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Time Series Data With
Apache Cassandra
Berlin Buzzwords
May 27, 2014
Eric Evans

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Climate data in r with the raster package
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Climate data in r with the raster package

The raster package in R allows users to work with geographic grid data. It contains functions for reading raster files into R, performing operations on raster layers like cropping and aggregation, and visualizing raster maps. Common sources of global climate data that can be accessed in R include WorldClim, the Global Summary of Day from NOAA, and datasets available on the CGIAR website.

Redis Day TLV 2018 - RediSearch Aggregations
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Redis Day TLV 2018 - RediSearch Aggregations

This document discusses RediSearch aggregations, which allow processing search results to produce statistical insights. Aggregations take a search query, group and reduce the results, apply transformations, and sort. Key steps include filtering results, grouping and reducing with functions like count and average, applying expressions, and sorting. Examples show finding top GitHub committers and visits by hour. Scaling aggregations to multiple nodes requires pushing processing stages to nodes and merging results, such as summing counts or taking list intersections.

The Directions Pipeline at Mapbox - AWS Meetup Berlin June 2015
The Directions Pipeline at Mapbox - AWS Meetup Berlin June 2015The Directions Pipeline at Mapbox - AWS Meetup Berlin June 2015
The Directions Pipeline at Mapbox - AWS Meetup Berlin June 2015

The Mapbox Directions Pipeline aims to always have the freshest map data available for routing. It involves getting the latest OpenStreetMap data, pre-processing it for directions, loading the new data into API servers, and then repeating the process. Each step uses its own CloudFormation stack. The pipeline downloads planet files from OpenStreetMap, pre-processes them for different transport profiles, uploads the results to S3, and updates the API CloudFormation stacks to fetch the new data.

OpenNMS: What It Is
● Network Management System
○ Discovery and Provisioning
○ Service monitoring
○ Data collection
○ Event management, notifications
● Java, open source, GPLv3
● Since 1999
Time series: RRDTool
● Round Robin Database
● First released 1999
● Time series storage
● File-based, constant-size, self-maintaining
● Automatic, incremental aggregation

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ECMAScript: past, present and future
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This document provides a history and overview of ECMAScript (ES), the standard upon which JavaScript is based. It discusses the major versions from ES3 in 1999 to ES2016. Key changes and new features are outlined for each version, including the addition of classes, modules, iterators and more in ES6/ES2015. Transpilers like Babel allow the use of new syntax by compiling ES6 to older JavaScript. Compatibility and adoption are addressed, noting a goal of evolving the language without breaking the web. Links for further reading on ES6 features and syntax are also included.

Redis Day TLV 2018 - Redis as a Time-Series DB
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Redis can be used as a time-series database by using the redis-timeseries module. The module provides a custom data structure and commands for storing and querying time-series data in Redis. Data can be added with a timestamp and value and queried within a time range. Downsampling aggregates and stores data at regular intervals to reduce the size of long time-series data. Global configuration allows defining downsampling rules and retention policies for all keys.

Declarative Infrastructure Tools
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Abstract: At DataRobot we deal with automation challenges every day. This talk will give insight into how we use Python tools built around Ansible, Terraform, and Docker to solve real-world problems in infrastructure and automation.

… and oh yeah, graphing
● 5+ IOPs per update (read-modify-write)!
● 100,000s of metrics, 1,000s IOPS
● 1,000,000s of metrics, 10,000s IOPS
● 15,000 RPM SAS drive, ~175-200 IOPS
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
We collect and write a great deal; We read
(graph) relatively little.
So why are we aggregating everything?

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InfiniFlux Minmax Cache
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InfiniFlux Minmax Cache

The MinMax Cache concept keeps the minimum and maximum values of each data partition in a cache. When searching for a value, it can skip partitions that are outside the range of the minimum and maximum values, improving search speed compared to searching all partitions. Setting up a MinMax cache on columns where values increase over time allows faster pruning of partitions during searches. Testing on a dataset of 100M records showed searches were over 7 times faster with the MinMax cache enabled compared to without it.

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In class, we discussed min-heaps. In a min-heap the element of the heap with ...
In class, we discussed min-heaps. In a min-heap the element of the heap with ...In class, we discussed min-heaps. In a min-heap the element of the heap with ...
In class, we discussed min-heaps. In a min-heap the element of the heap with ...

In class, we discussed min-heaps. In a min-heap the element of the heap with the smallest key is the root of a binary tree. A max-heap has as root always the element with the biggest key and the relationship between the keys of a node and its parent is less than or equal (). Your task is to develop your own binary tree ADT and your own flex-heap ADT. The flex-heap ADT must implement a min- as well as a max-heap. Apparently, instead of defining a removeMin or removeMax operation you will only provide a remove operation in your flex-heap. It must be implemented using your binary tree ADT. You have to implement these two ADTs in Java. The flex-heap ADT has to additionally support the dynamic switch from a min- to a max-heap and vice versa: remove() removes and returns the element with the smallest or biggest key value depending on the heap status (min-heap vs. max-heap) and repairs the flex-heap afterwards accordingly. toggleHeap() transforms a min- to a max-heap or vice versa. switchMinHeap() transforms a max- to a min-heap. switchMaxHeap() transforms a min- to a max-heap. Binary trees must be implemented with an extendable array-list similar to what we discussed in class and in §7.3.5 of the textbook. You are not allowed to implement trees with lists. Further, you are not allowed to use any array-list, queue, vector, (binary) tree, or heap interfaces already available in Java. Your toggleHeap, switchMinHeap, and switchMaxHeap operations must run in O(n) time. All other flex-heap operations must be either in O(1) or O(log n). You may safely assume for the binary tree and flex-heap ADT that keys are of type integer and values are of type character. So, the use of generics is not required. You have to submit the following deliverables: a) Specification of the binary tree and flex-heap ADTs including comments about assumptions and semantics (especially about the 3 added flex-heap operations). b) Pseudo code of your implementation of the binary tree and flex-heap ADTs. Keep in mind that Java code will not be considered as pseudo code. Your pseudo code must be on a higher and more abstract level. c) Well-formatted and documented Java source code and the corresponding executable jar file with at least 20 different but representative examples demonstrating the functionality of your implemented ADTs. These examples should demonstrate all cases of your ADT functionality (e.g., all operations of your ADTs, sufficient sizes of flex-heaps, sufficient number of down and up-heap, toggleHeap, switchMinHeap, and switchMaxHeap operations). You must have separate tests for each ADT but the majority of tests should cover flex-heaps because they are implemented using binary trees.

● Not everything is a graph
● Inflexible
● Incremental backups impractical
● Availability subject to filesystem access
Metrics typically appear in groups that are
accessed together.
Optimizing storage for grouped access is a
great idea!
What OpenNMS needs:
● High throughput
● High availability
● Late aggregation
● Grouped storage/retrieval
● Apache top-level project
● Distributed database
● Highly available
● High throughput
● Tunable consistency

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The document proposes a solution to replace inode-based storage with a key-value store mapping objects directly to positions in large "volumes" or files to address scalability issues. It benchmarks significantly better performance for puts, gets, and concurrent operations compared to an XFS filesystem, using less RAM and avoiding compaction costs. Open tasks include replication, erasure coding, and testing on object servers.

Intro to Apache Spark - Lab
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This document provides an introduction and overview of several Apache Spark labs covering: a "hello world" example of Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs); importing and performing operations on a wine dataset using DataFrames and SQL; and using the MLlib library to perform k-means clustering on features from the wine dataset. The labs demonstrate basic Spark concepts like RDDs, DataFrames, ML pipelines, and clustering algorithms.

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Ted Dunning – Very High Bandwidth Time Series Database Implementation - NoSQL...
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Ted Dunning – Very High Bandwidth Time Series Database Implementation This talk will describe our work in creating time series databases with very high ingest rates (over 100 million points / second) on very small clusters. Starting with openTSDB and the off-the-shelf version of MapR-DB, we were able to accelerate ingest by >1000x. I will describe our techniques in detail and talk about the architectural changes required. We are also working to allow access to openTSDB data using SQL via Apache Drill. In addition, I will talk about how this work has implications regarding the much fabled Internet of Things. And tell some stories about the origins of open source big data in the 19th century at sea.

maprnosql matters barcelona 2014ted dunning
Write Properties
● Optimized for write throughput
● Sorted on disk
● Perfect for time series!
Key: Apple
Key: Apple

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“Show Me the Garbage!”, Understanding Garbage Collection
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“Just leave the garbage outside and we will take care of it for you”. This is the panacea promised by garbage collection mechanisms built into most software stacks available today. So, we don’t need to think about it anymore, right? Wrong! When misused, garbage collectors can fail miserably. When this happens they slow down your application and lead to unacceptable pauses. In this talk we will go over different garbage collectors approaches in different software runtimes and what are the conditions which enable them to function well. Presented on Reversim summit 2019

garbage collectiongcperformance
Key: Apple
CAP Theorem
Partition tolerance
R+W > N

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NBITSearch is a search engine with an open API for local stations, LAN and Internet. Advantages over counterparts: 1. Object indexing. It allows to index objects S of any types T. 2. Multifunctional indexing. It allows to index objects simultaneously by a set of any functions F (S). 3. Very fast search. It allows to save time and money.

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The document discusses topology and partitioning in Cassandra distributed hash tables (DHTs). It describes issues with poor load distribution and data distribution in traditional DHT designs. It proposes using virtual nodes, where each physical node is assigned multiple tokens, to better distribute partitions and improve performance. Configuration options for Cassandra are presented that implement virtual nodes using a random token assignment strategy.

distributed databasenosqlvirtual nodes
Distribution Properties
● Symmetrical
● Linearly scalable
● Redundant
● Highly available
D ata odelM
Data Model
Data Model
T1 T2 T3

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Comment maîtriser le flux de données IoT avec DataStax, Apache Cassandra et Apache Spark ? Petit Déjeuner IoT du 19 novembre 2015

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Spectator to Participant. Contributing to Cassandra (Patrick McFadin, DataSta...
Spectator to Participant. Contributing to Cassandra (Patrick McFadin, DataSta...Spectator to Participant. Contributing to Cassandra (Patrick McFadin, DataSta...
Spectator to Participant. Contributing to Cassandra (Patrick McFadin, DataSta...

Feeling the need to contribute something to Apache Cassandra? Maybe you want to help guide the future of your favorite database? Get off the sidelines and get in the game! It's easy to say but how do you even get started? I will outline some of the ways you can help contribute to Apache Cassandra from minor to major. If you don't have the time or ability to submit code, there are a lot of ways you can participate. What if you do want to write some code? I can walk you through the process of creating a patch and submitting for final approval. Got a great idea? I'll show you propose that to the community at large. Take it from me, participating is so much more fun than just watching the project from a distance. Time to jump in! About the Speaker Patrick McFadin Chief Evangelist, DataStax Patrick McFadin is one of the leading experts of Apache Cassandra and data modeling techniques. As the Chief Evangelist for Apache Cassandra and consultant for DataStax, he has helped build some of the largest and exciting deployments in production. Previous to DataStax, he was Chief Architect at Hobsons and an Oracle DBA/Developer for over 15 years.

Data Model
M1 M2
V1 V2
M1 M2
V1 V2
M1 M2
V1 V2
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Data Model
CREATE TABLE samples (
T timestamp,
M text,
V double,
resource text,
PRIMARY KEY(resource, T, M)
Data model
V1T1 M1 V2T1 M2 T1 V3M3resource

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Cassandra at scale

A 30 minute talk I did at Cassandra Dublin and Cassandra London. Just some things I've learned along the way as I've helped some of the largest users of Cassandra be successful. Learn form other peoples mistakes!

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Cassandra: Two data centers and great performance
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Cassandra: Two data centers and great performance

In this talk we describe the features of Cassandra that set it above the pack, and how to get the most out of them, depending on your application. In particular, we'll describe de-normalization, and detail how the algorithms behind Cassandra leverage awesome write speed to accelerate reads; and we'll explain how Cassandra achieves multi-datacenter support, tunable consistency and no single point of failure, to give a great solution for highly available systems.

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
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Data model
SELECT * FROM samples
WHERE resource = ‘resource’
AND T = ‘T1’;
V1T1 M1 V2T1 M2 T1 V3M3resource
Data model
T1 M1 V1resource
V1T1 M1 V2T1 M2 T1 V3M3resource
Data model
T1 M1 V1
T1 M2 V2
V1T1 M1 V2T1 M2 T1 V3M3resource
Data model
T1 M1 V1
T1 M2 V2
T1 M3 V3
V1T1 M1 V2T1 M2 T1 V3M3resource

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

This document summarizes Eric Evans' presentation on using Cassandra as the backend for Wikimedia's content API. It discusses Wikimedia's goals of providing free knowledge, key metrics about Wikipedia and its architecture. It then focuses on how Wikimedia uses Cassandra, including their data model, compression techniques, and ongoing work to optimize compaction strategies and reduce node density to improve performance.

Webinar Degetel DataStax
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Webinar Degetel DataStax

Webinar Degetel DataStax du 15 octobre 2015 Du SQL au NoSQL : Pourquoi ? Différences ? Comment ça marche ?

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data preparationtrifactabig data
Data model
SELECT * FROM samples
WHERE resource = ‘resource’
AND T >= ‘T1’ AND T <= ‘T3’;
V1T1 M1 V1T2 M1 T3 V1M1resource
● Standalone time series data-store
● Raw sample storage and retrieval
● Flexible aggregations (computed at read)
○ Rate (counter types)
○ Functions pluggable
○ Arbitrary calculations
● Cassandra-speed
● Java API
● REST interface
● Apache licensed
● Github (

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Castle enhanced Cassandra
Castle enhanced CassandraCastle enhanced Cassandra
Castle enhanced Cassandra

Castle is an open-source project that provides an alternative to the lower layers of the storage stack -- RAID and POSIX filesystems -- for big data workloads, and distributed data stores such as Apache Cassandra. This presentation from Berlin Buzzwords 2012 provides a high-level overview of Castle and how it is used with Cassandra to improve performance and predictability.

Highly available, scalable and secure data with Cassandra and DataStax Enterp...
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DataStax is a company that drives development of the Apache Cassandra database. It has over 400 customers including 24 Fortune 100 companies. DataStax Enterprise provides a highly available, scalable and secure database platform using Cassandra for mission critical applications. It supports analytics, search and multi-datacenter deployments across hybrid cloud environments.

DataStax Enterprise BBL
DataStax Enterprise BBLDataStax Enterprise BBL
DataStax Enterprise BBL

Découvrez DataStax Enterprise avec ses intégrations de Apache Spark et de Apache Solr, ainsi que son nouveau modèle de données de type Graph.


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