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CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond)

       Big Data DC Meetup #5
          October 17, 2011

                Eric Evans
          @jericevans, @acunu
●   Overview, history, motivation
●   Changes in CQL 2.0 (Cassandra 1.0)
●   Coming soon (?)
●   Drivers status
●   Cassandra Query Language
    ●   aka CQL
    ●   aka /ˈsēkwəl/
●   Exactly like SQL (except where it's not)
●   Introduced in Cassandra 0.8.0
●   Ready for production use
SQL? Almost.

–- Inserts or updates
INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0, col1)
VALUES (key, value0, value1)
–- Inserts or updates
UPDATE Standard1
SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key

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This document discusses metrics monitoring systems. It provides an overview of the Graphite monitoring system architecture, including the carbon-cache and carbon-relay components. It then evaluates various open source alternatives for handling high volumes of metrics data, finding that a combination of go-carbon and carbon-c-relay can process over 1.4 million requests per second. The document also discusses tagging metrics with metadata and time series databases that support tags.

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Kafka monitoring and metrics

Kafka monitoring and metrics With Docker, Grafana, Prometheus, JMX and JConsole By Touraj Ebrahimi Senior Java Developer and Java Architect github: toraj58 bitbucket: toraj58 twitter: @toraj58

Metrics: where and how
Metrics: where and howMetrics: where and how
Metrics: where and how

This document discusses Graphite and options for optimizing its performance for high volumes of metrics data. It summarizes the default Graphite architecture using Carbon and Whisper and different approaches for scaling it up including using go-carbon, carbon-c-relay, and evaluating alternative time series databases like Influx and OpenTSDB. Various techniques for optimizing whisper and cache configurations, I/O performance, and system parameters are also explored. Overall the best performing combination found was go-carbon with carbon-c-relay to handle over 1 million requests per second.

SQL? Almost.
–- Get columns for a row
SELECT col0,col1 FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- Range of columns for a row
SELECT col0..colN
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- First 10 results from a range of columns
SELECT FIRST 10 col0..colN
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- Invert the sorting of results
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key
Interface Instability
(Un)ease of use
Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes()));

ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn();
Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>();
Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>();
cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations);
mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)

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This document proposes an architecture for distributed indexing, storage, and real-time analysis of logs. It discusses challenges of scaling log collection and analysis across hundreds of servers generating terabytes of data daily. The proposed architecture uses multicast messaging and sharding to distribute indexing and querying across clusters of servers for scalability. It emphasizes low overhead indexing and real-time aggregation of results.

INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0)
    VALUES (key, value0)
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
●   Irritates the NoSQL purists
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
●   Irritates the NoSQL purists
●   (Still )irritates the SQL purists

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CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond)
CQL 2.0
Wait, 2.0? You call that stable?
Yes yes, but...
 ●   We had a few FUBARs in the first pass
 ●   Not the norm, honest
 ●   It's a mulligan
 ●   Look, cats!
Changed in 2.0
●   SELECT count(...) FROM now returns row,
    not column count
●   Terms / Types
    ●   bytea became blob
    ●   int became 4-bytes (was arbitrary precision)
    ●   date became timestamp

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nosql database cassandra buzzwords
Also new (but not breaking)
●   Named keys (virtual columns)
●   Counters
●   Complete DDL support
●   Timestamps and TTLs
Named Keys
–- An unnamed key uses the KEY keyword
    (KEY text PRIMARY KEY)
–- But you can also name one like so...
    (username text PRIMARY KEY)
–- The name will also be used in results!
SELECT email FROM Standard1
    WHERE username = 'jericevans'
–- Counter increment
UPDATE Standard1
SET acount = acount + 1 WHERE KEY = key
–- Counter decrement
UPDATE Standard1
SET acount = acount - 1 WHERE KEY = key
–- 1 not enough? Go nuts.
UPDATE Standard1
SET acount = acount + 9 WHERE KEY = key
Timestamps and TTLs

–- Inserts or updates
SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key
–- Inserts or updates
SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key

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Coming Soon(ish)
●   Prepared statements (CASSANDRA-2475)
●   Compound columns (CASSANDRA-2474)
●   Custom transport / protocol (CASSANDRA-2478)
●   Performance testing (CASSANDRA-2268)
●   Schema introspection (CASSANDRA-2477)
●   Multiget support (CASSANDRA-3069)
●   Hosted on Apache Extras (Google Code)
●   Tagged cassandra and cql
●   Licensed using Apache License 2.0
●   Conforming to a standard for database
    connectivity (if applicable)
●   Coming soon, automated testing and
    acceptance criteria

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Driver                           Platform                 Status
cassandra-jdbc                   Java                     Good
cassandra-dbapi2                 Python                   Good
cassandra-ruby                   Ruby                     New
cassandra-pdo                    PHP                      New
cassandra-node                   Node.js                  Good
The End

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CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond)

  • 1. CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond) Big Data DC Meetup #5 October 17, 2011 Eric Evans @jericevans, @acunu
  • 2. Overview, history, motivation ● Changes in CQL 2.0 (Cassandra 1.0) ● Coming soon (?) ● Drivers status
  • 3. What? ● Cassandra Query Language ● aka CQL ● aka /ˈsēkwəl/ ● Exactly like SQL (except where it's not) ● Introduced in Cassandra 0.8.0 ● Ready for production use
  • 4. SQL? Almost. –- Inserts or updates INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0, col1) VALUES (key, value0, value1) vs. –- Inserts or updates UPDATE Standard1 SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key
  • 5. SQL? Almost. –- Get columns for a row SELECT col0,col1 FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- Range of columns for a row SELECT col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- First 10 results from a range of columns SELECT FIRST 10 col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- Invert the sorting of results SELECT REVERSED col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key
  • 8. (Un)ease of use Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes())); col.setValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(“value”.getBytes())); col.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); cosc.setColumn(col); Mutation mutation = new Mutation(); Mutation.setColumnOrSuperColumn(cosc); List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>(); mutations.add(mutation); Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>(); Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>(); cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations); mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)
  • 9. CQL INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0) VALUES (key, value0)
  • 10. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability
  • 11. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability ● Irritates the NoSQL purists
  • 12. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability ● Irritates the NoSQL purists ● (Still )irritates the SQL purists
  • 15. Wait, 2.0? You call that stable? Yes yes, but... ● We had a few FUBARs in the first pass ● Not the norm, honest ● It's a mulligan ● Look, cats!
  • 16. Changed in 2.0 ● SELECT count(...) FROM now returns row, not column count ● Terms / Types ● bytea became blob ● int became 4-bytes (was arbitrary precision) ● date became timestamp
  • 17. Also new (but not breaking) ● Named keys (virtual columns) ● Counters ● Complete DDL support ● Timestamps and TTLs
  • 18. Named Keys –- An unnamed key uses the KEY keyword CREATE TABLE Standard1 (KEY text PRIMARY KEY) –- But you can also name one like so... CREATE TABLE Standard1 (username text PRIMARY KEY) –- The name will also be used in results! SELECT email FROM Standard1 WHERE username = 'jericevans'
  • 19. Counters –- Counter increment UPDATE Standard1 SET acount = acount + 1 WHERE KEY = key –- Counter decrement UPDATE Standard1 SET acount = acount - 1 WHERE KEY = key –- 1 not enough? Go nuts. UPDATE Standard1 SET acount = acount + 9 WHERE KEY = key
  • 20. Timestamps and TTLs –- Inserts or updates UPDATE CFam USING TIMESTAMP 131851901600 SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key –- Inserts or updates UPDATE CFam USING TTL 86400 SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key
  • 22. Roadmap ● Prepared statements (CASSANDRA-2475) ● Compound columns (CASSANDRA-2474) ● Custom transport / protocol (CASSANDRA-2478) ● Performance testing (CASSANDRA-2268) ● Schema introspection (CASSANDRA-2477) ● Multiget support (CASSANDRA-3069)
  • 24. Drivers ● Hosted on Apache Extras (Google Code) ● Tagged cassandra and cql ● Licensed using Apache License 2.0 ● Conforming to a standard for database connectivity (if applicable) ● Coming soon, automated testing and acceptance criteria
  • 25. Drivers Driver Platform Status cassandra-jdbc Java Good cassandra-dbapi2 Python Good cassandra-ruby Ruby New cassandra-pdo PHP New cassandra-node Node.js Good