: UI Automation and UiPath Selectors

The document discusses UI automation in UiPath, including how it works by simulating mouse and keyboard inputs and outputs, and the various activities used for inputting data to and extracting data from applications. It covers selectors for identifying UI elements, the UI Explorer tool, and different input and output methods like hardware events, send window message, and simulate. The goal of the session is to introduce attendees to UI automation concepts and have them complete an assignment automating a password generator app.

Yahoo! - 2008
Increase of 400ms
causes 5-9% increase in
user abandonment
Shopzilla - 2009
A reduction in Page Load
time of 5s increased site
conversion 7-12%!
Walmart - 2012
SF WebPerf –
Up to 2%
increase for every

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Pragmatic RESTful API Design: Apigee Webinar
Pragmatic RESTful API Design: Apigee WebinarPragmatic RESTful API Design: Apigee Webinar
Pragmatic RESTful API Design: Apigee Webinar

RESTful API design principle webinar by apigee. Check out our blog for the recording and video, thanks!

“Web crawler”
“Web crawler”“Web crawler”
“Web crawler”

This document discusses the architecture and approaches of web crawlers. It describes how web crawlers work by systematically browsing websites to gather pages. The key components of a web crawler include its crawling process, which prioritizes URLs using selection policies. Web crawlers are important utilities as they support search engines by gathering pages to improve searching efficiency and perform tasks like data mining and web site analysis. The document reviews several papers on focused crawling and ontology-based approaches. It also discusses challenges for crawlers in selecting important pages to download while avoiding overloading websites.

REST-API overview / concepts
REST-API overview / conceptsREST-API overview / concepts
REST-API overview / concepts

The article 'Design Patterns for REST-APIs, plus a quick primer on what they are' is here:

Unfortunately, it’s not always
that straightforward
Not All Pages are Created Equal
For a typical
eCommerce site,
conversion rate
drops by up to 50%
when “browse”
pages increase
from 1 to 6
Not All Pages are Created Equal
However, there is
much less impact
to conversion
when “checkout”
pages degrade
Getting Started
• Organizational challenges
• Process challenges
• Visibility
• Expertise
• Focus & prioritization

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New relic
New relicNew relic
New relic

This document discusses application performance monitoring using New Relic. It introduces New Relic as a SaaS tool that allows users to understand and solve real-time performance issues in web applications in production. Some key features of New Relic mentioned are monitoring end user load times down to the database call level, application monitoring, browser monitoring for JavaScript errors and Ajax failures, database monitoring for slow queries and issues, and insights into geographic metrics.

performance monitoringbrowser monitoringnew relic
Rails DB migrations
Rails DB migrationsRails DB migrations
Rails DB migrations

Database migrations allow incremental and reversible changes to a database schema. In Rails, migrations are Ruby classes that describe changes to database tables. Common migration methods add, remove, or change columns or tables. Migrations are run with Rake tasks like db:migrate and can be rolled back. Best practices include using the change method, enforcing defaults in migrations, and keeping schema.rb under version control.

API Strategy Presentation
API Strategy PresentationAPI Strategy Presentation
API Strategy Presentation

The document discusses strategies for building a successful API, including the four pillars of distribution (widgets, toolbars/extensions, platform apps, and APIs), case studies of Netflix and RateItAll, common API business models and formats, challenges of promoting and managing APIs, and resources for learning more.

Steve Skroce
Sr. Manager, Site Operations
How Did I Get Here
Developer SEO Performance
SiteSpeed & Staples
• A top goal for Staples eCommerce
• It’s about customer experience
• Speed is essential to UX
• Because Staples is highly matrixed
• Visibility into the organization is key
• Approach as a discipline and institutionalize the process
First Things First
• You can’t manage what you can’t measure
• Earliest work involved selecting the proper tools
• Business and Engineering led team
• Already had synthetic transaction monitoring tool
• Backend tools were also available
• RUM tool was missing from the set
• Needed RUM info if we were going to affect our customers’ experiences

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Rest API
Rest APIRest API
Rest API

This is a presentation which describe the big picture of the Rest API. In this presentation I simply describe the theories with practical examples. Hope this presentation will cover the overall Rest API domain.

itapi developmentrest api
Reactive Web 101: WebFlux, WebClient, and Reactor Netty
Reactive Web 101: WebFlux, WebClient, and Reactor NettyReactive Web 101: WebFlux, WebClient, and Reactor Netty
Reactive Web 101: WebFlux, WebClient, and Reactor Netty

Presented by Violeta Georgieva at Reactive Enterprise with Reactor and Spring in Toronto on June 13th, 2019.

spring frameworkreactive programmingpivotal software
Holiday Readiness: Best Practices for Successful Holiday Readiness Testing
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Best Practices for Successful Holiday Readiness Testing: Are you already thinking of, and planning for Black Friday? Learn which load tests to use and why to load test early and often so that you are prepared for the holidays.

ecommerceblack fridayreadiness
First Things First
• Assembling a cross-functional team
• Business
• Decides which features and functionality lives on the site
• Engineering
• How something gets built can make or break page load time
• Marketing
• Asset optimization is important
• Merchandising
• On-site content
• Analytics
• Analytics team ties everything together
• And others…
Why Is Speed Important to Staples?
Bounce Rate increases as load time increases
Why Is Speed Important to Staples?
Conversion rate decreases as load time increases
The First Pass
• Governance meetings to evaluate functionality
• Cataloged all site features
• Weekly meeting to discuss one or two features in detail
• Feature owner comes prepared to review all aspects
• Full Page Load vs. Time to Interactive
• How Staples defines them
• FPL ensured wide exposure / awareness through the organization
• Everyone was involved from the beginning
• Set the expectation of accountability

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Advanced Web Development in PHP - Understanding REST API
Advanced Web Development in PHP - Understanding REST APIAdvanced Web Development in PHP - Understanding REST API
Advanced Web Development in PHP - Understanding REST API

ESOFT Metro Campus - Advanced Web Development in PHP - (Module VIII) Understanding REST API (Template - Virtusa Corporate) Resources: Contents: What is an API? Comparing a website to an API Classification of APIs What is REST API? What model does REST use? REST HTTP Methods HTTP Codes The advantages of REST What is CRUD? CRUD Operations CRUD Application Example Simple REST API Implementation in PHP Web root Folders and Files Structure MySQL Database Reading all Products Reading one Product Creating a Product Updating a Product Deleting a Product Searching a Product

esoftadvanced web development in phprest api
Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)
Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)
Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)

Presentation to Gluecon 2014 about Swagger for API development and adoption of services. Reverb also announced the Swagger 2.0 Working Group, with Apigee as a founding member

gRPC - RPC rebirth?
gRPC - RPC rebirth?gRPC - RPC rebirth?
gRPC - RPC rebirth?

Presentation at NetPonto community: "We’re going to discuss gRPC, Google’s open-source RPC framework. I’ll dive a bit into the history of RPC as a protocol, and what its historical use has been. I’ll also highlight some benefits to adopt gRPC and how its possible to swap out parts of gRPC and still take advantage of gRPC’s benefits. Finally I’ll answer the question that has been on many lips since gRPC was announced — what does this mean for REST?"
The First Pass
• Onsite promotional banners were too “heavy”
• Inconsistent image optimization
• Depended on the individual, not the process
• 25k and 250k
• Put a new process in place
The First Pass
• Testing practices were inefficient
• Two vehicles for A/B testing
• Eliminate one
• Process improvement opportunity for ending campaigns
• Eliminate lingering artifacts
The First Pass
• Needed “sanity” around third party calls
• Categorization of calls
• Ads
• Marketing
• Analytics
• Recommendations
• Social Buttons
• Etc.
• Removed some calls, optimized others
• Further work needs to be done
The First Pass
• Database calls were inefficient
• Some pages went from 200 calls to 10

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High Volume Web API Management with WSO2 ESB
High Volume Web API Management with WSO2 ESBHigh Volume Web API Management with WSO2 ESB
High Volume Web API Management with WSO2 ESB

This document discusses configuring the WSO2 ESB for high volume API management. It provides an overview of WSO2 offerings and describes how the ESB was able to support over 1 billion messages per day for eBay by optimizing the operating system, JVM, ESB configuration, enabling message relay mode and HTTP relay transport. It also covers monitoring, error handling, and questions.

by WSO2
web api managementwso2conesb
Colloquim Report - Rotto Link Web Crawler
Colloquim Report - Rotto Link Web CrawlerColloquim Report - Rotto Link Web Crawler
Colloquim Report - Rotto Link Web Crawler

A Report of web crawler/scraper to find the broken links in the targeted seed url based on the keywords matched around that broken links

report crawler link smvdu
The Business Case for Speed
The Business Case for SpeedThe Business Case for Speed
The Business Case for Speed

The document discusses the business case for website speed optimization. It notes that both users and search engines prefer faster sites, and cites studies showing that even small improvements in speed (e.g. 1 second faster load time) can increase key metrics like conversions by 2-14%. The document provides examples of companies like Walmart and Obama's 2012 campaign that saw increased revenue and donations from speed optimizations. It acknowledges IT concerns about speed work but argues a methodology is needed to prioritize and implement optimizations.

performance managementweb performancepage speed
• Go bolder, sooner
• Sprint model allowed us to deliver something every release
• Something, not something substantial
• Not enough time for big, bold changes
• We needed to step-back and reevaluate
How fast are we, really?
• Examples of pagespeed for Staples
• Median vs. percentiles
• Make it simple for a wide audience to understand the metrics
• Key page performance – target specific pages to focus on
• Home, Product, Search, Class, Login, Cart
Make Faster Page Load Times Happen
• mPulse
• Dev Tools
• NetPanel
• “Motivational” emails from the top
Make ‘Faster Page Load Times’ Happen
• Confirmation of what we already knew:
• Front-end vs. back-end time

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Transform your Entire Customer Life Cycle, at Enterprise Scale by Marc Aubin ...
Transform your Entire Customer Life Cycle, at Enterprise Scale by Marc Aubin ...Transform your Entire Customer Life Cycle, at Enterprise Scale by Marc Aubin ...
Transform your Entire Customer Life Cycle, at Enterprise Scale by Marc Aubin ...

The document discusses best practices for managing the customer lifecycle at scale. It addresses the need for users to work efficiently across business processes with the right data. Manually stringing together components doesn't scale. The solution demonstrated was AppBuddy, which can efficiently configure and manage any part of the customer lifecycle through a unified data experience tailored to user roles, improving productivity without custom coding. Examples showed how it could create customized views more quickly and cheaply than traditional customization approaches.

Growing Up The Right Way: An Example of How to Scale When You're Aren't a Sta...
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Growing Up The Right Way: An Example of How to Scale When You're Aren't a Sta...

The current environment we live in demands the ability to scale at the drop of a hat. In this SauceCon 2018 session, we will cover the questions to ask when you are faced with the scaling vs. cost dilemma, things like “I have a limited budget, where should I spend it?”, “How do I take advantage of my team’s diverse, yet non-correlating, coding experience?”, and “Where should I start to make the biggest bang for the buck? We’ll cover the options and tools you have to make sure you’re scaling without forsaking quality, and why it is ok to fail (as long as you do it fast). I will share real world examples of our company being forced to grow up and the pains and glorious successes that went right along with it. Plus there will be treats and who doesn’t like treats?

criteoderek zellsaucecon 2018
How to create awesome customer experiences
How to create awesome customer experiencesHow to create awesome customer experiences
How to create awesome customer experiences

Personal customer experiences are and will be more and more vital. People to people, but also people to machine. Today, there are several providers of the same services, and the new ones are faster, more flexible, and more personalized in their communications with their customers & users. How do we ensure that we provide the right information to our employees as well as to our customers so they can better serve and increase customer satisfaction? This webinar will focus on how you as an organization will have to restructure, rethink and redesign your technological platform to support increasing employee- and customer demands. Key takeaways: Holistic understanding of how to make a successful cloud transition Learn why modern organizations excel in customer treatment, productivity, flexibility, and agility High-level architecture and how and why DevOps changes organizations

JS refactoring
Reduced k size by 48%
Reduced lines of code by 52%
CSS refactoring
Reduced k size by 83%
Reduced lines of code by 88%
Early Results
• Shaved 1 full second off of Home page median
• Shaved 6 seconds off of the 98th%
• Conversion improved by roughly 10%

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Velocity NY - How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds

  • 1. Making More Happen – How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds
  • 3. Performance is a Business Problem
  • 4. Funnel Optimization is Everything • Merchandizing • SEO • Multivariate testing • Pricing • Ad Campaigns & targeting • User Experience Performance IS User Experience!!
  • 5. Yahoo! - 2008 Increase of 400ms causes 5-9% increase in user abandonment
  • 6. Shopzilla - 2009 A reduction in Page Load time of 5s increased site conversion 7-12%! %20You%20Get%20What%20You%20Measure%20Presentation.ppt
  • 7. Walmart - 2012 SF WebPerf – 2012 Up to 2% conversion increase for every second
  • 9. Unfortunately, it’s not always that straightforward
  • 10. Not All Pages are Created Equal For a typical eCommerce site, conversion rate drops by up to 50% when “browse” pages increase from 1 to 6 seconds
  • 11. Not All Pages are Created Equal However, there is much less impact to conversion when “checkout” pages degrade
  • 12. Getting Started • Organizational challenges • Process challenges • Visibility • Expertise • Focus & prioritization
  • 13. Steve Skroce Staples Sr. Manager, Site Operations
  • 14. How Did I Get Here Developer SEO Performance
  • 15. SiteSpeed & Staples • A top goal for Staples eCommerce • It’s about customer experience • Speed is essential to UX • Because Staples is highly matrixed • Visibility into the organization is key • Approach as a discipline and institutionalize the process
  • 16. First Things First • You can’t manage what you can’t measure • Earliest work involved selecting the proper tools • Business and Engineering led team • Already had synthetic transaction monitoring tool • Backend tools were also available • RUM tool was missing from the set • Needed RUM info if we were going to affect our customers’ experiences
  • 17. First Things First • Assembling a cross-functional team • Business • Decides which features and functionality lives on the site • Engineering • How something gets built can make or break page load time • Marketing • Asset optimization is important • Merchandising • On-site content • Analytics • Analytics team ties everything together • And others…
  • 18. Why Is Speed Important to Staples? Bounce Rate increases as load time increases
  • 19. Why Is Speed Important to Staples? Conversion rate decreases as load time increases
  • 20. The First Pass • Governance meetings to evaluate functionality • Cataloged all site features • Weekly meeting to discuss one or two features in detail • Feature owner comes prepared to review all aspects • Full Page Load vs. Time to Interactive • How Staples defines them • FPL ensured wide exposure / awareness through the organization • Everyone was involved from the beginning • Set the expectation of accountability
  • 21. The First Pass • Onsite promotional banners were too “heavy” • Inconsistent image optimization • Depended on the individual, not the process • 25k and 250k • Put a new process in place
  • 22. The First Pass • Testing practices were inefficient • Two vehicles for A/B testing • Eliminate one • Process improvement opportunity for ending campaigns • Eliminate lingering artifacts
  • 23. The First Pass • Needed “sanity” around third party calls • Categorization of calls • Ads • Marketing • Analytics • Recommendations • Social Buttons • Etc. • Removed some calls, optimized others • Further work needs to be done
  • 24. The First Pass • Database calls were inefficient • Some pages went from 200 calls to 10
  • 25. Evolution • Go bolder, sooner • Sprint model allowed us to deliver something every release • Something, not something substantial • Not enough time for big, bold changes • We needed to step-back and reevaluate
  • 26. How fast are we, really? • Examples of pagespeed for Staples • Median vs. percentiles • Make it simple for a wide audience to understand the metrics • Key page performance – target specific pages to focus on • Home, Product, Search, Class, Login, Cart
  • 27. Make Faster Page Load Times Happen • mPulse • • Dev Tools • NetPanel • “Motivational” emails from the top
  • 28. Make ‘Faster Page Load Times’ Happen • Confirmation of what we already knew: • Front-end vs. back-end time X
  • 29. JS refactoring Reduced k size by 48% Reduced lines of code by 52% CSS refactoring Reduced k size by 83% Reduced lines of code by 88%
  • 30. Early Results • Shaved 1 full second off of Home page median • Shaved 6 seconds off of the 98th% • Conversion improved by roughly 10%