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Wikimedia Content API:
A Cassandra Use-case
Eric Evans <>
Berlin Buzzwords | June 6, 2016
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Our Vision:
A world in which every single human can freely
share in the sum of all knowledge.
● Global movement
● Largest collection of free, collaborative knowledge in human history
● 16 projects
● 16.5 billion total page views per month
● 58.9 million unique devices per day
● More than 13k new editors each month
● More than 75k active editors month-to-month

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WSO2 uses Kubernetes to provide multi-tenancy for its middleware platform. Kubernetes namespaces isolate each tenant's resources, while quotas control how much CPU and memory each tenant can use. Kubernetes also provides health monitoring, rolling updates, secret sharing between pods, and autoscaling that help reduce the complexity of WSO2's platform. WSO2's identity server integrates with Kubernetes to provide access management for tenants and users.

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This document discusses solutions for preventing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on game servers at different levels including DNS, network, and application levels. It recommends purchasing anti-DDoS services, using content delivery networks, web application firewalls, blacklisting abnormal IP addresses, and implementing packet marking and filtering techniques. The document also provides references to several commercial anti-DDoS service providers and their pricing.

About: Wikipedia
● More than 38 million articles in 290 languages
● Over 10k new articles added per day
● 13 million edits per month
● Ranked #6 globally in web traffic
Wikimedia Architecture

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Bizur is a consensus algorithm invented by Elastifile to address issues with log-based algorithms like Paxos. It optimizes for strongly consistent distributed key-value stores by having independent buckets for keys that are replicated and use leader election. Reads require a majority and writes succeed with majority acknowledgement. It includes recovery mechanisms like ensuring buckets are up-to-date after leader changes and can reconfigure membership or number of buckets per shard dynamically through techniques like SMART migrations.

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
= Star Wars: The Force Awakens =
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a 2015 American epic space opera
film directed, co-produced, and co-written by [[J. J. Abrams]].
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film directed, co-produced, and co-written by
<a href="/wiki/J._J._Abrams" title="J. J. Abrams">
J. J. Abrams

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Hadoop is used extensively at TD, with 1000 daily active users running 65K Hive jobs, 180K Yarn apps, and scanning 20 trillion records from 500 petabytes stored in S3. The team runs 5 Hadoop clusters across 3 regions using a patched version of Hadoop 2.7.3 called PTD. They have improved the clusters to boot faster, be more ephemeral by storing data directly in S3, and made changes to reduce failures by enabling circuit breakers and disk quotas. The team is working on migrating to the latest Hive and simplifying configurations, as well as moving to auto-scaling and code deploy for faster operations.

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This document discusses sharding patterns and antipatterns for scalable databases. It covers selecting good shard keys like user IDs, routing types like using smart clients or proxies, and approaches for re-sharding like moving data instead of redistributing it. The key topics are sharding functions, routing, and re-sharding strategies to minimize disruption when updating shard configurations.

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1. The document discusses cloud object storage, describing its features like multipart uploads, versioning, and lifecycles. It provides examples of using object storage for media and documents. 2. Key aspects of object storage security are covered, including signatures, encryption, access control lists, and policies. Disaster recovery options like geo-replication are also summarized. 3. In the conclusion, the document emphasizes using object storage APIs to access advanced features, ensuring data safety, testing disaster recovery plans, and using Ceph for private cloud object storage.


ElasticCache is a caching service that uses Memcached. Memcached is an in-memory key-value store that provides no persistence or replication. It is fast and preferable for caching relatively small static data. At a certain point, implementation knowledge is needed to ensure Memcached is behaving as expected. Production issues can occur if objects do not fit properly into Memcached slabs, which allocate fixed-size chunks of memory. Monitoring tools like "stats slabs" help analyze slab allocation and object eviction patterns.

Marble talk at akademy 2008
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Marble is a free digital globe and map application for KDE and Qt. It provides an interactive globe and map widget that can be used in various KDE applications. Marble has a small dataset, does not require hardware acceleration, and runs on Linux, Windows and Mac. It supports plugins and new map types can be added. Future plans include vector map tiles, routing support, and using Marble on mobile devices.

wikitext html
Character-based diffs
<a rel="mw:WikiLink" href="./Foo">bar</a>
<a rel="mw:WikiLink" href="./Foo">
<span about="#mwt1" typeof="mw:Object/Template"
data-parsoid="{...}" >bar</span>

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● Node.js service
● Converts wikitext to HTML/RDFa
● Converts HTML/RDFa to wikitext
● Semantics, and syntax (avoid dirty diffs)!
● Expensive (slow)
● Resulting output is large
● Services aggregator / proxy (REST)
● Durable cache (Cassandra)
● Wikimedia’s content API (e.g.
Parsoid ... ...
Other use-cases
● Mobile content service
● Math formula rendering service
● Dumps
● ...

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

Among the resources offered by Wikimedia is an API providing low-latency access to full-history content, in many formats. Its results are often the product of computationally intensive transforms, and must be pre-generated and stored to meet latency expectations. Unsurprisingly, there are many challenges to providing low-latency access to such a large data-set, in a demanding, globally distributed environment. This presentation covers the Wikimedia content API and its use of Apache Cassandra as storage for a diverse and growing set of use-cases. Trials, tribulations, and triumphs, of both a development and operational nature will be discussed.

● 2 datacenters
● 3 racks per datacenter
● 18 hosts (16 core, 128G, SSDs)
● 54 nodes
● Deflate compression (~14-18%)
● 31T storage (~206T uncompressed)
● Cassandra 2.1.13 (moving to 2.2.6)
● Read-heavy workload (5:1)
Data model
Data model
domain text,
title text,
rev int,
tid timeuuid,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((domain, title), rev, tid)

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The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit and charitable organization driven by a vision of a world where every human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Each month Wikimedia sites serve over 18 billion page views to 500 million unique visitors around the world. Among the many resources offered by Wikimedia is a public-facing API that provides low-latency, programmatic access to full-history content and meta-data, in a variety of formats. Commonly, results from this system are the product of computationally intensive transformations, and must be pre-generated and persisted to meet latency expectations. Unsurprisingly, there are numerous challenges to providing low-latency storage of such a massive data-set, in a demanding, globally distributed environment. This talk covers Wikimedia Content API, and it's use of Apache Cassandra, a massively-scalable distributed database, as storage for a diverse and growing set of use-cases. Trials, tribulations, and triumphs, of both a development and operational nature are discussed.

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This document discusses using Apache Cassandra to store and retrieve time series data more efficiently than the traditional RRDTool approach. It describes how Cassandra is well-suited for time series data due to its high write throughput, ability to store data sorted on disk, and partitioning and replication. The document also outlines a data model for storing time series metrics in Cassandra and discusses Newts, an open source time series data store built on Cassandra.

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Brotli compression
● Brought to you by the folks at Google; Successor to deflate
● Cassandra implementation (
● Initial results very promising
● Better compression, lower cost (apples-apples)
● And, wider windows are possible (apples-oranges)
○ GC/memory permitting
○ Example: level=1, lgblock=4096, chunk_length_kb=4096, yields 1.73% compressed size!
● Stay tuned!
● The cost of having log-structured storage
● Asynchronously (post-write) optimize data on disk for reads
● At a minimum, reorganize into fewer files
○ Dropping what is obsolete
○ Expiring TTLs
○ Removing deleted (aka tombstoned) data (after a fashion)
● Reorganize data so results are nearer each other
Compaction strategies
● Size-tiered
○ Combines tables of similar size
○ Oblivious to column distribution; Works best for workloads with no overwrites/deletes
○ Minimal IO
● Leveled
○ Small, fixed size files in levels of exponentially increasing size
○ Files have non-overlapping ranges within a level
○ Very efficient reads, but also quite IO intensive
● Date-tiered
○ For append only, total ordered data
○ Avoids mixing old data with new
○ Cold data eventually ceases to be compacted

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CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond)
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CQL In Cassandra 1.0 (and beyond)

This document provides an overview and history of the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) and discusses changes between versions 1.0 and 2.0. It notes that CQL was introduced in Cassandra 0.8.0 to provide a more stable and user-friendly interface than the native Cassandra API. Major changes in CQL 2.0 included data type changes and additional functionality like named keys, counters, and timestamps. The document outlines the roadmap for future CQL features and lists several third-party driver projects supporting CQL connectivity.

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Découvrez DataStax Enterprise avec ses intégrations de Apache Spark et de Apache Solr, ainsi que son nouveau modèle de données de type Graph.

Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra
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Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra

A presentation on the recent work to transition Cassandra from its naive 1-partition-per-node distribution, to a proper virtual nodes implementation.

cassandradatabasedistributed database
Compaction strategies
● Size-tiered
○ Combines tables of similar size
○ Oblivious to column distribution; Works best for workloads with no overwrites/deletes
○ Minimal IO
● Leveled
○ Small, fixed size files in levels of exponentially increasing size
○ Files have non-overlapping ranges within a level
○ Very efficient reads, but also quite IO intensive
● Date-tiered
○ For append only, total ordered data
○ Avoids mixing old data with new
○ Cold data eventually ceases to be compacted OMG, THIS!
DTCS:, actually
● Hard to reason about
● Optimizations easily defeated
● See:
DTCS: So now what?
● Size-tiered compaction? Might as well.
● TimeWindowCompactionStrategy (
● Reduce node density?
Garbage Collection

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Cassandra by Example: Data Modelling with CQL3
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Cassandra by Example: Data Modelling with CQL3

This document summarizes a presentation about modeling data with Cassandra Query Language (CQL) using examples from a Twitter-like application called Twissandra. It introduces CQL as an alternative to Thrift for querying Cassandra and describes how to model users, followers, tweets, timelines and other social media data structures in Cassandra tables. The presentation emphasizes denormalizing data and using materialized views to optimize queries, and concludes by noting that applications can be built in various languages thanks to Cassandra drivers.

Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra
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Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra

The document discusses Cassandra's topology and how it is moving from a single token per node model to a virtual node model where each node is assigned multiple tokens. This improves load balancing and data distribution in the cluster. Specifically, it addresses problems with the single token approach like poor load distribution when nodes fail and inefficient data movement when adding or replacing nodes. The virtual node model with random token assignment provides better scaling properties as the number of nodes and data size increases.

CQL: SQL In Cassandra
CQL: SQL In CassandraCQL: SQL In Cassandra
CQL: SQL In Cassandra

This document discusses CQL, the Cassandra Query Language. CQL is designed to be similar to SQL but with some differences to account for Cassandra's data model. The presentation provides an overview of CQL's syntax and capabilities, discusses why CQL was created to provide a more stable interface than Cassandra's native protocol, and analyzes CQL's performance compared to the native protocol. Future roadmap items for CQL are also presented, including prepared statements and custom transports. Available CQL drivers for languages like Java, Python, Ruby, and Node.js are also briefly mentioned.

● Early adopters of G1 (aka “Garbage 1st”)
● Successor to Concurrent Mark-sweep (CMS)
● Incremental parallel compacting collector
● More predictable performance than CMS
Humongous objects
● Anything >= ½ region size is classified as Humongous
● Humongous objects are allocated into Humongous Regions
● Only one object for a region (wastes space, creates fragmentation)
● Until 1.8u40, humongous regions collected only during full collections (Bad)
● Since 1.8u40, end of the marking cycle, during the cleanup phase (Better)
● Treated as exceptions, so should be exceptional
○ For us, that means 8MB regions
● Enable GC logging and have a look!
Node density
“Many smaller-sized Cassandra nodes is
always better than fewer, dense ones.”
— Everyone

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OpenNMS User Conference Europe presentation on using Apache Cassandra and Newts for time-series data storage.

big datadatabasenetwork management
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache CassandraTime Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra

Whether it's statistics, weather forecasting, astronomy, finance, or network management, time series data plays a critical role in analytics and forecasting. Unfortunately, while many tools exist for time series storage and analysis, few are able to scale past memory limits, or provide rich query and analytics capabilities outside what is necessary to produce simple plots; For those challenged by large volumes of data, there is much room for improvement. Apache Cassandra is a fully distributed second-generation database. Cassandra stores data in key-sorted order making it ideal for time series, and its high throughput and linear scalability make it well suited to very large data sets. This talk will cover some of the requirements and challenges of large scale time series storage and analysis. Cassandra data and query modeling for this use-case will be discussed, and Newts, an open source Cassandra-based time series store under development at The OpenNMS Group will be introduced.

Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)
Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)
Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)

The document discusses topology and partitioning in Cassandra distributed hash tables (DHTs). It describes issues with poor load distribution and data distribution in traditional DHT designs. It proposes using virtual nodes, where each physical node is assigned multiple tokens, to better distribute partitions and improve performance. Configuration options for Cassandra are presented that implement virtual nodes using a random token assignment strategy.

distributed databasenosqlvirtual nodes
● Compaction
● GC
● ...
What we do
● Processes (yup)
● Puppetized configuration
○ /etc/cassandra-a/
○ /etc/cassandra-b/
○ systemd units
○ Etc
● Shared RAID-0
What we should have done
● Virtualization
● Containers
● Blades
● Not processes
Cassandra: The Good
● Fault-tolerance
● Availability
● Datacenter / rack awareness
● Visibility
● Ubiquity
● Nice, helpful people (tickets, IRC, etc)

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Lightning fast analytics with Cassandra and Spark
Lightning fast analytics with Cassandra and SparkLightning fast analytics with Cassandra and Spark
Lightning fast analytics with Cassandra and Spark

This document summarizes Spark, an open-source cluster computing framework that is 10-100x faster than Hadoop for interactive queries and stream processing. It discusses how Spark works and its Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) API. It then explains how Spark can be used with Cassandra for fast analytics, including reading and writing Cassandra data as RDDs and mapping rows to objects. Finally, it briefly covers the Shark SQL query engine on Spark.

Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
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Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra

This document discusses using Apache Cassandra to store and manage time series data in OpenNMS. It describes some limitations of the existing RRDTool-based data storage, such as high I/O requirements for updating and aggregating data. Cassandra is presented as an alternative that is optimized for write throughput, flexible data modeling, high availability, and ability to perform aggregations at read time rather than write time. The Newts project is introduced as a standalone time series data store built on Cassandra that aims to provide fast storage and retrieval of raw samples along with flexible aggregation capabilities.

Time series storage in Cassandra
Time series storage in CassandraTime series storage in Cassandra
Time series storage in Cassandra

Presented at Cassandra London (April 7, 2014); The challenges of time-series storage and analytics in OpenNMS, with an introduction to Newts, a new Cassandra-based time-series data store.

distributed databasenosqlapache
Cassandra: The Bad
● Usability
○ Compaction
○ Streaming
○ etc
● Vertical scaling
Cassandra: The Ugly
● Upgrading
● Release process
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

  • 1. Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case Eric Evans <> @jericevans Berlin Buzzwords | June 6, 2016
  • 3. Our Vision: A world in which every single human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
  • 4. About: ● Global movement ● Largest collection of free, collaborative knowledge in human history ● 16 projects ● 16.5 billion total page views per month ● 58.9 million unique devices per day ● More than 13k new editors each month ● More than 75k active editors month-to-month
  • 5. About: Wikipedia ● More than 38 million articles in 290 languages ● Over 10k new articles added per day ● 13 million edits per month ● Ranked #6 globally in web traffic
  • 11. Wikitext = Star Wars: The Force Awakens = Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a 2015 American epic space opera film directed, co-produced, and co-written by [[J. J. Abrams]].
  • 12. HTML <h1> Star Wars: The Force Awakens </h1> <p> Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a 2015 American epic space opera film directed, co-produced, and co-written by <a href="/wiki/J._J._Abrams" title="J. J. Abrams"> J. J. Abrams </a> </p>
  • 14. HTML
  • 20. Metadata [[Foo|{{echo|bar}}]] <a rel="mw:WikiLink" href="./Foo"> <span about="#mwt1" typeof="mw:Object/Template" data-parsoid="{...}" >bar</span> </a>
  • 21. Parsoid ● Node.js service ● Converts wikitext to HTML/RDFa ● Converts HTML/RDFa to wikitext ● Semantics, and syntax (avoid dirty diffs)! ● Expensive (slow) ● Resulting output is large
  • 22. RESTBase ● Services aggregator / proxy (REST) ● Durable cache (Cassandra) ● Wikimedia’s content API (e.g.
  • 24. Other use-cases ● Mobile content service ● Math formula rendering service ● Dumps ● ...
  • 26. Environment ● 2 datacenters ● 3 racks per datacenter ● 18 hosts (16 core, 128G, SSDs) ● 54 nodes ● Deflate compression (~14-18%) ● 31T storage (~206T uncompressed) ● Cassandra 2.1.13 (moving to 2.2.6) ● Read-heavy workload (5:1)
  • 28. Data model CREATE TABLE data ( domain text, title text, rev int, tid timeuuid, value blob, PRIMARY KEY ((domain, title), rev, tid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (rev DESC, tid DESC)
  • 29. Data model + Star_Wars:_The_Force_Awakens 717862573 717873822 ...97466b12...7c7a913d3d8a1f2dd66c...7c7a913d3d8a ... 09877568...7c7a913d3d8a bdebc9a6...7c7a913d3d8a827e2ec2...7c7a913d3d8a
  • 33. Brotli compression ● Brought to you by the folks at Google; Successor to deflate ● Cassandra implementation ( ● Initial results very promising ● Better compression, lower cost (apples-apples) ● And, wider windows are possible (apples-oranges) ○ GC/memory permitting ○ Example: level=1, lgblock=4096, chunk_length_kb=4096, yields 1.73% compressed size! ○ ● Stay tuned!
  • 35. Compaction ● The cost of having log-structured storage ● Asynchronously (post-write) optimize data on disk for reads ● At a minimum, reorganize into fewer files ○ Dropping what is obsolete ○ Expiring TTLs ○ Removing deleted (aka tombstoned) data (after a fashion) ● Reorganize data so results are nearer each other
  • 36. Compaction strategies ● Size-tiered ○ Combines tables of similar size ○ Oblivious to column distribution; Works best for workloads with no overwrites/deletes ○ Minimal IO ● Leveled ○ Small, fixed size files in levels of exponentially increasing size ○ Files have non-overlapping ranges within a level ○ Very efficient reads, but also quite IO intensive ● Date-tiered ○ For append only, total ordered data ○ Avoids mixing old data with new ○ Cold data eventually ceases to be compacted
  • 37. Compaction strategies ● Size-tiered ○ Combines tables of similar size ○ Oblivious to column distribution; Works best for workloads with no overwrites/deletes ○ Minimal IO ● Leveled ○ Small, fixed size files in levels of exponentially increasing size ○ Files have non-overlapping ranges within a level ○ Very efficient reads, but also quite IO intensive ● Date-tiered ○ For append only, total ordered data ○ Avoids mixing old data with new ○ Cold data eventually ceases to be compacted OMG, THIS!
  • 38. DTCS:, actually ● Hard to reason about ● Optimizations easily defeated ● See:
  • 39. DTCS: So now what? ● Size-tiered compaction? Might as well. ● TimeWindowCompactionStrategy ( Maybe... ● Reduce node density?
  • 41. G1GC ● Early adopters of G1 (aka “Garbage 1st”) ● Successor to Concurrent Mark-sweep (CMS) ● Incremental parallel compacting collector ● More predictable performance than CMS
  • 42. Humongous objects ● Anything >= ½ region size is classified as Humongous ● Humongous objects are allocated into Humongous Regions ● Only one object for a region (wastes space, creates fragmentation) ● Until 1.8u40, humongous regions collected only during full collections (Bad) ● Since 1.8u40, end of the marking cycle, during the cleanup phase (Better) ● Treated as exceptions, so should be exceptional ○ For us, that means 8MB regions ● Enable GC logging and have a look!
  • 44. “Many smaller-sized Cassandra nodes is always better than fewer, dense ones.” — Everyone
  • 46. What we do ● Processes (yup) ● Puppetized configuration ○ /etc/cassandra-a/ ○ /etc/cassandra-b/ ○ systemd units ○ Etc ● Shared RAID-0
  • 47. What we should have done ● Virtualization ● Containers ● Blades ● Not processes
  • 48. Cassandra: The Good ● Fault-tolerance ● Availability ● Datacenter / rack awareness ● Visibility ● Ubiquity ● Nice, helpful people (tickets, IRC, etc)
  • 49. Cassandra: The Bad ● Usability ○ Compaction ○ Streaming ○ JMX ○ etc ● Vertical scaling ● JVM
  • 50. Cassandra: The Ugly ● Upgrading ● Release process